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Old 08-31-2009, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Little Corsican Cutie View Post

This is the only thing that really offended me,except some bullshit that "rocket" said about how she met Alizee which I know for a fact isn't true. "My humps" isn't about "female empowerment",as the title is self explantory. Music is only a subjective view to a point. There is no reason to defend trashy songs,or music - no matter what genre it is! The blackeyed sleaze would never be missed if they fell off the face of the earth! There are also a few dozen others that could do the same,and no one would miss them for a single second!

Just because you sing about spreading your legs,that doesn't empower females,or femininity(I hope I spelled that right),but rather positive role models,and upright attitudes towards females,not sex objects! I think my english is good enough that all can understand what I'm saying. I shouldn't have to defend myself here against any opposition. I adore Alizee,and anyone thinking that it's funny that she sing another ones' song - isn't really helping further her cause any,and makes it hard for me to take this site seriously. It's difficult enough to get any of my friends interested in Alizee,and jokes make it even more so. Most of this stuff here is off-topic musically,and just assumptions about her in general,and I don't understand why this site keeps going when there is nothing that can be considered information on her -except when a song is on a website,or when a new album is released.
I agree with you. I've met a lot of people who like Alizée just for her good looks. And I'm really proud she never went nude or anything of that sort. And if your friends don't like Alizée it's a loss for them in my opinion. That's what I tell all my friends anyways.
"J'aime les garçons à être doux et aimant. Mais la qualité la plus importante pour moi est la fidélité. Un garçon infidèle n'est pas un garçon pour moi." -Alizée
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Old 08-31-2009, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Little Corsican Cutie View Post
Actually,that's not even remotely funny! Was it funny when she was singing las isla bonita? That "song" you're referring to is nothing but sexual innuendo,and is VULGAR! I've heard it only once,and it was one time to many!
Okay, it's vulgar. That's you.
Ask Alizée ifshe likes it or not, she might or might not. She's got her own opinion, you're not her opinion. Understand?

Originally Posted by Little Corsican Cutie
NO - it isn't! The meaning is perfectly clear! It's not up to you to decide what another person likes,or dislikes,or what meaning a song written by someone else is! I'm not here to fight,but there are a lot of stupid comments on here that don't promote either Alizee',or any website like this with " What do you think is her favourite colour?" These are only suppositions,or assumptions rather,and are off topic. I iunderstand what sarcasm is,but a lot of this is just silly! Keep those comments in an off-topic thread,and not a general discussion thread like this one. You are most certainly entitled to your opinion,but I'm not going to" go back to the state where I came from" because your uncomfortable with my comments! There's no fabrication there - mate! I happen to have a little more information than a lot of you here think you do. I won't share it,as most of it is confidential,and entrusted not to be shared with the rest of the world. I'll share what I can,and forget the rest.
Obviously you're here to argue a bit against the way this forum is handled.
Before your little tail traveled along we did fine, we lived in harmony, unlike other forums who've had rebellions and straight out bash wars.

These so called "stupid comments" are every individual forum member's form of self-expression, it's how I, we, identify them from the rest. Do you expect everyone here to be sheep posting something like "Oh my god beautiful Alizee hair" on every post on a thread to discuss that?
NO! We've got Ruro busting out his chops, Ben providing insight, Wasabi showing his new bug bite, etc.
It's the interesting little tidbits of this site that makes it fun and interesting, you're trying to tell us that we should run each thread like an Iron Curtain.
So what if it goes off-topic, it goes off-topic for a reason, there's nothing else to discuss. You expect 5000 pages on a thread discussing what's Alizée's favorite song?
You're being incoherent, and i'm sorry to say it.
I tell you go back to your previous state not because i'm uncomfrotable with your comments, but that you're being uncomfortable with ours, eh?

There are suppositions and assumptions because nobody can prevent them from being said. Suppositions, Assumptions, Opinions, and Guesses are part of the human psyche. IF you look full well into history, you best not supress that.

Okay so you've got information, get this, I don't give a fuck.
I don't need information, i'm fine perfectly where I am, just a passive fan.
Now the fact you're using that as an argumentative tool says your desperate to win a war of words.
Get this: There are a lot of people here with information also..

Originally Posted by Little Corsican Cutie
This is the only thing that really offended me,except some bullshit that "rocket" said about how she met Alizee which I know for a fact isn't true. "My humps" isn't about "female empowerment",as the title is self explantory. Music is only a subjective view to a point. There is no reason to defend trashy songs,or music - no matter what genre it is! The blackeyed sleaze would never be missed if they fell off the face of the earth! There are also a few dozen others that could do the same,and no one would miss them for a single second!
Rocket happens to be a great member by the way, because she has a sense of humor, ever heard of it?
She might not have met Alizée, but that was a "joke", unless your little irises didn't catch that fact.

Yes "My Humps" isn't an empowerment of the female form, it is a sleazy song, but you know why it was written? Because it was written to sell.
It may not be a good song, and that I can agree, I despise mainstream, but the thing is that it sold.
You've got an elitist view on music, almost tyrannical, of course I accept, that is what you've got going on in your mentality, that the sleazy songs should die, that the writers of such sleazy songs are not given one care about.

Unfortunately in TODAY'S world, which you live in, i'm sorry to say:
Those sleazy artists are the ones every half-assed retard loves, and i'm not so sorry to say that there are a lot of half-assed retards. Today's youth will be pissing their pants more over Lady Gaga's death rather than if Jason Becker were to drop dead right now.

Originally Posted by Little Corsican Cutie
Just because you sing about spreading your legs,that doesn't empower females,or femininity(I hope I spelled that right),but rather positive role models,and upright attitudes towards females,not sex objects! I think my english is good enough that all can understand what I'm saying. I shouldn't have to defend myself here against any opposition. I adore Alizee,and anyone thinking that it's funny that she sing another ones' song - isn't really helping further her cause any,and makes it hard for me to take this site seriously. It's difficult enough to get any of my friends interested in Alizee,and jokes make it even more so. Most of this stuff here is off-topic musically,and just assumptions about her in general,and I don't understand why this site keeps going when there is nothing that can be considered information on her -except when a song is on a website,or when a new album is released.
Covering songs is fun.
When you're an artist of decent fame you'd want to cover your favorite artist's songs every now and then, as a tribute, because you love that song.
Hell performing a cover song is more fun than performing your own song, and that I know all too well.

Don't take this site seriously then, seriously, if you don't like it, the way it's run, it's content, go to the many other Alizée forums out there.
YOU are not held here by your hands, there are other places, go to it, see if they float your boat.
Difficult to get your friends into Alizée? Join the rest of the party over there (points to the rest of the fucking forum*)

This site keeps going because of the off-topic and the assumptions.
If there was nothing to talk about but during her musical activeness, this would be a pretty fucking dead forum.
If you haven't noticed, she likes her breaks, and she likes them long.
With all the interesting things this forum holds you get to really see how people are, and you may even make a new friend along the way, ever try that?

You expect Alizée to be an artist that just has something new everyday, well she's one of those artists that doesn't have something new everyday. Most of the year it's just waiting, anticipating, boredom in the halls. She isn't communicating, she isn't promoting her shit every day, and we can't cover it.
If she did, this place would at least have more active members, because she's taking the time to get MORE FANS, and therefore with such promotions, we can have more discussions relevant to the ones you OH so LOVE!

So once again. I state.
Have a nice day, hope your life goes on well.
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."
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Old 08-31-2009, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Jalen View Post
do you mean kinda like a weak growl?
Yes, exactly. For example, here she does it at around 9:21 when she says "Réellement."

D'où est, d'où vient l'homme, petit marcheur dans le réel?

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Old 08-31-2009, 06:59 PM
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Okay, it's vulgar. That's you.
Ask Alizée ifshe likes it or not, she might or might not. She's got her own opinion, you're not her opinion. Understand?
That's not what either of us ever said. This is what YOU assume! I just said she would never sing something so trashy. I suppose that you think you're her voice of opinion?

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Obviously you're here to argue a bit against the way this forum is handled.
Before your little tail traveled along we did fine, we lived in harmony, unlike other forums who've had rebellions and straight out bash wars.

These so called "stupid comments" are every individual forum member's form of self-expression, it's how I, we, identify them from the rest. Do you expect everyone here to be sheep posting something like "Oh my god beautiful Alizee hair" on every post on a thread to discuss that?
NO! We've got Ruro busting out his chops, Ben providing insight, Wasabi showing his new bug bite, etc.
It's the interesting little tidbits of this site that makes it fun and interesting, you're trying to tell us that we should run each thread like an Iron Curtain.
Again you're assuming because you're obviously offended by my comments,and not because you have a legitimate point to make. How is any of that Alizee related,and helping to further her career? I've seen a few of these bashings on here too - this forum's not exempt from disharmony,especially since the RA here thinks no one should disagree with him!
Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
So what if it goes off-topic, it goes off-topic for a reason, there's nothing else to discuss. You expect 5000 pages on a thread discussing what's Alizée's favorite song?
You're being incoherent, and i'm sorry to say it.
I tell you go back to your previous state not because i'm uncomfrotable with your comments, but that you're being uncomfortable with ours, eh?
I aleady stated that I didn't agree before. Are you reading all that I said,or are you skipping over the parts that you don't find interesting? I'm right on the money,not incoherent at all. You understood everything I wrote so far - right?

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
There are suppositions and assumptions because nobody can prevent them from being said. Suppositions, Assumptions, Opinions, and Guesses are part of the human psyche. IF you look full well into history, you best not supress that.
Um....Wrong again! That's not part of my psyche. I find out what I want to know. I don't guess,in my line of work - that can get you killed,and cost a lot of money. I see that you're trying desparately to get me to agree with you to save face with all these other people on here because they know you right? Assumptions,opinions,suppositions,and guessed have killed nations - look at the Romans,and the Japanese.
Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Okay so you've got information, get this, I don't give a fuck.
I don't need information, i'm fine perfectly where I am, just a passive fan.
Now the fact you're using that as an argumentative tool says your desperate to win a war of words.
As you are also.
Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Get this: There are a lot of people here with information also...
Get this tough guy - Just because you say it - that doesn't mean that it's the truth,only your opinion. I have information that you'd kill for,but that's not the point I was trying to make. Now you've gone off topic,and wasted a lot of bandwidth for others of this forum by continuing your fight with me because you disagree with me. Your not the sole voice of the forum,and you don't speak for everyone here! I was only stating my opinion,and it's obvious that you,and the previous poster are the most offended,and must be kids. You both act like it,as your posts are disrespectful,and unneccessary for all the other members here,especially since this is an Alizee forum! They neither provide any insight,nor do they convince me that this "is a good thing" as you've so eloquently told me. Haven't you wondered why everyone seems to overlook this fight,except you,and one other?

You're making a mockery of this site,and a fool of yourself at the same time! Take this to heart. I stated an OPINION,and you act like I shot your cat. I meant no harm,as I have seen a few "bash wars"as you put it (correctly called "flaming")on this site from a lot of members. Just because I'm new here,that doesn't give you full authority to say hateful,derogatory,and vulgar things to me! Rise above yourself,as you seem to be stuck on the idea that you're always right,even when wrong. It's OK to talk about things that are off-topic,just not on someone elses thread,or outside the off-topic catagory. Be organised with your thoughts,and the rest of the forum will be easier to follow.

I've been lurking here for three years off,and on looking to see some kind of spark of interest that might be able to help in some small way for the cause of Alizee,but stupid arguements,and all the off-topic chatter like this keep it from doing so!

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Rocket happens to be a great member by the way, because she has a sense of humor, ever heard of it?
She might not have met Alizée, but that was a "joke", unless your little irises didn't catch that fact.
It wasn't funny. I do have a sense of humour,but not a distorted one. Your irises don't catch anything,just your retinas.
Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Yes "My Humps" isn't an empowerment of the female form, it is a sleazy song, but you know why it was written? Because it was written to sell.
It may not be a good song, and that I can agree, I despise mainstream, but the thing is that it sold.
That's because the music industry moguls are always trying to see what garbage they can push on kids that have no sense of appreciation for good music that isn't racist,sexist,sexually provocative(sleazy),or political in any way!
Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
You've got an elitist view on music, almost tyrannical, of course I accept, that is what you've got going on in your mentality, that the sleazy songs should die, that the writers of such sleazy songs are not given one care about.
You've gleaned all that I know,and feel about music just from one post? You don't even know one thing about what type of music I listen to,much less what attitude I have of it! So you think that you're a professor of music,and psychology now? YOU are making this a very unwelcoming site,and disrespectfully so,as if YOU OWN IT,and I have no right to disagree with your unrealistic view of the world around you!

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Unfortunately in TODAY'S world, which you live in, i'm sorry to say:
Those sleazy artists are the ones every half-assed retard loves, and i'm not so sorry to say that there are a lot of half-assed retards. Today's youth will be pissing their pants more over Lady Gaga's death rather than if Jason Becker were to drop dead right now.
I thought that Jason Becker died of Lou Gherigs' disease in the early ninties. I guess I'm wrong(openly admitted).

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Covering songs is fun.
When you're an artist of decent fame you'd want to cover your favorite artist's songs every now and then, as a tribute, because you love that song.
Hell performing a cover song is more fun than performing your own song, and that I know all too well.
No "covering" songs is EASY! If you truly believe that playing someone elses songs is more fun,then you're no kind of musician.

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Don't take this site seriously then, seriously, if you don't like it, the way it's run, it's content, go to the many other Alizée forums out there.
YOU are not held here by your hands, there are other places, go to it, see if they float your boat.
Difficult to get your friends into Alizée? Join the rest of the party over there (points to the rest of the fucking forum*)

This site keeps going because of the off-topic and the assumptions.
If there was nothing to talk about but during her musical activeness, this would be a pretty fucking dead forum.
If you haven't noticed, she likes her breaks, and she likes them long.
With all the interesting things this forum holds you get to really see how people are, and you may even make a new friend along the way, ever try that? .
The forum I left did that. This is why it was off-line for over a year,and when it came back - it was missing a lot of the original content,and member along with it. All the off-topic talk killed it,as it lost interest. Comments like yours are helping to kill the joy of the internet - which wasn't invented for pissing matches.

Covering,or ramaking(as is known in the music business)is bullshit! The original writer,or performer(musician)already established the feeling,and the intent of the song when originally recorded!

Like Eddie Van Halen said -

"Fuck the cover tunes - I've done enough covers! They say that if you make it with an already proven hit that you're half way there. That's bullshit! You're not there! I'd rather bomb with my own songs,than make it with someone elses."

I'm a musician with over twenty seven years of musical experience(longer than most of the members here have been alive),and I've recorded with a lot of people in my day,and cover tunes are easy. Just trying to write your own tunes is hard enough - let alone trying to write for other people that you don't even know!

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
You expect Alizée to be an artist that just has something new everyday, well she's one of those artists that doesn't have something new everyday..
I never said she did.

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
Most of the year it's just waiting, anticipating, boredom in the halls. She isn't communicating, she isn't promoting her shit every day, and we can't cover it.
If she did, this place would at least have more active members, because she's taking the time to get MORE FANS, and therefore with such promotions, we can have more discussions relevant to the ones you OH so LOVE!

So once again. I state.
Have a nice day, hope your life goes on well.
You think her music's shit? I'm not a fan of all her material,but I'd never say anything like that! I'm not against you,as I personally don't know you. You're obviously taking all that I say very hard. I'm sorry that you were so offended that you felt you had to rant on my account! This is an Alizee music appreciation site,or am I wrong? If this is an Alizee appreciation site,then I stand corrected. I think that it's best that we go back to the original topic,and leave the bashing,or flaming to PMs,so that the other members here can TRY to enjoy posting whatever they may in this thread.

I just want to ask this one question without having my ass handed to me: If Alizee were ugly - would anyone here(including myself)be so adoring?
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Old 08-31-2009, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Little Corsican Cutie View Post
I just want to ask this one question without having my ass handed to me: If Alizee were ugly - would anyone here(including myself)be so adoring?
Rhetorical: isn't that the type of discussion you're against? Anyway yes, please do take this to PM. And my suggestion is if you don't like off-topic, stick to the news section. That's why we divide them.
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Old 08-31-2009, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Little Corsican Cutie View Post
That's not what either of us ever said. This is what YOU assume! I just said she would never sing something so trashy. I suppose that you think you're her voice of opinion?

Again you're assuming because you're obviously offended by my comments,and not because you have a legitimate point to make. How is any of that Alizee related,and helping to further her career? I've seen a few of these bashings on here too - this forum's not exempt from disharmony,especially since the RA here thinks no one should disagree with him!
I aleady stated that I didn't agree before. Are you reading all that I said,or are you skipping over the parts that you don't find interesting? I'm right on the money,not incoherent at all. You understood everything I wrote so far - right?

Um....Wrong again! That's not part of my psyche. I find out what I want to know. I don't guess,in my line of work - that can get you killed,and cost a lot of money. I see that you're trying desparately to get me to agree with you to save face with all these other people on here because they know you right? Assumptions,opinions,suppositions,and guessed have killed nations - look at the Romans,and the Japanese.
As you are also.
Get this tough guy - Just because you say it - that doesn't mean that it's the truth,only your opinion. I have information that you'd kill for,but that's not the point I was trying to make. Now you've gone off topic,and wasted a lot of bandwidth for others of this forum by continuing your fight with me because you disagree with me. Your not the sole voice of the forum,and you don't speak for everyone here! I was only stating my opinion,and it's obvious that you,and the previous poster are the most offended,and must be kids. You both act like it,as your posts are disrespectful,and unneccessary for all the other members here,especially since this is an Alizee forum! They neither provide any insight,nor do they convince me that this "is a good thing" as you've so eloquently told me. Haven't you wondered why everyone seems to overlook this fight,except you,and one other?

You're making a mockery of this site,and a fool of yourself at the same time! Take this to heart. I stated an OPINION,and you act like I shot your cat. I meant no harm,as I have seen a few "bash wars"as you put it (correctly called "flaming")on this site from a lot of members. Just because I'm new here,that doesn't give you full authority to say hateful,derogatory,and vulgar things to me! Rise above yourself,as you seem to be stuck on the idea that you're always right,even when wrong. It's OK to talk about things that are off-topic,just not on someone elses thread,or outside the off-topic catagory. Be organised with your thoughts,and the rest of the forum will be easier to follow.

I've been lurking here for three years off,and on looking to see some kind of spark of interest that might be able to help in some small way for the cause of Alizee,but stupid arguements,and all the off-topic chatter like this keep it from doing so!

It wasn't funny. I do have a sense of humour,but not a distorted one. Your irises don't catch anything,just your retinas.
That's because the music industry moguls are always trying to see what garbage they can push on kids that have no sense of appreciation for good music that isn't racist,sexist,sexually provocative(sleazy),or political in any way!
You've gleaned all that I know,and feel about music just from one post? You don't even know one thing about what type of music I listen to,much less what attitude I have of it! So you think that you're a professor of music,and psychology now? YOU are making this a very unwelcoming site,and disrespectfully so,as if YOU OWN IT,and I have no right to disagree with your unrealistic view of the world around you!

I thought that Jason Becker died of Lou Gherigs' disease in the early ninties. I guess I'm wrong(openly admitted).

No "covering" songs is EASY! If you truly believe that playing someone elses songs is more fun,then you're no kind of musician.

The forum I left did that. This is why it was off-line for over a year,and when it came back - it was missing a lot of the original content,and member along with it. All the off-topic talk killed it,as it lost interest. Comments like yours are helping to kill the joy of the internet - which wasn't invented for pissing matches.

Covering,or ramaking(as is known in the music business)is bullshit! The original writer,or performer(musician)already established the feeling,and the intent of the song when originally recorded!

Like Eddie Van Halen said -

"Fuck the cover tunes - I've done enough covers! They say that if you make it with an already proven hit that you're half way there. That's bullshit! You're not there! I'd rather bomb with my own songs,than make it with someone elses."

I'm a musician with over twenty seven years of musical experience(longer than most of the members here have been alive),and I've recorded with a lot of people in my day,and cover tunes are easy. Just trying to write your own tunes is hard enough - let alone trying to write for other people that you don't even know!

I never said she did.

You think her music's shit? I'm not a fan of all her material,but I'd never say anything like that! I'm not against you,as I personally don't know you. You're obviously taking all that I say very hard. I'm sorry that you were so offended that you felt you had to rant on my account! This is an Alizee music appreciation site,or am I wrong? If this is an Alizee appreciation site,then I stand corrected. I think that it's best that we go back to the original topic,and leave the bashing,or flaming to PMs,so that the other members here can TRY to enjoy posting whatever they may in this thread.

I just want to ask this one question without having my ass handed to me: If Alizee were ugly - would anyone here(including myself)be so adoring?

holy frick. all this just because i jokingly suggested Alizee sing my humps?

really? my one suggestion drives you this crazy?

Originally Posted by Little Corsican Cutie View Post

You're making a mockery of this site,and a fool of yourself at the same time! Take this to heart. I stated an OPINION,and you act like I shot your cat. I meant no harm,as I have seen a few "bash wars"as you put it (correctly called "flaming")on this site from a lot of members. Just because I'm new here,that doesn't give you full authority to say hateful,derogatory,and vulgar things to me! Rise above yourself,as you seem to be stuck on the idea that you're always right,even when wrong. It's OK to talk about things that are off-topic,just not on someone elses thread,or outside the off-topic catagory. Be organised with your thoughts,and the rest of the forum will be easier to follow.
i find that statement quite ironic coming from you.

after all, aren't you the one throwing a hissy fit to one of my simple OPINIONs?

Last edited by wasabi622; 08-31-2009 at 07:48 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 08-31-2009, 07:59 PM
pepelepew pepelepew is offline
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The video killed the audio star! Many of the mainstream music artists of today would have never made it before the advent of the video. I'm not sure that I can be objective enough regarding Alizee. Her physical personna and personality is such a big part of her as an artist that it would be hard to imagine just listening to her music like in the days before video. I can't speak French and I rely on others interpretations to know what little I know. I do know her voice is very unique and captivating in a way that I don't care what the lyrics are. I really don't care what a musicians opinion is on anything anyway. I respect the instrument of their voice and or other instruments, the power and melody only. I love many different genre's of music, but I am not interested in the technical side of it or even the personal lives of musicians. I listen for pleasure and anything else is too much like work.
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Old 08-31-2009, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Ben View Post
Anyway yes, please do take this to PM.
Btw, this goes for everyone.
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Old 08-31-2009, 10:52 PM
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hopefully we can move on from the above argument, lets just forget it ever happened.

anyways, back to TDM's answer to my question. i noticed from the FunTV interview you mentioned that she pronounced the word differently. maybe she did have an accent back in the day, but since its been a while, she probably has lost it . but its all good, there is still her lovely accent when speaking in english!
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Old 08-31-2009, 10:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Ben View Post
Btw, this goes for everyone.
anything that can be said in PM can be said here as it obviously is something that someone has a problem with and could better the forum he may have something to say that may improve things here or someone else may have such a solution

besides I think you know me well enough by now

Last edited by jung_adore_ALIZEE; 08-31-2009 at 11:30 PM..
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