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Old 05-17-2013, 02:00 AM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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alizeefan is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post

And you are missing mine, she is not choosing not to perform, she just could not do it now if she wanted. So you have to guess that she is more happy now because she did it in the past already. It is a big guess.
I know she is not 18 anymore, I don't know why you think I am talking about the past and her former glory when I say a musician should be able to perform in front of a live audience, even if is in a little club, with only the company of a guitar and a piano.
Because from your first reply to this one seems to reflect ya'll want her to be out doing concerts on tours . . Much alike she did back in the day . Yet then
now change to smaller clubs and so on , yet . . . As i pointed out and you yourself did about the DJ thingy and as i did about the tv show live audience and so on . Surely you don't think if she wanted could set up shop at some tiny club and do exactly as you propose . Fact of the matter there as i see it she is getting paid and well to do what she is doing now otherwise she may indeed if inclined to do so as you say play some lil club in her home town amongst not only fans willing to travel there but everyone who lives there and loves her who would show up night after night .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
There is less of her everytime an album is out. Less sales, less tv shows, less interest from the people and less interest from her I would dare to say...

The reason there is no Alizée merchandise is because it would not be profitable at all right now. We can not have the "less is more" and the "branding and merchandise" at the same time, because you can not sell anything when you are in the "less" side.
If she wasn't selling " anything " Sony or whoever she signs with this time and next time which i guarantee to happen again in the near future . . Simply wouldn't be happening , the whole idea of her setting up her own shop was/is all a dreamed up scenario which i see happening in the future between me and whoever above wrote the ideas origin . There indeed is merchandise being sold . . . From limited edition thingies , mugs , shirts and so on . Scruffy either mentions these items above or is it in my other topic about back stage passes and ticket stubs i believe . .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
I would agree with the less is more if she was this unknown girl who has a great voice and play her guitar in many small cafes and bars in Paris and sell her albums online for a few dollars.

In Alizée's case, the less is more is not something she did choose. It is something related to poor sales, hence making her options smaller.
I don't think she is in control of her career and does what she wants like you said. Her little success at the moment means she has no options to choose, she is just doing what she can do, a lot of autograph sessions and some tv or radio shows, she does not have 20 offers in her table to go on tour through Europe, her phone is not ringing with people wanting to collaborate on a duet or producing her next album. Or doing a commercial, or a small role in a movie.
Of course she chooses to do it or not , how could you think otherwise . . Im not arguing here nor would ever that she chooses to be less successful than more . She has never been in control of her career in the essence as you state , she is paid to sing thats about it . She herself in interviews has said so reflecting upon not being song writer , producer , knowledgeable full time super star artist . In the essence how i feel i'm stating it she has alot of options more than you think . Sony is a huge company and surely not the only offer she got . . . There may not be 20 record companies but there probably is 10-15 who made the call and were in a bit of a bidding war . . Again you go back to a tour of Europe , even in her hey day the first tour wasn't that big , second tour smaller and so on . My point of all that was to argue that she did that been there and while she loved it and wouldn't change a thing about then , Now is not then and i'm sure she enjoys how it is now because not being a spring chicken anymore , having a kid and so on simply perhaps in her mind - of my honest opinion wouldn't even want to go back to that lifestyle . As for commercialism , to go back to her most successful time . How many commercials did she do ? 1 for a cookie company in Japan is all i can think of ? Look into how the outrageous amounts Japan companies pay stars to do commercials making offers they can't refuse . If you'd like i can give you some documented examples not only using real life stars but even the HBO show Entourage did an episode about that . . To say i don't think she ever had the pull to do Coca~Cola ads or whatever in even her home country because if so she would have been offered such whereas the Coca~Cola's etc perhaps considered it thought the money was better invested to pay other more well known stars . This commercials is not including the advertisements to put her pic on a cell phone case etc as she has done .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
And I am not saying she needs any of those things, I am just being critical with her career, not even that, I think I am explaining the reality of her musical career at this point. I don't blame her, but I think there is no reason to put sugar and don't say things like they are.
If you think this point of her career is good, I won't try to convince you otherwise.

But I see this "less is more" thing like someone driving a Ferrari all his life and then because the lack of money having to drive a crappy second hand car and saying that it is much better than the Ferrari because it need less fuel...
The less is more over all meaning which i feel you're missing is about us here at this forum , genuine devoted fans . While that indeed is about her and reflects upon her status , it has little to do with her feelings toward such .
I'm not trying to sugar coat it for those who want her to be --- whatever they want her to be . . . I'm simply stating as the starting line of my gist here with other artists of similar stature that i've come to love the fact they aren't this untouchable people living on a pedestal which we place them - that along with having less for instance activity in this forum and not this forum alone but take any webpage , fan club and so on the relations formed therein amongst true devoted fans is really a beautiful thing . In comparison to the nightmare and garbled mess of forums with 1000s of replies to each subject which no one could ever keep up with . Yes i've stated that even Alizee herself probably enjoys now alot more than the crazy times of the past because if you think like she would , while that memory is great its such a hectic lifestyle you simply are being pulled around so much with demands to fulfill this and that contract you don't have time to enjoy it as much . Until say like now she has time to reflect upon with how things were and are now compared to then for even her i'd say - less is more .

Take a look for yourself if you still can't believe me , fire up video of the signing she did in Mexico way back when . . She smiles alot yes but you can see in her eyes the HOLY F ! this is insane . Now compare that to the vast amount of her smiles in the current signing videos . I wouldn't dare to speak for her there and say this time is more fun for her than that time but there can be no doubt by seeing that beautiful smile it is just as fun now as then .
So on that note , i don't know the numbers as in amount of people in line at the Virgin store in Mexico but i'd venture to say far beyond the numbers of this latest signing . Now compare stories , vids , pics and so on of the horde in Mexico , Alizee having to be under guard rushed in rushed out . . To the pics , stories of this latest signing . . Now tell me is less more for her or not ?

As for the Ferrari analogy - until you live it . . . Easily understandable and simple to say than actual reality . I'd give you a similar analogy - You see if you were that Ferrari then how could anyone ever think you all of a sudden aren't a Ferrari , yet day after day people here do just that . . Another thing about that analogy - when you come from the 99% then become the 1% sure life you think will be all great and faery tale dreamland right ? With great success comes great responsibilities there Spider Man oh what a tangled web is woven . It isn't all its chalked up to be so while one may become accustomed to driving the Ferrari that addiction is easily overcome when a less fancy driver lifestyle learns to enjoy the ride to the destination and back no matter if it is in a Porsche , jEEp or on a Vespa scooter . With the Porsche you can't go as many places , can't take it down the tiny path on the beach , have to be careful it doesn't get scratched , where you park , that you don't get car jacked . . So is a Porsche more fun than the scooter especially consider if you were Alizee herself on or in any vehicle . I can tell you i've had more fun on my bicycle than off road in my jEEp or speeding down the highway in a Porsche .

ALL her life surely isn't the Ferrari , that girl growing up on some small island with NO vehicle . . . 1/3rd - To a very limited few years being courted by those with the fancy shmancy cars - a few years. . . Then to now her current status , i'd say the majority of her life and her personality reflects upon such that money and luxury are great but not what really matters in life when it comes down to it and again been there done that .

Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
I suggest you research how recording contracts work, because your discription of the situation is off the mark. Usually the artist is given some sort of advance payment (which isn't usually that great of an amount). Remember, Alizée has not been a big seller for many years, so it is unlikely they would give her a big advance. The artist generally has to pay back most of the record company's expenses out his or her percentage. This is called recoupment. If the artist doesn't make enough sales, they end up in debt to the record company. The artist usually also pays half of the expense of any videos made. And keep in mind there are lawyers and managers who also need to be paid by the artist. Nowadays, an artist has to sell quite a lot just to break even.

So I would not conclude that Alizée doesn't have to worry about sales. Artists like her do not get paid in full up front. She may have plenty of money in the bank, but I doubt she is going through all this trouble putting out an album, only to walk away with nothing. Or even worse, a debt.
We can conclude both of us are clueless . . We really will never know unless you happen to marry her or something and she tells you but i will argue my case - On one hand i could be right 1% on the other you could be 99 % right . I'd say the artists you're thinking of are those who have been contracted by the same company to do a certain amount of albums . In her one album contract life this should be obvious isn't the case , again i'd argue she was paid up front - X amount because of the simple fact - think - why would anyone even take the risk to sign her to do an album if album sales prior to this which you say yourself were minimal ? ? ? Doesn't make much sense in if ONLY the company greed would sign an artist who they will recoup every penny sense plus profit of where you're coming from .

Now a starting - starving artist - lets take madonna for example . Look at her first many videos . They are all amateur simple videos filmed with 1 camera and probably did cost her personally but not much . Every video since then you honestly think with a star caliber name wether it be a top seller such as Madonna or down to a lil Alizee status would - pay for the video to be produced etc and so on . If indeed these artists had to pay they would be in control of how it is all done , Alizee obviously is not in control of any of that , never has been and may never be .

She isn't and even has said herself a song writer , musician in terms of writing , producing and so on . . She simply is a great singer who gets paid to do such .

Now take a group and put in any rock group for instance that once was a top 40 , one hit wonder and so on . Those are the ones who are again contracted , paid up front to do X amount of albums and you will hear they owe so many albums to CBS or whomsoever . Not that they owe x amount of dollars . . I don't recall ever hearing a group owes x amount of dollars to the record companies . If this was the case it should be simple enough for you to find online stories showing such activities where group after group owes so much to Sony or whoever . YES you will find stories about artists owing monies back for failing to produce what they promised but that has nothing to do with an initial signing to be with Sony or whoever and again in her case a album by album contract which she did fulfill . She is an album by album style artist that changes style to fit the company requests , not some top 40 number one hit artist signed to multiple album deals .

On the subject of the company getting their cut , yes they get their cut of the money from profits first . Now consider this - with the amount of groups signed by companies , how could you assume every single one of them would owe X amount of some very large fees you say yourself and not fail , become bankrupt due to the amount of artists who are signed and never make it in comparison to the very few who do become a hugely profitable success stories then could afford to pay back every single penny the company put into them ? Kinda a silly proposition if you ask me . Yes we hear of the evil company robbing group after group but not to the extent which it would be if they were robbing every single one of them blind . Again they have X amount of dollars to spend signing artists all over the board of varied fame status , Alizee is a lil legend in her own rights who on looks ALONE lol . . will be signed until she is a granny and loses her looks . If you don't believe me , just as many have been arguing here for YEARS , then why does she keep releasing albums , hmm yet her sales are horrid , she cant fill clubs and so on . All that when it comes to multi billion dollar companies are drops in the bucket . I'll bet you 100 bucks right now this similar argument will continue in various subjects when the next few disappointing to fans and the company in sales are released . So do we have a bet ? I'll even bet i can find posts here saying she is all done she will never be able to put out another album due to the horrible sales of the past album/s . . Yet again here we are arguing the same non-sense of she is poor , she is losing money , her shoes cost too much . .

Now how would that be possible again for Sony or whoever to keep losing money and yet keep releasing albums on some whim she repeats past success ? I'd think they give up on her already as those who tend think it is costing her money argue . Also that she herself would be like F this losing money bs and quit .

So lets use this as a pretty good example how much money Sony has to toss around and show an artist who hasnt put out an album in over ten years . .

- quote

" As reported yesterday, embattled Hip Hop legend Lauryn Hill has been given two weeks to pay $504,000 in back taxes, or face jail time.

Well, Ms. Hill can probably cover her debts after all.

She has reportedly signed a new $1 million deal with Sony to record new music, and will take out a loan to pay off her tax bill.

Hill had signed a new deal with Sony, and was set to receive $1 million for recording five new songs, plus additional money for an entire album’s worth of music, according to the New Jersey. However, Hill has yet to finish writing and recording the new songs.

Hill has not recently an album of new music since 2002′s “Unplugged 2.0,” despite continued pressure and anticipation from fans for her return. "

- end quote

While Hill is a number one billboard artist - that was ten years ago . .
You honestly think Sony would risk giving her a million under some you owe us a million plus expenditures for half a dozen songs without hearing a note . .
Especially when they clearly know she owes half a million in taxes . .

So - according to your theory she would have to pay back the million , pay back the costs of recording , producing , advertising etc and so on . . Right ?
Seems a bit silly to me to think this way , the contract indeed would be written that expenditures for production would come out of any profits first and foremost but no artist in their right mind be it the smallest to the largest would ever sign a contract that the company gets paid back every red cent of the contract to sign up front with them plus the costs to them for production .

While yes lesser artists may get the shaft and not have the pull , know how , lawyers and so on to negotiate a lucrative contract . Alizee in my honest opinion is a big enough name to not have to sell her soul for rock and roll .
Look i'm not arguing that Sony or whoever loses money on every single artist and again as i stated above cost analysts determine who gets money and who doesn't . Alizee obviously said show me the money and they showed her enough to make it worth her time .

Sony music profits last year was half a billion dollars . That is one year .

Sony music established in 1929 . . . Fathom in almost 100 years how much they have invested and to invest .

Yes that is profits not as you may now be thinking how much they earned .
So to say that is money in the bank to do with as the board sees fit . That is after paying dividends , taxes , costs and so on .

Now lets take a look at the list of Sony music artists -


While many of those listed definitely earn/ed Sony those high profit margins , the majority of them are simply big names who while they may have the ability in name to earn Sony profits if you look at album sales over all are somewhat alike Alizee . Just another big name to be in the stable because if Sony doesn't sign them , someone else will take that risk to lose a bit on many and profit BIG time on a few . Which i'm sure those listed above are just the big time names not even listed are the 1000s of wannabes who are getting the bad contracts in hopes to live the dream . Now you may not think she has much pull , phone ringing off the hook but consider and research how much Sony profits are in comparison to other high end music companies . We can assume there was a bit of a bidding war and Sony won in her case .

I mean think of it this way too , your theory is like saying on one hand her album sales the last few have been pitiful . So why on earth would Alizee risk her own money . . to sign a contract with Sony . . . so they can profit first . . She would have to be pretty stupid or completely ignorant to numbers of the last album sales to do such and not just do it all herself in the garage without Sony or whomsoever contract stipulations to pay back every penny plus some relying on some miracle comeback and huge profits . All you gotta do there is look at her album sales for the last album not this current one , times that by per unit and see somewhat how much the company profited off her . I won't bother to look but just as an example 50K say X 20 per sold is a million so in essence that would be like thinking Sony signs Alizee gives her a hundred grand to like half a million up front which she must pay back plus production costs , video costs , advertising etc . They definitely know with many artists they sign they will never recoup what they invest , however with the vast amounts of artists they do sign they obviously profit year after year .

Now one more thing i wanna add here of how much money companies pay artists . Buick offered The Doors 100 grand for a Light My Fire jingle , in todays money that is millions . . They took the money but kinda behind Jims back and regretted selling out - Cadillac offered The Doors for Break on Through five million and again that was a long long time ago , when the Doors yes were a big time band but not quite the legends they are today , they said no . Offer raised to ten million , they said no , offer raised to 15 million . . . They said no . . Now if in the late 60s early 70s Cadillac can pay that much for literally seconds of a song to make a jingle . . Consider how much a Sony has to toss around these days at all kindsa artists to take that risk and possibly profit signing them to a contract before hearing a single note . . .

Sony music profits half a billion in ONE year , they would happily re-invest to say sign a stable of well known names and pay the likes of Alizee X 100 other artists - a hundred grand each . O M G but 100 artists X 100,000
= 10,000,000
10 MILLION for 100 artists ! - i guess there is no way they could afford that being in business and profiting for almost 100 years . . eh ? . . . and that is a very low estimate . I'd guess she has the ability to negotiate for more like a quarter million to on the high end half a million . Even if you take riduculous numbers - 1 million times 300 artists is three hundred million . . when you profited half a billion in ONE year . . . drop in the bucket to re-invest in well known names . Please don't take this as condescending as i did research as you suggested and the above related my current findings presented for your consideration .

Last edited by alizeefan; 05-17-2013 at 02:13 AM..
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Old 05-17-2013, 05:02 AM
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Thanks for your interesting replies, I would answer to them but I am afraid I would use the same arguments over and over and repeat myself.
If someone thinks she chose a big company like Sony to produce and launch her album, and the target was to get low sales and no chance of concerts and keep her low profile, then we have very different views about her career.
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Old 05-18-2013, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Thanks for your interesting replies, I would answer to them but I am afraid I would use the same arguments over and over and repeat myself.
If someone thinks she chose a big company like Sony to produce and launch her album, and the target was to get low sales and no chance of concerts and keep her low profile, then we have very different views about her career.
You're definitely not reading me correctly and don't get me wrong there it's obviously mostly my wind bag fault in poor writing skills including drifting thoughts from yourself and others replies throughout this forum . Most of my reply below will be repetitious . While Sony , Alizee et al may wish the best for sales and some concerts I've no doubt they know where things in terms of projected sales/concerts are before the offer was made and if otherwise wouldn't be very intelligent or still in business . Most of below will be reading into your thoughts a bit so forgive me for that or stop reading now .

Feel free to pound it in my head and point out my obvious mistakes , many times we must repeat what we say in differing ways of saying it so it is more clearly understood as you aren't in my minds thoughts nor am i in yours . I'd love to hear an argument to change my mind but i have yet to see that on most points . This is not to say i'm that stubborn to ignore all your comments . So Don't Fear the Reaper here , all though if it were a waste of time and you didn't feel i'm listening you simply wouldn't be replying . I just don't think most fans are seeing it from her shoes in the essence of how success is measured in career is and where this topic has gone .

Nah I don't think she has a choice so to speak as you mentioned above and I did agree , while I think she has some choice as in to accept one offer or another or choose to not accept at all . She like any of us in her " to make fun of those who say it - too expensive , too large a collection " shoes chooses the most lucrative choice and actually gets to choose now what shoes to wear . .

Its like the attitude we see so often here and not that you've said this but - of oh poor Alizee she is signed with Sony ( gee how bad a career she has ) and not aligned with MF anymore boo hoo . . Seems like success to me even when we want to converse on success in terms of releasing albums and the numbers . . Career success to me and i'd guess her is simply getting paid to work . Un-successful would be like she made an album but no one wants to sign her to be on and release it from a major label . Even if that was the case where she wanted to be on a major label to get paid big and she couldn't get signed by a Sony type so did it herself in the garage i'd see it as a successful in the essence of only now even when not considering the past to her career over all sucess .

Also not saying she or anyone likes the facts of less career success , less live concerts , album sales etc and so on . . We'd all even i , if you think otherwise would love to see a lil bit more at the very least . Heck who wouldn't want another concert dvd or better to say fan videos made and therein i mean as some mentioned a lil show at a club not some sold out 2000 seater multi cam , multi show merged into one pro shot dvd . . Us and them would all prefer to see more there , again the topic and as i see it career isn't about stats and numbers alone to say that is better being less than more .

As for low profile - surely this isn't the intention or want of anyone - but how can you think i was saying that was the intentions ?

On that note the better less there is , for instance i noticed today Karin posted at A-Life she did another fan meeting at a shopping mall -

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M71WT2SRDxU -

this seems to me in the want to turn this topic into does she prefer and enjoy her career of the less over the more . . Compare how many autograph sessions and fans she got to genuinely take some time to meet to the highest times of success to now . . . Back in the day for instance she probably didn't even have time to enjoy the less , wether that be to sit on a beach , autograph more relaxed and not all " ON " so to speak playing this superstar roll ( dressed in what they tell her to dress with the hairstyle they choose for her ) , shopping for shoes and clothes to post pics on the sites , fish , cook , eat seafood with grandma , hang out with her family . . and so on . Just because the fans and company would prefer to see her @$$ hanging out singing controversial topic songs to sell more , earn more doesn't equate to success in my terms of a career . Don't read any of that as me saying its your thoughts again im going on an over all society views basis to career success . While yes one could argue the vast amounts of autographs and fans she did meet in the days of high career success had to be more so how could one ever imagine the less is now compared to the more of then , when all it is is a bunch of pics shoved in your face sign sign sign did she really enjoy that more than the less of more in the now ?

See at this point she can more enjoy the success of the past as well the success of now wether any of us see it as a current success in terms of money earned or not that is up to her mind never ours or cooked up and probably a scam to pocket more than we see - Sony numbers . Most fans here seem to be under the impression of oh my this poor girl look how much a failure her career is now without considering it isn't all about success of album sales , money earned for her and Sony and only monies of now , after all she still probably has a lot of the monies from then to enjoy more now even if it is less cash due to what she spent . Anyway again that and perhaps my fault there for not explaining better the meaning of this topic which i know they all tend to wander around on the various details within . . Of which i'm happy to discuss and why i roll things around in my head to take into consideration then reply on a broader view to the points brought to my attention .

The less is more again comes from my view of i really enjoy seeing ALOT more vids , pics ( in the essence of herself posting instagram , twitter , the fan meets and them posting materials , not Sony music videos , dvd , cd etc , even if there still are music vids , albums etc ) of not only US enjoying the lesser hectic lifestyle from her but she seems to be having a ball too . . After all an album is an album , a vid is a vid and she is still making them . Sorry if i keep repeating myself but it's hard to keep up with who read what , what they took in and how they interpret such .

When you consider career from her standpoint as this topic seems to keep going back to by myself/us, you have to add the past with the now because her life and career doesn't just live in the now and indeed encompasses the now and then . So going back to less is more from my or our standpoint it sure seems like a lot more people are getting to meet her now in the " less " than then of the as we may tend to see it " more " .

I believe the feelings of enthusiasm , nostalgia , initial thrills from her past herein people overlook so much more than i can ever write or those care to consider . As a matter of fact i wouldn't even have come back here to post all this garbled mess due to enjoying the lesser career success in comparison to the heart felt nostalgiac views expressed of the past or wanton of high sales numbers and career success as measured by Sony music corporation and thus sold and bought right up by most of society .

Back in the day you had like little chance to get to one of these fan meetings due to the fact not only were there fewer as far as i can tell but to get tickets back then was some lottery of luck . Now its like wow i could actually meet her and have time to say something i've always wanted to say -
( allooooooo Alizee America ) not be rushed in and rushed out . Don't take that as me being naïve to be saying she didn't also acknowledge AAM back in the day but to me there again less is indeed more in terms of career success in an enjoyment for her/me which to me is more a success than money and Sony greed .

To go back and mention what someone brought up above , to me anyway her view of the last meeting i posted - ooo look at the cute baby , he says something funny she laughs , they take a pic , he strollers away slowly seems to be way more relaxed and enjoyable to her and my views in career success comparison to ooo look some fanatic put a cool tat of me on his back , sign , pic - rushed out for the next in the vast long line of people most of whom never made it to the table . . Put it like this , say the tat dude never met her back then and had showed it to her at this recent signing , instead of it being a few seconds , perhaps after the signing they would have hung out to talk about tats and so on became friends and ended up getting married lol . . Yes silly exaggeration but that's how i make some points . .

No one is even considering all those disappointed people who stood in line all day at the Mexico dealio they only see some i got to meet her show my tat and make a video of it . I am in no way taking away from that really cool tattoo moment it is indeed a fav of mine and we all know she LOVEs tats but perhaps you get my drift how i see it anyway is better now in the less being more and not measuring it solely by success in numbers and stats . Her maturity as well us the fanatics - to me - less is more .

In no way am i saying i wouldn't like as most all prefer her to be this most worlds famous , sold out world tours yadda yadda yadda . Hey if that is really what she wanted and how it was all the power to the notion - In retrospect of the reality of how things are - i'll give you a couple examples - say there was no Madonna and Alizee was her of that fame level , locked away , not able to walk the streets without security and paparazzi , even her kids being stalked - moving to another country like Russia to get away from that , then the jaded lifestyle of such fame . . Is that really a successful career when we don't just take into consideration silly meaningless sales numbers and live concerts produced for that very thing ?

Another example take my favorite singer from my avatar pic here - Ассоль , most have never heard of her nor will ever . At one time long ago i felt the same as many here express of Alizee and wish she was this world famous singer highly successful selling music . This came from my own greed of wanting MORE MORE MORE - videos , concerts etc . Due to family money and success she has 100s of millions and could do whatever she wants musically to be Madonna like in fame . . Yet she does not and when you consider the why's and what would entail such a lifestyle again i prefer the less is so much more a successful career to me and i can tell you she would agree . Success in terms of numbers , career as most fans may see it and stats is such a small part of the whole in a less is more notion . If Alizee had been a Madonna for instance - think of all the absolute garbage and mess that goes along with that she would have released which in my mind would be much inferior quality to the less is more due to this want by Sony or whoever to cash in while the irons hot . Would many of us devoted fans even still be fans if Alizee was a " career " success of the Madonna Britney etc and so on ? I think not . . . Sure she would have MORE fans and MORE money and MORE everything so again less is more for me . I do sure love Madonna and like a lot of her career , i love Alizee a lot more and love ALL of her career . If Alizee was Madonna like or even 1/2 - 1/3rd that fame - career success in numbers - i'd probably not LOVE all of it and she'd be to me alike a Madonna where i don't love it all and only some . So again and sorry to repeat ( NOT ) - less career success to me is so much more , that which i can't even express enough - repetitively because you see my friend most of those replies above and feelings expressed at this forum just don't get it , probably never will . No offense meant at all there to each his own in terms of career success and I thank you all for your replies as without them I wouldn't have most of these thoughts to repeat .

I'll add one more thing -
Lets say Alizee was here to ask the question - is your career a success regardless of sales numbers and live concerts or are you disappointed with how things are ? In my mind she would first think how can anyone even feel my career isn't successful . . . Then she would answer yes I feel success regardless of performing live , I don't really want to do a world tour as I did in the past because I have a kid now and sales numbers really don't matter to me i'm having as much fun now if not more than my most successful times .

Then ask yourself if you were her the same question what would be the answer ?
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Old 05-18-2013, 11:12 AM
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I am happy that she looks happy in her personal life.

I can not be happy if her sales are poor, nobody takes her seriously anymore, french look at her like a has been, and I can not be happy with the fact that she could not fill a theatre and sell tickets to perform in there, like 99% of artists like to do.
If you are a musician, you love to play in front of an audience.
If you are a singer, you love to sing in front of an audience. The rest are random guesses and opinions with a weak base.

She could stop her musical career tomorrow and keep being happy at a personal level, and even meeting with fans and doing autograph sessions.
But since I am more interested in her career than any other thing, yes, I would prefer that she had way more success.

How much more success? I don't know, maybe just the amount of success that would secure her to have more albums done in a proffesional way like 5, and not having to worry about if there will be a next one.
Anyway, I really am clueless about the music industry, unlike lefty, who has great knowledge and insight in this matters, and I always take in consideration his opinions about these topics.
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Old 05-18-2013, 12:41 PM
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She may not have had to shell out any money for THIS album, but she did two solo albums produced by herself. If you think people invested in that, you're a fool. She had to pay for the studio and everyone that helped on those albums. People don't work for free. Psych did alright, and maybe she at least got her money back, but I imagine UEDS was a big loss for her.

We don't know the details of her contract, but big recording companies sign an artist hoping to at least make a profit. It doesn't matter how much they make in a year, investors care about PROFIT, period. They've invested time and money into her album and promotion, and if the numbers don't go up, they will drop her.

Now, I think she made a pretty good amount of money working with Mylene, but why would someone like Alizee waste her time and money making CDs if no one will sign her? It would be a waste if there is no profit involved.

Here's a little perspective:
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Old 05-18-2013, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
That's pretty interesting, I would say Alizée is somewhere in between "The DIY Band" and "The Indie Four Piece." Probably leaning a bit more towards the latter
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Old 05-18-2013, 09:04 PM
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It is a sad reflecton of the major players in the music world, USA & UK, that the record buying public in those countries will never give Alizee the recognition she deserves unless she sings in English (American). If she sings predominantly in French she may have the occasional novelty record, but that's it. As a French singer the best she can aim for is being a big fish in a small pond.
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Old 05-18-2013, 09:32 PM
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We could go back and forth on this issue all we want but the bottom line is that the public has spoken.
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Old 05-18-2013, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Fall06 View Post
That's pretty interesting, I would say Alizée is somewhere in between "The DIY Band" and "The Indie Four Piece." Probably leaning a bit more towards the latter
That's right... and I'd say that during the Mylène era with her two first albums she was somewhere between the "Indie Four" and the major superstar ... Because she probably made a couple millions euros at the very least within those 4 years.

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Old 05-19-2013, 01:31 AM
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Euphoria's graphic is very interesting.
However, in terms of the music industry, I think Alizée would be part of another different category to those three.
I would call it the "one hit wonder" category, for people that fit in similar charachteristics to Alizée's.

People who had a big success with a certain song, and may keep in the music business and recording albums years later, but breaking even or with small profits regarding album sales.
I suppose it would be all about royalties in that category. And probably it would be necessary to divide it in two sections. One for big hits like "Lolita", "Barbie girl" by Aqua, or "Butterfly" by Crazy Town, and another one for mega hits like "La macarena" or "All the things she said" by t.a.t.u. for example.

It is funny (or sad) that websites dedicated to this one hit wonders don't even mention or remember Lolita, probably because it is a song in french or because it did not make it in America at the time.

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alizee, lack of medicines, popularity, promotion

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