Thread: Harry Potter.
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Old 07-19-2011, 12:35 AM
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Chuck is on a distinguished road

Well, I'll admit, I'm a Potterhead, too. Haven't really read the books (cept for some parts with the kids), and I disliked the first movie so much that I wouldn't even try to go near any of them for several years. But by the time our eldest had read the first four or five books and started bringing home all the four movies that were out, I had to admit there was a lot more to it all.

Y'know, when HP was first coming out, the Lemony Snicket books were taking us all by storm, too. And I wondered then, how could that guy (Daniel Handler) do so many terrible things to his protagonists? Well, since then it's become obvious that he was just an amateur compared to the industrial-level horrors J.K. was planning to put her heroes through.

So Jalen, take my advice: Maybe start with the third movie, Prisoner of Azkaban, co-starring Gary Oldman as the eponymous prisoner. Or maybe the fourth, Goblet O' Fire. (The first couple movies were just a lot of background, you can always catch them later, or read them on wikipedia.) But, if nothing else, you've gotta watch those great actors doing some of the best work they (or cinema in general) will ever do... Most of all I mean Alan Rickman and Jason Isaacs as Snape and Lucius Malfoy. If you don't get to see those two smoking the audience's eyebrows, you will have lived and died for naught. For naught, I say!
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