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Old 06-10-2011, 06:15 AM
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Default Best Friend..

In every one's life there is a friend who cares a lot for you and helps you when you are in need of his/her and with whom one shares all kinds of feelings ...

so According to you who is your best friend and why???
And what the word BEST FRIEND means for you ??

Last edited by Adarsh; 06-10-2011 at 06:29 AM..
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Old 06-11-2011, 02:07 AM
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Okay, Adarsh, I'll take the bait...

My best friend is probably my wife, Mrs. Chuck. She's not extremely beautiful, or extremely bright, but she thinks she is, and that counts for a lot. She's not exactly my love-ideal or my "soulmate" or anything hokey like that, but a fine friend nonetheless. She's not a great cook, she's terrible with numbers, and she can't see all the way to the floor so I have to do all the sweeping. She's a good one to take fishing, if you don't want to have to catch or clean any actual fish.

She's also good to take shopping when you want to get rid of all your money fast, or when you want to screw up your credit rating for the rest of your life. She's very handy to have around when people come to the door to talk, because if I don't want to listen, she'll stand there and yak with them for three or four years.

Let's see... She can't draw, she can't sing, she can't run more than ten feet, can't play the piano or the harpsichord, can't plow a straight furrow, can't embroider, and she can't seem to get this spot out of my favorite T shirt. Aaarrrggghh!

Still, for over 27 years, she's always been here for me and vice versa. Wish I could say she understands me, as much as I understand her. But no, that's not so either. We don't understand each other at all. Not hardly one bit. But we accept (and shrug off) each other's mysteries, so I guess there's an understanding there of sorts.

So what exactly am I saying here? Is this a great relationship? Is this a great friendship? Is this a great marriage? Is this a great, epic post? Answer: probably none of the above.

It's just an example. Life throws stuff at you. But most of it isn't too bad, y'know?
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Old 06-11-2011, 03:04 AM
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I would have to say my best friend is my internal other, Wexell Staffson (or Staphson, I've never been clear).

He's my doppelgänger, he's my second opinion, he's my coldly rational therapist, he's my enemy, he's me.

Whenever I'm in doubt, I ask Wexell. I love him so because he's always completely honest, and lives to serve black and white logic. Though, his strong suit isn't compassion, so I try to help him in that area.

"Wexell, I don't understand why those fucking teenagers act as they do."
"They're merely acting the way they feel they should, which they've deduced from their peers who are also feeling the same way, from images of "teenagers" created by Nickelodeon and Disney and the like, and so on. These years of teenagerdom and puberty leads many a child to question who they are, and unfortunately rather than truly develop their own unique identity, they try to adopt a persona already employed by their peers. (and so on with the explanation)
"It still pisses me off though, Wex. Like ever since 7th grade, all these children have been SO concerned with "dating" and "relationships" and all that bullshit... I just-"
"Don't even try. We both know the answer already and it's not worth analyzing it any further."

"Wexell, what the fuck just happened?"
"You were played, dear boy. This is what I've been telling you for years, and what did you do, you let it happen anyway."
"Huh... goddamnit. Feelsbadman.jpg"

"Wexell, they said it might actually be beneficial for me to try marijuana, they said it would help my anxiety and warp my outlook on life which could only be good because the current outlook isn't very positive or safe for either of us. What sayeth you?"
"Don't. If you want to be the person you want to be, then you'll find a way to use your own brain power to fix yourself, free of foreign influence. Self regulation, you see-"
"I do"
"And plus, what have we been saying about underaged drug users all this time?"
"I understand"

"Wexell, this can't be, there's a Pink Floyd right here next to a rack of dvd's with Donnie Darko being the closest one to it. wtf is this sorcery?"
"I... I don't..."
"It's a sign."
"Just like the chicks at the arcade in Circus Circus"
"Quite right..."
"You have fifteen bucks, right?"
"You can't just fucking leave without getting the dvd! Are you mad?"
"*looks at odd coincidence* Well,-"
"Do you have money or not?"
"I have seven bucks in quarters"
"Go get more money from mom, I'll wait here"
"kk brb"

And sometimes, if I'm REALLY bored, I just talk with Wexell. If people see me while I do, they become concerned with my thousand-yard-stare and complete detachment from everything.

"Hey, Wexell"
"Knock knock"
"I have a screen door, you dumbass"
"Okay... *ding dong*"
"Why are you ringing the doorbell I'm right here in front of you telling you not to knock on my screen door"
"... lolz"

You see, Wexell has been my best friend for years. Together we've solved many a mystery, conducted many a social experiment. We never disagree, we're always loyal to each other, we never go to the movies we want to see without inviting the other (goddamnit, zach, I wanted to see super 8 too).

That's my best friend. Though Mrs. Chuck sounds pretty tight, too.
Be the leaf.
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Old 06-11-2011, 03:36 AM
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I have two - My boyfriend; and Whitney.

Whitney and I met last year at band camp, we were both freshman and there was no one in band that we knew from our previous schools, so we kind of latched onto each other from the beginning - that's when we realized that we are almost the same person.

Both of us pretty much have no idea what's ever going on, so we kind of float around figuring things out together. It's always nice to have someone else in that "I feel that everyone knows something I don't" boat. We have the same sense of humor - SO many inside jokes, including a full-length rap about marching, have spawned between the two of us. We're bus buddies, and the band trip to DCI in Tennessee last year was the most fun I've ever had in my whole life ANYWHERE thanks to her.

Whiteknee + D-Fabulous 4 ever :B

My boyfriend is the goofiest but we're goofy together. He manages to make the dumbest stuff fun, like going to Wal-Mart and making people feel awkward - once we sat a couple of stools in the middle of the store and just randomly talked to everyone who passed by. He always makes me laugh and I can't remember a time when I was with him that I didn't think "This is just the most, there is nothing better that I could ever possibly be doing than this right here, right now." We've been together four months, here's to a whole lot more.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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Old 06-11-2011, 07:50 AM
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I don't have any friends.........
Sad but true.
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Old 06-13-2011, 03:48 AM
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why Junkmale, here are all your friends... Right friend
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Old 06-13-2011, 04:02 PM
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Ditto that! We may not be Irish, but we ain't chopped liver, either! And we all want you to get well soon, Junky!
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