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Old 10-11-2018, 05:14 AM
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Default Alizée and Mylene Farmer back together?

After coming back from Ajaccio, I'm finally getting caught up on stuff which was hindered by the fact I think I caught some type of bug on the way back.

I wanted to discuss the recent happenings in Paris I guess it was where Alizee and Gregoire were coaching Julia as far as dancing for her new video.

For many years, we've seen very little communication between Alizée and Mylene Farmer, as least there hasn't been many we've heard of. I think the few exception have been where Alizée has wished her a happy birthday, with nothing in return.

So now, all of a sudden, Alizée and Gregoire are flying up to Paris to give Julia some dancing lessons? Gregoire was once rated one of the top 10 hip hop dances in the world and him and Alizée won the Dancing with the Stars competition in 2013, but they live in Corsica. Mylene Farmer has pretty much operated in the Paris area for over 30 years. I'm sure she knows numerous professional dancers in the Paris area who were just as capable of instructing Julia, so why Alizée and Gregoire?

The most obvious reason is it would probably make good business sense to have Alizée welcome in what was obviously the 'Lolita's' replacement. But did MF need that? When Alizee left Mylene, she suffered through 4 failures as far as albums, while Mylene flourished. Losing Alizee did not hinder Farmer's career in the least. She did not need Alizee's approval of Julia in any way. Even if she did want her approval, she didn't have to have them as instructors to get it. So what happened?

I look back at the pictures Alizée posted last year of her and MF in New York. Did that have something to do with this new collusion? Not likely I'd say.

Then there was the dance Gala for the studio and we saw the message posted by Mylene during the show. What prompted that message?

During the GALA, some young girls danced to one of Mylene Farmer's songs. Now to use a singer's songs during a show, I think the people putting on the show have to get permission from what ever organization owns the rights to that song and I think Alizee could've contacted what ever outfit handles the rights to Farmers songs, but I think Alizee contacted Mylene Farmer directly and I think Alizee wanting to use one of her songs, may have touched Mylene Farmer and that may be why Mylene posted the message she did during the gala and got this friendship rekindled.

I think most of us had just about given up on the idea of another album. The best I was hoping for was another Les Enfoires appearance, then like a bolt out of the blue, Alizée announces she's going to be singing in two shows in the upcoming months. Why?

I think it's most likely Greg probably more than her realizes that they hopefully will have many more years to live and it'd be best to capitalize on what remains of their fame now. A simple career move.

Or is this tied in with what happened between MF and Alizee? Maybe Mylene did specifically want Alizee and Gregoire as instructors for Julia. Well if she did, I'm sure she paid them well, but I can't help but think Mylene owes them now and with Alizée apparently resuming her singing career, how could MF possibly compensate Alizée?

Food for thought anyways. The next few months should tell.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 10-11-2018 at 05:20 AM..
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Old 10-11-2018, 06:42 AM
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It is very interesting to think about the possibilities. I like to think that there was a genuine friendship between Mylene and Alizée, and that Mylene's affection for Alizée went deeper than merely business. I hope so. As we all know, the entertainment business can be very cut-throat. But maybe Mylene has real respect for Alizée as a person as well as a talent, and good business can combine with a strong personal relationship. Let's hope!
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Old 10-11-2018, 07:30 AM
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I don't think Alizee's breakup with Mylene was Alizee's idea. As far as business goes, she was very naive during those days and probably followed the lead of her ex, who I am speculating thought they could ride their popularity wave to more money. That was a tremendous miscalculation.

As Bamagirl suggested, I also believe there was a genuine friendship between the two. The friendship was severed along with the business relationship, and probably some bitterness ensued. Time has the great ability to heal most wounds, and a decade is an awfully long time. Alizee wishing Mylene a Happy Birthday might have gone a long way even if it did not produce a response right away.

If nothing comes from this reconciliation professionally, I am glad it was done anyway. But I keep thinking that there is something more. I am the same age as both MF and LB, and we are not spring chickens anymore MF might be wanting to move out of the physical demands of concert tours. She sees Alizee as still very popular in many parts of the world, and Alizee is still very attractive and has many marketable years left. I am leaving all options open, even a new album. I mean, we all thought she was through singing and she was going to fade away.

It's just wait and see.
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Old 10-12-2019, 05:45 PM
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I wonder if there's something interesting here:

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Old 10-29-2019, 06:00 PM
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The pieces of a large and very complicated puzzle are slowly falling into place though they have a long way to go. A few years ago, it looked like the thoughts of another album was a pipe dream. Alizée was more interested in her dancing career instead of her singing career. She had 4 failed albums. Why in the world, would she want to attempt another?

But a very key element fell into place with the first Studio 'Gala'. There was a message to the students of the studio from Mylene Famer. If Alizée and Mylene Farmer were on bad terms, that seemed to be over. That thought was reinforced when Alizée and Gregoire went to Paris to help MF's new singer, Julia with her dancing.

We also have the fact that Alizée had her self listed as a 'chanteuse'.....not a dancer.

We had the performance in Warsaw. It wasn't a big success, but it showed her willingness to pursue a singing career.

Then we had the videos of Vadim Sanderson's Italo Disco come along. Rob Rhein has done a great job of keeping fans interested in the many years of little happening, but what VS's videos have done is huge. He's had over 16 million views with just this one video.....

The importance of this is it shows fan interest is still there in abundance.
Though most of the videos focus on her early years, the success from those early years stemmed largely in part from her working with MF/LB. Back then, it was easy to work with her. Alizee had made things tougher for them, but they will know how to make this work.

The beauty, when packaged the right way is still there. The charm is still there in much abundance.

The latest piece of the puzzle that seems to be falling into place is Julia. Jullia is a beautiful young lady with a beautiful voice. She has the great music supplied to her by Mylene and Laurant, yet her success has been marginal to date. I think this makes MF/LB realize what they had with Alizee was something special and I think they'll realize that specialness is still there.
There are a lot of other pieces that need to fall into place to have this happen, but what seemed like a pipe dream not so long ago, isn't looking so far off after all.
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Old 10-29-2019, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
There are a lot of other pieces that need to fall into place to have this happen, but what seemed like a pipe dream not so long ago, isn't looking so far off after all.
That would really be wonderful. It would be so exciting to know they are working together again, and so fun to follow their progress. Do you think they would publicly acknowledge it, if it happens, or would they keep it quiet for awhile as they collaborate—surprising fans with an album?
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Old 10-29-2019, 07:02 PM
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I have a special mission for you:

Go down to Earth and bring Alizée back to the stage.
I have a feeling that those DALS people have spoiled that beautiful woman.

The prophecy about Michael Jackson came true:

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Old 10-30-2019, 12:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Bamagirl View Post
That would really be wonderful. It would be so exciting to know they are working together again, and so fun to follow their progress. Do you think they would publicly acknowledge it, if it happens, or would they keep it quiet for a while as they collaborate—surprising fans with an album?
At this point, I would still classify it as a pipe dream, but you have to look at the big picture. Mylene wanted to create a new young singer, much in the image of Alizée, but it's not working. It still might have success, but the struggles it's had so far I think makes Mylene realize there was something special and unique about Alizée and though Alizée is far removed from her teenage days, that beauty, specialness, uniqueness is still there.

The success of the Italo Disco videos shows her fans are still there.......waiting.

Alizée I feel if asked by any singer, songwriter, record company to work on a new album, would turn them down no matter how good they are because she still doesn't know what went wrong, but she knows working with Mylene again would bring back that silver platter.

It seems like a no brainer for those on the outside looking in. The question is, does MF see it?


Last edited by Scruffydog777; 10-30-2019 at 01:07 AM..
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Old 10-30-2019, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
The success of the Italo Disco videos shows her fans are still there.......waiting.
Vadim posted this message on his last video:

!! Hello to everyone and everyone! If this video is popular I will create a new one; but if this does not happen, then I will no longer create music videos in a similar style .. Please understand me correctly Creating such videos is very difficult and time consuming .., it requires a lot of time, physical endurance and large computer resources. Moreover, my Youtube channel is no longer perceived by the site adequately and as an indivisible whole and something unique. I’m deprived of any support now and therefore I’m no longer going to waste my time and energy on super-laborious processes when creating such videos ... Someone probably will not understand me, and this is also correct, but I know the price of such a bit strange videos like those what I do on this channel - I really know their real price of creating from 240p and 360p and then converting to HD 1080p, 2K 60Fps quality. It can’t last forever and I can create about twenty ordinary music videos during this time without any headache. Enjoy your viewing, my friend or my ill-wisher - there is absolutely no difference. Bye Bye :-) ;-)

I can understand the level of effort going into producing one tribute video, let alone numerous ones. I don't quite understand the entirety of what he is saying, especially the part about being deprived of support. I sent him a message of appreciation for what he has been doing. I don't know if it will make any difference in his decisions to continue on or not, but it is worth a shot.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post

It seems like a no brainer for those on the outside looking in. The question is, does MF see it?

Thanks for the reminder about this part. It was like Alizee was shopping from a catalog, picking the songs she liked. It showed Mylene had quite a surplus of music at that time. I wonder if Julia is doing the same or if new arrangements are being written for her? Some of the comments about SEXTO was that the music was dated, and that might be very well the case if it was written a decade ago and remained in their library.

I think if Alizee takes another shot at an album, and is in collaboration with Mylene, she needs to be very selective of the music she puts on it.
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Old 10-31-2019, 01:23 AM
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I will post a message to him. I didn't think his last one was that good and it sounds like he doesn't realize there are ones that won't do well. I think we need him to keep at it at least until next summer. If we hear nothing from her by then, I'd have to say it's time to pull the plug. Again I will send him a message, telling him his work could play a role in her decision to take another stab at it.
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