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Old 09-30-2019, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post

I love her smile. Those teeth make it peculiar.
Yes, Gourmandises was when I first noticed it, ages ago. Alizee has an amazing smile, so you see her teeth a lot. I just saw a picture of her recently where it was very obvious, and it made me think about it again. My assumption is that she had an accident when she was young that chipped her teeth, but maybe they are naturally that way.

Regarding the car, Johann had posted a picture of a Jeep Wrangler on IG. Greg had posted a few stories earlier this year with him driving a Jeep, so I assume it is his. Maybe Alizee has a car of her own?

The Jeep is probably the one they drove up into the mountains last winter. Plus, with an expanding family, it makes sense to get a bigger vehicle.

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