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Old 04-19-2009, 11:09 AM
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Unhappy Alizee crying...

Originally Posted by Edisythe View Post
She had tears while singing the fists songs. Seems alright now though. She justsung je nai marre , in a kind of new way (dont know of she sings it like that, first time i see her)

Woke up this morning to see if Edgar or AAA had posted that I was crazy and was seeing things, that I overexagerrated Alizee's tears or just got it wrong somehow. But, these posts from Edisythe seem to confirm what I was seeing too. I wonder if others saw it and if there will be any public statements from her...
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Old 04-19-2009, 11:27 AM
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I am really sad to hear this. I hope Alizée is OK. I thought this was a good opportunity for her to set a positive tone leading into her next album. I want so bad for her to have success and happiness.
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Old 04-19-2009, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
I am really sad to hear this. I hope Alizée is OK. I thought this was a good opportunity for her to set a positive tone leading into her next album. I want so bad for her to have success and happiness.
My sentiments exactly, sir.

Here's an article that was posted by newfan over at Alizée Latino, in which Lili talks a little bit about work on the new album. (Crappy Google translation follows, until one of our Spanish-speaking friends can provide something a little more accurate. )

Alizée agradeció la invitación al inicio de la Feria de Ferias
Laura Verónica Molina Ramos

Lo que muchos no creyeron cuando salieron a la luz los primeros datos de la edición 2009 de la Feria de San Marcos se cumplió: la famosa cantante Alizée arribó a Aguascalientes para participar del tradicional Baile de Coronación.
Previamente a su presentación en la "Tierra de la Gente Buena" para dar realce al magno evento de apertura de la verbena abrileńa, la joven de origen francés compartió momentos con los medios de comunicación locales para hablar de su participación en la Feria de Ferias y dar detalles de sus más recientes proyectos.
Para el encuentro con la prensa, Alizée lució un serio, formal y obscuro traje sastre que a pesar de brindarle distinción, absorbió toda la frescura de la artista, y la alejó miles de ańos luz de la imagen con la que por lo menos toda América Latina la relaciona, es decir, con la sexy y provocativa joven que muestra ser en sus videos.
Cuestionada primeramente sobre sus proyectos para este ańo, Alizée comentó: "Acabó de grabar las voces de mi nuevo álbum y va a entrar al mix cuando yo regrese a Francia, entonces pueden estar seguros de que muy pronto va a salir".
En este sentido, a pesar de que dio a conocer el proceso que se está llevando para sacar un nuevo material al mercado, no quiso entrar en detalles del mismo, comentando "Soy del tipo de personas a las que les gusta dar sorpresas, así que espero que este nuevo disco le guste mucho a mi público y a mis fans".
Sobre la perspectiva que tiene de su propia evolución musical, la artista reveló a continuación: "Yo empecé cuando tenía 15 ańos y no tenía precisamente un estilo musical en mente, pero conocí personas que me presentaron el mundo del pop, ya para cuando grabé mi segundo material siento que evolucioné un poquito, pero en cambio ya en el tercero, quise hacer lo que a mí me gustaba y pude crear mi estilo personal".
Acerca de la música mexicana en su país de origen, Alizée afirmó sinceramente que en Francia no se conocen muchos artistas mexicanos sino que más bien tienen una idea global de lo que son los artistas latinoamericanos, en este sentido aseguró : "A mí me vienen a la mente cuando se habla de cantantes latinos por ejemplo a Ricky Martín o Shakira que hacen música con mucho ritmo para bailar, lo cual me gusta mucho hacer desde los cinco ańos.
Sobre su arribo a la "Tierra de la gente buena" la francesa aseguró: "Como cantante me siento muy honrada de estar en Aguascalientes, ayer llegué y todavía no he podido pasear, lo único que sé es que hace mucho calor y me gustaría volver luego para conocer más cosas y quizá vacacionar".
Finalmente, sobre su meta como artista, Alizée con su fluido hablar y su pulcro francés aseveró: "Mi objetivo principal es dar un poco de alegría y placer a la gente por medio de mi música, así que espero que al público le siga gustando mi trabajo por mucho tiempo. Me siento muy afortunada por ejemplo de poder cantar en mi idioma y que se me abran las puertas en tantos países como lo estoy constatando al venir a México".
"Alizée appreciated the invitation to the opening of the Exhibition Trade Fair
Laura Verónica Ramos Molina

What many did not believe when they came out the first data from the 2009 edition of the Feria de San Marcos was met: the famous singer Alizée arrived in Aguascalientes to participate in the traditional Coronation Ball.
Prior to his presentation in the "Land of Good People" to highlight the major event of the opening of verbena abrileńa, the couple shared moments of French origin with the local media to discuss their participation in the Exhibition and Fair give details of their latest projects.
For the meeting with the press, Alizée wore a serious, formal dark suit tailor who despite offering distinction, absorbed all the freshness of the artist, and thousands of light years away from the image with at least across America Latin related, ie, with the sexy and provocative young to be showing in their videos.
First questioned about their projects for this year, Alizée said, "just recorded the voices of my new album and will enter the mix when I return to France, then you can be sure that very soon will leave."
In this sense, even though they announced that the process is going to make a new material to market, did not want to go into details of it, commenting "I'm the type of people who love to give surprises so I hope this new album is a lot like my fans and my fans. "
On the prospect of having his own musical evolution, the artist then revealed: "I started when I was 15 years and was not exactly a musical style in mind, but I met people who showed me the world of pop, and when I recorded my second material'm changing a little bit, but instead in the third, I wanted to do what I liked and I could create my own personal style. "
About Mexican music in their home country, Alizée honestly say that in France do not know many Mexican artists, but rather have a general idea of what the Latin American artists, in this regard said: "I come to mind when talking about Latino singers such as Ricky Martin or Shakira who make music with great rhythm for dancing, which I like very much to do since age five.
On his arrival in the land of good people "French said:" As a singer I am very honored to be in Aguascalientes, arrived yesterday and I still have not been able to walk, the only thing I know is that it is hot and I would like to return Then to learn more things and maybe vacacionar.
Finally, on his goal as an artist, with his fluid Alizée speak impeccable French and said: "My main goal is to give a little joy and pleasure to people through my music, so I hope the public will continue to enjoy my work for long. I feel very fortunate to be able to sing for example in my language and that I opened the doors in so many countries as I am considering coming to Mexico. "
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Old 04-19-2009, 11:49 AM
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Someone may have mentioned this, but it turns out there was a bad train accident close to where she performed and she felt a bit funny performing as people were suffering during that. We know she's always been an emotional type, so that was getting to her during her performance.

Have not 100% verified this, but did see a youtube vid concerning it.
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Old 04-19-2009, 11:59 AM
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Oh Dear.
This dosen't sound good at all. When she hurts.....i hurt.
I think it's pointless speculating about what the problem was until something official is announced. It could be anything? Some simple problem or something not so simple. Whatever was wrong it is very worrying.
I just hope and pray that she is ok?
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Old 04-19-2009, 12:11 PM
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Hmmm, this is very bizarre . I hope we receive an explanation soon because it will constantly bug me until we do. Was she treated and received well at the concert?
Originally Posted by Joshimer View Post
Hi Alizee you're my hero. If you were a guy you'd have the most awesome mustache.
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Old 04-19-2009, 12:11 PM
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thx Ruroshen for your translation and google translater is better than nothing... interesting what she told about her next album... maybe we will hear some new songs soon... I hope it will be out in fall...

about that train accident... I don't know... it's just a rumour... but it's better that she was crying about this instead of crying about personal problems... okay, that's sounds harsh but I feel really sorry about all that people who were involved in this...

btw - I found a lot of pics on alizee latino but I can't post the link 'cause I don't have 5 posts! gosh! - but I see Ruroshen was faster... thx
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Old 04-19-2009, 12:25 PM
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Can we really trust Matrix?
D'oů est, d'oů vient l'homme, petit marcheur dans le réel?

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Old 04-19-2009, 12:26 PM
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Here is the video, but I don't really think that is why she was crying in the video she has different hair style then at the concert. In this video it is just a picture, some fan was probably showing Alizee's tears for the sad moment of the Mexicans that were injured during the train wreck, but who knows.
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Old 04-19-2009, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Toc De Mac View Post
Can we really trust Matrix?
hmm... he create stranger videos before so I'm not convinced that this isn't humbug...
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