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Old 08-04-2008, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
This might be caught in the wrong drift.
It may perhaps, be a joke, a little tease to mock you and Alizée.
Or it could be perhaps serious, but I highly think it is the former, if he really wanted to be serious, there could have been a little rewording to make it sound unarrogant.

Personally i'm upset by this, it's as if the French public threw her down as another brick in the wall, but at least she has very crazy, supportive, and loving international fans (that will apparently work for her FOR FREE).

Just putting the word out ^
What ever drift it is, this type of person seems to have never been on Alizée America circa 2006/2007. Times were when many people really loved Alizée at least on this site and anyone saying something like that would be looked at as a serious looser and probably flamed big time. So, France got their chance with Alizée, they got to go to the concert, and satisfied, they go back to being their regular rude selves with nothing really to love in the world, mocking those who for a moment do. So, this is not fair to some really good French Alizée fans of course. I don't know if there is a single French person anywhere who is really a "fan" of Alizée anymore, but I'm sure there's better than this.

I'd hate for her to have to move away from her beloved country and I don't think she will even if the USA takes up the banner with even more power (if not gusto) than Mexico. But, someone might want to advise it, if this is the kind of response one is going to get even from lilly-town. There's nothing weird about me wanting to visit that chateau. This dude just has some kind of issue, but it's still rather disappointing. Alizée must have some really thick skin to live in this place. Maybe I should post some other types of photos of Paris. As interesting as the place is, it's also a city: filthy in some places, loud, and packed with all kinds of people from all over the world cramming into the subway (metro) and the streets and I think it must have affected her living here. Yes, of course her life is not all rainbows and sunshine. She lives in Paris. You spend a little time here and you know what that means. Fortunately, she has some money and is probably able to bypass some of this, but I don't live that far from her really. She sees it everyday too. I've seen some places where she has worked. It is what it is. And it's not all pretty. I hope she can take that and use it as more motivation to create a world we can love. Look at Mylène Farmer and the songs she has done before and after Alizée. She obviously is not living in a carefree always happy world, but she created what she did with Alizée anyway. Maybe it was just simply making some fun videos to attract teenagers and rather obvious in the way. Well, ok so not even all her old songs were happy, but she certainly had the appearance of being so, and I think she was. I hope she can find a way to be that at least long enough to smile for the camera and mean it.

What's your life like Alizée and how can one get to know you enough to see it? You have a life you love for the most part, right? Show us how it's done.

Merci Fanny
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