This thread should probably be un-sticky-ed because while still welcome and appreciated, donations are much less vital these days since switching to the new server. No one should feel pressure or obligation to donate.
Originally Posted by Scruffydog777
I know Ben's been extremely busy with his work, so maybe it's a case of 1 of the 3 or 2 of the 3
Well, it's a combination of being busy with work and life, and the lack of activity from Alizée. I've grown kind of tired of the guest appearances. I'll be back when a new album's out.
I'd be happy to hand full control of the site over to MerciAlizée, if that's what he and everyone wants. I honestly don't have time to update it. Though I need to keep the server, so he'd have to set something up himself and then we'd transfer the data.
In any case, a HUGE thanks to him for running the place in my absence.