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Old 11-04-2013, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
You make it sound like a freind, is a freind, is a freind. Can Jeremy bring her the same type of freindship Annily doe? No. Can Annily bring her the same type of freindship Jeremy did? No. There are all different types and levels of freindship and because of Alizee being single, that level that the freindship of a best "girl" freind can bring is so much higher and more important.
Did I say anything different? Did I ever say that I don't think her close friendship to Tal isn't important or sth like that?

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Could she really confide with family or dancerman about MP or some other man that may come into her life?
Probably? Who knows. They know each other for a long time, why shouldn't she tell him about it? And why shouldn't she tell her family? Her family was there for her after the breakup and so they always will.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Can she talk to her freinds on Corsica about the latest fashion accessories? I doubt if her single female freinds on Corsica can either afford or have the same willingness to buy what she does.
You don't have to buy something to be able to talk about it. You can be happy for someone to get nice and maybe expensive things if you even can't afford them. We have no idea what her friends are like but from the few photos Alizée is posting on instagram she seems to enjoy their company. And if you can't talk about this you talk about other things. You don't do the same things with all your friends. Also some of them she knows since she's a kid and her past career hasn't changed anything between them. Why would it now?

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post

Jennifer and Nolwenn were close freinds of hers, but especially with Nolwenn, she lost that "close" freindship when she moved back to Corsica.

Their is also a huge difference in having a freind who is just a short distance away that you can see and hold and cry on their shoulder as opposed to someone who's hundreds of miles away who you can only talk to over a phone. It is in no way the same. There are times when you need someone to be "there" for you.
My best friend (I personally don't like it to say "best friend" because all my friends are really dear to me but if I'd marry tomorrow and had to pick a wedding witness it would be her... so this probably qualifies for being a best friend) isn't living in the same city as I do and if I'm lucky I see her 3, 4 times a year but she still would always be there for me even if I would cry into the phone. Distance doesn't mean anything as long as you stay in touch and are close to each other. I have other friends and sometimes I don't hear from them for ages and when I see them after a year it's like I saw them just yesterday.

As far as I can see Alizée is really caring about her friends. She has always mentioned that she's a reserved and shy person and with friends you can always be like you really are. And of course you don't want to "lose" such a person even if it's only a TV show. So it's very much likely that if there would have been another close friend of Alizée, one of her "coupines", she would have cried too. Not only because of Tal.

Well anyway that's all way too off-topic but I just wanted to make that clear.

I didn't want to say anything against Tal's & Alizée's friendship. I just feel like you sometimes read too much into things...
"'Cause the stars in my eyes, well they twinkle when I see your face.
And the butterflies keep flying, flying all over the place.
And the dark and grey, well it fades with the black and white.
And all I see is life, life in a beautiful light."
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