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Old 01-04-2018, 08:28 AM
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eru777 eru777 is offline
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Location: Athens, Greece
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eru777 is on a distinguished road

Nice pics. She changed her handle again, removed the "official" lel. I like that she has her own style. Most teenage girls have that horrific Lana Del Ray look with the high waisted shorts and the short blouses. She seems to have an original look, maybe some ideas she got from her mom, but Alizee is stylish so it's good copying that in a way.

Understandably, people who aren't currently in show business can't really be "official" or "unofficial" . They are just people.

I remember off the top of my head, Joe Sumner (Sting's son)- his account doesn't have "official" status or anything. Granted, if you are a celebrity's descendant, many people could try and claim that handle for themselves. But in effect, unless you have somewhat of a fanbase, there is no use for certified status.

(Btw his son is really talented, he opened for Sting in a 2016 Rome concert. He even had a few fans of himself close to the stage )
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