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Old 08-17-2009, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
i forget what happens in the Iron Giant.. can ya refresh my memory?

i thought Wall-E was especially sad, (spoiler alert if you haven't seen it yet!) i thought the poor guy died when he was holding up that one button thingy on the ship! though moe made it more comical, thus bearable.
In "The Iron Giant", a 50 foot tall robot crash lands on Earth and although a couple people spot him, nobody believes them. When a little boy stumbles upon him in the woods, they become fast friends and he teaches the giant some words and learns that the giant can feel emotion and is very loving, he just comes off as scary physically. Unfortunetly, the government just sees him as dangerous and goes on a mission to kill him, and this young boy does wherever he can to stop them for destroying his best friend.

Oh BTW, i finally bought and watched "Amelie". Fantastic cinematography (up there with "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"), very charming and original. And how cute is Audrey Tautou? Lots of goodies on Disc 2 as well.

I wrote a review of Amelie for Amazon.com. Tell me you guys think. Critque my reviews!

A woman without love wilts like a flower without sun: Amelie Review

From director Jean-Pierre Jeunet comes the charming romantic comedy "Amelie", a film that greatly transcends it's genre. Romantic Comedies are a dime a dozen here in the States, but Jeunet has crafted a very quirky, fun and visually pleasing film that delivers comedy and romance both in spades without ever feeling cheesy or familiar.

Amelie Poulain is a shy and reserved 23 year old girl who had a rather odd childhood. Her mother was killed when a suicide jumper landed on her and father, though a good provider and kind person, never showed Amelie much affection, erroneously diagnosing her with a heart condition and having her home shooled. Truth be told, Amelie's heart would race when her father would medically examine her, leading him to believe she had a heart condition. In reality, affection was what cause her excitement.

Fast forward to 1997. Amelie has a flat all to herself, and desires a relationship but due to bad luck in the past has all but given up on them. She works in a small cafe in town with a group of eccentric co-workers, but she goes home alone to her cat each night. Amelie is lonely, but too shy to go out and meet people. She feels it's time for a change in her life, but she feels things will happen on their own.

One morning, Amelie hears of the death of Princess Diana on television and, in shock, she drops in the cap of a perfume bottle. The cap rolls toward a tile on the lower wall and knocks it down, revealing a space inside, where a rusty box of momentos lies. She feels the need to return it to it's owner, now a middle aged man, and when he recieves it he feels so much joy that Amelie, satisfied by her good deed, goes on a mission. Do good deeds for others to bring a little happiness to their lives. However, karma does come her way when she finds an interesting scrapbook that a man leaves behind at a photo booth. Through this book, she develops an infatuation with this man. Is he the one she needs to fill the empty romantic void in her own life?

Amelie is a stylish and colorful fairytale romp, well-crafted and smart without coming across as pretentious. The colors and settings are bright and vivid, and make you long to be in the city of Paris. The film goes inside Amelie's always-daydreaming mind. The viewer enters a world where televisions, and other inanimate objects, talk to you. The pixie-like nature of Amelie, played by the beautiful Audrey Tatou, is a perfect fit for this eccentric character. The cinematography is breathtaking, bringing to mind the vivid colors and atmosphere of 'Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas", but with less acid of course. It all feels like a dream, a setting so perfect and surreal it dosen't feel realistic, but that's what cinema is about. "Amelie" is a 2 hour escape into a the title characters world with everything is serene and perfect, and it's a mighty enjoyable ride.

There's a timeless feel to "Amelie", it's a feel-good film that makes the viewer feel hopeful. The musical score by Yann Tierson fits the images like a glove and is very memorable and unique. This is one of those rare films where everything just falls into place. I highly recommend it to any fan of cinema, regardless of taste. When you invite Amelie into your world, she won't be forgotten. Like she did for the characters in the film, she might just change your life. After all, theres a little Amelie Poulain in all of us.

5/5 Stars

Last edited by puffyrock2; 08-17-2009 at 06:24 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 08-17-2009, 07:47 PM
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I just finished watching the French Film "The Class" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Class_%282008_film%29
It was a great film about a French teacher who has a very disrespectful class of french students he has to teach. The students refuse to learn or listen an allow the teacher to do his job. The film is in french, but has an English option. (you hear everything in English and there are sub tittles at the bottom so those of you who dont like to read sub titles you dont have to worry, you can still watch this film)
Both my parents are New York City teachers so I hear them talk all the time about their students, so when I was watching this film I was really able to relate to the teacher's perspective. It just goes to show you, kids are the same everywhere (even in Paris, where the film takes place) always disrespectful to their teachers, which is just so disgusting these days!


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Old 08-18-2009, 12:08 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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Originally Posted by puffyrock2 View Post
In "The Iron Giant", a 50 foot tall robot crash lands on Earth and although a couple people spot him, nobody believes them. When a little boy stumbles upon him in the woods, they become fast friends and he teaches the giant some words and learns that the giant can feel emotion and is very loving, he just comes off as scary physically. Unfortunetly, the government just sees him as dangerous and goes on a mission to kill him, and this young boy does wherever he can to stop them for destroying his best friend.

OH! now i remember!! doesn't he like fly out to stop a comet or a missile or something? then gets all blown up.. gets a statue of him and such, even though the ending clip shows him sorta self regenerating??

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Old 08-18-2009, 01:31 AM
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Originally Posted by puffyrock2 View Post
One of my favorite animated flicks that always gets me a little choked up.

I've seen it several times because it's my favorite 90s animated movie but it still gets me chocked up every time I see it.

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
I just finished watching the French Film "The Class" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Class_%282008_film%29
It was a great film about a French teacher who has a very disrespectful class of french students he has to teach.
I saw that back in February and I completely agree -- it's a terrific movie. One of my friends is a high school teacher and her stories sound just like what I saw in this movie.

Anyway, as to movies currently in US theaters, I just saw Ponyo last night. Although it was a little more "kid oriented" than Hayao Miyazaki's more recent movies I still thought it was great and I highly recommend it. Besides, how can you not like a movie about somone falling in love with a goldfish.

Next up for me are The Hurt Locker and District 9, which I hope to see this weekend.

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Old 08-18-2009, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by BrianB View Post
I've seen it several times because it's my favorite 90s animated movie but it still gets me chocked up every time I see it.

I saw that back in February and I completely agree -- it's a terrific movie. One of my friends is a high school teacher and her stories sound just like what I saw in this movie.

Anyway, as to movies currently in US theaters, I just saw Ponyo last night. Although it was a little more "kid oriented" than Hayao Miyazaki's more recent movies I still thought it was great and I highly recommend it. Besides, how can you not like a movie about somone falling in love with a goldfish.

Next up for me are The Hurt Locker and District 9, which I hope to see this weekend.

District 9 is a great, great movie. Very worthy of the praise it's getting. The only complaints I have with it is that there are some VERY cliched scenes in there, as well as the main character being a massive guffhead at times. Oh well, though, overall it's a very good movie.

Also, the Hurt Locker I hear is a good movie if you pretend it takes place in an alternate dimension where the US Military doesn't have any sort of standards and everybody ignores operational procedures.

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Old 08-18-2009, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
OH! now i remember!! doesn't he like fly out to stop a comet or a missile or something? then gets all blown up.. gets a statue of him and such, even though the ending clip shows him sorta self regenerating??
Exactly right. He flies towards a missile which, if it hit the town, would kill everyone. His components start to come back together at the end.
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Old 08-18-2009, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Fyrel View Post

Also, the Hurt Locker I hear is a good movie if you pretend it takes place in an alternate dimension where the US Military doesn't have any sort of standards and everybody ignores operational procedures.
Hurt locker was good! i dunno about the alternate dimension thingy though, the military, while is strict on regulations and procedures.. i don't think is as robotic and well oiled as it comes out to be in most movies.

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Old 08-18-2009, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
Hurt locker was good! i dunno about the alternate dimension thingy though, the military, while is strict on regulations and procedures.. i don't think is as robotic and well oiled as it comes out to be in most movies.
I herd great things about it too, ill probably go to see it
I saw that back in February and I completely agree -- it's a terrific movie. One of my friends is a high school teacher and her stories sound just like what I saw in this movie.
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I wasn’t in high school not too long ago (im now a sophomore in college) and kids act the same way. No matter where you are, kids just dont want to learn and take it out on the teachers


Last edited by Future Raptor Ace; 08-18-2009 at 10:32 PM..
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Old 08-18-2009, 11:29 PM
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Watched District 9 I tought it was preaty good.
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Old 08-23-2009, 03:00 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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very nice movie. i loved it! but of course, its tarintino, so its quirky and such.

BUT, i dunno if its cuz of Alizee and my now open hearted nature towards the French.. but that one french girl was stunning! omg. beautiful. her nose sorta reminded me of Alizee. (Only cuz Alizee said that her nose was her favorite body part!)


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