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Old 05-19-2013, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
She may not have had to shell out any money for THIS album, but she did two solo albums produced by herself.
Speculative , also and don't read this wrong but she isn't listed as a producer on any materials released . . . Production and - every single one of her recordings released by a major label seems to different subjects . That is when it comes to shelling out . . .

Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
If you think people invested in that, you're a fool. She had to pay for the studio and everyone that helped on those albums. People don't work for free.
I wouldn't claim that most do work for free , we been through all that .
Yet consider this , you are a drummer/sound technician/insert any title , you are one of Alizee's/Any artists friends , you've never worked with Alizee/famous artist , yet . . Alizee/any famous artists wants to work with you on her latest project , major label or not . I know you may refuse to " work for free " i'll guarantee and i can show you acreditation without fees there are alot of people in the music industry as well others and even people here who would " work for free " . Not only because these people are her friends and family but even those who don't really know her just to get the name association by working with such people can make it worthwhile . Even in Hollywood productions this happens constantly , people work for free because when you can have Alizee/any famous person/title/song/movie etc on your resume it can lead to other work . . Adding one more very important thing , how you're saying it and considering her husband is one of the producers . Oh no sorry my wife you will pay me or i will not work for you . . . A bit silly to think so obtusely .

Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Psych did alright, and maybe she at least got her money back, but I imagine UEDS was a big loss for her.

We don't know the details of her contract, but big recording companies sign an artist hoping to at least make a profit. It doesn't matter how much they make in a year, investors care about PROFIT, period. They've invested time and money into her album and promotion, and if the numbers don't go up, they will drop her.

Now, I think she made a pretty good amount of money working with Mylene, but why would someone like Alizee waste her time and money making CDs if no one will sign her? It would be a waste if there is no profit involved.

Here's a little perspective:
Investors already were paid in dividends et al . . So simply put they aren't screaming bloody murder where is my money why are you giving so and so so much money simply to be signed with our company . .

Of course any business goal is to make profit , as i've provided absolute proof above they do make profit . Again they profit ALOT off of a few artists and take a risk on ALOT MORE whom they lose on . . . Kinds obvious again they know they won't profit much off an Alizee for instance yet they take the chance to . If they didnt take those chances someone else would , if they know the numbers of the past loss and would NEVER invest in those who show loss then there wouldn't be any Alizee types music even released . Not too hard a concept to realise .

I mean were not even considering all the free perks these artists get . You see when you are Ferrari and Alizee is seen driving your ferrari that is FREE advertising way beyond that any paid for commercial can do . Now im not saying there Alizee gets EVERYTHING for free but think if you owned a car dealership , restaraunt , hotel , airline and so on you'd give alot of free perks to artists who use your products etc . Add to that all the free stuff the music industry flys them around , nice rooms , jewelery and so on to keep them happy and impressed . I mean Alizee isn't a Hollywood star but . . the gift parties for instance at red carpet events as well too many to list . But wait they are all out to make money and would never give out free stuff , those companies even PAY large fees just to be the ones there giving out the free stuff . . yet no one works for " free " . . .

Again i'll bet you $ 100 right now that even though this album , the last few etc as you all claim are losses and she is losing money that she will in a few years have another album out and on a major label . We been through this for YEARS on this forum, According to some of you this is an impossibilty and a major label would NEVER invest in someone who loses them money yet it keeps happening . . . Your theory is highly flawed by your own statements . So do we have a bet ? ( i doubt anyone will take that bet ) so please explain to me how she keeps putting out albums yet the numbers just dont add up and why major labels would never would never do that ? Yet they keep doing it . .

Or how many MORE albums with a loss ( and according to some of ya , not my opinion she keeps taking a loss losing money ) to the major labels will it take from now to admit that whole theory is an incorrect assumption ?

Again explain to me how if she keeps losing money on all this why does she keep doing it ?

As for that chart it's missing so much , hypothetical et al and i would point out flaws but wont bother because the above can't be answered logically and no one here will take my bet .
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Old 05-19-2013, 03:09 PM
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Sorry no, you have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe amateurs would work for free, but not established artists. I'm just gonna stop reading this thread because you're very ignorant.
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Old 05-19-2013, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
We could go back and forth on this issue all we want but the bottom line is that the public has spoken.
Preach it, guuuuuuurl.
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Old 05-20-2013, 05:42 AM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Sorry no, you have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe amateurs would work for free, but not established artists. I'm just gonna stop reading this thread because you're very ignorant.
Again you're saying her own husband wouldn't work for her for free and i'm ignorant LMFAO !

When you yourself above take advice of an amateur and claim that to be the end all of all for information on the subject you wished to discuss on hand who clearly isn't a pro and never will be shows who knows what and how obtuse one can be about that whole subject of established artists and the ignorance within your thoughts there .

You contradict yourself within your own paragraphs and I've pointed it out , as usual immaturely instead of taking it point by point as I broke yours down you just reply childishly of no no your wrong im right nah nah nah nah nah nah . . . lol - Yet i'm the ignorant one and you won't take my bet about the next album , hilarious ! Yet we had this same argument about money issues , ya'll claimed she keeps failing , no one will ever sign her , she will be broke . Yet here we are again same old garbage arguments with no basis of facts or well thought out paragraphs to explain such thoughts . Again i'll add because its incomprehensible to some that money and success have nothing at all to do with the statement , title of the subject about liking less and seeing it as more in a popularity sense .

Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
We could go back and forth on this issue all we want but the bottom line is that the public has spoken.
Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Preach it, guuuuuuurl.
Bottom line really is the replies to the initial topics being sadly un-thought out in some weak manipulation having no basis to back such thoughts from that fact it is about my like of her being less popular then poor attempt to change to suit those with money issues whom obviously never had much experience there when that had nothing or little to do with the subjects title or the authors feelings expressed within the initial post which is what it all was supposed to be about . In essence when others can't comprehend such basic thoughts change the subject to suit a bit trolly needs reflected upon in similar arguments at another titled subject here from the past . Even having said so forums basic idea is to go back and forth til someone takes their ball and leaves , that is when a topic is trolled with a poor attempt to change the subjects title . Bye bye now see ya'll in another subject ya can handle better and hopefully but doubtfully objectively . Wait til you they get a load of me there . . . Can't wait to read the twisted replies in my next subject .b \.

After all and not that anyone can answer , when the subject title and paragraph clearly express how someone likes less than more in popularity . What the public replies how they feel about how much money she has and its costing her sure doesn't end the issue with those who have a problem with how much money she has and what a failure they see her as and want to change it into a money issue or have any affect upon the authors title and feelings on the subject of liking less being more in a popularity sense . . . When it comes down to that , look you aren't in charge of her finances even though ya think you'd be good at that or better than you think she is at handling her own - thankfully you never will be and it should be apparently obvious why cuz you are the clueless one there .

Last edited by alizeefan; 05-20-2013 at 06:20 AM..
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Old 05-20-2013, 09:57 AM
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Her husband wasn't the only one who worked on her album. If you work for free, you get the reputation that you work for free all the time, and that's all people will want from you. I don't think you know any of the details of her previous solo albums, that much is obvious.

Anyway, I can barely read your broken English. Done.
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Old 05-20-2013, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Less is more? I don't know... It looks to me that she is not able to fill an arena and sing in front of a live audience, let alone going on tour.
Why does Alizee need to sell out 30,000 seat arenas like what she did before? In my teens, I used to go to concerts of popular acts, and I'd never be able to get good seat on the main floor. It was mostly 40 rows back or on the tier levels, and that was my reward for only buying them online 10 minutes after they went on sale. Then I started following indie acts and not so well known bands and singers. Their music was just as good as the big acts I saw in my teens, but they weren't on TV 24/7. They played in the smaller venues in Manhattan. Some of them in bars. It was great. I got to stand literally 5 feet away from some of them. After the show, I'd get to chat with them too.

I think Alizee would sell out these smaller venues in Manhattan. She would make a fortune selling CDs and t-shirts before and after the shows.
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Old 05-20-2013, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by JoeNY View Post
Why does Alizee need to sell out 30,000 seat arenas like what she did before?
I said arenas as in "venues", I don't care if it is a small club, a theatre or the Rose bowl.

I think Alizee would sell out these smaller venues in Manhattan. She would make a fortune selling CDs and t-shirts before and after the shows.
Sure, sure. We know she could sell out small venues all over the world and make a fortune in merchandising. Thank god she is just happy the way things are and she still has plenty of money since everybody works for free for her and Sony has her in their catalog just for the fact of including her powerful name in their list, no pressure, sales don't matter, there was not a minimum number of sales set fot her.

Otherwise she would have to go out there and put up with performing in front of her own fans. Could you imagine that? A singer singing in front of her fans! Crazy stuff.

I think OP is posting here with a lot of arrogance and with zero critical view.

Last edited by SpanishFan; 05-20-2013 at 01:48 PM..
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Old 05-20-2013, 10:49 PM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Her husband wasn't the only one who worked on her album. If you work for free, you get the reputation that you work for free all the time, and that's all people will want from you. I don't think you know any of the details of her previous solo albums, that much is obvious.

Anyway, I can barely read your broken English. Done.
Second time in this topic alone you are done not to mention some of my others , yet why are you even here reading this right now = pwnd . Not only that but your above statement which you refused to even acknowledge in other replies above now you admit im right . . Again . . . about hubby .
You do realize how ignorant that makes you look ? Probably not . .

Look I know it sucks to be wrong but nothing wrong with admitting you're wrong . I was wrong once and admitted it , wasn't so bad .

Funny how again you mention not being able to understand what I write , yet your above reply shows not only did you understand it but were understanding enough to reply . Even after saying you wouldn't reply again . . . You got problems man and the sad part is you don't even see what they are . It's like having a conversation with a spoiled brat , fun and all but total waste of time .


Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
I said arenas as in "venues", I don't care if it is a small club, a theatre or the Rose bowl..
And as i proved to you she is performing not only in small venues when she wishes but on a hit tv show . . In front of the SAME size audiencea and SAME fans you wish to refute . Oh but wait even after i proved it to you , you admitted it and now i'm the arrogant one . May want to look up the definition of arrogance .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Sure, sure. We know she could sell out small venues all over the world and make a fortune in merchandising. Thank god she is just happy the way things are and she still has plenty of money since everybody works for free for her and Sony has her in their catalog just for the fact of including her powerful name in their list, no pressure, sales don't matter, there was not a minimum number of sales set fot her.
Spanarrogancefanatic no one ever said she was making a fortune , but guess what there arrogant one , she is making money as i keep telling you and have been for years . Yet you refuse to believe it in some loyalty to a forum friend , lmfao - arrogant indeed . . . A minimum number of sales set for her lmfao oh boy you guys just grasp straws while drowning its hilarious to watch ya flop around , even funnier to watch when i toss you a life preserver and out of dislike for me you push it away . .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Otherwise she would have to go out there and put up with performing in front of her own fans. Could you imagine that? A singer singing in front of her fans! Crazy stuff.
Uhmm she is out the performing in front of her own fans , has been and will continue to do so . I realize you have a problem with me but to not see reality is the only " Crazy Stuff " i and others see .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
I think OP is posting here with a lot of arrogance and with zero critical view.
If what i post is of no interest to you and arrogant with zero critical view why would you even bother reading ? Then come back with things like claiming you cant read what i write yet reply to each and every post i make .
laughable . .

So let me get this right , first NO ONE WORKS FOR FREE - screamed in some childish manner by the kid above . I then point out that her husband and some friends probably did and would work for her for free because its not really work when you are having fun doing work . Your lil butt buddy admits i was right , now you want to turn it into me saying EVERYONE works for her for free . . . Yeah you're right , i'm the arrogant one with zero critical view . . . pwned !

Not to mention this whole topic which is simply about and let me break it down for those who have trouble reading a five word subject title -
Alizee popularity - less is more . Those five words mean to me , the OP that i feel less is more . I know that is really hard to comprehend for those who want to twist every single subject here into poor Alizee her career is over she is broke . . . Has absoloutely NOTHING to do with how many albums she sells and all that nonsense . All it means is i LOVE how she is and always has been , unlike the naysayers who refute the reality of it all at every chance possible . I mean all this really was is an attack from my other subjects to turn one subject into something it has really nothing to do with .

So Spanglish fan since you are so much behind Eubabyformulas ideals ,
why don't you take my bet . 100 bucks says within a few years she will have a new album out , new video and signed to a major label . Yet according you nay sayers this is an impossibility for the last many years . Yet none of you will take my bet now , none of you would take it the last few albums . Oh must be because i'm the arrogant one with zero critical view right ? muahahaha pwned - again . i'd feel sad for some of you but ya seem to enjoy being abused so be it .

Last edited by alizeefan; 05-20-2013 at 10:53 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 05-20-2013, 10:56 PM
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Are you autistic?
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Old 05-20-2013, 11:26 PM
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@alizeefan It's funny how you say they're the arrogant ones for not accepting your, quite frankly, rather flawed point of view, yet you don't acknowledge anyone else's.

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alizee, lack of medicines, popularity, promotion

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