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Old 03-22-2011, 10:03 PM
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Default Corisican Musicians

Do you know and love another Corsican musician or band? Please post here.
Alizee is so beautiful.
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Old 03-23-2011, 07:06 AM
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FanDeAliFee FanDeAliFee is offline
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Smile Corsican music and musicians


First, there is the English-language Wikipedia article on the music of Corsica.

Second, last August I wrote a penpal in Bastia about the relatively new Corsican language Wikipedia:
Je suppose que vous connaissez et utilisent parfois Wikipédia à la langue française. Il a maintenant près d'un million d'articles! (Voir la liste. ) Mais saviez-vous il ya aussi un article de Wikipédia Corsu? Oui, c'est vrai!
Currently, records show that Corsipedia (Wikipédia Corsu) has 26 "active" users (i.e. users who have performed an action in the last 30 days) and two administrators, the first of whom joined in late 2006. Corsipedia itself was born at the end of 2003. As I write this, there are 5,978 "content pages" (articles), indexed alphabetically here. (Sadly, so far there is no article for Alizée; maybe she should try to sing a Corsu song first? Or Mademoiselle Juliette can dance the moresca! You will, however, find an article on a city named Aiacciu.)


The oldest extant indigenous folk music group in Corsica is Canta u populu corsu. Their name means The Corsican People Sing. I like their song Isula strana (Strange island), at which I made an abortive English translation attempt at the very start of 2010. Since I have made no progress since then, I present my work-in-progress to the right of the song video itself, which I embed here. You might think of this song as the Corsican analog to America the Beautiful.

My (simple) method of translating from Corsu to English first tries to use some very small Corsu-English translating dictionaries. That usually fails, so then I take the Corsu word, change (nearly) all the U's to O's, (nearly) all the J's to I's, and pretend that the word is Italian, for which I can use Google's translation engine.

<table cellpadding="10" border="5"><tr valign="top"><td width="425"><iframe title="YouTube video player" width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MPVC4Wkd7Qk?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></td><td>
Strange Island
by Canta u populu corsu

(preliminary translation into English by FanDeAliFee)<br><br>

Strange island continent
Ancient country on a new road
Independent slave island
Island of one hundred, then one

Cruzinu spans(?) the mountains
À flank à Vicu in la sulana
An almost face l'altagna
And to others seems to (be) Tuscany

Largest rock to assault
Front say mount è ghjemma lasts
Long tiratu (you?) high sun
U Capicorsu is the first

Coast of umbriccia at the vanquished
Violent is Merusaglia
And priceless the Balagna
Sgottanu light of the east

Carghjese and Piana buliate
Of clear sky and blonde maquis
Sarre by snow incurunate
Niolu I know flat world

Francu that blends Castagnicce
Plane Levante and Campuloru
A green dream in the matticce
A spot turned to a golden star

And da Ghjiraglia to Pirtusatu
Celavu, Nebbiu or Ampugnani
To Falasorma tafunatu
To lu Talcini and l'Alisgiani

Our country is mixed
From rivers of high plains
To Tarranu's truculent sea
Which elevates human destiny!
human destiny

<table align="center" cellpadding="10"><tr><td>The other famous indigenous folk music group on Corsica is I Muvrini. (Corsipedia article here.) Since I have often referred to Alizée at Alizée America as the Corsican girl, perhaps you are not surprised I like an amateur mash-up video here using that name, whose audio track is the I Muvrini song titled È dumane dinù (in English, Tomorrow is Yesterday), from their 1998 album Leia. (The drawings in the video show the very cute - but very amoral - protagonist of a Japanese anime series called Noir. She is Mireille Bouquet, a teenage professional assassin who is virtually the only survivor of her Corsican crime family. I suspect real Corsicans, at best, would be ambivalent about her!)</td><td width="250"><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Leia/dp/B004FCKAYA"><img src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51FKUMAvbwL._SS500_.jpg" width="250" height="250"></a></td></tr></table>

<table align="center" cellpadding="10"><tr><td width="317">
<img src="http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/15339_1220430324855_1651848604_30967450_8004712_n. jpg" width="317" height="324">
</td><td width="243">Finally, do not forget Alizée's first artistic mother, Monique Mufraggi, whose cosmopolitan musical and dramatic stylings amaze everyone! Enjoy free videos at her Dailymotion channel and her YouTube channel.<p>
<img src="http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/30598_1340522567086_1651848604_31235312_4193412_n. jpg" width="243" height="249"></td></tr></table><center><img src="http://www.ecole-du-spectacle.com/Ornement_photos/Ecole/monique-alizee.jpg"><br><br><img src="http://bellsouthpwp.net/d/o/docdtv/Alizee/MoniqueAndAli3.jpg"><br>Above: M. Mufraggi (in red blouse)<br>teaching Alizée (in black)<br><br><a href="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1530145107531&set=a.1448246900127.2 063015.1651848604"><img src="http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/74195_1530145107531_1651848604_31676399_2492332_n. jpg"></a><br>
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1374968428211&set=a.1448246900127.2 063015.1651848604"><img src="http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/36388_1374968428211_1651848604_31323815_7605567_n. jpg"></a></center>

Last edited by FanDeAliFee; 04-24-2011 at 07:04 AM.. Reason: add link to MM's Dailymotion channel
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