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Old 07-09-2012, 07:57 PM
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Default Fall06 Answers thread

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
Fall06 is a long time member here on AA that is loved by all! A buddy of mine all the way back from the "Alizee bar and grill" days ... so lets ask him some kick ass questions!
Thanks FRA

Where where you in the fall of 2006 and did anything special happen?
- Well before that I don't think I was quite Me yet, I was still a little kid you could say. (I was 14 then, 20 now.) That fall I started high school (in Burke, Fairfax County Virginia,) got my own cell phone, completed/defined the amazing circle of friends I have, and a bunch of other happenings that I generally enjoyed very much, one of the happiest times of my life so far, later I even had "Fall06" engraved onto my Zune120gb:

Where is your favorite place to be?

- My favorite place to be, that's a tough one. But I guess it would be Kings Dominion, the theme park in Doswell VA. Ok well I've only been to it like three times but I looove the place. I would recommend checking it out

What infuriates you?
- Mean spirited people, I'm not a saint but I try not to be a d-bag like some people I've had the misfortune of meeting.
- TMZ. If I ruled the world, I would get rid of that abomination, I despise paparazzi's.
- My caveman math skills. I just don't do math, but everybody else gets it
- It infuriates me when I remember back to the days after MJ passed away, all of a sudden everybody "loved'" him. I wish I could be saying "It doesn't surprise me that everybody loves MJ, he's great " But no, before he passed away, friends, classmates and once or twice teachers (you know those buddy-like teachers?) would tease me about me being a fan of MJ, I did a biography project on him 10th grade, and when the teacher was calling out names to ask who your project was on, people laughed and said "MJ is gay dude" or other stupid things when the teacher got to me. It wasn't necessarily a cool thing to be an MJ fan before, I got into very heated arguments and for defending MJ I was told I was obsessed with him. Nobody gave a crap that I practice dancing like him until after he died, what's up with that? Almost everybody forgot all the negative things they had to say about him, though today you can still see people on youtube on MJ videos commenting nasty things. I personally don't give a hoot if somebody else doesn't like MJ, but if ya go out of your way to insult and put down somebody you don't know at all based on what you hear or what you read, it's messed up. So in a way I understand how Justin Bieber fans and Twilight fans feel when they see all the negativity on the internet and elsewhere. Anyway I'll end that there, it's already a big paragraph

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
- I see myself somewhere in the process of becoming a university professor, who would teach History. I love the subject, it was always my best back in high school, I once got a perfect score on the World History 2 SOL, which is the standardized test in VA. I would love a job where I get to talk about it every day, and also it's one of the main things you do with a History major Plus, I can always be Indiana Jones on the side!!

What is your favorite color?
- My favorite color is black, at the moment. I like the way it makes clothes look real elegant. It's my jean color of choice too, I have many pairs of black jeans while only three of four blue ones. The black jeans look is similar to MJ's black slacks so that's a bonus However for a long time now I've developed a fondness for a reddish orange color, which you see a lot in the fall This is my laptop's wallpaper at the moment: http://flash-sms.new20.in/Pictures/2/Desk_top___pix2hd_(9).jpg

Type the first word/thing that comes to your mind
- "Syllables" (the word)

You appear to be a huge MJ fan... when did you first become a fan of his music? What's your favorite MJ song?

- I Am a huge MJ fan!! Azhiri wins. I first became a fan about ten years ago, when my dad bought a greatest hits album of his. We played that CD everywhere! Hehe I have since read several books about him as well as his autobiography Moonwalk, I've bought every album from Off The Wall to This Is It and have two old school Thriller cassette tapes! Alizée is the only other artist whose albums I've bought. MJ has had a huuuge positive influence on me, perhaps more than any other person. If I can, one day I hope to go on a fan pilgrimage to Neverland as well as his star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. I feel I have to pay my respects and express my gratitude to him, if only symbolically. One of the great disappointments in my life is that I never went to any of his mind blowing concerts, so I hope I can do so for Alizée. And my favorite MJ song?? Azhiri no fair!! I can maybe narrow it down to some 30 songs, but no way I can name just One. However, I'm gonna admit that after MJ passed away, Heal The World brings out the tears. It really does reach into the soul and is deeply deeply moving. Part of the lyrics are in my sig. Anyway no other song brings out real tears like that, so you can Definitely count that one in the top 5. The rest though are songs that I cannot just sit still to. I gotta at least tap a foot or my fingers if it's not appropriate to get up and Dance

Y u no post any more
- Hehe, sorry Jalen, no real reason, but I do log in and chat with peeps on the chatbox, almost every day. I don't go on facebook much anymore either so I don't really keep in touch with the members of the forum that have left, but I do drop by to say happy birthday I will start posting more from now on though, I promise!

Do you have a collection of MJ related items? If so, name us a few of them.
- Why yes I do good sir:
Albums: The Jacksons: Live, Off The Wall, Thriller (and also Thriller 25 and two Thriller cassette tapes), Bad, Dangerous, HIStory: Past Present And Future Book I, Greatest Hits: HIStory Volume 1, Blood On The Dance Floor, Invincible, Number Ones, The Essential Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson's This Is It, Michael
Random Thingies: This Is It lanyard that the theater was giving out when the movie This Is It was in theaters, Michael Jackson buttons/badges, two magazines from back in 2009 full of pictures of him, several posters, a few shirts, a sparkly MJ glove, two black fedoras and a white one
Michael Jackson's This Is It on blu-ray, Michael Jackson Video Greatest Hits HIStory, Michael Jackson HIStory On Film Volume II, Michael Jackson Live In Bucharest: The Dangerous Tour

What do you eat for breakfast?
- I normally don't eat breakfast Depending on the day, I either sleep in or have to wake up early to go to class, so I almost always have to skip it. But some breakfast meals I love are cereal, bacon, scrambled eggs, pop-tarts, waffles, and well on vacation once I decided to have Ice Cream for breakfast

Do you speak more languajes?

- Yes I do, I speak English the best, but following closely in ability, Spanish. And I took the first of two beginning courses of French at the Alliance Française here

What is your favorite t.v. show?
- I don't watch tv as much as I would like to, but I guess it would be Scrubs. I haven't seen all the episodes but man it's a good show, I love the stories and the comedy and I can often relate to things that go on in the show I also really like an old school BBC show called A Bit Of Fry And Laurie, with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie of course. Seinfeld, The King Of Queens, Game Of Thrones, and That 70's Show are also ones I enjoy.

Are you religious?
- You could say so, I'm Roman Catholic and I've had my First Communion and also my Confirmation. For a while however I attended my friend's Baptist church where I made a bunch of friends. But I haven't been active lately I guess, I haven't gone to church voluntarily to actually sit and listen in a while. When I'm there though I always get a very calm and peaceful sensation, kind of like a break from the stress of the rest of the week.

Could you explain, in your own words, why Aragorn is superior to Boromir?
- Hehe, well I could just say no, but I will answer
I think it's very admirable of Aragorn to have resisted the temptation of the Ring, I don't know if I could have, so big points for him there. I also think he's a good leader, letting Frodo and Sam go to rescue Merry and Pippin was a tough choice. But one he had to make, Frodo and Sam could make it to Mount Doom on their own somehow but Merry and Pippin were practically dead meat if Saruman found out they didn't have the Ring. I don't know if he's a better leader than Boromir in general, after all Boromir and his men successfully defended Osgiliath, so he wasn't no punk
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Old 07-15-2012, 05:01 PM
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How did you hypnotize Alizee to name a song after you?
- Hah! She named it after me because it's About me She's leaving the dude because of the Automne(06) cause the Girl Is Mine:
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rHp0s2wKajw" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

Where were you two days before the day after tomorrow?
- In my room where I will answered this question that you haven't made?

What is your favorite song?
- I can tell you my favorite Zée song, it's À Contre Courant without a doubt!! But it seems that I get bad luck every time I listen to it! But that's an answer for another question As for my favorite song in general, I couldn't really say, I love too many songs to pick one. But my "favorite song to listen to lately" I guess would be Tell Me by SOJA
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rzIbiK2U87k" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

If you could have a theme song what would it be?
- I'm not completely sure how to answer this question, do you mean like a song that plays when I enter a room? (that was once an essay topic I had to do once hehe) Or a song that I identify myself the most with? Could you please be a bit more specific? Please and thank you

Futuristic or Retro?
- I think a little bit of both!

What happened on prom night?
- LOL! What an interesting question
Well I went to prom with a very lovely lady whom I liked throughout much of high school, so it was awesome that I got to go to prom with her. First I went to a bbq type thing at my friend Brett's house and then went to my date's house to pick her up. We had a great time dancing, talking, etc. That's all you need to know about prom night
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Old 07-15-2012, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Fall06 View Post
If you could have a theme song what would it be?
- I'm not completely sure how to answer this question, do you mean like a song that plays when I enter a room? (that was once an essay topic I had to do once hehe) Or a song that I identify myself the most with? Could you please be a bit more specific? Please and thank you
Song when you enter a room


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Old 07-20-2012, 11:28 PM
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If you could have a theme song what would it be?
Ah, well then in that case I would pick Smooth Criminal I know it's not real original when you watch the full length music video, but that would just kick ass: you step in, and from nowhere AAAAOOWWW!!!! (Que music!)

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GaAaFAnaZN4" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

(If the bad words in the following pics are too much, mods go ahead and remove them )

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