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Old 12-19-2006, 08:37 AM
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RMJ RMJ is offline
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Location: Near my loved one in Paris
Age: 43
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The videos are from between 1995 and 1999. Exact years I'm not 100% sure...

Except the Wizard of Oz is pretty surely from 1997. Since L'école de danse de Monique Mufraggi's history page says they played Un drôle de magicien d'Oz that year. So, it would be safe to say that it's from that year.

"1ere chanson" (no idea if it has better name...) is from the same year. That's quite sure. (same hairdo, same dress...)

Jimmy, Rockcollection, Summertime and Lola is most likely from different year. First clue their different year is the dramatic change in her hair style. Another trace is change in stage.

She did appear in 1999, too, when they played Spanish musicals. There is photo(s) from that year (100% sure) and her hair style is again different than in Lola for example. So... those few that I'm not sure might be actually from 1998 !

She did appear 1996 and 1995 too most likely. There is some photos that states being from those years. But well... Again,not sure... But hair style in those photo again differs from Lola.

Snatcher prolly has his own view into this so lets hear that first before doing final decisions.

But I can later put some references up (not now.. I'm going out to eat !).
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