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Old 04-30-2013, 02:45 PM   #1
My Alizée related musical notation... kind of
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Marka Marka is offline 04-30-2013, 02:45 PM
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Hy all,

Some time ago I have promised that I am going to write about my Alizée-related undertakings... now is the time for such things... or not

Long story short, I am developing my own "musical" notation, which I at first planed to use only as just another tool in the process of musical composition. The main idea was to create a notation that would enable me to transfer ideas (from nature, from everyday life,...) into an abstract notation and then use these abstracted ideas as basis of musical compositions.

For example, if I planned to create a melody of a certain group of people, I would take a piece of paper, draw one node for each of them, try to think of as many relations as possible between them and draw these relations. Each relation between X and Y would have been labelled as either a positive number (meaning, person X likes Y), a negative number (meaning person Y does not like X), zero (meaning X is neutral towards Y) or p (meaning X does not know Y, p stands for pause btw). What I would do next is, if there are N people, I would do N walks through the graph, each walk would start and end in a different person, I would collect labels on the way into a vector. With that, I would have obtained N vectors, one for each person. Here comes the tricky part - each vector could be a melody - I would have to find a way of transferring these vectors of labels from the graph into vectors of notes (that is, melodies) and just listen, whether they sound like something that can be used or not... and so on... the purpose of it would be to find some good melodies that would be actually linked to the outside world and not just my imagination.
One could find other examples, for example observing the outline of the mountains and transferring that into vectors of concave or convex points, observing the thickness of successive growth rings on a chopped tree, ...

If you are interested into possible uses, see the 4th section in the PDF of the first version of this notation here: Non-deterministic notation (btw, this first version is shit and flawed from the first letter on).

Why I am not satisfied with the notation I described in the PDF linked above? Because I didn't research it enough. Ideas for this notation can be traced back to ML, when I first heard "something different", while first practical ideas came from ML Lola extended remix, where I found out that one can identify basic ideas behind many songs from Gourmandises and MCE, most notably ML, Lui ou toi, Amelié, ...
My renewed interest into the first album of Nathalie Cardone (which was produced by LB) caused renewed interest into this notation and now I am developing the second version of this notation - it is now renamed into "Abstract discrete wave notation", don't know how long this name will hold.

This time I started much more logically than the last time: I started with the idea that every sequence of numbers can be interpreted as commands which can be fed into a machine and then the output of this machine can be interpreted either as a melody or another stream of commands than one can fed into another machine - that is, melody can actually be thought of as a sequence of commands and vice-versa. With this in mind, I expanded the scope of the first version of my abstract notation from just abstracted ideas from nature into any sequence of integers (and other special commands).
Where am I going with this? I don't know! I just fear that I'll invest a great deal of my time into something that won't produce anything sensible, but at least I'll get my experience and besides, we will be able to say that Alizée got her own musical notation, no matter how bad and unusable it is going to be

This time I have decided to develop my notation in Slovenian and only when it is complete (if it ever will be) to translate it into English... anyway, if you want to see the progress so far, check out these two pdfs (in Slovenian, as said):
Avtomat.pdf (linking my notation to automata theory)

Jeziki.pdf (basing my notation on mathematical languages)

If you are interested, I can write here in case of any new breakthroughs... so far I have only tackled the mathematical base of the notation, to give it a solid foundation, nothing more...

Thank you for reading this far
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