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Old 06-06-2019, 08:48 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road

Now I know some of these have already been “detailed” on this thread, however, the “message” behind them is “meaningful”, soooo…

Alizée posted a couple of really nice “shots” on her “alizeeofficiel” IG page…

The first post: “Comme nous , dites NON aux violences faites aux femmes�� #bastacusì #3919”, which, roughly translates as “Like us, say NO to violence against women # bastacusì # 3919”. I think “basta cusi” translates as “just enough” or “that’s enough”.

A message “straight from the hearts”, of probably my most favorite “Chanteuse et danseur professionnel”, Alizée and Greg...

Always have had, and always will have "infinite" respect for these guys...

Personally, I have no tolerance for this, whatsoever. Not in my own life, in my “family”, or “subordinates”, “never”, “ever”, “period”. It’s not “big”, and it’s not “clever”, and there is never ever an “adequate” excuse for it

If you ever find yourself in that situation, show your “quality”, and just, walk away, please

Now, it really takes a hell of a lot to “get a rise out” of me, and that is kind of “deliberate”...

People usually describe me “personality wise” as being a cross between “Yoda and Buddha”, and, sometimes you’ll never quite know which one you are going to “get”, however, very very close friends will describe me as being the most “controlled” person that they have ever met, (but you really have to be very close to me to notice that, at all), and it is for a very “sound” reason…

You will find, even with me, there are “chains” that it is very wise not to “jerk”, for if you do, “life” will get very “interesting”, for you, very quickly…

Just try beating your “spouse” in front of me, and I can guarantee you, life will get very “interesting” for you, very quickly, and in ways you are very likely never ever to forget…

Anyhow, enough of that…

Alizée’s other IG post, “J’espère que vous avez passé un bon week end !☀️”, which translates, roughly, as “I hope you had a good weekend! ☀️, was a “shot” of her “showcasing” a few “rings” for an advertising “promo” for “Daniel Wellington”…

Alizée, (need I say more), nice “bling”, on an outstanding "background", as in Jon Snow. Well thought out “snap”, nice use of colour.

Another member of the Jacotey “clan” that would probably make a darn good photographer...

Johann Jacotey posted quite a few shots of what I'm taking to be Corsica, on his IG page, “flamingyo24”, of what must be someplace pretty close to “Paradise”…

Just... superb...

Now, I'm taking it that this is his Porsche...

I really couldn’t have one of these. It’d be an absolute “drag” to have to “cat lick” it clean, every single night, before I went to bed. Preccciouusss

Jo Jacotey has also been posting on his IG page, but it’s “followers only”, and you have to “log in” to see it...

I have no IG, Facebook, Snapchat, or anything of that “ilk”, so if you want to look into anything like that, go check it out yourself...

Now, Annily also posted on her IG page, “_annilychatelain”, sooo, as usual, I will drop that in the appropriate thread…


A “D-Day” anniversary…


Will we ever learn???

Y’all be safe, and, just be “wonderful” to each other, ‘k…

Last edited by RedRafe; 06-06-2019 at 10:37 PM..
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