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Old 11-18-2015, 07:28 PM
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"Je serai #MainDansLaMain vendredi 20 à @21Heures20 facebook. com/events/9906195 … Postez vos photos !"

The original link she shared was corrupt.. The correct link is:

*** Vendredi 20 novembre à 21h20 tenons nous la main ***

21H20. Paris, Saint Denis. Vendredi 13 novembre 2015. La jeunesse attaquée.

21H20. Paris, Saint Denis, le Monde. Vendredi 20 novembre 2015.
Tous main dans la main !

1. Nous ne pouvons pas nous rassembler sur les places publiques.

2. Donc à 21h20 vendredi 20.11, où que tu sois, arrête toi de manger, de marcher, de boire. Lève toi. Prend la main de tes voisins, de tes potes, de ta famille.

3. Prend une photo et poste la sur les réseaux sociaux pour former une grande chaîne de solidarité.

4. Vivons. Ensemble. Unis.

Notre Paris attaqué, celui qu’on aime, joyeux, heureux, libre, ivre, créatif, inventif, rêveur, joueur. Le sang qui a éclaboussé Paris est celui d’une jeunesse pleine de vie, parfois tracassée d'ennuis, emplie de désirs et pleine de rêves.

Nous ferons ensemble cet acte simple de se tenir la main pour affirmer notre unité. Si la souffrance nous traverse tous, elle ne doit pas nous mettre à terre. Face à la violence terroriste, nous nous tiendrons debout pour défendre nos valeurs de liberté, d'égalité et de fraternité.

Le 20 novembre, à 21h20, où que tu sois, prends la main de ton voisin, de ton pote, du passant pendant 1 minute pour créer une chaîne de solidarité.

Partout immortalisez ces moments d'amour, d'union et d'espoir, des photos, des photos pour se rappeler chaque jour de cette grande chaîne d'amour et de solidarité que nous aurons formée.

Debout ! Tous #MainDansLaMain !

(Translated via app)

*** Friday, November 20 at 21:20 we hold hands ***

9:20 p.m.. Paris, Saint Denis. Friday, 13 November 2015. The contested youth.

9:20 p.m.. Paris, Saint Denis, the World. Friday, November 20, 2015.
All together!

1. We can not come together in public places.

2. So at 21:20 Friday, 11/20, wherever you are, you stop eating, walking, drinking. Get up. Takes the hand of your neighbors, your friends, your family.

3. Take a picture and post it on social networks to form a large chain of solidarity.

4. Let us live. Together. States.

Our Paris attacked, the one you love, merry, happy, free, drunk, creative, imaginative, dreamy, playful. The blood splattered Paris is that of a youth full of life, sometimes bothered trouble, full of desire, full of dreams.

We will do all this simple act of holding hands to affirm our unity. If suffering through all of us, it should not put us ashore. Faced with terrorist violence, we will stand up to defend our values ​​of freedom, equality and fraternity.

On November 20, at 21:20, wherever you are, take the hand of your neighbor, your friend, of passing for 1 minute to create a chain of solidarity.

Everywhere immortalize these moments of love, unity and hope, photos, pictures to remember each day of this great chain of love and solidarity that we have formed.

Standing ! All #MainDansLaMain!
Old 11-19-2015, 06:16 PM
Paybays Paybays is offline
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I am probably going to get a lot of hatred for what I am about to say right now, but I am a realistic person that sees reality there where other people can't see it. I am like Uri Gellar, but real... since everyone can speak their minds I would like to vent my opinion which is based on an opinion from someone who is devastated by these crimes and someone who is absolutly not.

I been watching it all night and I was horrified to see it, but the next day I came to my job and asked my french collegue how she felt about it. She said this:

" I don't feel any remorse for those people. We have done it to them, and they are doing it to us. But because we are a Western country it's all over the news. Where we fight civilians and children are getting murdered and we don't care and we celebrate our attacks, but when it is the other way around we think that the celebrations and attacks are cruel. In the end, it is fair because they did exactly that what we did to them. "

And she has a valid point. Unless France is not retreating from war, like Spain did back in the days where Madrid was a main target, it will keep coming. And all the " we condolence crap " is not really going to help anyone or anything. I know for sure a few weeks from now we will all forget what happened and we will all forget what happened with Charlie Hebdo and who did it. Because that is our world, when something bad happens we stand together but when it's over we don't care.

It's nice for people to turn their facebook profile pictures into flags and change their banners, and Anonymous going to " attack " the bombers and now this new thing, but in the end it doesn't solve anything.

Last edited by Paybays; 11-19-2015 at 06:20 PM..
Old 11-19-2015, 08:36 PM
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#maindanslamain #love #mygirl

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 11-19-2015 at 08:45 PM..
Old 11-20-2015, 12:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
Not another one.

I haven't seen the cloud before.
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Old 11-20-2015, 02:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Rev View Post
Not another one.

I haven't seen the cloud before.
Shouldn't have said anything. I missed it the first time around. When did she get the one that says "Annily"?
Old 11-20-2015, 07:16 PM
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Petite soirée entre filles💗 mais on oublie pas 🕯🙏🏻 #maindanslamain #prayforparis #1semaine #kids #princess
Old 11-21-2015, 04:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Paybays View Post
I am probably going to get a lot of hatred for what I am about to say right now, but I am a realistic person that sees reality there where other people can't see it. I am like Uri Gellar, but real... since everyone can speak their minds I would like to vent my opinion which is based on an opinion from someone who is devastated by these crimes and someone who is absolutly not.

I been watching it all night and I was horrified to see it, but the next day I came to my job and asked my french collegue how she felt about it. She said this:

" I don't feel any remorse for those people. We have done it to them, and they are doing it to us. But because we are a Western country it's all over the news. Where we fight civilians and children are getting murdered and we don't care and we celebrate our attacks, but when it is the other way around we think that the celebrations and attacks are cruel. In the end, it is fair because they did exactly that what we did to them. "

And she has a valid point. Unless France is not retreating from war, like Spain did back in the days where Madrid was a main target, it will keep coming. And all the " we condolence crap " is not really going to help anyone or anything. I know for sure a few weeks from now we will all forget what happened and we will all forget what happened with Charlie Hebdo and who did it. Because that is our world, when something bad happens we stand together but when it's over we don't care.

It's nice for people to turn their facebook profile pictures into flags and change their banners, and Anonymous going to " attack " the bombers and now this new thing, but in the end it doesn't solve anything.
First of all, this isn't the right place for this discussion, so if a mod wants to move posts to another thread or create a new thread, please go right ahead.

Second of all nobody here I'm sure will get a lot of hatred for stating their views. Each one of us probably has vastly different views on many different subjects and if people can't understand that, I think they're very narrow minded.

I feel sorry for your French colleague who feels no remorse. It's like she feels people who have been wronged in the past, have a perfect excuse to wage war against those who have commited wrongs against them. If everyone felt that way, we'd have wars all over the world, day after day, nonstop.

Look at Vietnam. During WW2, Ho Chi Minh was promised if he helped the Allies against the Axis powers, there would be free elections in Vietnam after the war, but after the war, the French went back on their word and took back control. Then after the Vietnamese kicked their butts, we moved in after the supposed Tonkin gulf attack. I'm sure there was no attack. I don't know if the reason we went in was to stop the spread of communism (a noble cause) or if it was more about oil deposits in the China sea.

The Vietnamese could hold a lot of hate towards our two countries, but no, we live in a relatively peaceful coexistence. They've put the war behind them and moved on.

Look at what Japan did in China in WW2. Have you heard of Nanking? Have you heard of Unit 731? China could probably easily crush Japan if they chose too, but they've haven't (Not yet anyways).

Look what happened in this country with the Indians and the incredible wrongs we did them. They will nevere forget it, but realize there is no future in trying to get revenge for things that happened in the past.

But unfortunately every once in a while, something really evil comes along. There was Hitler and Stalin; now there is ISIS.
Unfortunately these evils are able to gain power over honest, hard working people and eventually they're able to control all who are within their realm of influence. Then they move to expand those powers. Then it becomes the responsibility of other countries to put down this evil. In that regard, I think they made a big mistake in shooting down that plane with so many Russians on it. The west and the Russians were at cross purposes in Syria before that happened and I was fearing WW3 could easily start there and ISIS could've easily sped up that process, but instead, they probably did the worst thing they could've done in shooting down that plane. We both now know we have a common enemy and that they have to be crushed. Unfortunately a lot of innocent people will be caught in the middle, especially in Syria.

ISIS has gone too far this time. If we all had the attitude of your colleague. we'd all just have to sit around and wait for the day it's our turn. But there are too many young men in this country and other countries who are willing to put their lives on the line to try and protect the lives of us and people like your colleague and thank God for that.


I noted what you said about people putting see through flags on their profile pictures. It may be a small thing, but it is a nice gesture. It did bother me how quickly talk on the net switched back to the usual Alizee stuff which certainly isn't her fault. I felt I had to do more where Alizée has meant so much to me and because of all the good people I've met on my trips over there. There were three things I tried to do last Sunday. Of course the most meaningful one I thought was going to the mass dedicated to the victims and I did pray for them. I put flowers in front of the Consulate General's office but I was too late for the rally.

I'm sure they will ask for donations for the victims and I will donate to that, but one other thing I like to do when something like this happens whether it be 9/11 or the tsunami in Japan is I try to read about the victims, so it's not just a number. I found this page on the USA today with all the victim names and I think eventually they will have all the pictures and then I'd like to read about every one of them.


Last edited by Scruffydog777; 11-21-2015 at 08:24 AM..
Old 11-21-2015, 11:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Paybays View Post
... I would like to vent my opinion ...
Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
First of all, this isn't the right place for this discussion, so if a mod wants to move posts to another thread or create a new thread, please go right ahead.
Now that I've essentially been brought into this topic, I agree that [Official] Alizée's Twitter and Instagram isn't the right place to discuss this. I didn't feel that the post by Paybays was attempting to begin a discussion. Members are free to create a discussion thread in, hmm, perhaps the Off-Topic section maybe?

I can't see how that would benefit or promote Alizée, or help to bring her fans closer together. So I'm not going to be the one to create a new thread for it. But like I said anyone can create it.

You won't see me there, that's not how I personally deal with these world issues.
Old 11-22-2015, 01:49 AM
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All that is necessary for evil to triumph in this world is for good people to do nothing when presented with evil.

Scruffy, well spoken.

Let's move on now.
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Old 11-22-2015, 11:59 AM
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I think this discussion has about run it's course, but I'll get one last ramble in.

I was just surfing through FB today and I saw somebody had posted this quote by JFK; "Let us not seek the Republican answer, or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.".

The second part is so appropriate to things that have been mentioned here and the way I interpret it. There are people who have been wronged who wont forget the past and will spend their life looking for revenge and there are those who wont forget the past but will move on and will try and make the world a better place.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 11-22-2015 at 12:03 PM..
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