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Old 05-01-2015, 10:51 PM
cou cou is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Age: 27
Posts: 41
cou is on a distinguished road

The two things that are important for me is that I can understand it and the lyrics need to be deep. I only listen to a select group of rappers. And ere that is all I listen to. Alizee is singing french and her lyrics aren't that deep.
But Alizee is living in a dream, she does what she likes and she still enjoys it. It looks like she is a natural talent and doesn't need to work that hard to maintain her level. She van put on a show with her moves and give all her emotions in a song. She is everything what I hoped to be. While I am working my ass off for a little bit of appreciation. And I really enjoy her joy when she performs bit i can't even watch En Concert without being hurt by all the emotions that she gives me.
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