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Old 07-19-2009, 01:49 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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wasabi622 is on a distinguished road

well.. biologically speaking, a one fly really has no significance.

and comparing killing bugs to killing humans (aka Hitler style) is a huge stretch.

a human usually has a loving family, and is a functioning, beneficial member of society.
by killing said human, you cause great pain to their loved ones, friends, and could even impact the future of the human race (another big stretch.. but hey, what if this person could find the cure to cancer or something?)

you kill a bug... nothing happens. at least, nothing significant.
and its not just cuz they are "ugly" that they are killed. they are usually pests, and carry diseases and such. even dogs and cats considered a pest to society (too aggressive, over populated, etc) are also killed off. as are human "pests" such as murders, rapists, and the like.

and the mentally handicapped, that's what they are, handicapped, so its up to us capable people to assist them, and not kill them off.

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