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Old 06-25-2009, 01:29 AM
SimonH SimonH is offline
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Never dreamed of Alizee & hope I never do because then I would have serious problems in my opinion.

My dreams are random & most I've had I can not recollect, but there is one I used to get often. I would be running down a dark torch lit dungeon corridor & never see or hear what I was running from, & the dream is in black and white. One other dream I had that I remember clearly is I was at a party and went to the bath room. While in the bath room a shadow like figure started choking me & I woke up because it felt like something really was choking me... even felt tiny bit like something had its hands around my neck once I was awake.

I'm sure I've had happy dreams but just can't remember them, and recently (like past 3 yrs or so) I've either not had dreams or just don't remember them.
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Old 06-25-2009, 05:46 PM
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Just a few days ago I dreamt that Alizée was doing a Bill Hicks stand-up routine. She looked exactly like she did in the A contra music-video but it was still Hicks’ voice. (S)he was talking about conspiracy theories and/or children. But I can’t really remember Hicks ever talking about children.

I think the dream came from an episode of ‘Penn & Teller: Bullshit’ wherein they were calling bullshit on conspiracy theories and one guy was quoting Bill Hicks.
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Old 06-25-2009, 10:12 PM
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I have some Alizee dreams but not gona say them here lol. But hte dreams I get often are of bombs going off and bullets flying around. Not sure why Im having these dreams but i do often, i guess its a nightmare form my past of somethig but Idk, i usualy suck it up and move on. Others are soccer dreams lol.
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Old 06-26-2009, 02:28 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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Originally Posted by Chommpers View Post
Well I had my first Alizée dream last night so I thought I would share it so I'm reviving this old thread. Anyway it started out with me in a decent sized theatre setting. The place had theatre seating but also a open area near the stage so people could get up and dance near the stage. The stage was elevated a little bit as well. Well me and many others were just standing around waiting for the show to start and just talking, it was a concert being held in America. Then all of a sudden Alizée walks out on stage before she was even supposed too, the band wasn't even on the stage yet. She has on a green outfit of some kind, don't ask me never seen it before, a little fuzzy on the outfit part, but I believe it looked pretty good on her, what doesn't, right? I was mostly focused on her face. Anyway she is current era Lili with the curly hair and she walks out and everyone is hoping and hollering and she jumps right off the stage to greet some of us early birds. As soon as she gets down there everyone swarms her and she gets a little scared and backs up a little and everyone notices so we all take some steps back too, then she reaches out her hand and shakes peoples hands and tells them thank you for coming to the show in broken english , I was second to shake her hand . I remember the first thing I said when she walked out was, "she is real." Man she looked so beautiful and I felt so happy just to see her. She was like a angel or someone from a different world but now here she was in the same room and I could see her, for real, not as pixels through my computer screen. It is crazy how real dreams can be and the emotions the can evoke, I was in a state of awe and shock, he she is. Then she ended up going back, back-stage after meeting us. I remember my brother being there and when I shook her hand and he yelled out, "Oh, Daniel is touching her." He teases me for being her fan, he is not but he was there for some reason, maybe because we are twins and pretty much go everywhere with each other, or because it was a dream lol . I also remember my brother being mesmerized by her as she left, kinda stunned by her beauty, I think. Then I looked around after she had left still in a state of awe, but ready to search out the people from the forums and asked if anyone from Alizée America forums was there and three people raised their hands. They were sitting in seats kinda far away so I shouted out asking who they were and the only name I was able to hear was Scruffydog. I was going to go up so I could meet the others, but then the dream ended. So that was it just a brief meeting in my dreams, would have been nice to watch her perform, but hopefully I can watch her do that for real one day.

see, i wish my dreams were coherent and logical like that.. mine just don't make sense, and jump all over the place.

like the only dream i've ever had with Alizee in it was one right before i went on an FTX..

and basically, i started out during a patrol in a jungle, then in a muddy road where one of my friends from Taekwondo was guarding as one of my squadmates was half buried in the mud, than suddenly teleported to countryside France with a small house off the only road there(guess who was at that house??)

then i ran into because it started raining, and I sat down at a table with Alizee while the only light source was some old fashioned candle lantern, and i kept asking her how it felt to be famous(weird thing is.. i don't think she spoke French or even english to me she just made sounds and i somehow understood them)

and then suddenly i was outside on the main road again looking at the house and it was sunny..

oh, and i think while i was in the house, it instantly became night..

maybe im actually insane?

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Old 07-04-2009, 12:58 AM
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I just had my first Alizée dream two days ago. I dreamt that I flew to Montreal for the kickoff of her first North American tour. The concert started but then there were technical problems and they asked everyone to step outside. The problem was fixed and then everyone went back in for the rest of the concert. What's odd is that I remembered all these details but not what songs she played.
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Old 07-04-2009, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by BrianB View Post
I dreamt that I flew to Montreal for the kickoff of her first North American tour.
Funny how your dream was so logicial. It would make sense for her to hit up the French-speaking parts of Canada, wouldn't it?
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Old 07-19-2009, 02:44 AM
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It was a month or so ago I had a nice dream with Alizée in it, then the next night I had a dream where I was with my long time sports idol.

So it was back to back nights where I dreamt of seeing the one female and one male I'd like to meet above all else. I've had some horrible dreams in the past but that more than made up for it.

Anybody else notice that there is an absolutely enormous distance between Alizée and the next woman they'd like to meet? It's that way for me at least. But for guys there is not as large of a distance between first and second, and a big list after that.
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Old 07-23-2009, 01:13 AM
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jeez this was my most realistic Alizée dream... well technically nightmare ever.

I just wokeup from dreaming about that North Korea shot all their nukes and one of them was going to hit my house and for some reason me and the 15 year old Alizée were the only people in my house, and the entire city. Later we heard on the radio that they were going to hit my house in t-minus 6 hours. So for the first hour we just hugged.... yeah.... then I stood up (interestingly enough, I spoke French the entire time) and said something (i dont remember, but it sounded legitimate) and it translated back to me as I had five hours to figure out how to save ourselves. I told her to look for anything heavy and flat in the house and she came back with my siblings.... I think I started crying or something and I told them to stay in the bedroom (which for some reason was in a basement which I dont have) and then.......... well has anybody ever seen the movie Léon/The Professional? Remember at the end when he goes nuts and takes out the wall and the fridge? I went into that frenzy and I ripped a huge slab of granite off my kitchen counter and started putting it on top of the bed.... Alizée looks at me like I'm a retard and I told her in perfect French (I said a verb for "restrain" which I didn't even know I knew, is there a French verb that sounds like "Guard" or "Garden"?) "G..... les enfants sous le lit !". *I'll take the liberty of cutting out what happened during the last two hours *.... and then I fall back into realization at t-minus 30 seconds to impact. I just sat on the couch with Alizée and we stared at eachother. Then I heard a loud crack and at the very last second I saw Alizée wink at me and then I woke up...............

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Last edited by user472884; 07-23-2009 at 12:15 PM..
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Old 07-23-2009, 10:16 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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ever wonder how creeped out Alizee would be if she read all of our dreams with her in it?

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Old 07-23-2009, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
ever wonder how creeped out Alizee would be if she read all of our dreams with her in it?
I'm sure it would result in quite a few restraining orders... 'specially had I not cut out a certain part of my dream
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