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Old 09-14-2009, 11:55 AM
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Exclamation Send Me a Sign (ature)!

Lather, Rinse, Repeat...

Originally Posted by Chuck View Post

sign a piece of paper, then scan it, then e-mail me the scan.
or draw your sig on the computer, then e-mail me that.

Either option is ok by me, but personally, I'd rather your sigs NOT be the same as your online sigs. (Any objections to that?)

It's also on my profile, but here's my e-mail: bongovideo@tds.net **

Just e-send some sort of graphic, and I'll gladly do my best to incorporate it! (Probably without staples, too. Paste?)

Oh, btw,
I'M ABOUT TO SET A DEADLINE FOR THIS PROJECT. End of the month? Sooner? Feedback, anyone?

So keep those ideas flowing!

While I'm at it, I want to throw a new "suggestion" out there, to possibly be added to the letter/list:

(I'm not saying I want this, I'm only saying it would help CD sales)
What if she just did her entire albums, as she likes (mostly or all in French), then released English-only and Spanish-only versions also? - Exactly the same, but all the lyrics of all the songs replaced with Spanish or English? (I hope I'm not suggesting blasphemy here...) I don't think it sound too crazy - In fact, a lot of Americans, once interested in Alizee, would want to buy discs in English and French! Maybe that would be the same for England, Canada, Mexico, S.A., too?

Comments? Anyone seconding that motion?
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Old 09-14-2009, 12:36 PM
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I am really excited that we are making this planned project a soon reality. By Chuck introducing this new idea and especially setting up a deadline for this project; it means we are serious and take another step and shot in communicating and proting Alizee in America.
I also like the signature idea; although I suggest a reminder or "memo" be posted so all members possible may know and be part of this( the more sign. The better!)
Other two suggestions
-if we have the AA logo done before the letter sent out; we could print it in the corner of the envelope, to make it more presentable and outstanding.
-Also if you guys agree to it why not send some Alizee America stadistics such as; showing how many total members we are, the amount of fans that sign up weekly( even unactive members; although they are inactive they're also fans), and if possible contact lillutown usa to add their American members also. The idea of this is to show more and more Americans are fiscoverong and becoming a fan of Alizée.
4chuck's recent post:
I think its a good idea for her to sing in English, Spanish, and French( if she feels comfortable); this would make her more well known for English and Spanish speakers. It could work out really well if its done correctly; if the music is catchy, and well translated.----other than that I have no other suggestions for the moment; like Chuck said keep on on posting suggestions, comments and ideas!

Message posted using ipod(forgive any errors )
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Old 09-14-2009, 05:14 PM
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OK, I'm late to plunge in here but hopefully not too late.

Ben is, I believe, half right. It's not possible for Alizée or her team to break into the U.S. market alone, there are things we need to do as well. But I also believe that she has not, in the past, tried, and if she doesn't try, then nothing we do will make any differnce. It's got to be a joint effort. So I'm going to start it this way.

1) Alizée, do you WANT to sell albums in America, and to perform in America? It would mean you would have to give up being anonymous when you visit this country. You could no longer go to New York or other parts of the U.S. and have no one (or almost no one) recognize you. You would have to be conscious of the public here as you are in France or Mexico. The commercial potential is of course huge. Is that worth it to you? If not, well, I guess we will simply have to accept that.

2) Don't be discouraged by the fact you don't sing (much) in English. The idea is not to be a mega-popstar-hit, but to reach a reasonable target audience.

3) The suggestions about venues for performance are good ones, but it seems to me the first thing is to make your music conveniently available in this country. It's often a challenge to buy your albums for Americans. Make that easier. Also, there has I believe been zero marketing effort in the past here. These two go together. It says to me that you (or your team, or your record company) don't expect to succeed here, or perhaps don't want to.

4) If you do perform in America on one of the shows, choose a song that can be enjoyed purely for the sound and the visual effect of your performance. Your lyrics are often poetic and powerful. Unfortunately, that part is going to be lost, until people are moved by you enough to learn French. But much of your music can be appreciated without knowing what the lyrics mean, and your performances -- when you're at your best -- are very engaging. That's what you'll have to depend on.

Despite this, I would recommend singing in French. You are at your best when you do.

5) When you do perform, do whatever it takes to boost your confidence. I know you get stage fright and are shy when breaking into a new venue, and America can be intimidating. But you are so lovely, so talented, and so sweet that you have nothing to fear. Let your light shine, and anyone who sees you will fall in love.

And that's about it, except that if you do this, do it because it's what you want. I once told someone who asked that I wanted for you to be happy and as successful as you want to be. Success has a price, as you know, and it's always a trade-off. If you do want to break into the U.S. market, we'll all help in any way we can. But if not, we'll survive, and still be able to hear your music and see you perform, wherever you go.
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Old 09-14-2009, 07:13 PM
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Default That's Deep, Deep!

Wow, Deepwaters. Great stuff. And touching, too, like Lefty said he was looking for in this letter. We'll gladly work your suggestion in here.

E-mail me a signature, if you like! (see above)...

And if you want to write some of the "blah, blah, blah" parts for us, consider yourself formally invited!!
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Old 09-14-2009, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
Lather, Rinse, Repeat...

While I'm at it, I want to throw a new "suggestion" out there, to possibly be added to the letter/list:

(I'm not saying I want this, I'm only saying it would help CD sales)
What if she just did her entire albums, as she likes (mostly or all in French), then released English-only and Spanish-only versions also? - Exactly the same, but all the lyrics of all the songs replaced with Spanish or English? (I hope I'm not suggesting blasphemy here...) I don't think it sound too crazy - In fact, a lot of Americans, once interested in Alizee, would want to buy discs in English and French! Maybe that would be the same for England, Canada, Mexico, S.A., too?

Comments? Anyone seconding that motion?
I think it's OK for you to suggest anything, but Alizée has made it abundantly clear she prefers to sing in French. Rewriting the lyrics to all her new songs in just one other language will be a pretty big task, and we have seen in the past it will probably have mixed results at best. Some people laughed at her English songs from the MCE era. But just re-recording every song in multiple languages is costly and time consuming.

So like I said, you certainly can suggest it, but I don't think there's much of a chance that it will happen - especially this late in the game.

And for a person watching from a distance (like all of us here), Deepwaters probably understands Alizée as well as anyone. Take his post to heart.
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Old 09-14-2009, 08:31 PM
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Well I think Deep is half right, I'm sorry Deep but that's a bit cold and discouraging I think. Anyways here's a rough draft I just typed after reading Deeps, I think it needs a little more work, but I felt the urge to post something for now. Our message needs to positive and encouraging, we're fans not music producers:

1) Alizée we would like to start by letting you know that you already have many fans in the USA. We are very passionate about your music, and would like to extend an invitation and request for you to perform in the USA. We have been very busy trying to figure out a way to promote you here and help you sell more CD's, we would be very happy to receive your approval and or any suggestions from you or your management team as to the best way to do this.

2) Do not be discouraged by all the hip hop music you hear coming from the USA, we enjoy a great variety of different music styles. In fact the majority of the American fans who belong in the many forums to your name would prefer to hear you sing in French !!

3) Because of you we have become interested in learning the beautiful French language, and have developed a passion for other French artist as well. Something none of us here in the USA was interested until we found you. You opened our eyes to the beautiful world beyond our sea, and now we can only wish that our demands be heard.

4) We love you Alizée and hope you'll find it in your heart to visit us one day, and maybe perform one of your songs for us. It would be an honor for us to have such a beautiful and talented performer come to our country. It would make us very happy to know that you at least think about coming here to the USA.

5) We have many suggestions: (suggestions go here)

6) There are many different tv shows and live events that we would like to request and demand they have you in their show, but it would be pointless unless you are willing to take the chance and come to our country. We respect whatever decision you make Alizée, but we would prefer not to be in ignorance from what you want.

Love Alizée Fans (USA)

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Last edited by Jess; 09-15-2009 at 09:14 AM..
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Old 09-14-2009, 08:43 PM
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Jess, I will say that I believe Deep captured much of what Alizée probably thinks and is not far off the mark.

But I also agree with you as far as to the actual composition of the letter; it should be positive and encouraging. In that regard, I think your letter really does the job well. As a matter of fact, I think it's the best one so far.
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Old 09-14-2009, 08:51 PM
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Ich denke dein, wenn mir der Sonne schimmer vom Meere strahlt;
Ich denke dein, wenn sich des Mondes flimmer In quellen malt.

Ich sehe dich, wenn auf dem fernen Wege der staub sich hebt,
In tiefer Nacht, wenn auf dem schmalen stege der wandrer bebt.

Ich höre dich, wenn dort mit dumpfem rauschen die Welle steigt.
Im stillen Haine geh' ich oft zu lauschen, wenn alles schweigt.

Ich bin bei dir, du seist auch noch so ferne, du bist mir nah!
Die Sonne sinkt, bald leuchten mir die sterne. O wärst du da !!


I think of thee when golden sunbeams glimmer across the sea;
And when the waves reflect the moon's pale shimmer I think of thee.

I see thy form when down the distant highway the dust clouds rise;
In darkest night, above the mountain by way I see thine eyes.

I hear thee when the ocean tides returning aloud rejoice;
And on the lonely moor in silence yearning I hear thy voice.

I dwell with thee; though thou art far removed, yet thou art near.
The sun goes down, the stars shine out. Beloved If thou wert here !!


Paix, Amour et Musique ☮ ♥ ♫ http://www.international-music-videos.com

Last edited by Jess; 09-14-2009 at 08:54 PM..
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Old 09-14-2009, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Deepwaters View Post
Ben is, I believe, half right. It's not possible for Alizée or her team to break into the U.S. market alone, there are things we need to do as well. But I also believe that she has not, in the past, tried, and if she doesn't try, then nothing we do will make any difference. It's got to be a joint effort.
To clarify, I believe that too. I just think it's up to us to make the first move kick-starting the joint effort, like they did in Mexico (where she has certainly put in subsequent effort). We've wondered if Alizée wants to come here, and I see our role at this point as showing demand, so that her and her management are more inclined.
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Old 09-14-2009, 09:26 PM
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Talking Gawwrsh!

Gasp. Everyone, I'm verklempt. So moved by all this poetry. This is getting to be truly Shakespearean.

But not Promethean! Me and all of us will do our bests to enfold as many of these sediments as possible.

As soon as possible, too!

Mentioning this again - e-mail in a signature, if you'd like it on there (otherwise it'll just have your normal, online names ) see post # 101 for more particulars.
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