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Old 09-17-2010, 02:52 PM
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Default My Opinion On Alizée's Fan Base

Now, I advise if you can focus listening to this as you read it. It allows everything to sink in, hit home and really makes you wonder and think about this and everything. Thats what I did and it really opens you up to whatever.

Now I have a question first then something else...

So, how do the people in France view her right now? Like in terms of her career not her beautiful looks or anything.

And another thing, I was browsing about Alizee info and I found this that I overlooked and some of you may have too.

The music video of the first single "Les Collines" was released on 19 March 2010 by Alizée's official YouTube channel, which then peaked as the daily most-viewed musician’s channel worldwide.

Most musician channel views worldwide...that says something and it was only back in March. Which leads me to believe...

She does still have fans and lots of them...they were big fans of her back in Gourmandise and MCE but as her music style changed so did her fans as well. That long hiatus break she had between MCE and Psych, in that time a big crazy fan can lose that huge interest in Alizee, BUT still remain a fan of hers, although just the average every day one. I think this is what happened with Psych and UEdS, people lost that huge spark for Alizee and rather than being extremely loyal fans, they downgraded to the average normal one.

Record sales also help to prove this, and also help to prove poor marketing (Yes I have to admit the marketing was bad) No One, and I Mean no one dies out that fast after having such a huge career and then having it all go away. I mean yes, album sales will drop after a three year hiatus because some aren't as loyal and will just listen rather than buy***(More on this) but at the same time it shouldn't flop unless it wasn't marketed properly.

Now I'm not from France, or from the era when Psych was released, but if anyone can say...Was there advertising in France done? Was there a build-up to the album release? Was there any real indication of its release to the public (mass public not fans) before it actually hit shelves?" The marketing can contribute to it, because if no one knows about it really, who's going to buy it. And lets be straight up here, most CD sales occur within the first week or two of the CD coming out, if there’s no build up for it, and people discover it past that point, most are just going to download or listen to it online (YouTube anyone :P) But enough from the marketing standpoint I'm going to move onto the point of loyalty.

Now, loyalty is something that builds and drops. Just like a friendship, when the person is active you build it with them. When Alizee was making G (gourmandises from now on its G for writing sake) and MCE she was out there, in public, appearing to them. It was easy, tons of singles and it was easier to be loyal. After En Concert and that era there was that hiatus. Now with friendships, if you don't talk to them for three years, you aren't just going to pick right back off where you left off (Generally it’s that like 10 years need to have passed or something, like at 25 anniversary High School reunions)

3 Years is that friendship drop time period normally, you have moved on, for the first year or half of the first year this friend was on your mind wondering if they would come back, but you moved on and forgot about it after so much time. This works the same with Alizee for example; some people could not bear to wait out the hiatus, and from reading the forums, a fair amount of people left during those times, not right after, maybe they stuck around for a few months to a year, but when they realized nothing was happening they left.

This then brings me to the 3 year reunion point. For example you’re in Highschool or university or wherever and you see this friend...You're cautious, interests have changed your not sure if they like you/ you like them and it’s a bit awkward at times and the friendship never returns to what it was really (sometimes happens but rarely). It takes lots of time to put it back up and even move it to a comfortable talking level. Relating this to Alizee now, after she had come back people lost that spark and that pull towards her. They were reluctant to go back because the one thing we worry about the most, getting excluded, shunned, rejected. Alizee wasn’t personally rejecting us, but at times we feel like we are entitled to more for being such a loyal fan.

Now being so reluctant to rejection, one begins to worry about getting involved again. Psych was a mix, it was evident that some had left that high fan position, but some were still there and had no problems buying it. This played a key role in the CD drop, long break with no announcements really, poor marketing (yes I’m mentioning it again), and that declining loyalty all played key roles. Its not to say its impossible to build it back up again, but you have to know how to appeal to your fans and satisfy them. This was the problem over the next few years; more fans continued to lose their loyalty as stuff wasn’t happening as frequently as it normally did.

This then brings me to UEdS, where there is not much to say, it’s pretty much a continuation of Psych. Another long album break, silence, poor marketing, just another relation back to my friendship metaphor for loyalty. Now that’s just for the release of UEdS but I really want to focus on the line I brought up in the beginning of this....essay...

The music video of the first single "Les Collines" was released on 19 March 2010 by Alizée's official YouTube channel, which then peaked as the daily most-viewed musician's channel worldwide.

This should be an instant light bringing quote that should overpower the general sad tone of this essay. Worldwide most views...Let’s say that again...Most Views WORLDWIDE in 1 day for a musicians channel...that’s huge especially during an era where all her fans are gone? Now to my final drawn up conclusion.

Alizee fans were forgiving, they still follow her and there are STILL many...MANY, her fans have not really left her at all, just downgraded themselves to lower fans rather than true fans. They still listen to the music as can be seen through Les Collines, but they’re reluctant to buy the album, they weren't too impressed by it. That’s not to say they’ll just stop following her, if that statement is actually true, there are thousands of silent fans, almost like us but not open to the situation. They still follow her and are still hoping for that next big break...but until then they’re going to avoid openly talking about her etc. So, once again these are drawn up conclusions regarding the current fan base of Alizee, but I believe them to be correct because it would explain market sales drops, and the success of Les Collines rather than the album. They are still enough of a fan to go to a website like YouTube, punch in Les Collines and give the song a listen along with several other Alizee video’s, but it’s no longer that buying the album to support her feeling which is what we need at this point.

Now onto future issues which I am going to briefly discuss here then wrap it up. This next album (if there is one) is going to be the most crucial album that she has released in her career. In my opinion her fan base is there, it is definitely there, but it’s not as strong as it once was. If she can deliver with this CD, market it properly and all with the correct mix of music she can start her long climb back up. If she fails to deliver with this CD however, let’s be frank, I’m not sure she’d be willing to put some much financial effort and time into creating a CD that will be ignored by most people who on hearing Alizee would once picture a beautiful woman with an amazing voice singing, brining smiles to a whole crowd and brining people closer together. This next CD, is either the rebirth of Alizee, or the last breath of her musical career. But once again, that is all assuming that there is going to be a next CD.

So, once again Alizee does have that chance he fan base is still there, it is just slowly collapsing and falling. And if what I said is right, there are thousands of underground fans out there who are just hiding the fact that they are a fan of Alizee or are simply not in our phase anymore. I really hope so, because that would greatly help her if she were to make another big move. Needless to say in the end, I’ve said it many times on this forum and I will say it again. I believe in Alizee and would really like her to succeed, but it’s her choice, her life, her decision. She has turned into an amazing role model, an amazing mom, and shown that she cares about her family. There is nothing more I can really ask from someone than that, playing finances aside for love. In the end, I will follow Alizee with whatever she chooses to do, and if you are all true fans as well, you will understand this and allow Alizee to go wherever she wants. Thank you for reading this, I know it was long but I felt a strong urge to write a novel.

It’s fitting for an Alizee song to be played now as you read on now, something like this.

Her voice, her beauty, her music, it inspires, it changes people, it brings people together. Don’t let it die off, don’t let it fade. Save the music, for her, for you, for me, for us. And lastly, don’t ever forget what Alizee did for you, indirectly or direct, all the friends, the fun, the hours spent listening to the music. Her smile, the interviews all of it, changed my life and I know it changed all of yours. When I saw that face and heard that voice, I fell in love, but even love isn’t good enough to express how I feel about her. So please, just remember, have faith, and don’t give up. Whether it be promoting her to your friends, listening to her music, buying her CDs, just remember that you are supporting her. Show that you are that true fan and finally stay loyal. You’ve all hung in there for so long, keep it going I know you can. There will be good times and bad times, but if you make it through the hardships, you emerge stronger and better. We can get through this, whatever happens together.

Thanks: A Friend, a Fan, and a Lonesome Voice...Mark

Last edited by MarkL; 09-17-2010 at 02:56 PM..
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Old 09-17-2010, 04:30 PM
Kronos Kronos is offline
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Finally a positive "long" thread on this and all the forums I visit, during my almost 2 year fan period I haven't seen that many of them, usually it is the career-ending doomsday discussion that we've all seen before (seriously we have, cut it out >_>). Those kinds of threads always bring me down, and the tip of the iceberg is when people stop being fans and for some reason feel the need to drag the rest of the fans down with them. There was recently a thread on AF where it was said Alizée is not worth my time. I damn well judge for myself what is and what isn't.

I think these days it's maybe a better thing to be a "lower" fan of Alizée (with still buying albums, maybe a "something-there-in-between" fan ?) as I think some people, including myself, has gotten a bit too close to this artist and has ended up dissappointed or hurt by the lack of activity or such. What people should keep in mind is that Alizée is entertainment, which is a luxury, not a necessity, and in my early days I kind of made her one. A few weeks after I became a fan she cancelled her concert the second time. Wasn't fun being introduced to an artist while their forums were as they were.

Times has been tough but has it been worth it? Hell yes. Alizée has been an enourmous part of my life the last 2 years, and she is the first artist I've truly been a fan of. I don't know, it's kind of a cool feeling being her "representative" inside my social circle. I don't have any friends that are as interested as I am, but if they ever have a question about her they know who to ask. Also, if they ever want to borrow say, a pen, they have to name atleast 3 of her songs . They call me crazy and obsessive, and I respond with a "well fuck man, have you seen what she looks like?" ... jokingly of course, that's not all she is to me
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Old 09-17-2010, 05:08 PM
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I believe this is what happens to everyone/artists.. name any artist you listen to which took a break and without promotion released something new which grew to be something huge. I can name groups from rock to rap, once you drop out from the public eye and release something without a bunch of concerts to promote it something, it isnt going to be same. There are than artist which you just can't stop hogging all the tv time..

If lily is to even acknowledge us more i'm sure even that would bring back a lot of people, people like knowing they're being heard and listen to, example just to log on twitter and say a little something atleast monthly. It's hard being a friend/fan if there's no one there.
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Old 09-17-2010, 07:21 PM
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Why not keep things simple. Just watch her, listen to her, read about her. Why is there a need to analyze about her fanbase? It's not like she cares too much about it either. She just wants a happy peaceful life and that's what she is getting. Her actions always give me a feeling that she doesn't want to be too popular!
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Old 09-18-2010, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by aditya8617 View Post
Why not keep things simple. Just watch her, listen to her, read about her. Why is there a need to analyze about her fanbase? It's not like she cares too much about it either. She just wants a happy peaceful life and that's what she is getting. Her actions always give me a feeling that she doesn't want to be too popular!
Well no, I had read posts about how her fan base was gone. But at that time, something was clicking inside of me saying thats not right thats not right...Well, Fridays are my alone days pretty much, its 1 class of university then the day off, so I have 2 hours before class starts and 1 hour after class on transportation to think. I was pieceing stuff together when I remember the Les Collines line from wikipedia, and then all the pieces started falling together.

From there, I tried to remember as much as I could, posted it here, listening to Coeur Deja Pris at the same time causing a bit of an emotional outpour as well lol, I know she doesnt really want to be to popular but this is my explanation on where the fans are, not where she is because I';m pretty sure I know that...I think.
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Old 09-18-2010, 02:42 AM
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A very interesting analysis Mark. I had never seen anyone lay out the levels of fandom and the corresponding levels of loyalty in such a comprehensive and compelling way. There are many artists and groups that have reinvented themselves and actually become even bigger stars. I have a renewed hope that Alizee will keep that fire in the belly and hit a home run on the 3rd. Easier said than done, but if she does I can see spontaneous combustion as opposed to a flicker having to progress to a bon fire.
Alizee forever! no matter what!
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Old 09-18-2010, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by pepelepew View Post
A very interesting analysis Mark. I had never seen anyone lay out the levels of fandom and the corresponding levels of loyalty in such a comprehensive and compelling way. There are many artists and groups that have reinvented themselves and actually become even bigger stars. I have a renewed hope that Alizee will keep that fire in the belly and hit a home run on the 3rd. Easier said than done, but if she does I can see spontaneous combustion as opposed to a flicker having to progress to a bon fire.
Alizee forever! no matter what!

Yea I know man it was interesting for me as I worked to connect all the threads but I Really hope that my final conclusion is true because if so, more concerts perhaps ? meaning I can get my chance to finally see Alizee in person!
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Old 09-18-2010, 03:14 AM
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Originally Posted by MarkL View Post
Yea I know man it was interesting for me as I worked to connect all the threads but I Really hope that my final conclusion is true because if so, more concerts perhaps ? meaning I can get my chance to finally see Alizee in person!
Seeing her in concert would definitely be a bonus, but I will be satisfied as long as she continues to make music achieving whatever level of success that she desires. I feel like I have seen one part of a ten part play. Alizee is just special!
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Old 09-18-2010, 03:23 AM
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I missed a lot, but I feel I know enough to comment some on this.. fans don't just leave, just give up waiting but once something reminds them again they return, me for example I heard about her years ago, quit cause there was nothing, while playing diablo 2 one drunk day I thought about her, maybe it was cause the Alize bottle or for playing diablo again. I saw she had another album Psychedelices and noticed she grew up some with a tattoo and a upper nude photo of her on the beach. Nothing really happened again, didn't understand any french still so I couldn't tell either way so I left again. Its close to 2011 and look, i'm back and finally decided to signup, learn and catch up on what I missed, what made me think of her this time.. I got a dui, scanned the internet some, saw diablo is having a ladder reset LOL, and when searching my cds thats when I saw my first Alizee album.

I know I went off point somewhat, but like it was mentioned, this was a little girl who I see was forced to grow up fast missing out on a lot of things and now has a family, you think she would want the publicity that would demand her to tour other countrys, away from family. I'm sure 1 day when she breaks out her real shell, feels good enough to know her child can travel with her she'll promote herself properly to the masses and all the people who once followed will have the spark they had for her burn again. For now they'll just all hide and rest in wait for that moment.
Will it be too late?
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Old 09-18-2010, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by aditya8617 View Post
Why not keep things simple. Just watch her, listen to her, read about her. Why is there a need to analyze about her fanbase? It's not like she cares too much about it either. She just wants a happy peaceful life and that's what she is getting. Her actions always give me a feeling that she doesn't want to be too popular!
I agree with you a little here. To me I just think she's just trying to lay low for now, hey you never know she's probaly taking a loooooong break like before and might hit us with another awsome album. Like I said I just think she's lying low for now and like you said living a peaceful life.

Merci beaucoup Alizée for everything!

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