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Old 05-07-2012, 12:11 AM
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Default Azhiri Answers Thread!

Thanks for the stars around the title Mike.. I feel so special

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
1. What does Azhiri mean?
It's just a random name I came up with when I signed up for this forum. I always put random syllables together and I happened to really like the way "Azhiri" sounded.

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace
2. Do you plan on becoming a rocket girl and working for NASA much like your dad? (Which is really kool btw!)
I really like science, but I'm more of a life science person. I do want to be like my dad in that he gets a lot of joy from his line of work. He loves what he does every day. I'll probably be the same way, but I'll be working in biology. And thanks, I'll tell dad that a friend of mine who's also into aeronautics said so.

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace
3. What is your most favorite place you ever been to?
Definitely Nashville.. definitely. I was born there and my dad and I visit at least once a month.. every time I go I find something new to do. It's such a big, beautiful place, and there are so many different cultures colliding, street art, great local bands. It's beautiful in that special urban way you get with the big cities. I have my heart set on living there one day.

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace
4. If you could suddenly travel to any country/city what would it be? (If it is Paris please choose another)
Ooh, probably the United Kingdom. I wouldn't have to learn a new language and I'd love to visit to see the beautiful countryside-type areas, and learn about the rich history they have going for them there. I wanna see some castle ruins!!

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace
5. What is your dream and how do you aspire to achieve it?
I don't really know what my dream is yet, specifically. But I have a dream for a certain way of life, I want to have a job I love passionately and a lifestyle free of burden and stress. I know a lot of people say that's unattainable, but they haven't met my dad. He's laid-back, carefree, loves his job, travels often. It's great. I know how to achieve that - it's all about your outlook. I know that if I don't make things hard and stressful, they won't be. I know that if I don't care what others think of me, harsh words will never hurt me. Life is as easy or hard as you make it.. words to live by.

Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
Do you play more than one musical instrument? If so, what?
Clarinet is my primary instrument, but I used to be able to play a little trumpet as well, plus violin.. but I'm very out of practice and I don't think I could play the trumpet very well if I tried now. I'm learning to play saxophone for jazz band and I can play a few small percussion instruments as well, like the tambourine and maracas.

Originally Posted by lefty12357
What is your favorite book, song, movie?
My favorite book is Lolita. I've read it more than any other book and since I carry a backpack almost everywhere I go, I always have it with me. I'm also a really big fan of the Harry Potter books too, though. My favorite song is a tough one, but I'd say it's a tie between Little Heaven by Toad the Wet Sprocket and Born to Die by Lana Del Rey. My favorite movie is also tough but I think I'll say Office Space.

Originally Posted by lefty12357
If you could have dinner and an evening of conversation with any one person of your choice in the world (living or dead), who would you choose?
I was going to say Ernest Hemingway, so he could tell me stories, but I think I'd choose Marie Antoinette so that I could talk to her about the French Revolution, my favorite historical event from school so far. I always wondered, what was it like to watch her life literally fall apart at her feet?

Originally Posted by Jalen View Post
How hard is it for you to cover up your accent?

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
Who is your favorite Superhero and why?
Batman... mostly because Christian Bale plays him in the Dark Knight films. I also really like his inner struggle, is he good for Gotham or would he be better off dead or gone? I'm not much of a superhero nerd so I can't really say more than that.

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
Something that can drive you up the wall?
Complainers! People who do nothing but complain about things that can't be helped... they only make things worse and are completely unnecessary in such situations. I also hate people who judge based on superficial things like what clothes you wear or what you look like.. but it's okay because that quality helps me weed out the people who are worth getting to know and the people who will just use or hurt me.

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87
Do you have a celebrity crush and if yes who?
David Duchovny is my dream man. I have a crush on Harry Styles from One Direction too, though.

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87
A book that made you cry?
We just read Anthem by Ayn Rand in my english class at school and I cried twice while reading - in the beginning and in the end. I cried in the beginning because in that book, society is based on collectivism.. you're not allowed to be physically alone at any time, you refer to yourself as "we", the word "I" or "me" or anything referring to individuality don't exist. I cried because the way they lived, they were cataloged, and it reminded me of the Jewish concentration camps where the prisoners were assigned numbers and tortured. It was heavy and overwhelming. Then, I cried in the end because the main character escaped and found an old house full of manuscripts from the "old times" that told him of the word "I" and what it meant to be an individual. I was so happy for him that I got overly emotional and cried in the middle of class.

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87
If you had a time machine to which era you would like to go and why?
I think I'd go back to the 1800's, when America was just being founded, so I could witness the bravery and patriotism that went into the founding of our beautiful country. We have people who give their lives for our country today too, but our forefathers were so brave and driven to change things and found their very own country.. that's huge. So much raw willpower, it goes to show what people can achieve if they work together.

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87
Favourite sweet/candy?
I looooove Twizzlers. I could eat them all day. Especially when I use them as a straw for Dr. Pepper!

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87
Jeans or dresses?
JEANS! I dress casually. It's nice to be dressy every once in a while, though.. but only for very special occassions.

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87
If your house would be on fire and you had only time to save one thing - what would it be?
My computer! Other stuff can be replaced, I'm not much of a material person, but my computer contains important things and memories from my life.. photos, IM conversations I've saved, etc. that could not be replaced.

Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
I have a question from my 16 year old Nephew Cameron...
He asks 'Will you marry me?'
Don't shoot the messenger!
Haha! If he has a nice accent and a cute face I'll consider

Originally Posted by BrianO1 View Post
Would you rather have a car that can fly, or go underwater like a submarine?
FLY! Definitely fly. I could soar right over traffic.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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Old 05-07-2012, 11:12 AM
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Ha! You'll find him on my FB friends list Azhiri!
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Old 05-08-2012, 12:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
At first I was like

Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
I looooove Twizzlers. I could eat them all day.
But then I was like

Be the leaf.
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Old 05-08-2012, 01:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Jalen View Post
But then I was like


Twizzlers are the best candy because they are bland enough to be non-offensive but sugary enough to be satisfying. AND THEY GO WITH EVERY-DAMN-THING.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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Old 05-08-2012, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
Twizzlers are the best candy because they are bland enough to be non-offensive but sugary enough to be satisfying. AND THEY GO WITH EVERY-DAMN-THING.
Red Vines.

Everything that was good about our relationship past, present, and future is now dead.
Be the leaf.
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Old 05-08-2012, 08:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
Batman... mostly because Christian Bale plays him in the Dark Knight films. I also really like his inner struggle, is he good for Gotham or would he be better off dead or gone? I'm not much of a superhero nerd so I can't really say more than that.
Somehow I knew you'd pick Batman, but not for the reason you listed. That voice...it's just too unconvincing. He tries to hard to deepen it. And he just doesn't look like Batman to me. He doesn't have that dark presence the way Michael Keaton used to in the older, cheesier Batman movies. And the funny thing is, I first saw Christian Bale in Batman Begins and always thought he sucked. But when I saw him in OTHER, NON-BATMAN RELATED movies, I realized that he is an amazing actor. He was unbelievable in The Machinist, for instance. I think I talked to Wasabi about this at some point. I just don't like him as Batman. But, admittedly, those are some pretty big shoes to fill.

Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
David Duchovny is my dream man.
The X-Files is one of my fav. shows. I have all nine seasons on DVD. I watch them from time to time, but I would have never thought that you would be into Mulder! I uh...kinda have a crush on him too. Although Dana Scully would probably be more fun to cuddle with.

Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
I looooove Twizzlers. I could eat them all day. Especially when I use them as a straw for Dr. Pepper!
I once said to this girl: "I don't understand how anyone can like Twizzlers." She responded with "I don't understand how anyone can NOT like them." I think I'm in the minority here with Jalen. Almost everyone I know LOVES Twizzlers. Yuck.

Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post

I know how to achieve that - it's all about your outlook. I know that if I don't make things hard and stressful, they won't be. I know that if I don't care what others think of me, harsh words will never hurt me. Life is as easy or hard as you make it.. words to live by.
Mind if I put this one as a "favorite quote" on my facebook? It'll help motivate me since I tend to be the type to make my life more stressful than it has to be. I'm working on it though!
"My darling girl, when are you going to understand that 'normal' is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage."

Visit my channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCikDcLKqMBQpkJ5gUANAX0Q
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Old 05-08-2012, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Rictor View Post
- Do you speak Polish?
I used to be able to say "hello" in polish but sadly I am not bilingual.. is my last name really so blatantly slavic? I think the closest I am to speaking another language is being able to recognize pieces of Darkspear troll language from World of Warcraft.

- Favorite Alizée song?
Par Les Paupieres! Love it. I still listen to it all the time

- How is it that you're familiar with all these 90's themed things that I'm into? E.g. NIN songs. I mean I know you can learn about all of this via the internet, but I've noticed that whenever I talk to someone else your age, none of them have any clue what I'm talking about when I bring up songs, shows, or any other popular culture from the 90's.
It's all by chance really. I got onto the internet at a pretty young age and I would see people talk about movies, or TV shows, or bands, and I'd research them to see if I'd like them. Those led me to other movies and shows and bands and it was a branching-out effect. My parents have showed me stuff also.

- Favorite food?
Almost anything italian. Specifically it's between chicken marsala and old-fashioned spaghetti.

- Favorite season?
WINTER! I love cold, rainy weather.

I once said to this girl: "I don't understand how anyone can like Twizzlers." She responded with "I don't understand how anyone can NOT like them." I think I'm in the minority here with Jalen. Almost everyone I know LOVES Twizzlers. Yuck.
I really don't get how you can hate them, indifference I understand but they're just sugar in red rubbery candy form. So harmless.

Mind if I put this one as a "favorite quote" on my facebook? It'll help motivate me since I tend to be the type to make my life more stressful than it has to be. I'm working on it though!
Not at all, go ahead I feel so honored.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée

Last edited by Azhiri; 05-08-2012 at 09:26 AM..
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Old 05-08-2012, 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
Thanks for the stars around the title Mike.. I feel so special

I really like science, but I'm more of a life science person. I do want to be like my dad in that he gets a lot of joy from his line of work. He loves what he does every day. I'll probably be the same way, but I'll be working in biology. And thanks, I'll tell dad that a friend of mine who's also into aeronautics said so.

I don't really know what my dream is yet, specifically. But I have a dream for a certain way of life, I want to have a job I love passionately and a lifestyle free of burden and stress. I know a lot of people say that's unattainable, but they haven't met my dad. He's laid-back, carefree, loves his job, travels often. It's great. I know how to achieve that - it's all about your outlook. I know that if I don't make things hard and stressful, they won't be. I know that if I don't care what others think of me, harsh words will never hurt me. Life is as easy or hard as you make it.. words to live by.
Life science huh ... I am horrible at that lol though I havent seen it since high school because I avoided it at all costs! Make sure you stick with it Azhiri; studying any math or science is a very good thing these days with a huge job market! Especially biology because it ties in with he medical field ... Bio-Chem, Bio-med, and Biomedical Engineering; I have friends in each of them if you are interested for information.
Yea please do tell your dad ; all of us in the aerospace biz worship the people who work for NASA ... NASA is the holy grail for us!

Thats a good way of thinking about it, just know nothing in this world is stress/burden free! Though if you do what you love you will be able to tolerate the stress ... that doesnt mean it wont be there! And there is actually a good reason for it; if there was no stress or conflict .. like a novel having no story ... life would be boring; you're job and passion will be boring! So stress if you know how to deal with it and applied to the thing you love can be a good thing!


Last edited by Future Raptor Ace; 05-08-2012 at 02:29 PM..
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Old 05-11-2012, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by mzracing76 View Post
1-what is your favorite Alizee song, and why..
Par Les Paupieres! When I first heard it, I didn't understand any of the words she was saying, but I felt like it was a very personal song - it was meant for one special person only. Maybe it was the way she sang or the beautiful tune, or the ballad-ish sound. It makes me feel happy and comforted if something is making me feel sad.

2-what is your favorite Priscilla Prissou song, and why..
I've never heard any of her songs, so I guess I'll have to look into her.

3-what is your favorite color..
BLUE! I love blue. Other than that I mostly like neutral/muted tones like taupe (grayish brown), gray, black. Especially to wear.

4-what is your Astrology Sign, Month, Day
I'm a capricorn, like my mom.. and yes, I have most if not all of the usual traits. I'm not sure how to find my astrology month or day.. I was born January 6th, if that's what you meant. If not maybe you can tell me how to find it?

5-how did you discover French Pop Music, much less Alizee..
I'm not a big fan of french pop in general, only Alizee. But I discovered Alizee through World of Warcraft. I don't know if you're familiar with the game but each race has their own special dance (just for fun) that was taken from pop culture. The night elf dance is inspired by none other than the famous JEAM dance. One day I was researching where all the different dances came from and I found J'en Ai Marre. I thought Alizee was so striking, I'd never seen someone who looked like her. I found out who she was, became a big fan, and ended up here.

6-do you have Political Aspirations one day..
I can't see myself being a politician, or being particularly interested in politics. I do have those days where I think I should be running things, though

7-if you were a movie star, Singer, or athlete - what charity would you support..
There are many that I'd love to support, but here are my top two:

-The Trevor Project - a charity dedicated to helping lesbian/gay teens who are being bullied over their sexuality or considering suicide.
-To Write Love on Her Arms - a charity to spread awareness and hope for anyone who is suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, addictions, or any other such struggles.

I would even look into founding my own charity just to spread love and kindness. I've struggled with depression and several other things in the past (I still have my bad moments) and I think it can be the hardest thing in the world to overcome - there's no running from what's inside your own head. Bullying also strikes a nerve because I think putting someone down or making them feel like less of a person just for being who they are is one of the greatest crimes you can ever commit. I'm drawn to people who are different or seem sad and I've found the best friends you could ever ask for in such people. I'd found a charity or movement to just make everyone who needs it feel like they are never alone.


8-when ypu are reading a book, what song (s) do you prefer to listen to..
I really like ambient music while I read because it sets a mood and nice background noise without being too distracting with complicated words or melodies. Soundtracks to movies, downtempo electronica bands like Collide or Massive Attack. Stuff like that.

9-if you could look up to only one famous person, who it be and why..
That's really hard, but right now I'm loving Shirley Manson, the singer from Garbage. She always says what she thinks needs to be said and she's never scared of what people think. She has struggled in the past with depression and suicidal thoughts, but came out for the better. And most of all, she's very honest and seems to feel very comfortable in her own skin.

10-what kind of car do you drive..
I don't have a car yet, but my dad is looking into getting me this convertible:

It's a Geo LSI Convertible.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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Old 05-13-2012, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Tchaikovsky View Post
Who is your favorite singer other than Alizée?
Lana Del Rey ❤

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/E_jWcIDqXq0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I want to meet her so badly.. but she only does shows in the northern US

Favorite band, if any?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/85E9Q5Wx210" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Favorite classical composer?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7lC1lRz5Z_s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Top five favorite video games?
Hooo boy.

1. World of Warcraft :B
2. Silent Hill 2
3. Spyro: Year of the Dragon (that's the 3rd Spyro game if I'm not mistaken?)
4. Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves
5. Parasite Eve

What is it, in your opinion, that makes dogs better than cats?

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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