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Old 11-01-2009, 10:01 PM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
Thanks BA! I'm almost done translating Lefty's version, will post it shortly. Then, yes, we can all start the proofreading process.

Previously, I was still harping that we had to cut the length down a bit. But no, don't worry, now I'm against that. I think it's great, and if it goes on to two (or more) pages in length, well then, that's what it'll BE.

Sorry, I've been tied up with stuff, and haven't been able to participate more this past week, but it's so great seeing that my participation isn't that necessary, the project's being taken care of.

WE ARE THE TORCHBEARERS! Give yourselves a hand!

...several hours later...

Okay, I'm back, and at the risk of doubleposting, here's Lefty's text:

Dear Miss Alizée,

We, the dedicated members of the US web site, www.AlizeeAmerica.com, would like to begin by saying how much we adore you! We currently have over 1000 members, and we are growing larger every day. Many of our members are not just from the USA but also from countries from all over the world, including France! We are sending you this letter because we want to help you introduce your amazing music to the USA. To that end, we pledge our support as your loyal acolytes. Because of you we have become interested in learning the beautiful French language and have developed a passion for other French artists as well. This is something none of us here in the USA were interested in until we found you. You opened our eyes to the beautiful world beyond our sea, and now we can only wish that our desires be heard.

You already have many fans in the USA. We are very passionate about your music, and would like to extend an invitation and request for you to perform in the USA. Please be assured, we are not expecting a visit from “Lolita”. We are big fans of your earlier albums, but we also truly enjoy and support your new musical endeavors. One of our goals is to establish a plan of attack to promote you in our country and help you sell more CD's here. We would be very happy to receive your approval and/or any suggestions from you or your management team as to the best way to do this. We will understand if you can’t or choose not to perform in the USA at this time, but we would still like to help in any way we can to increase your sales and popularity. You are welcome to consider our web site your “home base” in the USA. If there is anything we can do to help in that regard, please let us know.

We realize that the American music market may be somewhat intimidating, but we believe that you have the talent, charm and grace to attract an audience and many new fans. Yes, ours is a market dominated by English, but the truth is that the majority of your American fans prefer to hear you sing in French. As you may know, Yelle had a successful tour in the USA and appeared on American television, and she sang in French. We believe you need not be concerned with performing in our country. There is a quality about you that is very compelling which you may not fully appreciate yourself, but when your light shines, people all around the world fall in love with you. Americans are no different in that regard, and are not immune to your charm. We like you just the way you are. We would never ask you to change, nor do we think it would be necessary in order to have success in the USA. To most Americans, you would be something new and unique.

There are many television shows on which you could appear, such as Letterman, Leno, O’Brien, Ferguson, and Kimmel, just to name a few. We believe that an appearance on one of these shows would be a good way to “test the waters” in the USA without incurring a great expense on your part. As a group, we are willing to make a strong and united appeal to television shows and live events organizers to have you appear on their programs. Of course, such an effort would be pointless if you are not interested, so all we ask is that you give us a hint, and we will go to work for you. Either way, we will always respect your decision and support you.

The internet is a powerful medium, and it is because of it that many of us discovered you. Ideally, we think it would be a good idea to see one, well maintained web site featuring samples of your new songs along with your videos. We understand that there are international copyright and business issues involved, but it would be really advantageous if such a site and its content could be viewed by all your fans across the world. When Psychédélices was released, many American fans initially had trouble obtaining singles and albums, and viewing your official videos. We hope to see a day when such barriers are removed. We also hope that you will use all the wonderful tools the internet has to offer in promoting your work and reaching out to your audience. An occasional word or two from you creates a mountain of happiness and goodwill among your fans.

We love you Alizée, and hope you'll find it in your heart to visit us one day and maybe perform one of your songs for us. We would truly be honored by your presence. It would make us very happy to know that you at least think about coming here to the USA. We adore the fact that you are classy, classic, Corsican and French. We think all Americans hold an image of graceful, beautiful, strong French women, yet we know very few faces or names to represent that image. We believe you would fill that void. We can’t guarantee you success in our country, but we feel there is a change in the air in the USA. Now may be the right time for you to make a move towards this market. But whatever you decide to do, please know that we will support you and we will always be there for you.


-The Members of AlizeeAmerica.com

And Here's What It Looks Like In French (as near as I can tell):

Chère Mademoiselle Alizée:

Nous, les membres dévoués du site web américain, www.AlizeeAmerica.com, voudrions commencer en disant comme nous vous adorons! Nous avons actuellement plus de 1000 membres et nous devenons plus grands chaque jour. Une grande partie de nos membres ne sont seulement des Etats-Unis, mais aussi des pays de partout le monde, incluant la France! Nous vous envoyons cette lettre parce que nous voulons vous aider à présenter votre musique extraordinaire aux Etats-Unis. À cet but, nous promettons notre soutien comme vos acolytes fidèles. À cause de vous nous sommes devenus intéressés à l'apprentissage de la belle langue française et avons développé une passion pour d'autres artistes français aussi. C'est quelque chose qu'aucun de nous ici aux Etats-Unis ne s'est intéressé à avant que nous vous ayons trouvés. Vous avez ouvert nos yeux au beau monde au-delà de notre mer et maintenant nous pouvons seulement vouloir que nos désirs sont entendu.

Vous avez déjà beaucoup de fans aux Etats-Unis. Nous sommes très passionnés de votre musique et voudrions étendre une invitation et une demande de vous pour jouer aux Etats-Unis. Soyez assurés, s'il vous plâit, nous n'attendent pas à une visite "de Lolita". Nous sommes de grands fans de vos plus premiers albums, mais nous apprécions aussi vraiment et soutenons vos nouveaux efforts musicaux. Un de nos buts est d'établir un plan d'attaque de vous promouvoir dans notre pays et vous aider à vendre plus de CDs ici. Nous serions très heureux de recevoir votre approbation ou n'importe quelles suggestions de vous ou votre équipe d'administration quant à la meilleure façon de ce faire. Nous comprendrons si vous ne pouvez pas ou ne voulez pas jouer aux Etats-Unis à ce temps, mais nous voudrions toujours aider de toutes façons nous pouvons pour augmenter vos ventes et popularité. Nous vous invitons à considérer notre site Internet votre "domicile" aux Etats-Unis. S'il y a n'importe quoi que nous pouvons faire pour aider dans cet égard, permettez-nous, s'il vous plaît, de savoir.

Nous nous rendons compte que le marché de musique américain peut apparaître un peu intimidant, mais nous croyons que vous avez le talent, le charme et la grâce d'attirer une audience et beaucoup de nouveaux fans. Oui, le nôtre est un marché dominé par l'anglais, mais la vérité est que la majorité de vos fans américains préfère vous entendre chantant en français. Comme vous probablement savez, Yelle avait un tour réussi aux Etats-Unis et a apparu sur la télévision américaine et elle a chanté en français. Nous croyons que vous n'avez pas besoin de vous vous inquietez sur l'exécution dans notre pays. Vous avez une qualité qui est très fascinante que, peut-être, vous n'appréciez pas vous-même, mais quand votre lumière brille, tous les gens du monde tombent amoureux de vous. Les américains ne sont pas différents dans cet égard et ne sont pas à l'abri de vos charmes. Nous vous aimons exactement comme vous êtes. Nous ne vous demanderions jamais de changer, nous ne croyons non plus que ça soit nécessaire pour avoir le succès aux Etats-Unis. Pour la plupart des américains, vous seriez quelqu'une unique, de nouvel, et magnifique.

Il y a beaucoup d'émissions de télévision sur lesquelles vous pourriez apparaître, comme Letterman, Leno, O'Brien, Ferguson et Kimmel, juste appeler quelques-uns. Nous croyons qu'une apparence sur un de ces émissions serait une bonne voie "d'essayer les eaux" aux Etats-Unis sans encourir des grands frais de votre part. Comme un groupe, AlizéeAmerica, nous sommes disposés à faire un appel fort et uni aux ces émissions de télévision et aux organisateurs d'événements vivants pour vous apparaître sur leurs programmes. Évidemment, un tel effort serait inutile si vous ne vous intéressez pas, mais tout à quoi nous demandons est que vous nous donnez une allusion, et nous irons travailler pour vous. En tout cas, nous respecterons toujours votre décision et nous vous soutiendrons.

L'internet est un médium puissant, et c'est à cause de cela que beaucoup d'entre nous vous ont découverts. Idéalement, nous croyons que ce serait une bonne idée de voir un site web bien maintenu présentant des échantillons de vos nouvelles chansons et vos vidéos. Nous comprenons qu'il y a le copyright international et les éditions d'affaires impliquées, mais il serait vraiment avantageux si un tel site et son contenu pourraient être vus par tous vos fans à travers le monde. Quand Psychédélices a fait son début, beaucoup de fans américains ont eu de mal en obtenant vos chansons, vos albums, ou en voyant vos vidéos officielles. Nous espérons voir un jour où de telles barrières sont enlevées. Nous espérons aussi que vous utiliserez tous les magnifiques instruments que l'Internet offre en promotion de votre travail et aidant votre audience. Un mot occasionnellement de vous peut créer une montagne de bonheur et de bonne volonté parmi vos fans.

Nous vous aimons, Alizée, et espérons que vous trouverez dans votre coeur à nous visiter un jour et exécutez peut-être une de vos chansons pour nous. Nous serions vraiment honorés par votre présence. Il nous rendrait très heureux de savoir que vous pensez au moins à venir ici aux Etats-Unis. Nous adorons le fait que vous êtes chic, classique, corses et français. Nous croyons que tous les américains tiennent une image de femmes françaises gracieuses, belles, et fortes, encore nous savons que très peu de visages ou noms représentent cette image. Nous croyons que vous pouvez remplir ce vide. Nous ne pouvons pas vous garantir le succès dans notre pays, mais nous estimons qu'il y avait un changement de l'air aux Etats-Unis. Maintenant peut être le temps juste pour vous pour faire un mouvement vers ce marché. Mais quels que soit vous décidez de faire, savez, s'il vous plaît, que nous vous soutiendrons et nous serons toujours ici pour vous.


- Les Membres d'AlizeeAmerica.com


Jess? Bigdan? Toc? Lefty? All those French teachers out there? Critique away! And let's get it DONE!

awesomeness!!! Though it looks much longer than I had thought it would end up being, it's great! I just hope she finds the time to read it all.

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Old 11-04-2009, 04:09 AM
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It's been a couple days since the last post, and i reread the letter (ok, only the english part ) and i loved it even more, you guys did a fantastic job. i suppose it's waaaaayyyy too late to suggest anything new by now, but on another thread one of the members suggested we do something special for the 10th anniversary of her career, which Deep said would be on the 4th of July, 2010. Maybe we could suggest she do something as well, like a concert, or appearance here, since it would be a special day in the USA as well? I'm just dreaming here, but imagine the 4th of July.. Barbecues, fireworks... and a Lilly concert here! Even if it isn't near you and you can't go, it means exposure to potential fans here in the states. Sure, some might not like the idea of going to watch a European artist's concert on Independence day, but hey, without the French, there would be no Independence day
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Old 11-05-2009, 03:01 AM
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Exclamation Latest update, one of the last!

Well, I may still be a little nervous about the length, but here's what we're looking at now. First the English version:

And here's the French version:

By "one of the last" updates at the top of this post, I meant that it seems there's only a few days left 'til we're ready to send this! And only a last few days to submit a signature...

(Fall06, I don't know where else we can add anything at this point. Wasabi, Criss, thanx agan. Jalen, cue the Supremes: "Baby, baby, where did our wubs go?")
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Old 11-05-2009, 03:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
few days left 'til we're ready to send this!
I still don't understand, is the deadline just some random date you picked? or is there something more significant that I'm not aware of....
Be the leaf.
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Old 11-05-2009, 03:25 AM
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Hey, J! The "deadline" is imminent. I'm planning one final push to get more sigs, and with that, then I'll tell everyone the final submission date. Then, a day or so after that, then this'll be done and on the way!
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Old 11-05-2009, 09:20 AM
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Default corrections?

Well, one can not accuse me of being fluent in French or anything, but I may have found some errors or slightly better ways to say some things. à nous visiter is one of those things in particular that should have been caught. I'm pretty sure that should be à nous rendre visite. It's improper use of the verb visiter.

See my attachment for a zipped Word file. I put the track changes on; so, it should be easy to review the changes. If that does not work for you (whoever) and you want me to go through and edit to a plain text file, a PM would be appreciated.

And if you have confidently passed this by a fluent French speaker, please accept my apologies for the interruption and continue with normal programming. (I actually had a couple tiny fixes in the English too.)
Attached Files
File Type: zip Alizee letter.zip (12.0 KB, 18 views)

Merci Fanny
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Old 11-05-2009, 02:06 PM
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This really is last-minute but I'm going to nitpick something and suggest a change in the last paragraph of the English version -- to match the French version.

The English letter says: "We love you, Alizée, and hope you'l find it in your heart to visit us one day and maybe perform one of your songs for us."

The French letter says: "Nous vous aimons, Alizée, et espèrons que vous trouverez dans votre coeur a nous visiter un jour et chanter pour nous."

Re-translating that back into English, I would render it as: "We love you, Alizée, and hope that you'll find it in your heart to visit us one day and sing for us."

I think that's better. Simpler, more positive, and not limited to only ONE song.

I mean, we want her to sing more than one, don't we? I do!
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Old 11-05-2009, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Deepwaters View Post
I think that's better. Simpler, more positive, and not limited to only ONE song.

I mean, we want her to sing more than one, don't we? I do!
Of all the criticisms, that's indisputable.

Merci Fanny
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Old 11-05-2009, 11:59 PM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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1. I fully agree with deepwaters!
2. When is the deadline and when's it being sent out?!

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Old 11-06-2009, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
Fall06, I don't know where else we can add anything at this point
Gotcha Chuck, I guess that one will have to wait until we get a response to this. A million thanks for all your efforts and hard work, to you and all who contributed to this great project.
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