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Old 01-14-2009, 08:05 PM
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Default Spychédélices

transcription posted by Ciiinou : http://psychalizee.forum-actif.net/b...t919.htm#29536

Les contes de fées sont fait pour être défait.

Il faut que certaines vies soient bien élastiques,
pour qu'elles conferrent le pouvoir de se pencher
sur son propre berceau, et s'abreuver sois même de voeux, de voeux lourds...lourds de sens.

Des voeux d'évasion, partir s'evenouir en des lieux si lointain qu'aucuns avion,
bateaux ou trains ni psychotrope d'ailleurs ne pourrait vous y emmener, peut-être pour ne jamais mourir ?!

Never more, never more...
Pour se transporter la petite fée ne voyait qu'un seul moyen.
Qu'est ce qui peut traverser le monde à la vitesse des électrons ?
Emporter l'âme dans les gouffres de l'introspection comme vers
les hauteurs où les anges se laissent frôler les ailes.
Qui par le jeu des intimes vibrations fait danser le coeur de joie, laisse l'émotion affleurer aux paupières ?!

La musique.

Cette musique attelée à ton nom, l'attelage ainsi former pourrait
alors entraîner tous les voyageurs en quêtes de mondes inconnus.

Car bien sur, elle ne voyagerait pas seule ! Elles seraient nombreuses
les créatures qui l'accompagneraient. Elles viendraient d'horizons... pas très horizontaux !
De tout le spectre de la lumière, ces invisibles à l'œil nu.
Ils aimeraient, seraient adeptes des bonheurs éternels, souffriraient aussi, ces fantômes, ces non existences.

Elle et son alfa sont attendus à Rome, par Fellini en personne.
Elle veut se libérer de ce William qui lui à tracer d'avance un destin tragique.
Elle veut s'éclater ! Vivre sa « dolce vita » à Elle !
Nico et Lou Reed l'ont encore en tête.

Non ce n'était pas elle la plus belle, mais les yeux d'Andy lui faisait croire qu'elle l' était.
Aujourd'hui, où est-elle ?! Seule sur le sol, dans l'automne à Down Town, elle coule, elle se poudre encore.

Face A, face B, faciès. Et maintenant, loin de là, dans un Paris féerique dans le secret d'une alcoomobile,
immobilisée au feu rouge, le taxi driver, lover, explore les dessous du pull-over.

Décollage, des jolies collages, D'andy peut être ?! Car bien des voyages commencent ainsi.
Même sans avion, la preuve : toute tentative opérée à bord d'un coquillage sera couronnée
de succès, à la condition Sinéquanone d'avoir la fée clochette comme copilote.

Traverser l'hémisphère surfer à cheval sur la lumière, il y a tant d'univers à parcourir sous les paupières.
Quel est le but de ce long voyage ? C'est quand l'arrivée ? La bas ...
Tout au bout, les psychédélices sont ils aussi délicieux qu'on le dit ?
Est-ce qu'ils donnent vraiment des ailes aux coquillages ? Et c'est quoi ces deux hélices ?
Le coquillage est doté d'un ADN, l'avion non. L'homme a inventé l'avion,qui a inventé le code ?

Alice, il est comment ton pays ? Comment croire à tes merveilles ?
Allé va...va, le réveil à sommeil, il se réveillera pas de si tôt.
Ou alors, dans un rêve, dans une ville jaune, dans la parole de l'enfance perdue.
Là où tous les possibles se font du pieds.
A Lilly Town, rien n'étonne, ni les stones, ni les nonnes ...
Les fées sont faites pour la fêtes, les fées sont faites pour faire de l'effet, et plus encore,
les fées sont faites pour faire d'autres petites fées... Petite fée, toujours il va durer,
L'effet Mère. Toujours ! Comme les tiennes, la boucle est bouclée, et toutes les jolies histoires, s'écoutent en boucles.

translation by Roman

Fairy tales are made to be unmade.

It is necessary that certain lives be rather elastic, so that they confer the power to look into their own cradle *1, and drink of wishes oneself, heavy wishes...heavy of meaning.

Wishes to escape, to leave to flee into places so distant that no airplain, boat or train nor indeed psychotropic could take you there, perhaps to never die!?

Never more, never more ...
To transport the little fairy there's only one way.
What is it that can cross the world at the speed of electrons?
Take the soul into the depths of introspection as to
the heights where one can brush up against wings of angels. *2
Who by the play of intimate vibrations does dance the heart of joy, lets the emotion show through the eyelids?!

The music.

This music tethered to your name, the coupling thus formed could then take all the travelers in quest of worlds unknown. *3

For of course, it would not travel alone. They would be many, the creatures that accompany it. They come from horizons... not very horizontal! *4 From across the spectrum of light, these things invisible to the naked eye. They would love, would be followers of eternal happiness, would suffer also, these phantoms, these non-existences. *5

She and her alfa are expected in Rome by Fellini himself.
She wants to liberate herself from this William who traces out in advance a tragic destiny.
She wants to break out! To live the "sweet life"!
Nico and Lou Reed still have her in mind.

No she was not the most beautiful, but the eyes of Andy made her believe she was.
Now, where is she?! Alone on the ground, in the fall Downtown, she sinks, she's powdering her nose again *8.

Side A, side B, (facial) features. And now, far from there, in an enchanted Paris in the secret of an alco-mobile, stopped at the red light, the taxi driver, lover, explores the undies beneath the pull-over. *6

Take-off, pretty collages, of Andy perhaps?! For many a voyage begins that way. Even without airplane, the proof: any attempt operated on board a shell will be fruitful, on the Sinéquanone *7 condition of having Tinkerbell as co-pilot.

Crossing the hemisphere surfing astride the light, there are so many worlds to travel across under the eyelids.
What is the purpose of this long voyage? It's arrival? Over there...
At the end, are the psychédélices as delicious as they say?

Do they really give wings to the shellfish? And what are these two helices?
The shellfish is endowed with DNA, the aircraft, no. Man invented the airplane, who invented the code?

Alice, what's your country like? How to believe in your marvels?
Gone going...going, the alarm clock to sleep, it will not wake up so early.
Or then, in a dream, in a yellow town, in the speech of childhood lost.
There where all the possibilities teach a good lesson.
In Lilly Town, nothing surprises, neither the Stones, nor the nuns...
The fairies are made for parties, the fairies are made for creating the effect, and furthermore, the fairies are made to make other little fairies...
Little fairy, it will always last, the mother effect. Always! Like yours, the loop is closed *9, and all the pretty stories are heard on a loop. *10

*1 I think that means examine one's one own life or origins.
*2 Not literal, but translation is clumsy.
*3 I have sought my Lili. Where did she go?
*4 Hey! Is he calling us nutty?!
*5 Now we just don't even exist. I'd like to think this is easier to follow in French, but I'm not so sure.
*6 Apparently Fauque is familiar with "Paradise by the dashboard light". :-P I'm not thinking about Alizée's bra. I'm not! I swear!
*7 Sinéquanone is a fashion label, like a good hip Parisian girl will have in her song. :-) And actually it is the latin: "sine que non" meaning "without which (it is) not (possible)" (good fashion label name). "Une condition sine qua non" means "a condition without which what you describe is impossible".
*8 Could be refering to drugs.
*9 This only works in French because of the word boucle. It's saying "like yours" meaning Annily's curly hair and "the loop is closed" means we've come full circle or that which was started has been completed. (Well, if the goal of life is to reproduce, then Alizée's done there. Of course, she must see her daughter to the next round too.)
*10 Means they keep playing, like when you set your music player on loop. I think the phrase means the cycle repeats.

So, Fauque was really riffing here, eh? :-P

Wow. This is some pretty heavy stuff. It so changes the feeling for how it seems the album should be seen. It speaks of something quite ambitious after all. The speech by the arliquin in Mexico was along these lines as well it seems from what little comments I've heard about it. I of course understood nothing. Looks like this language barrier finally is catching up to me. In the beginning it didn't matter that much, though I always wanted translations and got most things eventually. It's just hard seeing what I missed now and thinking how everything always takes so long. I never knew it would be so hard to be an Alizée fan. Crusaders. She commands her armies without a word or even a glance.

Then again, maybe it's just Fauque waxing loquacious en poète-voix (or was that me?).
However, I wonder if Alizée has tried too hard to stradle multiple worlds and her voice got lost somewhere in the expanse. Sadly, the Mexican audience as great as they are, I'm sure do not understand any part that makes reference by feeling to this. They don't see the magical "trip" that Alizée is on with this album. This short film plays out the psychédélique part of the name of the album and I really get the idea that indeed it is dominated by the 60s and by Fauque and by French frankly. If Alizée chose not to work with him again, one wonders what far flung sense one would get from the next album. Her album really could have been a lot worse. I think she did pretty good with that, but somewhere along the way the fans who liked her as a performer and had no ideas about her as a conceptual artist got mostly left behind. Mylène may have played with words, but Fauque is downright making love to them here.

I for one always just saw her as a performer and that's what I wanted and expected before this album released. Now I have a different view of Alizée and if she could but be available more often... it would be easier to try to search out a way to walk with her. It's hard on this side of the sea, the gulf that separates us.

It is in the expressions the likes of this that we really see a complete departure from her earlier works, a young woman who existed in a dream and will never return. Les contes de fées...
But really this is probably more of the Alizée that always existed and wanted creative things that were provocative in the ways she feels them. I think of this having read the interview with Mufraggie, her dance teacher of old. So, we now have a woman full of possibilities and expressions and if she could but stick around and develop them, we could see built a work with so much substance as to give people enough to get caught up in eventually. That is to say, one wonders where she'll go next and is curious to find out. She could be quite an interesting artist if she could stay on the scene. She needs the power of creation and presence that Mylène has. She needs her movements in the business of her art to be like a machine. She should keep her personality, as light as shining as it is, but there needs to be power felt behind it by the quality of the performance of things, all the things concerning her career. It is something she would need to build. We figured that, but I fear for the possibility of such a thing at this stage. It may be far too late to salvage this ship. I'm afraid it is much serious work. A legend is not built on sand. We shall see.


Merci Fanny

Last edited by Roman; 01-14-2009 at 08:08 PM..
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Old 01-14-2009, 09:14 PM
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Thanks for the translation, Roman. I really appreciate it. I tried reading through it a while back and got stuck in a few places. My knowledge of French is quite inadequate to properly translate something like this.

I love the way Jean weaves references to the song titles and lyrics from the Psychédélices album into it. I wish more people had appreciated what Alizée and her collaborators created in this album.

I noticed he mentioned shellfish a few times. There may be no connection, but it makes me think of “le Triton” or conch shell found in the waters off Corsica. The shell is formed in a spiral, which is an important symbol in Corsican culture. Kind of like the “Eye of Santa Lucia” and all that.
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Old 01-14-2009, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
Thanks for the translation, Roman. I really appreciate it. I tried reading through it a while back and got stuck in a few places. My knowledge of French is quite inadequate to properly translate something like this.

I love the way Jean weaves references to the song titles and lyrics from the Psychédélices album into it. I wish more people had appreciated what Alizée and her collaborators created in this album.

I noticed he mentioned shellfish a few times. There may be no connection, but it makes me think of “le Triton” or conch shell found in the waters off Corsica. The shell is formed in a spiral, which is an important symbol in Corsican culture. Kind of like the “Eye of Santa Lucia” and all that.
Thanks for that comment about the shells. I have been wondering what the deal was with the shellfish reference in Décollage. I searched to find if maybe coquillage could also mean something else, but have found nothing. And then looking at what Jean says, it seems he is refering to a biological entity; so, it must mean shellfish, but maybe is used in the song specifically to suggest something subtly. I'll have to go back over that song again and try to do a better translation. That's the thing, Alizée has specifically mentioned enough times the double meanings that Jean puts into his lyrics. I think I've seen some of them, but I'm sure I'm still missing much of what Alizée finds so interesting in her songs and his. Maybe I'll just never know. We need more people who are native French speakers to explain stuff. Here's the problem if Alizée's songs rest on clever lyrics. However clever they used to be, just listening to it and watching her perform was plenty good for most people, and thus, people from anywhere could appreciate her plenty. They still can, but it's of course not as simple as it used to be.

Merci Fanny
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Old 01-15-2009, 06:24 AM
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Thankyou Roman,

The translation is deeply appreciated!

For this part:
Do they really give wings to the shellfish? And what are these two helices?
The shellfish is endowed with DNA, the aircraft, no. Man invented the airplane, who invented the code?

Definitely sounds like a reference to a higher power/God/Creator of the Universe.


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Last edited by Edcognito; 01-15-2009 at 06:27 AM..
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Old 01-15-2009, 07:55 AM
Rachelizee Rachelizee is offline
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Fantastic work , Roman ! I've been really struggling on this to actually make out what's being said let alone divine any meaning out of it.

This really starts to make a lot of sense out of the themes that are explored on the album and makes me anxious to listen repeatedly ( not that I don't anyway , mind ) to the tracks and really get a sense of the ideas and wordplay behind the lyrics.

Thanks again as I know it must take a lot of time and effort ( not to mention thought ) to make these translations but it's always appreciated by myself and I'm sure many others.

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Old 01-16-2009, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Edcognito View Post
Thankyou Roman,

The translation is deeply appreciated!

For this part:
Do they really give wings to the shellfish? And what are these two helices?
The shellfish is endowed with DNA, the aircraft, no. Man invented the airplane, who invented the code?

Definitely sounds like a reference to a higher power/God/Creator of the Universe.

Well, yes, "who invented the code" is a clear reference to a god, though what else and why the shellfish/seashell/coquillage? I think I'm still missing something there. The coquillage may simply be referenced thinking of a spiral shaped shell. Now that I think about it, I get the image of Aphrodite standing on her cockle shell. Hmm. So, in Spychédélices Jean makes reference to that song by coquillage and avion. I wonder what he knew about it, if he talked to Oxmo.
I'll have to revisit that song and redo a translation some time.

EDIT: here are some "coquillages" one might find in Ajaccio: http://www.ochju.com/oeil-sainte-luc...fam=98&lang=en

Merci Fanny

Last edited by Roman; 01-16-2009 at 07:28 AM..
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