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Old 05-07-2020, 09:01 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 61
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road


IG posts…

What’s been happening?

Well, not a lot really…

Yeah, I know, the “guys” really do live in the Corsican “district” of “Paradise”…


Here, I see “history”, and a “story”, not just some “old buildings”. Who knows, maybe one day…

Y’know, it would be wonderful to know what she was thinking when she posted these pics. Something definitely worthy of a “chat”, over a Coffee, or a walk with the dog…

<We all get to dream >

Now, if I’d have looked at this pic, say, 25 years ago, the first thought in my mind would have been something like “cool, that’s definitely a “fixer upper”, and back then, it very well may have been…

Today, I look at it, and think, “that’s pretty, “good luck” to anyone who tries to fix that”…

Way to old for that kind of “nonsense”, nowadays…

Time for some tiny “Maggy shaped” cuteness…

Mini Love”.

Greg and Maggy, such a sweet pic…

“Double Teddy”…

Just makes me smile…

“Goûter”, as in, “to taste”…

Looks like Alizée has been cooking, again. Don’t know what it is, but would be saying, “yes please”, and “thank you very much”, anyhow, ‘cos it does look really nice, whatever it is…

Now, speaking of, “looks really nice”, Johann has been posting some shots of some really tasty looking produce that has come from one of their local “organic” markets, I think…

Need to see if I can “source” this from Amazon or somewhere, for it does look, and sound, good…

Now, this next post was… interesting…

Chanson préférée ever” translates as “Favourite song ever”…

This nearly “blew my mind”, for it was almost forcing to make me pick a “favourite” track, from amongst many “favourite” tracks…

But, it came down to “A Contre-Courant”, in the end, for a lot of reasons…

Now, what you can’t see from the “screenie”, is that the poster had a graphic on it that had effectively asked “What song are you”…

Again, after a lot of thought, it was again, “A Contre-Courant”, for a lot of reasons…

I do tend to “navigate by my own compass”, so to speak, and often this does go directly against the, “flow”, of “society”, and “convention”. The words “independent”, “individual”, and “unconventional”, probably describe me perfectly…

However, I was “skypeing” a very good friend of mine, we usually chat about once a month or so, she is also a very ardent Alizée fan, and we were discussing this post, amongst other things, and her assertion was this…

What song was I?

Unquestionably “Gourmandises”, and after she “kinda, sorta” explained her rationale, I could sort of see her point, but she is unquestionably “utterly biased”…

Oh dear, I can feel a little “digression”, coming on…

We met “waay back”, she was the “aide” to a rather “high ranking” French military official, that I was attached to, as a “liason officer”, back when the “Brits” and the “Froggies”, were getting their “military cooperation” act, together, so to speak…

“Long story, short”, we ended up “dating”, for a couple of really wonderful months…

“Gallic fire”, met “Northern ice”, and the “result”, well things got “steamy”. VERY VERY “steamy”…

Now, the whole “thing” really should not have “worked”, for we were “polar opposites”, “personality wise”...

She, was “feisty”, “intolerant”, “quick to anger”, “very self opinionated”, “very self absorbed”, “very dominant”, and just, “intolerably” beautiful, in a very “French way”...

Myself, well, I was generally “impassive”, “stoic”, “laconic”, and tended to just generally “radiate” an air of “quiet” “confidence” and “competence”. No “fuss”, no “muss”, no “drama”, and, emm, “cute”, was not an adjective that you could use to describe me, even on the “best of days”…

But “work”, it did, and, “then some”…

Hmm, I think I may have been a “challenge”, to her, or something…

However, “Karma”, is a “bitch”, “duty” a hard “taskmaster”, and our respective “careers”, took us off in totally divergent directions, and thus any relationship beyond that, was firmly “nipped in the bud”, so to speak, which was a shame. It would have been… interesting, to see how things would have worked out, “long term”...



By her estimation, I was “archetypical” of the “Wolf”, mentioned in this song, and she explained it, thus…

By her own personal estimation, regarding “French society”, and the “Family”, “Husbands”, or “Partners”, are regarded as being one, of three things…

There is “Papa”, the unquestioned “patriach”, of the household, whose “word” is law, and whose bidding is followed/executed unquestionably; there is the “husband”, who is “barely tolerated”, and is held in a mild state of almost “benign contempt”, and then there are “Minions”, who are viewed with utter total contempt, and are just barely tolerated…

Yeah, kind of like “Bob” here…

“Proportions” are around 10/50/40, “percentage” wise…

Then, there is the “Wolf”, a sort of legendary male, masculine, figure. Think of classic actors/figures such as, Alain Delon, Gérard Depardieu, more recently, Jean Dujardin and such. Sort of “risky”, “bad boys”, and not necessarily “cute”, either…

I was a “strange”, “very self contained”, “very controlled”, but really quite “feral”, Scottish Wolf…

<Don’t know if I should feel pleased, or sort of feel vaguely insulted >

And my “goodies”, they were always, the “best”…

<Obviously talking about my “cooking skills”, or “something”, maybe >

Should’ve married that one, methinks…

But it just wasn’t “on the cards”…

Y’all please be safe, take care, and please, keep wearing your masks, if you are going out, and about...

Last edited by RedRafe; 05-07-2020 at 10:36 PM..
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