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Old 12-14-2008, 12:08 PM
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Yeah, saying that Alizée is making a point is probably a poor choice of words on my part. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Alizée defines her relationship with her fans, not the other way around. So any appeals to her to change this are probably futile.

I think during the MF/LB years, Mylene protected Alizée and probably told her to keep a certain distance between her and her fans. I thought maybe this was changing with her return.

She met with core French fans to give them a preview of her new album. She got on myspace and said she was managing it herself and sent out a bulletin to fans. She logged on regularly and was obviously paying attention to the fans because she recognized Cooney at the autograph signing from his comment on her myspace. Jérémy and Alizée set up Psychédé and encouraged fans to share ideas. There are other examples as well.

I thought all this was indicating more of a willingness to engage with her fans. But as soon as she started hitting some bumps in the road, the walls seemed to come back up. Maybe the walls were always up to begin with, and I just misread the situation. Either way, we don't have any control over the situation and we will just have to wait and see.
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