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Old 12-29-2012, 03:39 PM
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As far as whether she's trying to send a message or make any certain points through symbolism, the films the shoot is paying homage to in the first place can have symbolism themselves. That fat dude up there with the mask is a reference to Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which was culturally relevant for its time since it was released in 1974, during a time which saw a lot of chaos and social unrest. The raw violence and gore in the film reflected all the tension of that time, in an exaggerated way.

I find that horror movies, more than any other genre, project a lot of information about the time it was made into the film itself. The major villain or "monster" in a film might not necessarily be an intentional symbol of a major "monster" in real life, but you can definitely make parallels in some films between the film itself and whatever was going on in real life at the time. Night of the Living Dead, where zombies can be seen eating members of their own family, came out during a time when traditional family values were seeing a noticeable decline. 1933's King Kong can reflect the state of moral chaos during the Depression. 1974's King Kong shows America's mistrust of the corporation. These movies were all so successful because they were relevant; because they projected some of society's major fears and issues onto the big screen, where they became tangible and could, in a way, be dealt with.

Sorry for going off on a tangent, but I really like talking about movies haha. I can go on and on with these, but my point is that I don't believe the shoot is trying to make any big statements about American culture/society because the points have already been made by the films that are being referenced here. Maybe they are being reiterated.

Originally Posted by Corsaire View Post
This particular photo shoot is pretty insignificant when taken on its own, but more generally speaking, I would say there is a clearer picture emerging more and more; Alizée seems to be immature and superficial. I always thought there was a strong deeper person behind the physical beauty, but maybe this was misreading her career moves. Maybe Alizée is indeed simply interested in tattoos, pets, shopping, food, candies, childish entertainment... Maybe most of her fans like these sorts of topics, but I myself find them mortally boring. I had great hopes after a more mature Alizée showed up for UEDS, but now, I would say Alizée is either really shallow and uninteresting, or she is really hiding well the more mature and deep side of her.
I've noticed that too. I think Alizee is very capable of getting into that frame of mind, but right now she is just choosing to be there for the ride.


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Really????? What she wants, she will get.

That's acceptable...........I'll go out and get sized for one today!
I lol'd, poor Scruffy.

Originally Posted by Karin View Post
PDF Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?8r83m1ij2cka1p7 // Password: alizee-italia.com
Thank you!!

Originally Posted by Jake04 View Post
You always amaze me with your wisdom despite your young age. (No offense meant).
Thank you.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée

Last edited by Azhiri; 12-29-2012 at 03:39 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 12-29-2012, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Karin View Post
PDF Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?8r83m1ij2cka1p7 // Password: alizee-italia.com
tnx karin

unfortunately i cannot speak french
so is there anything interesting in the article?
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Old 12-29-2012, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Corsaire View Post
Maybe Alizée is indeed simply interested in tattoos, pets, shopping, food, candies, childish entertainment... Maybe most of her fans like these sorts of topics, but I myself find them mortally boring. I had great hopes after a more mature Alizée showed up for UEDS, but now, I would say Alizée is either really shallow and uninteresting, or she is really hiding well the more mature and deep side of her.
I've asked myself this question many times as well. I don't doubt Alizée could be fun to hang out with on occasion. I don't doubt she can be kind and generous, and generally be a nice person. And maybe for most fans, that is enough to maintain their allegiance to her. But it can be difficult to tell just how deep that river runs.
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Old 12-29-2012, 04:16 PM
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My fellow Alizee fans...these photos are a cry for help!!! She's spinning out of control like Lindsey Lohan and needs an intervention! Okay, I'm just teasing and joking.

Alizee, like most models for layouts, is just an actor for still images. It's the same for music videos. Of course she may have input in the results, but the videos are simply conceptions and interpretations of the photographer or director. Don't read into any subliminal messages of anti-Americanism.

Most of Alizee's pics have been personal. It's unusual to see her "in character" in these photos. I find the real Alizee much more interesting and fascinating than her roles in Le Enfoires or elsewhere. That's usually the opposite for celebrities who seem to be disappointing in real life - visually and personality-wise.

Alizee's tattoos are an entirely different matter. I'm sure there's a story behind each one of them. She also seems to embrace the macabre for some reason (her t-shirts, the skull on her bikini). I got over the skull and crossbones stuff in my teens. Cool then, but not now. I want to know about the Snow White with a machine gun tattoo. Is she Snow White on the exterior but a hard-nosed, cold-blooded, killing machine on the inside? Hmmm.
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Old 12-29-2012, 05:25 PM
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I've made an attempt at getting a translation for the article. I've not even really read it yet but I've got other things to do and wanted to get this to the forum. I used the web based OCR that MA had mentioned, and then went through it to fix the problems I found. Then ran it through Microsoft translator. It's probably not perfect but maybe some will be interested.

EDIT - Ok, I've tried to read it and there are some typos in the French part still, and that of course affects the translation. But I get the gist of the article and am not going to spend any more time on it. Enjoy!

My translation first:
Twelve years! Already twelve years ago that Alizée has landed on our airwaves with his tube unstoppable me...Lolita. This hit a squatting the Charter around the world told us his adventures and his lack of understanding to those who, as soon as she gave his tongue to cat is cast on it. "But above all, Alizée was considered to be the forerunner of these stamped countless young singers ' pop Lolitas" who arrived en masse in the early 2000s. In 2013, the conclusion is clear: most of these singers are either fallout in the dungeons of the song, or desperately trying to resurface by all means. And Alizée, as Connor MacLeod, is still active, has toured el is a fifth album. Sacred journey for this beautiful Corsica reserved temperament that is completely on its side "little girl in an adult body" '
But several questions remain: How can we explain this artistic continuity without faults? This absolute fidelity to it with his (very) many fans? This particularly broad musical palette that says albums in albums? And above all, who really is Alizee? Who can boast to know this now mother fulfilled? Baby not many people in the end. Therefore, digging into his history and his past that we discover a rich and rather surprising personality. And it's even more digging that detected one of his great passions: the tattoo! If reading this sentence, bad languages are already in motion to affirm that the beautiful fact that surf the wave of the moment tattoo, that they soon swallow their saliva. «The tattoo is almost a family story says Alizée.» My uncle had a hut in Corsica and an evening, a tattoo artist came a party and my uncles and my father almost went under the needle. From there was born my attraction to this art, and since that day, I always knew that I would tattoo. "And among all these tattoos for an evening, is that of his father, who will mark it: a pattern of Peter Pan. It is to go ego of this Disney character Tinker Bell, namely that his choice will be. A fairy that symbolizes well" my character, that is jealous in love with character but which is still nice. Clearly, a sort of guardian angel.

But by his own admission, this first experience will not remain in the annals. And the next either. The world of tattooing so refuses to open arms? Maybe he was waiting the milestone. And it will come with the birth of her daughter in 2005. The discovery of an artist In Asian blogger, Tokyobahnbao. an exchange of emails and the demand for downstream, a picture of "my daughter sauce manga. The result was beautiful and I went to Tin - Tin to tattoo this ground. "Not only, this tattoo remains today that she is the proud but in addition, it will mark the beginning of a long and faithful cooperation with the inescapable Tin - Tin. In order to "fix" the Act a little lack of the previous representative Tinkerbell tattoo, it is he who will ensure the Act II of this ground. A motif which takes the entire back of the beautiful and permanently embodying his guardian angel. But then again, it was not without difficulty "I think not having as much harm than when this tattoo. To the point that once the session is completed, Tin - Tin had asked to return a month after Ie Finally, I waited six months so it had marked me! "But told not to suffer to be beautiful? Now, is suffering a part old memories and the sequence continues. On his arm, a white snow with an M - 16 to show that "even if people see me as a wise girl, do not rely on this appearance. I have my temperament and can be explosive if it seeks me! "There is also the character of Sailor Moon on his arm, the judge who actually fantasize more than one at the time of the Club Dorothée. And always in the same spirit, Arale (Professor Slump manga character) also decorates his arm just like the cloud of Super Mario.

A childlike, magical and enchanted world in which Alizée is recognized and likes. "I insist on this point, but really, I still feel the soul of a little girl. "Even though I am a mother, that I monitor the duties of my daughter, I scold the etc, I have fun as much if not more than it when I go to Euro Disney. If I had a sentence to summarize this way of life, it reads on his arm: Forever young! A phrase inked on his native island and or, despite what one might imagine, "the tattoo is very common. My brother and most of my cousins and cousins are very tattooed. And above all, young people are making very large pieces and it is perfectly accepted and tolerated." But besides this symbolic dimension, his tattoos have much more unexpected; to be copies by number of fans. "When I was doing my sentence Forever Young, I had posted a picture showing this tattoo." Result, I received hundreds of photos of fans showing me this same tattoo on them! Even when signing sessions, there is always someone who will take this ground of tattooed. I confess that it is both pleasant but strange." All these memories of fans hard-liners, one of them is stays in memory. "A day at a meeting in Paris, an American tourist came up to me and started to remove his t-shirt. All the security guys fell him on it then I calmed things and I asked him what he wanted. And, by removing his shirt, I got a shock! He had been tattooing my portrait on the back! »

With a new album coming out, there is no doubt that Alizée will be other surprises of the same kind at its future meetings of dedications. An album that turns its back on the electro sounds of the past to look to the 60s pop. And the beautiful can boast to have beautiful people among its composers, with notably a former Indochina IBA and guitarist Luke. And as a main influence: France Gall, "an artist j always admired. The wafer is scheduled for February and will be as always accompanied by a box set collecting well-stocked. For the time being, it is the eternal tour media continues and that leaves little time for Alizee to blow a little. And think the main concerned, namely, her daughter, her mom tattoos that are dedicated to him? "My daughter is crazy about my tattoos." I had taken it with me during a meeting at Tin - Tin and she had loved. Since then, she collect all pretty or other tattoos Malabars. I do not know how I will respond if the urge takes in a few years of getting a tattoo. Wish - it just the same beautiful course.
French to follow...


Possible French text from Inked article..
Douze ans! Voilà déjà douze ans qu'Alizée a débarqué sur nos ondes avec son tube imparable Moi…Lolita. Ce hit qui a squatte les charte un peu partout dans le monde nous narrait ses aventures et son incompréhension face à ceux qui, dés qu'elle donnait sa langue au chat, se jetaient sur elle. Mais surtout, Alizée était considérée comme le précurseur de ces innombrables jeunes chanteuses estampillées 'Lolitas pop" qui ont débarqué en masse au début des années 2000. En 2013, le constat est clair: la plupart de ces chanteuses sont soit retombées dans les oubliettes de la chanson, soit tentent désespérément de refaire surface par tous les moyens. Et Alizée, tel Connor MacLeod, est toujours active, enchaîne les tournées el en est a son cinquième album. Sacré parcours pour cette jolie Corse au tempérament réservé qui assume complètement son côté «*petite fille dans un corps d'adulte*»'

Mais plusieurs questions subsistent: comment expliquer cette continuité artistique sans failles ? Cette fidélité absolue qu'elle suscite auprès de ses (très) nombreux fans ? Cette palette musicale particulièrement vaste qui s'affirme d'albums en albums ? Et surtout, qui est vraiment Alizée ? Qui peut se targuer de connaitre cette désormais mère de famille épanouie? Bah pas grand monde au final. C'est donc en creusant dans son histoire et son passe que l'on découvre une personnalité riche et assez surprenante. Et c'est en creusant encore plus que l'on décèle l'une de ses grandes passions: le tatouage ! Si à la lecture de cette phrase, les mauvaises langues se mettent déjà en branle pour affirmer que la belle ne fait que surfer sur la vague tattoo du moment, qu'ils ravalent très vite leur salive. «** Le tatouage est presque une histoire de famille précise Alizée. Mon oncle avait une paillote en Corse et un soir, un tatoueur est venu animer une soirée et la quasi-totalité de mes oncles ainsi que mon père sont passés sous les aiguilles. De là est née mon attirance pour cet art et depuis ce jour, j'ai toujours su que je me ferai tatouer.*» Et parmi tous ces tatouages d'un soir, c'est celui de son père qui va la marquer :un motif de Peter Pan. C'est donc vers l'aller ego de ce personnage de Disney, à savoir la Fée Clochette, que son choix va se porter. Une fée qui symbolise bien
«*mon caractère, c'est-à-dire jalouse en amour, avec du caractère mais qui reste gentille. En clair, une sorte d'ange gardien*»

Mais de son propre aveu, cette première expérience ne restera pas dans les annales. Et la suivante non plus. Le monde du tatouage se refuse donc à lui ouvrir les bras ? Il attendait peut-être l’événement marquant. Et celui-ci viendra avec la naissance de sa fille en 2005. La découverte d'une artiste In blogueuse asiatique, Tokyobahnbao. un échange de mails et la demande d'aval, un dessin représentant «*ma fille à la sauce manga. Le résultat était magnifique et je suis allé chez Tin-Tin afin de me faire tatouer ce motif.*» Non seulement, ce tatouage demeure aujourd’hui celui dont elle est le plus fière mais de plus, cet acte va marquer le début d'une longue et fidele collaboration avec l'incontournable Tin-Tin. Afin de «*réparer*» l'acte un peu manqué du précédent tatouage représentant la Fée Clochette, c'est lui qui va assurer l'acte II de ce motif. Un motif qui prend tout le dos de la belle et qui incarne définitivement son ange gardien. Mais là encore, ce ne fut pas sans peine «*Je ne crois pas avoir autant eu mal que lors de ce tatouage. Au point qu'une fois la séance terminée, Tin-Tin m'avait demandé de revenir un mois après pour Ie finir, J'ai attendu six mois tellement ça m'avait marqué*!*» Mais ne dit-on pas qu'il faut souffrir pour être belle ? Désormais, la souffrance fait partie des vieux souvenirs et l'enchaînement a continue. Sur son bras, une blanche neige portant un M-16 afin de montrer que «* même si les gens me voient comme une petite fille bien sage, il ne faut pas se fier à cette apparence. J'ai mon tempérament et ce dernier peut s'avérer explosif si on me cherche*!*» On trouve également le personnage de Sailor Moon sur son bras, cette justicière qui en a fait fantasmer plus d’un a l'époque du Club Dorothée. Et toujours dans le même esprit, Aralé (personnage du manga Professeur Slump) orne également son bras, tout comme le nuage de Super Mario.

Un univers enfantin, féerique et enchanté dans lequel Alizée se reconnait et se plaît. «*J'insiste sur ce point mais vraiment, je me sens toujours l’âme d'une petite fille. Mémé si je suis mère, que je surveille les devoirs de ma fille, que je la gronde etc, je m'amuse autant sinon plus qu'elle quand je vais à Euro Disney*». S'il fallait une phrase pour résumer ce mode de vie, on la lit sur son bras*: Forever young*! Une phrase encrée sur son île natale et ou, malgré ce que l'on pourrait imaginer, «*le tatouage est très courant. Mon frère et la plupart de mes cousins et cousines sont très tatoués. Et surtout, les jeunes se font faire de trés grosses pièces et tout ça est parfaitement accepté et tolere*». Mais en plus d'avoir cette dimension symbolique, ses tatouages ont un effet beaucoup plus inattendu*; celui d'être copie par nombre de ses fans. «* Quand je me suis fait faire ma phrase Forever Young, j'avais posté une photo montrant ce tattoo. Résultat, j'ai reçu des centaines de photos de fans me montrant ce même tattoo sur eux*! Même lors de séances de dédicaces, il y aura toujours quelqu’un qui aura ce motif de tatoué. J'avoue que c'est à la fois plaisant mais aussi étrange*». De tous ces souvenirs de fans jusqu'au-boutistes, l'un d'eux est reste en mémoire. «*Un jour lors d'une séance sur Paris, un touriste américain est venu vers moi et a commence à enlever son tee-shirt. Tous les mecs de la sécurité lui sont tombés dessus alors j’ai calmé les choses et je lui ai demandé ce qu'il voulait. Et là, en enlevant son tee-shirt, j'ai eu un choc ! Il s'était fait tatouer mon portrait sur le dos!*»

Avec son nouvel album qui sort, nul doute qu'Alizée aura d'autres surprises du même genre lors de ses futures séances de dédicaces. Un album qui tourne le dos aux sonorités électro du passé pour lorgner vers la pop 60s. Et la belle peut se vanter d'avoir du beau monde parmi ses compositeurs, avec notamment un ex zicos d'Indochine ainsi que le guitariste de Luke. Et comme influence principale: France Gall, «* une artiste que j toujours admirée*». La galette est prévue pour février et sera comme toujours accompagnée d'un coffret collecter bien garni. Pour l'heure, c'est l’éternelle tournée médias qui continue et qui laisse peu de temps à Alizee pour souffler un peu. Et que pense la principale concernée, à savoir sa fille, des tatouages de sa maman qui lui sont dédiés ? «*Ma fille est folle de mes tattoos*! Je l'avais emmenée avec moi lors d'une séance chez Tin-Tin et elle avait adoré. Depuis, elle collectionne tous les décalcos ou autres tatouages Malabars. Je ne sais pas comment je réagirai si l’envie prend dans quelques années de se faire tatouer*». Souhaitons- lui simplement le mémé beau parcours.

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 12-29-2012 at 09:22 PM.. Reason: I tried to read it. Hmph.
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Old 12-29-2012, 05:58 PM
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merci Ray4AJ

"De tous ces souvenirs de fans jusqu'au-boutistes, l'un d'eux est reste en mémoire."
lol she mentioned Roman in the article
put him on the lucky bastard list

yeah finally i found the picture
"Et là, en enlevant son tee-shirt, j'ai eu un choc ! Il s'était fait tatouer mon portrait sur le dos!"

Last edited by foxy; 12-29-2012 at 06:30 PM..
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Old 12-29-2012, 08:26 PM
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Snow White with an M-16.....
.........and a seven round clip.
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Old 12-29-2012, 10:22 PM
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After reading this article, I think we can agree on the path her life went down: She had her childhood, but then was forced to grow up to the age of a 25-30 year-old in her late teens/early twenties. Now she is simply trying to grow up...but at a later point in her life. So besides growing from 18-23 when she was that old, she is experiencing that growth period when she is 25-30 years old. Its like her twenties have been flipped around.

A very unique situation indeed. We pretty much got our answers to why she is such a child inside, in one interview.
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Old 12-29-2012, 11:54 PM
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Not really a fan of this, but I don't hate it. I guess it reminds me too much of this controversial American photographer Tyler Shields. Seems kinda like a ripoff of his style. The boobs look great, though.
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Old 12-30-2012, 12:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
I've made an attempt at getting a translation for the article. It's probably not perfect but maybe some will be interested.
Thanks for the translation Ray4AJ.

I especially like Alizée's reference to her forever young tattoo and I see Connor Mcleod was mentioned there somewhere too. Well I always liked the concept of that movie and it seems she does too.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BYOE_b4aYD0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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