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Old 04-14-2013, 09:21 PM
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Believe it or not, I understand what you guys are saying. Good looks can open doors but personality and intelligence are what keeps you in. It works both ways. I have seen gorgeous men who are complete morons. I'll be talking to them and it's like, 'Are you kidding me?'. I'll go to a party and talk to one of my friends new girlfriend and, after two minutes I'm looking for an exit.

What I like about Alizée is that, not only is she very beautiful, but she owns herself. She fits in wherever she goes. Be it the craziest disco to the President's Ball. She can either blend in or take charge. She is always in her element.

My two regrets for her are Jérémy 'kill-the-rat-bastard' Châtelain and the fact that she never released her albums in the states when she first began her career.

I hear guys complain all the time about being 'friend zoned' with a girl they like. They faun all over her, driving her places, going shopping and to the movies but they will never be more than a friend. And what does she do? Dates a guy who treats her like crap. Then the girls complain to their 'friend zone' friends, 'Why can't I meet a nice guy?'. It happened to me in high school, a friend of mine who was in love with me but I didn't have the same feelings for him. But I kept him around as a friend not realizing I was breaking his heart. He enlisted in the Army and we went on our one and only date the night before he left. We made out in his car and I promised that I would write to him. I faithfully wrote to him every week telling him about the 'awesome' boy I met at the time. Yes I was a bitch and didn't know it. Then one week he wrote me a letter professing his undying love to me. I got scared and stopped writing him. When he came home on leave, he called me and wanted to meet. He came over and I sat him down and did my best to explain myself to him how I felt about him. When he asked me about our date I told him it was out of pity. After that, I never heard from him again.
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Old 04-14-2013, 09:23 PM
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You told him it was 'out of pity'.

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Old 04-14-2013, 09:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
You told him it was 'out of pity'.

I know, I know but hey, it was in high school. I was a junior and he was a senior.
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Old 04-14-2013, 11:18 PM
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Rocket, I have a woman that works for me who's divorced with a daughter. There was this guy that was after her 12-14 years ago and all she wanted to be was friends with him. Well last June she got her last child support check on her daughter when she turned eighteen. Now all of a sudden at forty four years of age this woman decides that this guy who she avoided like the plague and found every excuse she could not to go out with, is now the man of her dreams.

When she had her ex sending her a check every month she didn't need a man. Now the guy she couldn't stand when she was thirty years of age is the guy she would kill for. You see he is single never married, making a little over $100K a year at his job, owns a nice home and three rental properties, has a fully vested pension and a maxed out 401K and she is now totally devastated that now all he wants to be is friends with her. Well 14 years and sixty pounds does make a difference.
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Old 04-14-2013, 11:19 PM
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"Pity". Rocket, maybe you meant "guilt", but accidentally told the guy the wrong word? I hope so, otherwise, I'm frightened!

Hi, Junky! Bog standard soup to you and all, hope you're doing really well lately!

I was about to post a long one about how wives and gf's might mind Alizéeism a lot, even if they don't let on. But then I decided: there, I just said it!
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Old 04-14-2013, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
Rocket, I have a woman that works for me who's divorced with a daughter. There was this guy that was after her 12-14 years ago and all she wanted to be was friends with him. Well last June she got her last child support check on her daughter when she turned eighteen. Now all of a sudden at forty four years of age this woman decides that this guy who she avoided like the plague and found every excuse she could not to go out with, is now the man of her dreams.

When she had her ex sending her a check every month she didn't need a man. Now the guy she couldn't stand when she was thirty years of age is the guy she would kill for. You see he is single never married, making a little over $100K a year at his job, owns a nice home and three rental properties, has a fully vested pension and a maxed out 401K and she is now totally devastated that now all he wants to be is friends with her. Well 14 years and sixty pounds does make a difference.
I know a girl like that. She hooked up with a guy who treated her like crap. It was nothing to see her with black eyes and brusies on her arms and back. She gave birth to two kids with this guy. Finally he kicked her out for a younger girl. She bounced from boyfriend to boyfriend or what ever friends' couch she could find. She never once ever tried to look for a job. She was always on welfare or some other goverenment assistance. She found a real nice guy who took her and the two kids in. He had a great job and a house and treated her good and treated her kids like they were his own.

After a few months, I ran into her and she told me that her new boyfriend was wonderful. HOWEVER: Her old boyfriend called her (I guess his new gf had enough of his beatings) and wanted her back. She is now SERIOUSLY considering going back to him. I asked her if she was insane. This girl used to give her kids to her sister for the weekends so that they didn't have to see this A$$WIPE beat her. She now lives in a nice house and the kids are in good schools and wearing clean clothes. I can't believe she is willing to throw it all away for this dirtbag.
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Old 04-15-2013, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
I was about to post a long one about how wives and gf's might mind Alizéeism a lot, even if they don't let on
Well I've always suspected that ÀCC, as unbelievably amazing as it is, brings me bad luck. The girlfriend I showed it to, is now obviously, an ex-girlfriend
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Old 04-15-2013, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
Corsaire and pepelepew you're on to something. I've been a fan coming up on nine years and the attraction as still as strong as ever. The point you guys have made is a valid one when it comes to Alizée and her male fans attraction to her, it isn't sexual. Her male fans today are attracted to her as a person and the personality. Her looks gets your attention but it takes more than a sexual attractiveness to keep a guys attention over more than six months or so.
I remember back in 2005 and 2006 after she got married and was pregnant with Annili and how the male fans were devastated with the situation at hand. I went back on some of the threads a year or more before the marriage and there was this sexual attraction with many of her fans in 2002-2004. The animosity towards Jeremy was scary and most thought it was sham marriage that wouldn't last. When it came out that Alizée was pregnant with Annili it was like a mass rush for the door.

pepelepew, I'm hearing more and more men that are throwing the towel in when it comes to dating the women around my town. I went to the NFL play off game party in December and the single guys forty and over who attended were on a major bitch fest on the quality of the available single women. If they weren't on meds they had major me, me, me attitudes.

The theme was pretty much the same, it was the "I'm Entitled" or "I Deserve" a man with a certain level of financial success. In other words unless you can buy these women a 3,000 plus square foot house in one of the better communities and they can also be a stay at home mom they're not interested in you.

There wasn't a unattached guy at that party that made under $100K and a few of them had net worth's in the seven and eight figures. These guys were not stupid they can spot a gold digger in a heart beat. So unless the woman in question was something special they were not wasting their time on them.

I hear single women around me complaining all the time how they can't find a "Nice" guy. Problem is there are lots of available nice guys, the nice guys these women are looking for are "Rich Nice Guys" that they can impress their girlfriends with. I have more than a few times suggested to women that they should set up one of their single girl friends with a particular guy and the answer is always the same, she wouldn't date him he doesn't make enough money.
Yea Als the search for the best dragon slayer/provider is pretty much hard wired to the female psyche. Nice guys unconsciously are a gamble for being a good provider and or protector. At least the bad boys seem like good protectors. Consciously they may think they want the nice, caring, emotionally present guy, but fall for the bad boy more often than not as I have already explained the unconscious motivators. For these reasons I don't begrudge women for these choices as harshly as in the past. Your are speaking more of the rights without responsibilities female crowd weren't you Als?


Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
I know a girl like that. She hooked up with a guy who treated her like crap. It was nothing to see her with black eyes and brusies on her arms and back. She gave birth to two kids with this guy. Finally he kicked her out for a younger girl. She bounced from boyfriend to boyfriend or what ever friends' couch she could find. She never once ever tried to look for a job. She was always on welfare or some other goverenment assistance. She found a real nice guy who took her and the two kids in. He had a great job and a house and treated her good and treated her kids like they were his own.

After a few months, I ran into her and she told me that her new boyfriend was wonderful. HOWEVER: Her old boyfriend called her (I guess his new gf had enough of his beatings) and wanted her back. She is now SERIOUSLY considering going back to him. I asked her if she was insane. This girl used to give her kids to her sister for the weekends so that they didn't have to see this A$$WIPE beat her. She now lives in a nice house and the kids are in good schools and wearing clean clothes. I can't believe she is willing to throw it all away for this dirtbag.
Hi Rocket, glad your back. What a sad situation with your friend. I would say she has very little self respect , in which case is underserving of the affection, attracted to bad boys and she can change him and or in need of a project attracted to the challenge, addicted to chaos, the level of punishment equals how much he loves her, or any combination I described. If she doesn't get serious professional help the patterns will persist. Even if the dirt bag,(your description), happened to become a loving good guy which is equally unlikely, she would drop him like a hot potato. Just pop psychology 101.

Last edited by pepelepew; 04-15-2013 at 01:01 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 05-02-2013, 02:05 AM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post

I hear single women around me complaining all the time how they can't find a "Nice" guy. Problem is there are lots of available nice guys, the nice guys these women are looking for are "Rich Nice Guys" that they can impress their girlfriends with. I have more than a few times suggested to women that they should set up one of their single girl friends with a particular guy and the answer is always the same, she wouldn't date him he doesn't make enough money.
That is sad. I don't think I ever want to marry someone who only cares about your money. What happens when you face financial hardship and lose a lot of your money? I am a firm believer that you should go into a relationship with someone who likes you for who you are and not just for your money. So, they can be with you through the good times and the bad. Even if you have money those type of girls might still bail on you. I know a realtor who is young and who is a millionaire and is already divorced. Now, I don't know the in details of there relationship but this goes to show that just money alone can't guarantee you a long, loving relationship.

With respect to the topic at hand, I do think guys hide it because they people may think you are weird for liking someone who speaks in a different language. I do think that many guys don't want to show that they are attracted to her because people might be creeped out by it especially if you are an older guy. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with an older guy finding a much younger girl attractive but I can see the negative conotations of liking someone much younger. I also think, as other posters have alluded to, that there wives may feel insecure about themselves if they find out that their husbands like someone who may be more attractive and younger than them.

Of course, since I am close to her age (she is actually older than me) I don't have that problem. I have showed my guy friends to her and they find her attractive but for most of them it just stops there. Although I do have a cousin who has her downloaded videos but he isn't that into her like me.


Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
How would you like your ass kicked by this weak imperfect fleshly vessel?
And welcome back Rocket! You are one of the few "souls" from the 06/07 era when Alizee America was at it's peak. Good times.

We have missed your sense of humor on these boards.
Hope you stick around for a while as these boards definitely need some feminine touch.
Go France! Allez Les Bleus!

Last edited by Ali; 05-02-2013 at 02:07 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 05-02-2013, 08:42 AM
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Thanks Ali! I see I have my work cut out for me.
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