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Old 08-21-2021, 04:08 AM
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Noppo555 Noppo555 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Caracas, Venezuela
Posts: 65
Noppo555 is on a distinguished road

It was a misunderstanding on my side, sorry. My english has been getting rusty lately and just by looking at the title, it gave a sense of where the thread was going.

Don't you think humans (both men and women) are too irrational to try and make sense of their actions just by the anecdotal experience of some guy trying to milk gullible people on Youtube? Anyways, what does this have to do with Alizée? The title is " Alizée and the 'red pill' " and the thread was placed in the Alizée Discussion subforum, but the content has nothing to do with her.

I'm not sure everybody on this forum are actually here because they are interested in (or lack) female companionship so badly enough to come here (of all places) to look for dating advices and 'red pills' about women; I (for example) come here when I'm bored, want to procrastinate or practice certain skills (writting, programming). If what you actually meant is that we follow Alizée because we want our very own Alizée; well, yeah, who wouldn't .