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Old 09-29-2017, 01:32 PM
kulli kulli is offline
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kulli is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by alizeefan View Post
Doubt is a great detractor and won't ever help success .
Her English is fine and that she is limited in it is more a faery tale than her life.
Especially considering anyone on the planet ( if they have an issue , which she wouldn't ) with access to the internet can translate any text. . . To think there that well we can just translate what she says in French misses the point that AAM and perhaps her biggest supporters on the planet want English.

AAM is an English speaking site so that is what we are suited for,she herself posts in English.If you watch her insta and she is watching us then she will post again in English like very soon proving my point.Have nice day

Giving an interview is much more difficult than just writing a few words on instagram, reading on forums or hold a little small talk like "where are you from" or something.
For an interview, it is necessary that she understands all questions and feels comfortable( not embarrassed to make mistakes) to give detailed answers for us.
She isn't perfect at it, but it shows she can put a few sentences together like on her live concerts.
Members who met her and talked to her it had to be translated to her because she had trouble understanding what they were saying.
So I think her english is limited but you can convince me otherwise
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