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Old 01-08-2017, 08:47 PM
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Rev is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
You can argue about the tattoos. I don't like them as well, well the most of them. Tinkerbell suited her. Most of the others... not really. But I don't like tattoos in general. But if she likes them, it's her choice. I don't know why I think of this right now but a few days ago I read an interview with another really popular singer - as I mentioned before, my 2nd favourite singer is Amy Macdonald - and during the break between her last and her new album she got a huge tattoo with skulls and roses (something I don't like at all) and some people were like "Uh. What ugly tattoos. You've changed. I won't listen to your music anymore. " which was really weird because if you listen to her new songs she's still the same singer that she was when she started her career 10 years ago. The same person with the same spirit in her songs and this is why she'll most likely have another hit album in lots of countries in Europe. She simply likes a tattoo some people dislike. It might not fit with her image but it's her choice and that doesn't make her a bad artist or less of a perfectionist.

More or less the same goes for the wedding dress. You say that women normally go crazy because they want the biggest day of their lives to be perfect. Maybe THIS dress was simply perfect for Alizée? If I remember correctly she said in the Gala interview that they were planning the wedding for ages (a year?). So for sure she thought long about what kind of dress she wants to wear. And she simply loved that one? Who cares if you are an artist or not? Who cares if others might expect you to wear something more chic, something more... I don't know? It doesn't matter at all. A bride should look into the mirror and feel like the most beautiful woman in the world on her big day. And Alizée decided that this dress was the one she needed so she could feel exactly like that. Tastes differ. If not life would be boring.

Ok and about "she married her dance instructor". And what else what she supposed to do? Marry some high class supermodel? Simply because it would fit better into her profile as an artist? Apparently a dance instructor isn't good enough for her? Even if she loves him? Even if he seems to be a great stepfather for her beloved daughter? Ouch.

I agree. It looks like a very traditional dress. It would go well with an old-fashioned wedding in a traditional Corsican hamlet - complete with the bride walking through the hamlet on the way to the church. She obviously planned everything very carefully.

As for her marrying her dance instructor; he is not just any instructor, he is one of the best in France. By the way, I like him too (and I never liked Jeremy).
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