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Old 03-17-2010, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Well it was a long difficult morning after work, trying to find a presentation folder, decent enough for the task at hand. Didn't have much luck. Stopped at a store that dealt in leather goods along those lines, but it would of cost about $200.00 when you include the printing on the cover. In the end, I found one that will do if I can't find anything else tomorrow.

One thought that came to mind is Roman gave me a phrase in French to say to Alizée basicly saying we're with Alizée America, please look at the camera and say hello to the fans from the Alizée America forum. Well when you get to the end of the line waiting for your turn to see her, it's about 15 to 20 feet away from her. They tell you at that point, no more pictures. If they see me raising up a camera, the security people might have a problem with it. Now if everyone spoke English, the situation could be easily explained, but if Alizée doesn't quite understand what we're doing it couold be a problem. Hopefully she will understand and call of the dogs if they start barking.
Hmmm, it is going to be tough....

Here are some additional suggestions Scruffy :

-Have the cameras ready, video and photo
-Take pictures until you reach the "security checkpoint" and if nothing is mentioned to you about the cameras keep on going, but if they stop you just carry the camera(s) accross your shoulder and move on.
-When fianlly being there infront of Her Grace,proceed with greetz (try to make it clear to her that you come from the US representing her fan base of AlizeeAmerica so she could be surprised), Open Letter/gifts, then ask her kindly if she could please do a big favor and say greetings to her fans of AlizeeAmerica(note: have the cam ready[ON] so it can be quick and practical) record the message and say whatever you need and wish to tell her, fianally the signing of the 11(ouch) albums. Cherish those last final moments and farewells and walk out happy.

**If the above can't be done:

-Ask your friend who is going with you to be taking pics and vid if he can from his place in line.

Once again have fun Scruffy and THANKS for your support and kindness!
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Par mon paupieres View Post

And finally , hello to anyone who may remember me
Ahhh I see your from Scotland....meh homeland haha. Yah Edinburgh is awesome....hope you can attend the signing and please stick around!
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Old 03-17-2010, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Par mon paupieres View Post
Hey folks . Sorry that it's been nearly a year since i last posted ( real life sort of came crashing in a fair bit) but i've been keeping up-to-date as much as i can on all things Alizée ( i've pre-ordered the limited ed. UEDS too ).

The reason i'm posting this here is that i've got some work that will be taking me to Paris during the time of the autograph session and i hope ( although i can't be certain ) to attend. I think it's great what you are planning to do Scruffydog and i would like to definitely offer my support but as i don't know for sure whether i can make it i don't want to make any promises ( so please no pm's for album signings ). It just depends on how quickly i can finish what i need to do. Fingers crossed.

And finally , hello to anyone who may remember me
/me waves!

Certainly do remember you! Hope all is well, and welcome back!


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Old 03-18-2010, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
One thought that came to mind is Roman gave me a phrase in French to say to Alizée basicly saying we're with Alizée America, please look at the camera and say hello to the fans from the Alizée America forum. Well when you get to the end of the line waiting for your turn to see her, it's about 15 to 20 feet away from her. They tell you at that point, no more pictures. If they see me raising up a camera, the security people might have a problem with it. Now if everyone spoke English, the situation could be easily explained, but if Alizée doesn't quite understand what we're doing it couold be a problem. Hopefully she will understand and call of the dogs if they start barking.
Celebrities greatly want to control their publicity to further their careers. I am not a lawyer, but I understand case law in the US even provides them <i>some</i> protection in this sphere.

Any law aside, I know Scruff really likes the Corsican girl and would never do anything to hurt her commercial interests. If her security people try to inhibit photographs of her at close quarters, it is probably a consequence of advice she has accepted to limit the number of <a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/gallery2.php?g2_itemId=40214">candid detailed photos</a> taken of her. (On the very darkest side, raised hands can be useful precursors to "amateur" violence.)

The better image capture and display technology gets, the more anxious "doll-puss" celebrities are becoming, as recently <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/14/opinion/14dowd.html">explained</a>. Alizée may still not have to worry, but she is likely to follow industry practice. Of course, with enough light and better electronic stabilization, even a hand-held long shot becomes ever more like a closeup - save for the perspective issue, at least with conventional photography.

And if you've ever seen the snapshot of Alizée giving the finger to a shutterbug, you are certainly aware there have been times she was shot against her will, something people who like her as a person would not do, even if they could.

All that said, increasing numbers of people are practicing <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifelog"><i>life blogging</i></a>, which every day becomes ever easier for people of limited financial means and technical ability to do. This includes doing it in a way in which the parties and places which get recorded are not given notice, sometimes contrary to impotent law. The enormous strides in flash memory within the last decade have played no small part in this development. [Aside: Happily, some years back, we <i>at once totally eliminated</i> frequent assaults by minors in a local public library by giving notice we had deployed a camera whose signal was constantly recorded.)

In the "olden" days, when I developed real estate a couple decades ago, (circa the "Rodney King incident"), I would make open use of an 8mm camcorder when dealing with people. And even when I had enough imagery and lowered my camera, I would never reach to switch it off, that I recorded what I was being told. This served as a crutch for my good, but only-human memory, as well as a check on the consistency of what the same person or group would tell me at different times and in different places about the same stuff. This was not really in anticipation of litigation, as much as a simple matter of due diligence.

If today I worked as an investigator doing news reporting, insurance research, security or some related in-person scrutinizing, I would routinely lifeblog my days without notice, unless there was a good reason I could not do so. I would not have to raise a camera or a mike by hand to do so, right Edcognito? All the gear now is really teeny, really cheap, and remarkably good. Most of what I recorded would prove of little use - but not all.

<table align="center" width="500" border="10" cellpadding="10"><tr><td><big><big><i>At one point Warhol carried a portable recorder with him wherever he went, taping everything everybody said and did. He referred to this device as his "wife". Some of these tapes were the basis for his literary work.</i> -<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Warhol">source</a></big></big>

Alizée may today not be the superstar who routinely gets a clandestine "Mike Wallace" once-over at an autograph session, but that is not because it is impossible. In her place, while I might be anxious about it, I would not despise a fan who really admired me and got a recording of his/her precious few personal moments with The Idol, if it was <i>never</i> shared with anyone not there anyway.

Of course I cannot speak for Alizée or any other celebrity, or stand in the shoes of other fans. But it is possible to do a recording without notice and erase it if permission is denied after the fact. This is not 1985 any more.

I hope Alizée would consent to say hello to AAm at close quarters - or even long quarters! If one were denied the former, perhaps one might be granted the latter. It wouldn't be the first time Alizée smiled and waved to fans in person - although it would be the first to my memory that she shouted a "lip-synched" personal hello at a distance.

I wonder if there are any people with a camera implanted in their eye socket and a recorder in their chest cavity for the purpose of photographing a film on show at a US movie theater (for some years now a felony, without permission.)

P.S. Is this too obvious to mention? An mp3 player makes it easy to use a tiny tool to reliably deliver a perfected spoken message that was recorded at a different time and place, while the listener is head down and doing something like writing. (Locally, we have used a small necklace-hung $10 <i>Radio Shack</i> amped speaker to provide "self-guided tour" information with a player, which is audible to a large group of tourists.)

Last edited by FanDeAliFee; 03-28-2010 at 07:49 AM.. Reason: add note that Warhol did life blogging
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Old 03-18-2010, 08:44 AM
Karlalizee Karlalizee is offline
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saw this on http://www.virginmegastore.fr/agenda_673_1605.html

Après trois albums de variété classique, Alizée avait envie d'une rupture et d'affirmer ses influences. « Une enfant du siècle », son nouvel album, est produit par la crème des producteurs de la scène électro française ! Rob, les Chateau Marmont, Para One, David Rubato, Jérôme Rubato et Tahiti Boy : autant de noms qui ont mis leur talent au service de l'artiste, sous la houlette du reconnu label Institubes.
Dans une veine électro pop d'une rare élégance, « Une enfant du siècle » est un album dans l'air du temps!

after three albums of classic variety, alizée had wanted a break and assert her influence. "a child of the century," her new album is produced by the cream of producers in the french electro scene! rob, the chateau marmont, para one, david rubato, jerome rubato and tahiti boy: so many names who have put their talents to the artist, under the guidance of recognized label institubes.
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Old 03-18-2010, 08:53 AM
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Thanks Karla...

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Old 03-18-2010, 12:20 PM
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I would love to have a signed copy

If possible, I would be on the "autograph" list
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Old 03-18-2010, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by docdtv View Post
If today I worked as an investigator doing news reporting, insurance research, security or some related in-person scrutinizing, I would routinely lifeblog my days without notice, unless there was a good reason I could not do so. I would not have to raise a camera or a mike by hand to do so, right Edcognito? All the gear now is really teeny, really cheap, and remarkably good. Most of what I recorded would prove of little use - but not all.
We have four (4) cameras (with decent 10+ megapixel resolution) for asset protection. None are larger than a pack of smokes, 3 are wireless (with a signal booster within 10 m/30 ft) that can take/record images good enough to read the label on a pack of smokes from 15', certainly good enough resolution for clandestine photography at a signing...

Person 1 carries camera attached to clothing, person 2 carries sig-booster in pocket, recording device located w/in 150'....

Yeah, its very possible....

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Old 03-20-2010, 08:37 AM
Merci Alizée
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Alizée on her facebook, twitter and blog:

Venez tous !Séance de dédicace au Virgin des Champs Elysées le 29 mars

The official invitation from Alizée for all of us to go to the autograph session.
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Old 03-20-2010, 01:38 PM
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Cool Good news and bad news!

Well good news and bad news on getting ready for Paris. I've still been unable to find something nice enough to present the open letter to Alizée to her in, but I'm still looking. I've gone to 4 malls, numerous printing, framing, photo shops, anything even remotely related to what I'm looking for. I've found a few things on line but just about every one of them has a minimum order of 50 or more. I did find a place on line where I can order individual diploma covers which I think will do the job well enough. I'm going to try two more stores tomorrow and if I come up empty, I will order a couple second day air, first thing monday morning.

The good news is the wind breaker type shirt I ordered came out very good in my opinion. I was real worried about what it would look like. I said I wanted the Alizée America part to look like what we have at the top of the page in the forum and he made it look exactly like it. I kind of wished I had asked him to bridge that little gap between the i and the c but it's no biggy
One bad point about the hat is the front part where the Alizée America is has no stiffness to it. That's something I think it would look better with, but I tried backing it up with a piece of cardboard and I think that'll work fine as long as Lilly doesn't ask me to take my hat off.

He had asked me up front how much I'd be willing to pay for these. I told him around $100.00 would be okay. Well my jaw hit the floor when he said over the phone that it came out to be $150.00 because he had to special order something for it, but once I saw it, I thought it was well worth it.

As far as clandestine filming of Alizée, I know we all would love to have as many pictures of her as we could possibly get, all with good intentions, not trying to capture her at an awkward moment, but just to see more of her beauty, but I wouldn't want to tarnish the reputation of the members of this this forum, me especially nor do I want her to associate the word America with an act like that, so any pictures or video I get will only be with her permission.

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