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Old 09-25-2009, 10:49 AM
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@Deep I have enough sense to know the difference between someone who's creating unnecessary doubts and conspiracies and someone who's just voicing their opinion on an existing topic or comment, and have enough respect for everyone else's opinion even when they claim they can see the future thru magic. This is my theory and I'm sticking to it, capiche ?!

@Thanks Lefty !! Let me just clarify one thing, no one who's a fan of Alizée ever expressed expectancy of her returning as a lolita again. The only fans I see commenting on this are those eager to point out that those fans that did not like her "Psychédélices" album as much as her previous two is because they were expecting the lolita image again, and at the same time say that if Alizée continued with Mylene she would have had to continue as a lolita. Not true, glad you agree with me !!

Here's a couple of links to a website that has some HQ Alizée videos:

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Old 09-25-2009, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Jess View Post
@Deep I have enough sense to know the difference between someone who's creating unnecessary doubts and conspiracies and someone who's just voicing their opinion on an existing topic or comment, and have enough respect for everyone else's opinion even when they claim they can see the future thru magic. This is my theory and I'm sticking to it, capiche ?!
My goodness, I must have hit a nerve. Jess, I am not going to apologize for disagreeing with you and saying so. I don't believe doing that is crossing any social lines, so long as personal insults are not involved. Nor do I believe that "respect" for another person's opinion is the same as either "automatic agreement" or "silence when one disagrees." Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but opinions should be based on something, some facts or reasoning that can be expressed, and, your veiled insult to me notwithstanding, I am not the one expressing opinions based apparently on nothing but my own romanticism.

You may of course stick with that opinion if you choose, but that recognition does not grant you immunity from having the facts and implications pointed out to you. What you've essentially implied was that to leave Mylène was the wrong decision, which Alizée would not have made if she had not been a young woman in love. But in fact, there were sound artistic reasons for the break, and therefore every reason to believe that it would have happened, with or without Jérémy, and with or without Annily. While she remained connected with M&L, she would be limited to the music of one composer and one lyricist. Admittedly, both of them quite fine, but an artist grows by finding his or her own style and in the case of a performer, one way to do this is by performing the work of various musicians and poets. If I were in Alizée's position, coming to adulthood as she was doing in 2003-4, my feeling would have been that if I could only achieve success as someone else's creation, then I did not deserve to achieve success at all -- and so, striking out on my own would be the only way to go.

If Alizée never makes it on her own, if her only recourse after this new album is released is to retire from music and performing altogether -- which I don't expect -- or, less drastically, if she never again achieves the level of success she did in the early days -- which is rather more likely -- then even so, I believe, and believe she will believe, that leaving Mylène was the right thing to do. Because in the end, an artist must be true to his or her art, whether it ever becomes a "hit" or not.

The main thing wrong with your theory is that there's no reason to believe Mylène would not have accommodated Alizée's relationship with Jérémy and her decision to have a child. There was never any bad blood between them, and if Alizée had wanted to take a two-year break (as she did) and return to the studio in 2005 (as she did) to work on a third album, there is no reason I can see, or that I believe you can, either, why she could not have done so working with Mylène and Laurent as before. If that were what she wanted to do; if that were the right thing to do. And so there is no reason to believe that her relationship or her motherhood had anything to do with her decision to leave the partnership -- although doubtless they had a lot to do with the decision to take a couple of years off. I mean, it's not as if Mylène herself works to a tight, rigid schedule. She takes ages between albums!

In short, I believe you're mistaken, and the above explains why. If it hurts your feelings to be told when someone disagrees with you, I regret that, but it can't be helped.
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Old 09-25-2009, 03:01 PM
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Deep did you read my post or are you using the force ?? (jk) If you read my post and compare it to yours it's easy to see who's nerve has been hit, my apologies for hurting your feelings Deep. I never indicated that Mylene would have opposed to such relationship, when I said there was disagreement with them after Jeremy I'm referring to the departure. Also I never said that I thought my theory was the whole truth and nothing but the truth, just like I doubt Chuck was being 100% serious about his theory. I do think there's a possibility however of me being at least half right, regardless I was just having a little fun with this in response to others.

In all seriousness, maybe you're more sensitive then you think Deep, because you seem to be taking this to heart, and no I was not offended by your comments. I was however responding to your comment as to creating unnecessary problems etc, by indicating that I was merely voicing my own opinion in response to other member's comments. I do respect other members comments and hope others respect mine, this I included on my previous post just in case you were being serious about me or others not posting our own opinions on this subject, which is clearly what forums are for. Like I said, there is a difference between someone who's trying to create problems which I'm not and someone who's just voicing their opinion on an existing topic or comment.

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Last edited by Jess; 09-25-2009 at 09:11 PM..
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Old 09-25-2009, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Jess View Post
Here's a couple of links to a website that has some HQ Alizée videos:

Thanks for posting these!!! My mini reviews:

Lilly is so cute in this one, but they botch her intro!! but you can hear the crowd luvs her nice song too!!

wow, live duet performance of MJ.. in a dance that should have been in her concert.... the voices are a little shaken.. but it sounds like more of a mic problem...

Holy Cow... this is THE most amazing incarnation of Moi Lolita... a trio with a whole audience going nutz. what fun they must of had... and out girl is beaming!!!

Here's a performance of MJ that I guess resembles what mad it to concert... IMHO i think the dance routine above works better in concert because you use the whole stage... otherwise the dancer is just a dot on the stage... compression so-so on this clip...

Love is all... luv her outfit and the falling pedals at the end...

Alidona doing "hung up"... again I luv her when she sings with an army fo dancers..
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Old 09-25-2009, 06:55 PM
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Glad you liked that Wildfire !! Did you see her videos on the second link ?? http://www.international-music-video...-enfoires-2009

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Old 09-26-2009, 02:46 AM
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Default Conspiracy 101.

Okay, I'm sorry. A few days ago, I threw a stinkbomb in the middle of the ballroom floor here.

Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
True, Mylène gave Alizée "polish and guidance" as you say. But what if Mylène was a bit of a "jealous stepmother", who didn't expect to be so upstaged by Lilly's first hits. So from then on she helped Alizée succeed, but only to a certain point, and then proceeded to make her protégée look more and more foolish for the next few years?....

Just a theory, s'all.
And then I ran off, and nobody else said much for a couple days. (Out of politeness?) Then Wildfire remarked that "the student had left the teacher", and next thing y'know, Jess and Deep and Lefty are all hot and bothered! And Wildfire's just trying to keep the peace...

So what's the issue? I hinted that perhaps Mylene had limited and/or controlled Alizee's career. That perhaps she was not the ideal, selfless mentor we hear about.

Do I believe this notion? No! It's a theory! A "conspiracy theory", true, but it's not like it's a "9/11-" or "Area-51-scale" conspiracy. No corpses, sorry. Small potatoes? Or a prurient tale about the seamy underbelly of the music business in France? Maybe you should decide for yourselves, dear readers!

So I tossed out that theory, and it led to a heated discussion of whether Alizee left Mylene prematurely. Most of us seem to agree that she was right to go, it was the right time for her to move on. And we all assume that she somehow convinced Mylene to gracefully let her out of her contract, right? Or maybe some of us suspect that Alizee broke their contract by refusing to work for Mylene anymore?


Seriously. It was a contract for how long? 5, 6, 7 years? During which Alizee could only perform or record songs written by Mylene & Laurent (or expressly approved by them). She had to wear what Mylene told her to wear, go where Mylene told her to go.... All right, I'm overspeculating here, but you all know what we're looking at here--your ordinary, run-of-the-mill CONTRACT WITH THE DEVIL!!!!!

So do we suppose that Mylene would have politely let Alizee out of such a deal? Okay, maybe. Or maybe not.


Okay, I'm grandstanding and dreaming at the same time, she's not really here. But if she was, she would nimbly prove to all assembled that she is a person of character, of integrity, of great talent, and great depth of soul. A young woman with a lot of spirit and a lot of class. She again denies ever having spoken ill of Mylene or of their arrangement. Thank you, Miss Alizee, you may step down.

FOR EXHIBIT "A", I'd like to point out that in her earliest recorded performances, before signing with Mylene, Miss Jacotey appears rather boyish, even tomboyish. In all her songs on TV, she wears pants.

FOR EXHIBIT "B", let me again mention that "some people" had spread chatter about Alizee seeming ungrateful. I'm not trying to say this gossip is evidence, rather, it's the fact that this gossip exists. People have been saying derogatory stuff about Lilly. I'm curious why? Since when? And who starts these kinds of rumors?

FOR EXHIBIT "C": Under "misc..", Wildfire had recently posted an online chat with Alizee from 12/07. In it, people asked about her split from Mylene. "Alizée: These are just rumors, we parted on very good terms. Mylène is someone I like very much, I also respect and above all it was she who taught me everything and I'm not here today if we had not met."

So where did the "ungrateful" stuff come from?

Ladies and Gents, direct your attention to EXHIBIT "D" -- PSYCHEDÉLICES. The album.

It's a great work, and very ambitious. Maybe over-ambitious. A lot of variety, a lot of fun songs. But then there's a couple real downers, right in the middle! (like somebody tossing a stinkbomb, almost). What I'm referring to is these two: "Jamais Plus" and "Psychedélices" (the title song). Admit it, upon first hearing those, we were all surprised Alizee could go to such dark places....

I'm saying that those two songs could be interpreted as not-so-polite "goodby" songs* from Alizee directed at Mylene. I don't say that was Alizee's intention (let's say it may or may not have been) . I'm merely pointing out that those two songs could be taken as such, and that's what might have made radio stations "boycott" the album.

In "JAMAIS PLUS", she sings of someone she'd just broken up with. Then they died. And she's never going to see them again, and she doesn't even seem to care, except in one way-- at the end, the words suddenly change to "tu m'as foutu", you left me f*d up.

Then comes "PSYCHEDÉLICES", a contender for the bluest blues ever written. A scathing indictment of some person with a very dark outlook. Someone who's wrapped in pain, and using drugs, someone who's dying from his/her self-pity. And in this song, the only sympathy the singer offers comes in this verse: "Gifted with flight, the bird excites your jealousy, Close the shutters, you could kill yourself for it..."

NOW I KNOW ALIZEE DIDN'T WRITE THOSE WORDS. I'm not even suggesting that she was aware of this possible interpretation. I'm merely pointing out that those songs could be construed as being nasty kissoffs. Toward somebody. (who knows, maybe they were even meant to be tributes to Mylene, but they backfired!) But if you're looking at it in the conspiratorial light, even the cover photo (having her cake and eating it) could be construed as Alizee thumbing her nose at Mylene.....

CONJECTURE, CONJECTURE... remember, this is all for amusement purposes only.

But didn't fans expect at least one or two songs on Psych would've come from Mylene? Perhaps even Mylene herself had expected to be asked, à la Shatner. If so, then this negligence may have also been seen as an offense.

SO WHAT HAVE WE PROVED? Nothing. Except that when Psych came out, it added a lot of fuel to the rumor fires. It gave people a lot of reasons to start saying things. I think that those rumors, combined with radio programmers fears of controversy, are what prevented this wonderful music from attaining commercial success.

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Simply: THIS TIME, THOSE RUMORS SHOULD ALL BE IN THE PAST! i think that means that if Alizee's new album is even halfway decent, better airplay and better sales will be almost assured.

So the question remaining is the nagging one, the same one I hinted at first. Was Alizee's welfare and future career perhaps not Mylene's top concern? Did Alizee have reason to be ungrateful? And is it possible that she maybe even let a little bitterness escape? In a couple "sly" ways? Well, even if that were the case, that will all be behind her now, too--see WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?, above.

* - "GOODBYE" SONGS: historical examples include some real putdowns. Lennon's "How Do You Sleep" (for McCartney), the Stones "Had It With You" (for Bill Wyman), Neil Young's "Walk On" (to Skynyrd)...

Last edited by Chuck; 09-26-2009 at 06:05 AM.. Reason: More was on the way.....
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Old 09-26-2009, 08:39 AM
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Honestly do you guys read the posts or do you just read part of it and assume the rest ?? Chuck neither Lefty nor I are hot and bothered, read the posts completely, as I clearly indicated in my first post I was simply posting my own theory just as you did. Every other post I've made after that has been in an effort to clear any misunderstanding that Deep had of my comments, adding only that we should be able to post our opinion on an existing topic or comment. Yet you felt the need to jump in and diffuse the bomb according to you, by adding more content ?? Mdr, I'll let you and Deep sort things and figure them out, I'm out of this conversation. Feel free to say all you guys want I won't say a thing, although I reserve the right to change my mind. Have a great weekend guys !!

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Old 09-26-2009, 11:04 AM
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@Chuck, Jess is right, I'm not "hot and bothered" at all. And maybe you were kidding somewhat when you said that. But in all honesty this horse has been beat to death many times in the past and I think many of us, regardless of where we stand on the subject, are at peace with our beliefs. So I don't think anyone's going to get all upset about it now.

I'm not suggesting that this subject shouldn't be revisited, because I realize that "newcomers" will often start discussions about things that "oldtimers" have already hashed out long ago. But each new arrival has to be given the opportunity to discover Alizée and her story in their own way and they're going to want to talk about it. I know, because I was a new arrival in 2006.

Just a note about me; if you read one of my posts and think I'm angry or being sarcastic, it's because I have either failed at relaying my sentiments, or you have misread it. I rarely do sarcastic here, (unless it's an attempt at being funny) and I never do angry. I have over 2000 posts and I don't recall a single one made in anger. I just don't get upset very easily.

As for the Alizée/Mylene thing, I assume Alizée had the industry standard recording contract and no more taken advantage of than any other artist. I assume the breakup was a natural progression of life, and therefore, no harm, no foul. In my opinion, whatever possible friction that may or may not have existed between Alizée and Mylene is of no real consequence. That's basically my thoughts on it.
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Old 09-26-2009, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
But didn't fans expect at least one or two songs on Psych would've come from Mylene? Perhaps even Mylene herself had expected to be asked, à la Shatner. If so, then this negligence may have also been seen as an offense.
The idea might have been tossed around, but I don't think anyone was really expecting that. As with their other collaborations (Nathalie Cardone, Lisa, etc.), it seems to be all or nothing with Mylene and Laurent, and they're more likely to act as producers than writers for hire. It probably wouldn't have been the best choice for Alizée either, artistically (if she wanted to make a clean break) or "politically" (media focus on those few songs to the detriment of others).

I don't think Alizée will ever really be out of Mylene's shadow in France until Mylene herself stops making headlines. She just played two huge sold-out stadium shows in Paris, for example, and that's too big an audience for the media to ignore. On the positive side, this could make foreign markets like the US all the more appealing to Alizée.
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Old 09-26-2009, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post

FOR EXHIBIT "A", I'd like to point out that in her earliest recorded performances, before signing with Mylene, Miss Jacotey appears rather boyish, even tomboyish. In all her songs on TV, she wears pants.
Don't forget "sings nasally"... oh she was so adorable in her rawness. Alizee was quoted somewhere as saying that she usually preferred pants over dresses, too. She also said that she was "dressing the part".. yeah Mylene cleaned her up and boy, does Alizee "clean up" so nicely. I thought her Tomboyish aspect was more a manifestation of an inner strength that wasn't too apparent in her shyness.

Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
FOR EXHIBIT "B", let me again mention that "some people" had spread chatter about Alizee seeming ungrateful. I'm not trying to say this gossip is evidence, rather, it's the fact that this gossip exists. People have been saying derogatory stuff about Lilly. I'm curious why? Since when? And who starts these kinds of rumors?
You can see that she was going through her rebellious stage in 2003 both in her music and her personal clothes.... and this may simply be in the form of self expressing rather than any sort of actual behavior. I doubt theres anything Mylene couldn't handle, being the vet that she was. It is a shame that Alizee and Mylene don't really speak now.

Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
FOR EXHIBIT "C": Under "misc..", Wildfire had recently posted an online chat with Alizee from 12/07. In it, people asked about her split from Mylene. "Alizée: These are just rumors, we parted on very good terms. Mylène is someone I like very much, I also respect and above all it was she who taught me everything and I'm not here today if we had not met."

So where did the "ungrateful" stuff come from?
I mean the girl cried at her first award show and at Stars à Domicile 1 (I still cry when I see that!), hardly a sense of entitlement for this kid, let alone ungrateful. She wasn't a kid that sat around, watching TV, waiting for her fame to come. She was dancing most of her life, even heading choreography for some of her school shows, did some of hr own costumes, she would sometimes have surprise acts or moves at her school shows.. and had said that she wanted to be a dance instructor for kids when she grew up. She was also quoted as someone who really didn't ned to be prompted to do her schoolwork. Aside from any usualy behavior that comes from the chemistry set that is a kid's hormone at that age, I don't see any signs of an ungrateful person.

Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
Ladies and Gents, direct your attention to EXHIBIT "D" -- PSYCHEDÉLICES. The album.

It's a great work, and very ambitious. Maybe over-ambitious. A lot of variety, a lot of fun songs. But then there's a couple real downers, right in the middle! (like somebody tossing a stinkbomb, almost). What I'm referring to is these two: "Jamais Plus" and "Psychedélices" (the title song). Admit it, upon first hearing those, we were all surprised Alizee could go to such dark places....

I'm saying that those two songs could be interpreted as not-so-polite "goodby" songs* from Alizee directed at Mylene. I don't say that was Alizee's intention (let's say it may or may not have been) . I'm merely pointing out that those two songs could be taken as such, and that's what might have made radio stations "boycott" the album.

In "JAMAIS PLUS", she sings of someone she'd just broken up with. Then they died. And she's never going to see them again, and she doesn't even seem to care, except in one way-- at the end, the words suddenly change to "tu m'as foutu", you left me f*d up.

Then comes "PSYCHEDÉLICES", a contender for the bluest blues ever written. A scathing indictment of some person with a very dark outlook. Someone who's wrapped in pain, and using drugs, someone who's dying from his/her self-pity. And in this song, the only sympathy the singer offers comes in this verse: "Gifted with flight, the bird excites your jealousy, Close the shutters, you could kill yourself for it..."

NOW I KNOW ALIZEE DIDN'T WRITE THOSE WORDS. I'm not even suggesting that she was aware of this possible interpretation. I'm merely pointing out that those songs could be construed as being nasty kissoffs. Toward somebody. (who knows, maybe they were even meant to be tributes to Mylene, but they backfired!) But if you're looking at it in the conspiratorial light, even the cover photo (having her cake and eating it) could be construed as Alizee thumbing her nose at Mylene.....

CONJECTURE, CONJECTURE... remember, this is all for amusement purposes only.

But didn't fans expect at least one or two songs on Psych would've come from Mylene? Perhaps even Mylene herself had expected to be asked, à la Shatner. If so, then this negligence may have also been seen as an offense.

SO WHAT HAVE WE PROVED? Nothing. Except that when Psych came out, it added a lot of fuel to the rumor fires. It gave people a lot of reasons to start saying things. I think that those rumors, combined with radio programmers fears of controversy, are what prevented this wonderful music from attaining commercial success.

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Simply: THIS TIME, THOSE RUMORS SHOULD ALL BE IN THE PAST! i think that means that if Alizee's new album is even halfway decent, better airplay and better sales will be almost assured.

So the question remaining is the nagging one, the same one I hinted at first. Was Alizee's welfare and future career perhaps not Mylene's top concern? Did Alizee have reason to be ungrateful? And is it possible that she maybe even let a little bitterness escape? In a couple "sly" ways? Well, even if that were the case, that will all be behind her now, too--see WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?, above.

* - "GOODBYE" SONGS: historical examples include some real putdowns. Lennon's "How Do You Sleep" (for McCartney), the Stones "Had It With You" (for Bill Wyman), Neil Young's "Walk On" (to Skynyrd)...
Some great insights inter her songs, chuck... I've seen threads on translations, but not to many on meaning.. I'd luv to see more of those. I kid you not: sometimes I get little panic attacks when I hear her songs because I feel claustrophobic for not being able to understand the lyrics.

I think the speculation about songs being about mylene is pretty far fetched. I think Alizee was at the age of transitioning to adult hood when those songs were made. She got married, moved to a permanent res away from ajaccio, had a kid... I think there are aspects of shedding the teenage years in her song. She has mentioned that she doesn't like clubs, she doesn't booze or do drugs, and that the songs were concept songs.. Plus another aspect of her personality is that as a youngster she perceived as 20 being old and having a family and so on by then...

anyway... way too much speculation. What we can say that is mylene has a HUGE fan base... I'm sure quite a bit of them are gay (as you can see here)...

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AGR2DEEbSuM&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe8 7a9f"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AGR2DEEbSuM&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe8 7a9f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

...with accessible income...and Mylene must have a lot of pull in many circles. Much of that was stripped when Alizée went on her own, plus a crappy economy doesn't help nor does the label juggling.

I think its more about the future.. hoping that she will continue to make her music and have that amazing stage presence that we fell in luv with.

Last edited by wildfire; 10-02-2009 at 09:02 PM..
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