Alizée and the U.S. political climate
I'm tired and I'm just about to get some sleep but I was just watching Alizée's video I'm not twenty that was filmed at the Eiffel tower and I can't help but wonder, what was the political climate like back then and what was it like during a lot of her early career? Remember all the animosity between our two countries several years ago. Wasn't it when we went to bomb Lybia that France denied us over flights of their country? I know that was numerous years ago but are there still hard feelings? Remember french fries and freedom fries? Does this have anything to do with the fact that she has never come to this country to perform. This country, I think would be a gold mine for her. Remember when the Dixie chicks got into trouble for criticizing our president when they were over seas? What year was that? I could look it up but I'm too tired right now but I thought it would be an interesting subject for discussion. There has to be some reason for her not wanting to come to this country. She said in one of her interviews that there were too many sharks in this country and there are a lot of sharks here but there's also a lot of good people here who would love to see her perform in this country. I think it's very disappointing that the only part of this country that's she's seen is Las Vegas. Maybe that has something to do with it. If you want to bring someone as beautiful as her to our country, why would you start off with Las Vegas. The grand canyon isn't that far away and there are so many beautiful parts of our country in that area but no, she had to go to Las Vegas. We helped them out so much during world war 1 and 2 and they helped us out so much during our war of independence, you would think America or at least Canada would be one of her places she would want to visit in her tour outside of Europe. Maybe someone in her family, or maybe Mylene or Laurent's criticism of the U.S. was why she has never come here. I really would like to know.
Last edited by Scruffydog777; 01-07-2008 at 09:22 AM.. |
I really don't know, but I doubt that it is because of silly political issues.
Im guessing the reason for it is that i don't think she is ready to start touring North America first..just give it time and soon she will come over...Really I don't think Mylene or Laurent are stopping her.. Mylene is Canadian..why would she stop her? Really North America would be a big step for her to take and i think again, that she is not ready to take that step yet...
This "political climate" you're talking about is mostly Americans being grouchy because France didn't support the US in certain military affairs. Some Americans even seem to think that France "owes them" because they helped out in WWII. Irony at its best.
Freedom fries? Come on... The reason why Alizée doesn't wanna come to the US? I think it has more to do with that she's not very interested in the "Hollywood life" so to speak. The American media could rip anybody apart. |
2001 to 2006 the political feelings between the Governments were shaky at best. Chirac and his cronies were hip deep in the oil for food kickbacks. Plus France had a lot of business deals with the Iraq government that were worth millions, thus they were against the over throw of Saddam Hussein.
Because of their constant interference many thought they were against the U.S. instead they dragging the out enviable so they could pad their bank accounts for as long as possible. The French and American public never had any animosity against each other, just the politicians. I saw an interview from back in 2002-2003 where Alizée did state that the reason she wasn't interested in performing in the U.S. was the promoters were in her words "Sharks". Americans are fickle when it comes to music from abroad. Why would MF and LB spend money promoting Alizée in a market that wasn't particularly receptive to French music? If Mylene and other French singers couldn't make it here why would she think Alizée could. Last edited by ALS; 01-07-2008 at 11:12 AM.. |
And what's up with the whole "freedom fries" thing? I don't think the politicians were the only ones that harbored feelings towards France. The public is often influenced by what they hear in the media, and the American public is quite famous for being very patriotic. |
Well during the Iraq war anti-americanism had reached alarming levels here in Europe, and it wasnt only Chirac and his cronies worrying about his contracts. People were angry with the arrogant attitude of GW Bush and his illegal invasion based on constructed evidence. They were huge anti-war parades in all european capitals. I guess Alizee became popular in the US since the "Youtube era", so a 2003 brekathrough might not have been a good idea anyway given the circumstances.
C'mon everyone, we were just through this in another thread a few days ago. We've learned the hard way that, to preserve a cordial atmosphere on this forum and let us focus on the one thing we can agree about, we should keep a few topics off-limits, and the Iraq war is one of them...
I still don't understand it. She wont come here but she went to Moscow after what happened to Napoleon there.
You do have a ponit there...but what i said before that was a guess...so i am with you why she wont come to North America.