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Old 12-17-2006, 03:55 AM
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garçoncanadien garçoncanadien is offline
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Default Review Module 1 - Sections 1-3

Here is a comprehensive question set reviewing everything in sections 1-3, and I have also included some questions that ask you to go to the dictionary to find out new vocabulary. Have fun and bon courage !

1. How do you say I have 3 apples.
2. How do you say I need a banana.
3. How do you say I am eating some food.
4. How do you say I need a pineapple.
5. How do you say I have some pepper steak.
6. How do you say I am drinking some Romany Conti 1923.
7. How do you say she needs 4 grapefruits (the way to say need is avoir besoin de; conjugate avoir as is listed on the top of lesson 3, and elide de if it is necessary based on the rules explained in lesson 3).
8. How do you say we are eating some yoghurt.
9. How do you say we eat the yoghurt.
10. How do you say you (singular formal) are eating some cheese.
11. How do you say Alizée is dancing (the verb for dancing is danser, and it is conjugated in the regular fashion). Remember that, for simple constructions, French does not distinguish between I am dancing, I dance, and I do dance.
12. How do you say Alizée is dancing with Jenifer (the word for with is avec).
13. Conjugate completely the verb balader (a synonym for to walk).
14. Conjugate completely the verb prendre, being careful to remove the d for the nous/vous conjugation, and use prennent for Ils/Elles.
15. Conjugate completely the verb promener (to walk); it is a regular conjugation.
16. Conjugate completely the verb réfléchir (to think about, to reflect upon). It takes the IR type I conjugation.
17. Conjugate completely the verb remplir (to fill). It takes the IR type I conjugation.
18. Conjugate completely the verb lever (to rise up), being careful to change the first e in the word into an è for all singular conjugations and Ils/Elles(specific irregularity you must remember).
19. Differentiate between de la and du.
20. Differentiate between de l’ and de la.
21. One of the following conjugations is wrong; which one is it?
Je suis
Tu es
Il est
Elle est
Nous sont
Vous êtes
Ils sont
Elles sont
22. Explain to me when should you contract the à/de and le/les.
23. How do you say François needs some bread.
24. How do you say they (at least one male) need some strawberries, some raspberries, and some peaches).
25. The conjugation for vouloir is
Je veux
Tu veux
Il/Elle/On veut
Nous voulons
Vous voulez
Ils/Elles veulent.

How would you say they (girls only) want to order (commander) a Nice style salad, a vegetable stew, and some bread ? Remember that the infinitive in English begins with to, but the infinitive in French is only one word.
26. How do you say she is drinking pineapple juice.
27. How do you say the fruit salad (la salade de fruits) needs (avoir besoin de/ conjugate avoir) Passion fruit, mango, kiwi (kiwi), and pineapple.
28. Explain the possible uses of on, and use on in a sentence. Recent addition to the Lesson 1 - les pronoms personnels.
29. How do you say he is eating some peaches and some grapes.
30. How do you say I am buying a book (un livre [COLOR=”red”]not une livre which is a unit of weight [/COLOR]), a pen (un stylo), and a notepad (un cahier). The verb for to buy is acheter; conjugate this verb being careful to change the first e in the word into an è for all singular conjugations (specific irregularity you must remember).
31. Conjugate completely the verb prendre, being careful to use nous prenons, vous prenez, and ils/elles prennent.
32. Conjugate completely the verb surprendre. The answer is similar to the verb prendre.
33. Conjugate completely the verb subir. It takes the IR type I conjugation.
34. Conjugate completely the verb apprendre, and use it in a sentence of your choice.
35. Conjugate completely the verb commander, and use it in a sentence of your choice.
36. The conjugation for the verb pouvoir (to be able to) is as follows:
Je peux
Tu peux
Il/Elle peut
Nous pouvons
Vous pouvez
Ils/Elles peuvent
How do you say you (plural) can have 12 peaches but not 2 pounds (livres) of grapes?
37. How do you say I would like to order (voudrais commander) some bread, a steak (bifteck), and a burnt-cream for dessert (pour dessert)?
38. Conjugate completely the verbs avoir and être, and use two conjugations of each verb in a sentence of your choice, for a total of four sentences.
39. Differentiate between une poire and un poireau.
40. Le conjugaison pour le verbe devoir (must) est le suivant:
Je dois
Tu dois
Il doit
Elle doit
Nous devons
Vous devez
Ils/Elles doivent

There are three girls. How do you say they must buy flour, eggs, some tomatoes, and two cabbages (choux au pluriel). Although the article is used very much, this is one instance where it is not used.
41. Name in French five vegetables not included on the list.
42. Name in French five spices not included on the list.
43. Comment dit-on what drink do you (either pronoun is fine) want? Do must be translated in this case as “est-ce que”. What must be translated as quelle/quel; only one choice is correct here
44. Complete the following sentence with the correct articles:
[B][I]J’ai acheté _______ oeufs; avec ______ oeufs j’ai fait une omelette.
J’ai fait = I made
J’ai acheté = I purchased
45. Complete the following sentence with the correct articles:
J’ai acheté _____ ananas; _____ ananas est un fruit exotique.
46. Complete the following sentence with the correct articles:
J’ai acheté _____ bouteille de champagne parce que c’était l’anniversaire de mes parents; j’ai mis ______ bouteille au frigo.
Frigo = slang for fridge
parce que c’était l’anniversaire de mes parents = it was my parent’s birthday
47. Complete the following sentence with the correct articles:
Je parle ______ professeur, _________ vendeuse, _________ coiffeur, ________ étudiants, _________ pharmacien, _________ personne qui téléphone, ___________ enfants.
48. Complete the following sentence with the correct articles:
Au marché, j’ai acheté _____ pain, _______ eau minérale, _______ viande, ______ poisson, et _____ huile. Heureusement j’avais _____ argent pour payer.
49. Complete the following sentence with the correct article:
Je vais ________ lycée afin d’être plus éduquée.
50. Look up the ingredients in a ratatouille, and tell me in a French sentence what they are. Begin with Pour faire une ratatouille, j’aurai besoin de… (aurai means will need).

Last edited by garçoncanadien; 12-22-2006 at 11:53 PM..
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