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Old 04-21-2012, 04:38 PM
Jenny_HRO87's Avatar
Jenny_HRO87 Jenny_HRO87 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Germany
Age: 36
Posts: 850
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Default Members' interview (Jenny_HRO87) - Answers thread

Ok here are my answers... not all of them, I'm still working on it. But I have to warn you this might get a bit long. Sometimes when I write something I simply can't stop, especially when I talk about things I like. Perhaps I will bore you to dead with my answers. I don't know xD


Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
Your location says Germany AF, does that mean why I think it means?
If so what kinda birds do you get to see on a daily basis?
What is your job on the base?
I have no idea what you thought what AF would mean but I’m sure it doesn’t mean what you thought… it was just short for Alizée-Forum like AAm because I’m more often online there than here just in case someone wants to contact me and I don’t reply… looks like AF means something else (perhaps something military when you talk about a base) so I deleted it from my description to avoid any more confusion. So I skip the first 3 questions. sorry

Or I'm completely wrong and you were talking about something else.

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
How do you like it in Germany?
I guess most people love the place where they are born so I love Germany, especially my hometown. Germany has a lot of beautiful places – even if I have visited too less of them – but there are also great places in other countries. That's a very diplomatic answer isn't it? No, seriously. I don't know anything I wouldn't like about Germany (except that most youtube videos of singers/bands are blocked here) because I simply can't compare it with other countries without living in those countries as well

And I guess I would always stay here. I’m not that kind of person who could live something else and be totally happy. I love my birth place too much.

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
What do you as a woman find most interesting about men?
What do you mean with “most interesting”? Most attractive? Could I answer this question after you clarified it for me?


Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
What countries have you traveled in and what countries would you like to visit someday? Is there one special place you want to visit?
I haven’t been in a lot of countries yet… I was in Italy (Tuscany), France, the UK (with my English class, we went to London for one day, we were in Birmingham and Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare’s birth place… one day I want to go to London on my own, with my friend)… I guess that was it… ok Denmark but only for one day with my mum in Copenhagen when I was… I dunno… 14 years old perhaps? I would love to travel around much more but first I don’t really have the money, second I don’t want to go on my own and third I don’t have the time either. I didn't even went somewhere by plane yet!

I would like to visit Australia or New Zealand one day because the landscapes there are amazing and I would love to see this for real. But it’s really expensive and if you really want to visit a place like this you have to spend at least 4 weeks or longer Down under. I don’t have time for that.

Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
What do you like about the city you live in? (Rostock, I believe?)
The Baltic Sea! I’d always choose the sea over everything else… I missed it so much when I was away from home for my training. I would always prefer a ocean over impressive mountains or anything else. Not that I wouldn't like them but it's simply not the same. And the whole city is pretty nice too…

Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
What are your favorite books and movies?
Apart from Harry Potter (will be always my favourite!) it’s Angela’s Ashes because it’s one of these books that makes you sad and happy the same time and that you can start reading right in the middle of the book and go on and forget that you haven’t even read the beginning because you still can enjoy it. I really do this sometimes. I have a lot of favourite books and I simply can’t name them all I’m sure I would forget too many… but the only book that ever made me cry, really cry – not only left me totally devastated like for example Atonement – was The Book Thief. I never sobbed over a book until I read this one. It was heartbreaking.

Favourite movies? Top 3… Finding Neverland, Moulin Rouge and Third Star… obviously I like a lot of films… well I’m not really a horror person because it scares me too dead… and I’m not really a sci-fi and thriller person, well it depends on the film… my favourite German films are Friendship! (I doubt you know this one) and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days (perhaps you’ve heard of this film… it was nominated for an Academy Award but it didn’t won).

Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
Do you speak English as good as you write it?
Definitely NOT. And I don’t think I’m so good in writing… well I’m much better now.. when I read my first posts over at Alizée-Forum I feel a bit embarrassed… but I’m still not so great, I still have to consult a dictionary even if I try to do so not too many times. I also hate it when I do too many typos. That’s also why I read my answers here several times. I hope there still aren’t too many typos and grammar mistakes in this post. I guess I will never be perfect in English Grammar. Well I will never be perfect in German Grammar as well because even Germans have problems with their own Grammar but that's another thing . Also when I talk English I’m far away from speak it fluently… I start to forget the vocabulary when I talk, I can’t get the right words together when I try to describe or say something. And when I listen to myself I always think that I sound quite horrible with my German accent… ok it could be worse, if I would not only have a more or less average Standard German accent but also a horrible one (well to me it sounds horrible!) like for example Bavarians or some people in South Germany have. Or in other places here. I guess then my English would sound even worse than it is now. All in all can talk English in my head but when I do it out loud I simply want to shut up.

Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
When did you become a fan of Alizée?
In 2003. I don’t know the exact date, must have been in spring/early summer. Around the time MCE was released… ok, I just checked Wikipedia, MCE was released in July in Germany so it was in summer… JEAM was in stores in June. So around this time.
"'Cause the stars in my eyes, well they twinkle when I see your face.
And the butterflies keep flying, flying all over the place.
And the dark and grey, well it fades with the black and white.
And all I see is life, life in a beautiful light."

Last edited by Jenny_HRO87; 04-21-2012 at 04:47 PM..
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