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Old 03-14-2013, 12:28 AM
Corsaire Corsaire is offline
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Default Does she have a deeper side?

Since Alizée began sharing with her fans (after being quite reserved for most of her career and often absent from the public eye), I noticed that she mainly shares superficial topics with her fans. I have been wondering why she is acting that way. Is she really that superficial? Or, does she have a deeper side that she keeps to herself? And what if Alizée would slowly reveal herself to be a really shallow and uninteresting person, would you keep following her career and remain a fan?
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Old 03-14-2013, 12:50 AM
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I would still listen to the music but I would probably stop buying the albums and following her career as much as I do now at least. As far as being a fan, well like I said I would be a fan of the music, just not so much the person.
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Old 03-14-2013, 01:07 AM
Quinetiam Quinetiam is offline
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I think she's a victim of the times. Where Facebook followers and #of tweets are the yard stick of success.
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Old 03-14-2013, 01:58 AM
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IMO.celebrities, like Alizee, are walking a very fine line. I'm sure a lot of them would like to share more of their personal lives with their fans. On the other hand, they're just humans like us who also want to keep some of their personal lives private. In my case, most of my "friends" in facebook are my relatives. Some are either my real friends. And a few are either former schoolmates or co-workers. And, most of the times, I don't even share most of my private life with them - well, at least not to all of them, and definitely not on social media.

And so, for Alizee or other celebrities out there, I don't really expect them to be really intimate with us fans (whom most of us they hardly know even though we might be following them for years) and share us their most private moments. Alizee, already had on few occassions by sharing her photos of her daughter. And I think it must be really difficult for them to do that in order to "give back" to their fans to keep us entertained, especially on a daily basis.
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Old 03-14-2013, 05:11 AM
Araz77 Araz77 is offline
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Well, They just want to have fun with there fans right ? (Celebrities).
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Old 03-14-2013, 05:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Corsaire View Post
Alizée seems to be immature and superficial. I always thought there was a strong deeper person behind the physical beauty, but maybe this was misreading her career moves. Maybe Alizée is indeed simply interested in tattoos, pets, shopping, food, candies, childish entertainment... Maybe most of her fans like these sorts of topics, but I myself find them mortally boring. I had great hopes after a more mature Alizée showed up for UEDS, but now, I would say Alizée is either really shallow and uninteresting.

Alizée is more present and many really enjoy that new found access to her that she deprived her fans of for so long. As far as I am concerned, I would say that she was far more appealing when she was less exposed because now, I have no choice but to question her maturity and what she really stands for.

I perfectly understand what you feel my friend, but we must ask ourselves one question : Should we choose to spend countless hours dreaming about the hidden personality of someone that will never care about us individually, that will never let us be a part of her private life and won't ever reveal it to us rather than cherish Alizée for what she truly represents for us ?

We must focus on what is really important, and this is how we think of her, because trying to analyse a person's personality only through the meaningless messages she shares with her fans on the internet will only lead us to think that she is indeed superficial , because sharing superficial things is the main purpose of social media for artists! Look, our love for her is limitless because what we see in her when we look into her eyes is what we desire the most as our ideal of perfection and kindness which fills the heart of each and everyone of us with joy and emotions in our very own way, let us not spoil our fandom with speculations about Lili being an uninteresting person, thing that I personally , do not believe.

(Even though I couldn't say the same of Jérémy Chatelain , but this is another story)

La Nostalgie des jours gourmands..
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Old 03-14-2013, 07:36 AM
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how can we know anything about her deeper side ? She shows absolutely nothing what is going behind the curtain, in her intimate life. We have no idea what is going on when she is with her family, friends. At home with her daughter. Sure, she drops us some pictures once in a while, but should we expect she posts anything from her private life ? That would be really dangerous.
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Old 03-14-2013, 11:22 AM
Corsaire Corsaire is offline
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Thanks for the interesting comments, so far.

One thing has to be made clear, here; I do not propose that Alizée should open her private life to her fans more than she wishes to. All I am saying is, since she decided to share with her fans, she might as well share other interests besides tattoos, peace signs, cakes, shoes, duck faces and pizzas? Although some would say that as long as you share superficiality, you are not opening your private life, I would disagree. I believe that once you start sharing any information on the Internet, unless you are deliberately dishonest about that information, you are opening your private life to some extent, even if you think you don't.

That fact is shown here, when the analysis is pushed to the extreme:


Now, if Alizée posts an occasional picture of her cat or a blouse on her bed, that wouldn’t mean much. But, if she posts daily pictures of how she occupies her time, how she relaxes at home, where she goes during the day, what she eats, what restaurants she goes to, how she dresses for all occasions, what movies she watches, what people she interacts with, what objects are in the rooms of her house, how it is decorated... one could easily start to get a clearer sense of what her personality is. Each piece of information in itself meaning little, but after month and years of exposure, there is a clearer pattern that is revealed.

We might entertain the thought that although she doesn’t share about it, she also reads about philosophy, enjoys discussing China history and likes spending her days in museums, but let’s be frank here; Alizée is clearly showing the behaviour and the interests of a superficial, frivolous and immature person. But could it be any different considering the tools she uses to share information? Are Facebook and Twitter limited to that sort of information; silly pictures and quick one liner with hearts and kisses. I don’t think so. You can write a line about a good book. Write your general impressions about a challenging and moving movie you just saw. Link to or ‘Like’ interesting Websites, blogs, news articles... I am not a fan of social networks, but I can say that many of my friends and many artists that I know have very challenging and interesting information channeling through social networks. And the funny thing is that I would say that they expose their private life much less than Alizée does.
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Old 03-14-2013, 11:50 AM
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I've followed her for over eight years and haven't seen any thing that I would consider odd or unique that would point to a mysterious or deep personality. Shy slightly introverted when around people she doesn't know, outgoing and playful when around her good friends. Appreciates her privacy and alone time and not one of those people that needs constant attention and accolades to feel needed or wanted. She is perfectly happy with who she is.
She knows when to turn on the charm, personality when in a public venue but that isn't her normal disposition. There is a wild and crazy girl bottled up in that little body but few ever really get to see it other than her good friends and those who have the En Concert DVD.

Corsaire, you make a good point but we have to realize that all these daily pictures Alizée has been posting all started right around when she started working on this new Album. There is a reason for what she is doing with her posting a small part of her life on the Internet. Remember how many pictures during the summer she posted of her and Pierre (Dancerman) and the only pictures we see of the two of them is from Pierre's Instagram or Facebook. She isn't stupid as we get closer to the release date she is trying to look more and more available, no boyfriend. She is trying to pull in as many guys as she can hoping they will purchase her Cd. Like what happened this week with Milely all of a sudden calls of the engagement to the guy she's been seeing. I'm wondering if she saw something happening negatively with her career over that relationship and called it quits. Look at Britney and as soon as she dumped K-Fed her album sales took off.
I'm really curious to see if leaving Jeremy is going to have a positive effect on Alizée's career. She may be immature and a little lackadaisical but she is a lot smarter than many people give her credit for.

Last edited by ALS; 03-14-2013 at 12:08 PM..
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Old 03-14-2013, 11:57 AM
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First off, great posts Corsaire!
Even though I honestly and truly get the vibe that she is a superficial person (as many young people today sadly are) I will play her advocate for this post. Is it truly fair to call her superficial when, like Corsaire said, social media encourages superficial behavior and even more so when one is an artist try to attract fans? I personally think for us to call her superficial we have to look at other things beyond social media, such as interviews, videos, concerts, behavior (in which she is very spontaneous one has to admit) and then see if the pieces come together. I personally think she is a good hearted person but I find her to be very shallow, a kid in a woman's body and that is what ruined her for me. To make a simile to her music: like the songs she sings, all of the deeper meanings have been written for her by someone other than herself!


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