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Old 08-31-2010, 08:57 PM
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I found out my younger brother who's 15 has recently started listening to Alizee. He is also gonna move in with myself and my fiancee, due to the fact that my mother has been rather ill recently and the school distract there is garbage. He's like freakishly smart (I think he's way to smart for his own damn good sometimes. ) but yet he's confinded to classes with students that are barely literate. So he's moving in with me to start high school of right in a decent school.
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Old 09-01-2010, 12:37 AM
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Today was fine for about the first half of the day

and because of ^

Tomorrow may be an important day; I may deliver (since they are asking for it) a fairly brutal fight to two particular people tomorrow, where I shall almost certainly be sent to the principal's office to explain my actions and why I would not regret them, then they will try to act innocent and say I just antagonized them, repeating the same basic thing as last time (problem is, I'm not friends with the man in charge of school discipline who I spoke with on many occasions about, and gave for warning of my impending, violent "snap", so no "I didn't think it would happen this quick. You understand that legally you do have to be suspended right? See you next week then" this time around), where I will be in deep trouble where then I will explain my situation and how similar it was to two particular students in another school maybe 20 minutes away by the names of Harris and Klebold

at which point I will be "evaluated" (as the district student policies handbook describes (always read up on the "rules" before you do something stupid)) as to whether or not I will be a danger to the school and my surrounding peers (wherein my above argument will quite quickly backfire on me)

then with any solution, I would request to be removed from the class (since I was told that I could not get into any of the college-bound-important-for-my-career classes because "college-bound and mediocre students have the same priority when it comes to the more challenging courses")(as quoted by my fucking counselor, whose email I've already printed out and highlighted said text)

And during all the above I would be digging into the far reaches of my vocabulary, showing nothing but respect to the principal, explaining my position citing actual evidence (the wet dream of those who wrote the policies book) from his own staff, which would hopefully persuade him into realizing that I'm not an "at risk" pupil (even though I look like a crazy fuck on the streets, which my dead center gaze while I walk, wearing my unibomber jacket) and be fairly lenient with me.

Where then I would return to school after the specified duration of the suspension, where because of the wonderful formula of (seriousnessoffight)√(gossip^2)+(#girls) / (days absent) would generate a value great enough to permanently prevent me ever being fucked with again, and bringing my social rank into the "Do not fuck with" category (as I fortunately entered as result of my last incursion) and ensuring me the last two years of this miserable fuck house (I pity those who currently find high school (more specifically the social aspect) to be the most important time of their lives) will be filled with my preferred existence of isolation and peace until I move on to college where the fuckheads I shall forever loathe will be busy replacing my brakes and bagging my groceries while wondering "I wonder how powerful King Sooper was" rather than repeating their same mistakes at my university.


Or they may keep to themselves and I'll sit contently on my barstool happy that I don't have to worry about all that crap above for at least another day.

Whatever happens, I'll deal with it then
Be the leaf.
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Old 09-01-2010, 02:25 PM
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May I ask what these people did to you?
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Old 09-01-2010, 02:51 PM
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Old 09-01-2010, 05:14 PM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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The weather is out to get me. It was cloudy and rainy looking for a while, but this morning, just as we were wrapping up final formation, it pours down. The moment we fall out and get back to our dorms.. it stops raining.

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Old 09-01-2010, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by The Gate Keeper View Post
May I ask what these people did to you?
I would explain it but I think the limit is only 10,000 characters


So, neither of my predictions fully came true, but rather a third route was taken.

It was better for my sanity, their safety, and for my desired goals.

I'm never entering that class again, I'm going to drop that class (I have about 9 critical reasons why, and 4 of whom are described in the policy book that they would cause automatic removal)


On the positive side, me and my friend (who's oddly similar to me) unanimously agreed that we would both go out to lunch every wednesday (thus, I don't have to sit in the library reading the same Ken Rockwell articles over and over again and he doesn't have to drive home and do some homework)
Be the leaf.
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Old 09-01-2010, 06:16 PM
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mine was like.....alright, alright going fine.... AW FFFFFUUUUU-
basically, i dropped the ball on having some gall and talking to ze girl i like.
so now i'm kicking myself. nottrollface.jpg
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:06 PM
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My day was AWSOME!!! First day of High School it was AWSOME!!! Soo many good looking Latino girls<3<3

Merci beaucoup Alizée for everything!

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Old 09-01-2010, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Marquis<3Alizée View Post
My day was AWSOME!!! First day of High School it was AWSOME!!! Soo many good looking Latino girls<3<3
it gets old =/
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Old 09-01-2010, 07:35 PM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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My current chain of command is very unorganized.

Yesterday I went to the OPORD(Operations order) given by the PL(platoon leader, a second lieutenant). At the OPORD was the PL, the PSG(platoon sergeant) and the 3 squad leaders including myself. We went over a whole bunch of stuff, but one important one was uniform wear for training tomorrow. I was told by the PL, who was told by the CO(commanding officer), that all we need are ACUs(Army Combat Uniforms) and our hydration systems. But by luck, on my way to dinner today, I run into a squad leader from 3rd platoon (I'm in 1st platoon), and he's doing MOLLE(MOdular Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment) gear inspection. WTF?! So I ask up the chain of command, and apparently they all decided to suddenly need the MOLLE gear. Without telling me!

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