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Old 06-29-2009, 09:32 PM
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When you look at it that way, it's an incredible story really.

'French singer makes it big in Mexico'

You couldn't make it up.
Another idea for any eBay sellers we have in the forum.
Anything i sell, to anywhere in the world, i always include a CD compilation.
Blank CD's are really inexpensive and if it even spreads the word to 1 person, i look on it as time well spent.
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Old 06-29-2009, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
I've been reading a few posts lately about what we, as a fan forum, and as individuals can do to raise the profile of Alizee especially in the USA. Or worldwide for those of us not in the USA.
It got me to thinking.
We all know that 'our girl' should be a worldwide megastar. But the fact is that she isn't.
Why then is she so popular in Mexico? What did she do in Mexico that she didn't do in e.g. Argentina or Brazil or anywhere else in South/Latin America?
Was she promoted in a different way? Was there something in particular that made Mexicans like an obscure French singer?
Was it simply 'La Isla Bonita'?
If that is true then why Alizee? Why not Lorie for example? Lorie has also 'played the Latin American card' with songs like 'Sur un air Latino' has she not? And there are a lot of similarities between what Lorie does and what Alizee does? So why did Mexico pick one over the other?
My point is that if we can pin down the reasons for her popularity in Mexico then the conditions for that popularity could, in theory, be replicated in the USA or anywhere else for that matter.
Any thoughts anyone?
Well, here's what I saw happened, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. During the time that we we're all introduced to Alizée, for the most part I'm referring to the old fans. When her videos we're still fresh on youtube and other video sites, as has been described by some of the Mexican fans. Her fans in Mexico did some serious promotion themselves. They requested and demanded her music be played at clubs and radio stations, all this prior to her return. They even posted on wiki that all her singles had been number ones in Mexico, I saw this in wiki for almost a year even few months before her new album came out.

Needless to say they we're so enthusiastic about it, that Alizée's team saw this as well as a lot of publicity that had been made of her during her absence. If you remember when she first came back the second video we saw of her was when she had a gathering with some of her old fans in France and they showed her looking at Mexican magazines towards the end. Like I said in another forum, her Mexican deal was no accident it was all planned.

Alizée's team saw the potential, they put it to the test and the result was very favorable. The only small problem I saw was that because Alizée was promoted with all her old performances (obviously this was all the Mexican had at the time), some where expecting to see her the same way. Something we need to keep in mind when we promote her.

Originally Posted by Ben View Post
Yeah. Though I think it's thanks to your media as well. That they were willing to listen to fan demand and play her stuff. Here it could be harder.

There's the language barrier (Mexico, and most countries for that matter, are more used to songs in another language - English!), stricter copyright laws and other legal issues (stations may not have the rights, or be unwilling to check if they do), and the media just being more closed-minded in general.

But yes, Alizée and her team followed her popularity to Mexico, they didn't create it. So likewise it will be up to us, not them, if we want to attempt the same thing here. She may help once the ball's rolling, but we'll have to start it.
You're right in your assessment Ben, radio stations here will not promote anything that's not recent so we couldn't have done the same as the Mexicans did prior to "Psychedelices", and there's that language difference as well.

Originally Posted by edgar93 View Post
I think that's a very important point Ben, wether the media of a whole nation is open minded or not.
Personally I think it's almost impossible to change a nation/country's mind. :/
I'm not saying we can't try.
Edgar you have very good points, but to be on the positive side USA has a big percentage of mixed nationalities now a days. I don't know what the percentage is but we could find out if it makes anyone feel better...

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Old 06-29-2009, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by edgar93 View Post
I think that's a very important point Ben, wether the media of a whole nation is open minded or not.
Personally I think it's almost impossible to change a nation/country's mind. :/
I'm not saying we can't try.
Yeah correct me if I'm wrong Edgar, but I get the impression that if 100 people emailed a Mexican station about a new foreign song, they'd at least check it out? Here well first you'd need like 10 times that number, and even then they still might ignore you because it's French.

Heh sorry, not trying to be a downer or discourage us from trying. Just saying it's going to be hard. There are artists who take the risk and put themselves out here, like Yelle (a French singer who recently had a US tour), for whom it's paid off... but it doesn't seem Alizée's like that.

Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
When you look at it that way, it's an incredible story really.

'French singer makes it big in Mexico'

You couldn't make it up.
Perhaps, though in a way it's a music industry cliche. I was talking about Spinal Tap during yesterday's podcast recording, and the end of that film (spoiler warning for those who haven't seen it!) sees the ailing band revived when one of their old singles suddenly (and inexplicably) hits the Japanese top 10!

Originally Posted by Jess View Post
Well, here's what I saw happened, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. During the time that we we're all introduced to Alizée, for the most part I'm referring to the old fans. When her videos we're still fresh on youtube and other video sites, as has been described by some of the Mexican fans. Her fans in Mexico did some serious promotion themselves. They requested and demanded her music be played at clubs and radio stations, all this prior to her return. They even posted on wiki that all her singles had been number ones in Mexico, I saw this in wiki for almost a year even few months before her new album came out.

Needless to say they we're so enthusiastic about it, that Alizée's team saw this as well as a lot of publicity that had been made of her during her absence. If you remember when she first came back the second video we saw of her was when she had a gathering with some of her old fans in France and they showed her looking at Mexican magazines towards the end. Like I said in another forum, her Mexican deal was no accident it was all planned.

Alizée's team saw the potential, they put it to the test and the result was very favorable. The only small problem I saw was that because Alizée was promoted with all her old performances (obviously this was all the Mexican had at the time), some where expecting to see her the same way. Something we need to keep in mind when we promote her.
That sounds about right as far as I know, Jess. Just a point to add: one group that first noticed Alizée's rising popularity in Mexico was her old record label, Universal. They put out both the "Tout Alizée" compilation and a domestic edition of "En Concert" before her return in 2007. How well those sold was probably another factor that alerted team Alizée to what was happening south of the border.
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Old 06-29-2009, 10:06 PM
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Well it's true Alizée had no intention of going to Mexico and there was no promotion there at first, but because of YouTube and the internet the Mexican fans found out about her and started getting her played in clubs and on the radio and finally she got popular enough for the media to do a story on her. It was surprising to her and her label, no one expected it, almost seemed like a sort of overnight explosion, but it took a lot of work and support from the Mexican fans. With the sort of attention she had sprung their it would be silly not to give them a show.

It seems a bit harder for the US, like there is something we can't break. We are so big and the fans are very split up. Also like many said we can't just go around forcing the music on people, that don't work its counter-productive, and word of mouth isn't going to be enough to get her to do a tour here. We need her to rise in clubs and hit the radio, and get people interested in her, the only problem is will the majority of people in the US want to listen to her? I know some foreign artist have been popular in the States but not many comparing to other countries where foreign, especially American music, is played quite often. The majority of the US is a bit closed minded to foreign music I think because of the big name artist we already have, not understanding the lyrics is a problem for many people, and the majority of people in the US seem be against the French (although this could be false or changing a bit, I mostly hear dumb jokes). If she is not willing to play clubs and small shows and spend a lot of time working and spending money to grow here (which I doubt she wants to nor would I ask that of her because even that may not work) we have to pick that job up and raise awareness ourselves, not an easy feat, to get to the US I almost feel like she has to shoot off like a rocket with the new album and become a big name again, then maybe the US would be an easier target and we could break her in. I don't mean to sour anyones coffee or say it isn't possible because it very well could be but its going to take a strong dedicated force and lots of work, and I am not really sure where to begin.

Originally Posted by Jess View Post
The only small problem I saw was that because Alizée was promoted with all her old performances (obviously this was all the Mexican had at the time), some where expecting to see her the same way. Something we need to keep in mind when we promote her.
Yeah I agree, it bothered me a little but like you said it was what they had, what they knew, but I think here she needs to be promoted how she is now, with her current style and music, people need to be at the shows to hear the new music and support it, thats her, thats her music, she needs people to cheer for her stuff, not the image and music made for her. Not that, that stuff wasn't great and she will play some of it, but people don't need a false image of her, I just think it would mean a lot to her that the fans are supportive of what she is doing now. I am not in anyway implying the Mexican fan base isn't supportive of her current music, I know many are, the media seemed to pick up MCE era though.

Originally Posted by Ben View Post
There are artists who take the risk and put themselves out here, like Yelle (a French singer who recently had a US tour), for whom it's paid off... but it doesn't seem Alizée's like that.
Well I think Yelle can do the clubs and things like that, because her music is like that, electro music is not really too mainstream like pop music, she is used to playing clubs and that kind of environment. I don't know about Alizée though, she has always been known and her music fits the big theatre's and t.v. shows, although her new music has some electro influence, not sure how she would do in the club/dance scene.

^ By the beautifully creative Amelie! Merci!

Last edited by Chommpers; 06-29-2009 at 11:58 PM..
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Old 06-30-2009, 06:21 AM
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I have been a fan of Alizée for over 5 years now. I have tried to get radio stations to listen to her CD's, etc.
The music business in this country thinks it is the end-all, be-all of all music business, which it is not.
However, it is the people in charge of the business that dictate who will be pushed and who will get air time. There is an artist in India who has sold more records then Michael Jackson, but we won't here them here.
It is all about the bottom line to these music executives, not artistry, talent, appeal, the "X" Factor, honesty, all of which Alizée has in huge amounts.

To these record people, they think she would not make them the money it would be worth to put forth the effort.

If Alizée had the appeal and sold the records in Europe that the Beatles used to sell when they first started, they might take a chance with her, but it would take massive amounts of demand by so many people that the record people would be forced to look at her and consider the possibilities.

Alizée herself said that she is not interested in coming here due to the way the industry is as a school of sharks, and for that reason, I cannot blame her one bit. Why should she have to put up with the crap other artists do just to make it here?! She does not want the hassles that come with being famous in the states, and I cannot blame her for being smart and estute enough to see that fact.

Personally, I think the music in the states, for the most part, sucks out loud. Groups are being thrown against the wall to see what sticks and the rest are thrown by the wayside.

I have listened to European pop since finding out about Alizée by a frend of mine from Europe, who made me aware of her long ago. While I play professionally, if I do not need to learn a piece of music from the states, I don't listen to it much at all. I try to get European stations on my work computer to listen too and mostly stations that would play Alizée. Other then that, I listen to Alizée on the forum's video listings.

I would just go crazy to be able to hear her in this country, but being in the industry, doing session work, and playing live, I have come to understand how it works here, and it sucks bigtime.

If I had the money, I would move to France to live, and become immersed in all things French. The states are fast becoming a second-class nation, and are not that well thought of by the rest of the world. While it isn't the fault of the people, but the fault of the government, it is going to take a lot more then what americans can do to get Alizée famous in this country, although I never stop trying to get people to listen to her.

Last edited by C-4; 06-30-2009 at 06:24 AM..
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Old 06-30-2009, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Ben View Post
Yeah correct me if I'm wrong Edgar, but I get the impression that if 100 people emailed a Mexican station about a new foreign song, they'd at least check it out? Here well first you'd need like 10 times that number, and even then they still might ignore you because it's French.
Oh yeah, that's totally right Ben. I would like to highlight this post from our friend RondasX. BTW, I never wanted to discourage anyone , that was just my opinion.

Originally Posted by RondasX
in 2005 when my pal showed me her i was captive and became part of the first administration of Alizée-México and we started to send e-mails with her photos and links to her videos untill a tv program aired her video January 12nd of 2006
It was the first generation of Alizée mexican fans who started it all, or most of it. I'd love to say that it's thanks to those guys that Alizée is successful in México .

Originally Posted by Jess
Edgar you have very good points, but to be on the positive side USA has a big percentage of mixed nationalities now a days. I don't know what the percentage is but we could find out if it makes anyone feel better...
oui, and that's a plus for us! When Karlalizee introduced herself she mentioned that many spanish guys were crazy about Alizée, back in her old town, if I'm not mistaken. I don't really know how the US is distributed in mixed nationalities, but I guess that Canada has a big percent or even bigger than the US.
I think the people in here would like Alizée, especially the new La Isla Bonita, I don't know why I think that, but once a friend of mine told me "that's gonna be a hit".
Canada also has a big percentage of french-speaking people, maybe they would like something new for them, but in their own language. Last time I was at Montreal I asked to almost everyone I could if they knew Alizée, but nobody did .
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Old 06-30-2009, 06:44 PM
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didn't Alizee state in an interview or something.. maybe i read it in a thread here, but it was basically saying that Alizee was hesistant about the US because working in the US music industry would be much much more time consuming, and would require her to be away from Paris and her family?

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Old 06-30-2009, 11:26 PM
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Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
didn't Alizee state in an interview or something.. maybe i read it in a thread here, but it was basically saying that Alizee was hesistant about the US because working in the US music industry would be much much more time consuming, and would require her to be away from Paris and her family?
She said that in a Fan De interview, back in the MCE days. I believe it is this one.

She called them "sharks".
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Old 07-01-2009, 05:08 PM
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Here is my .262 peso's (yes that equals 2 cents)

In reading this thread, something is bothering me about the underlying assumption. Here are a couple of examples:

Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
We all know that 'our girl' should be a worldwide megastar.
Originally Posted by Alex405687 View Post
yes it will be up to us, to complete this mission.
I hate to say this, but what if Alizee is just fine with her level of stardom. Maybe she has found the perfect balance in life. And our efforts, as noble as they are, would be in vein and contrary to her wishes.
Obviously no really knows what's rattling around her head. None of us are sitting down at the dinner table with her and chatting it up. But I think the question should be begged, Would any grassroots efforts to promote Alizee in the US be an exercise in futility?

And Ponder this, maybe what draws us all to her is her relative obscurity. What if she did saturate the American market? Would you not be afraid it may alter the reasons we all love her so much?

I believe a couple of recent posts have touched on her aversion.

Don't get me wrong, if she were to play a venue in my area, I would be there in the 1st row with "Ali" written on my shirt and "zee" on my wifes. But I would also still be perfectly at peace if she stayed the relatively obscure French singer she is today. Blessed to have been exposed to such an extraordinary individual

That's all I have to say about that.


Alizee is my Constant

Last edited by LL Cool B; 07-01-2009 at 05:16 PM..
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Old 07-01-2009, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by LL Cool B View Post
I hate to say this, but what if Alizee is just fine with her level of stardom. Maybe she has found the perfect balance in life. And our efforts, as noble as they are, would be in vein and contrary to her wishes.
Obviously no really knows what's rattling around her head. None of us are sitting down at the dinner table with her and chatting it up. But I think the question should be begged, Would any grassroots efforts to promote Alizee in the US be an exercise in futility?
One must also consider the wants and needs of her record company. They may have more to say about it than Alizée. They are the ones who more than likely make the decision as to whether or not they will promote and release her CD in any given market. Alizée probably has some input, but I expect she does not get the final say alone.

Concerts may be a different story and maybe more under her control. But either way, when you sign with someone, there are certain expectations and a surrendering of some control. Record companies exist to make money and I doubt if they are interested in working with artists that want to put limits on that. Having said that, I of course have no idea what her particular contract looks like.

If I had to guess, Alizée might be happy with limited or moderate success in the USA, but I don't think she wants to be the next craze sweeping the nation.
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