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Old 05-21-2013, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Karin View Post
That sales are bad, ok, we know... but look, she is presented in medias more than by UEDS and her album is really more commercial. Thats for me one BIG + .

I wrote it many times, but I see fault not just in Alizée but in all the management. They make big things, but compared to many faults incl. the LONG waiting for album. If the album would be released in October 2012 as was the plan, would like to see the sales. If its the long time part of fault, why its not going ok.

Yes, I agree. And 5 is a great final product, a good album even with all the problems and delays.
Maybe she also need support from a big management company that help her keeping up her profile between albums and not only during the recording time period like Sony. But probably is not worthy for her and the 20% they would take out of her income...

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Old 05-21-2013, 11:45 AM
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Karin I agree with your comments completely. At least she is putting a lot more effort into this promoting this album than the last two. Her FB page and Official web page is a joke compared to other performers and the amount of fresh information that gets put up weekly. Yes we all like her twitter photographs, but she needs to do a lot more to get her message and "Brand" out to the fans.

I made this point a year or two ago when I posted a link to an U.S. eighties all girl band who still tour called the Bangles. There is so much news and items for fans to see on their web page. These women are no longer youngsters and all are in their fifties and still doing shows. Their Facebook page has 36,191 Likes compared to how many does Alizée have? Their Web page also has so much more information on what they are doing and selling. The Bangles.com/

Then there is the GoGo's another all Girl Band from the eighties and their web site and tour dates. GoGo's.com/ And again they have a whopping 45,170 Facebook likes, compared to how many does Alizée have?GoGosOfficial

BTW, that might be a concert worth seeing, being the GoGo's are touring with the B-52's this summer. How do I know that because I saw it on their web page when looking for it for this post.

I'm using these two examples since neither band hasn't been big and on top of their game for almost 25 years. Yet they are doing ok for themselves even though the bands broke up and the members left the music scene over two decades ago to have families. Then a few years ago they got back together and started performing again. These are not young women they are all in their early to mid fifties.

The point I'm making is don't ever under estimate Alizée and what she is capable of in the future.

Just something she could do to increase her Cd sales is what many on air personalities do here in the U.S. is they redirect book sales to their personal web sites (Cutting out the middlemen) by offering personalized book signings. She could be selling signed "5" Cd's off her web site for 20€ by-passing Amazon and the local music stores. Here is a place she could be making some extra money on the side. All it costs her is a little time each day. Would you sit down and sign fifty Cd's a day if you knew each one was making you a profit of 8€-10€ ?

Last edited by ALS; 05-21-2013 at 12:03 PM..
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Old 05-21-2013, 11:46 AM
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Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
If possible, I would like for the mods to keep my post as intact as possible since I took the time and effort to reply in a non native language, and certainly I am not the brightest in here, for sure!

First: Come on... Did you really need to insult that much?
yes if you want to take it as insulting , as you said yourself you do .
shoe fits - wear it . I mean after all did you give me any consideration whatsoever in other topics of the same subjects ? no you did not , kettle pot black . .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Clearly when someone jumps and acts the way you do, appearing here suddenly and posting in a compulsive and agressive way, there is something not quite right going on... And in that state, you are not ready to behave in a proper way in an open discussion forum. And trust me, it really backfires at you. First, because it makes you look bad, and second, because not in a million years I am going to give you a reply in the same level of agression as you just did, which probably will make you even angrier, so sorry in advance for that...
Funny that others are in basically complete agreement with what I say but to YOU i'm the only one here who is doing it . . Now as for aggression and proper ways there are no rules here which I've violated in the least denoting how you wish to lay out certain rules . As for the backfire thingy , isn't it obvious that some of you trolls who want to constantly BASH the person who this damn forum is about makes YOU look like trolls and backfire to the very goals set out by the trolls on this bridge ? ? ?

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
So compose yourself a little bit and let's try to keep this as civilizased as we can, not just for us, but for the people reading this forum, because honestly it is not that good to post in the way you just did even if you are 100% right about everything you said.
No I will not compose myself how YOU see fit , a troll is a troll and not only myself but if you READ above and throughout this forum you'll see many others see it as trolly . I've had enough of being civilized when some of you trolls never are nor ever will be . Just because some who reply a lot at this forum and rain down on others constantly and consistently does not mean EVERY other person reading agrees with some of ya'lls trolly bs . As it should be clear again many whom do reply don't agree with the trolls at all .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
To be honest I lost track of all the questions you did to me and replied yourself... please write them together in one post and I will gladly give answers to them. Try not to get that frustrated since my comprehension of what you write fades a little when you write in that mood.
No , I answered the questions for you as I predicted you wouldn't answer then and now it's proven 100 % correct I was not only right in the assumption you wouldn't answer but gave the answers you constantly arrive at in a one track mind .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
You really twisted a lot of my arguments, but no worries, I will explain just a couple of them:
When I say she is not performing anymore, obviously I am referring to traditional concerts like she did in Russia or Mexico. Of course she is performing in TVs, I have eyes and ears, I was talking about touring like she has in mind doing right now. (I can not believe I have to explain this things...)
The sad part is your failure to comprehend - think and if inclined to do so and not ignore this simple question

Question 1 - What is the difference in appearing in concert on tour 50 times to 1500 seat audience on tour - to - appearing 100 times and on LIVE tv to 1500 seats on tv in front of the same fans ? You see my friend to me there is no difference whatsoever . Its basically the same thing less the location .

While yes you will argue that she isn't doing her own thing , as in performing only HER songs . Guess what , it is doing her own thing as that is her choice and therefore her own thing . . .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
It is the same with the dancing thing... she is a trained dancer, it is supposed to be her passion, and all I wished from her was to take the maximum out of her skills. You can say I want Lolita back and then you would be wrong... And the rest of your post, like I just did with the performing and the dancing topics, can be explained in the same way, but it would be very boring and time consuming.
Yes but the way you put it is she isn't utilizing it at all , then when I point out not only has she trained her ENTIRE life in that way for too many reasons to list that she IS still using her skills . . . You want to refute those facts and see it only YOUR way . . . Hello McFly you in there knock knock knock . .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Of course we all were excited when she was training hard her dancing. Were you in a cave at the time?
I am Batman . . . Again she has trained her whole LIFE in dancing , just because this forum SPECULATED it was ALL to go on tour and dance for us shaking her ass so some of you can get off again . . . Doesn't mean that EVERYONE saw her training for that purpose . . . All I saw it as is just as any dancer , will train in dancing for LIFE .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Why did you need to invent that I was expecting a world tour? There were rumours of her taking part in a dancing TV program, and she was talking about going back to her roots with her new album and dancing would be part of that.
Because it's blatantly obvious that certain of you who HATE how she is now all ya want is the pretty girl to be dancing for you in some fantasy .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Can you see how easy is to explain facts instead of making up false claims of what my expectations were?
I would invite you to read my posts with some kind of interest and trying to understand them as an adult would do, even if you fully disagree, and not trying to mock and twist every argument as a five years old boy would do.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander - you twist me i'm going to twist back . The thing is your twists are total bs , trolly and so on . My twists upset you into the childlike ways - Enjoy . . boy . .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
That is a perfect example of your late behaviour... First, if you can find a post from me saying her career is over I will leave the forum forever. Is my bet to you, since you like them that much.
Second, you make up the claim about downloading her album, which is not only wrong but ilegal. I think that was way out of order, even as a joke, or "totally sarcastic" as you put it.
Some understand exactly where i'm coming from calling YOU and others out on their bs . you will never understand or have understanding for me . Perhaps time to give up and not reply but you will continue your ways . .
If you think im going to waste my time reading your incomprehensible poorly writ English to quote the attitude you clearly express seen by me and others in this topic alone more than once you got another thing coming .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Bottom line is, there is nothing wrong with being a singer with moderate success, she has a nice voice, she is gorgeous, she is calm, she is different, she is great and for all I know, a good mum and a good person.

But if you expect from me to be happy like you are just because her sales being low are giving us the chance of having multiple cd signing events, and the luxury of forums like this not being crowded, then you are wrong.
Now we seem to be getting somewhere but you will still fail hard to comprehend . When I make subjects claiming to like less and YOU want to reply with reasons why YOU don't like it . . . Did me expressing my views of what I like really offend you so much to reply in that subject as well a few others how I am wrong about this and that ? Just because some people like this or that gives you no right to attempt to change their views . Even if so when someone takes time to explain their views , ya'll resort to sales numbers and a bunch of bs that means nothing to those who express views of love for the girl . YOU don't have to be happy . I know misery loves company but ask yourself how that makes YOU look to the general public .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
I would want her to sell ten times what she is selling now, I would want the french public not laughing at her, to have the recognition she deservesm and I want her to do good in the music industry, and to be as good artist as she can be.
Is that possible? Maybe not, but you are nobody here to tell me how I should or should not think.
Forgive me for my terrible sins, Alizeefan
O k I get it now , it's ok for you and a few of your friends who agree with you to tell others how you feel but forbid anyone else from disagreeing with ya . . See that is what forums are about and if you can't handle others doing the same exact thing as you do , simply looks trolly .

Also more importantly why are you so hung up on what the critics say , then how can you dare have the gall to say she isn't as good as she wants to be and can be . Just because again YOU see it as some poor career and failure in only a current aspect again show what you want to see and how you feel .
Maybe satan made you do it sinner but I doubt and don't believe in hell all though even hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned . I just hope for your sake and some others Alizee doesn't read some of your replies cuz if she does and knows who some of you are then you goto meet her for an autograph she may have security drag ya out back and teach ya a lesson about how successful she is .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
I will leave you with a single and simple question, and unlike you, I will give you the courtesy of answer it yourself.
Since apparently many of us want lolita back (false) and she desperate is trying to get rid of that image, could you explain to me why on earth she acepted the word LOLITAS in her dj sessions? Or why she still gladly sings it in tv shows. Because if she is trying hard to get rid of that image, something is not adding up here, isnt it?
Blatantly obvious and transparent you all even admit - LOVED her back then . . . Yet you do not love her so much now . . . Hmm same Alizee , Same voice , I fail to see why you would dislike the direction of her career now and only then besides the fact of tight clothes controversial songs and shaking her ass for you to fantasize about . Others may be afraid to call you trolls out on your bs but I never will be . I'd say it is you think her music sucks now but considering you purchased her new cd . . I guess you do like her music still . . I've never claimed she is trying to get rid of that image or anything of her past , as I've said over and over and over she I am 100 % sure loves all her career . Now does a star tyre of the same old ONE word labels . . Most definitely but does Madonna regret being like a Virgin - no . Will Alizee ever regret being Lolita - no . No idea where your assumption that she would want to erase that past from her life comes from ? It sure isn't my thoughts on the subject . Now will see speak up about it at times and tell fans and reporters in interviews that that is the past and live in the now sure , but that doesn't mean twist it into some regret of hers or mine .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Is it possible some wrongdoing in some commercial strategies? Some room for criticism from us evil fans? Am I making and inventing this things up too?
Come on, don't be blind, nobody here is attacking her career or her personal life and certainly you are mocking yourself trying to defend arguments that you make up in your mind, trying to make me look like the evil overprotectionist fan.. Get a grip, my friend
Do as you wish and no I haven't ever said go away , as a matter of fact I've taken time to write replies which shows considerable consideration . What you are inventing is some fantasy about how she coulda woulda shoulda and how everyone here agrees with you when they clearly do not , you nor the other critics aren't in charge of her career and thankfully never will be . Why cant you give the same consideration you ask of others who you do the very things in your complaints in that last bit of gibberish . Again whats good for the goose is good for the gander . Get used to it cuz until I get banned ive got a good grip . Funny part about your overprotecting fan bs is - - - none of us are even in disagreement that her career is some current HUGE success as you want to twist it into those who simply like who she is now . Yet you want to keep going back to that we are all some fanatics who think she can do no wrong . . Completely ignorant of the fact that we simply like who she is NOW and THEN . Unlike others who clearly prefer then to now and being typical male chavs its obvious to me why . [/quote]

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
If I am worried about her sales being poor, it is my right to be worried. Unless a mod or a member of this forum other than you tell me to stop writing about this topic I don't see the reason why you try to make me stop writing my views with such poor language and mood from you.
I'm not trying to make you stop , if that is the case then aren't you trying to make those who disagree with you stop their she can do no wrong attitude as you put it even though that isn't reality ?

Worry all you want and long for this and that but don't try to stop me from making fun of your ridiculousness as I see it .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
I know you don't tolerate any criticism related to her, that is ok, but did you really have to go so low and look that much rude? Surely not, Alizeefan.
If I didn't tolerate it I wouldn't read it at all or reply or take any of it into consideration those statements to reply . I know you don't tolerate anyone who disagrees with your mind yet i'm rude and you're not . . O k I get it now sorry im the only rude one here . .

Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
Edit: As a deference for mods and fellow members of this forum, I decided to end this discussion with this post, it will help to calm down the situation and the state of agitation of a certain member too.
I kinda wish they would just ban me . . . As per your hinted suggestion because if they are influenced by you and others who dislike me at every step of the way and whom go out of their way to reply to anything I write on this forum so be it . Ya know you can just ignore me and not quote and reply to EVERY single thing I write here . On top of that make the replies you do write follow ups to what I writ clearly attempting to pick on what I writ . Of course im going to give you the courtesy of a reply . . YOU may see it as agitation , others see it as not only funny calling some of you out on your bs but a good read . Otherwise like yourself who does read it , they wouldn't even read all i write .

You don't get to decide the end of anything when it comes to me and I sure hope others wont take your bs either and will feel FREE to do as they wish without your bogus terms and conditions therein .
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Old 05-21-2013, 12:01 PM
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^ Dude, you turned this thread into a warzone... lighten up .

Originally Posted by alizeefan View Post
Funny that others are in basically complete agreement with what I say but to YOU i'm the only one here who is doing it . ..
Not so fast

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Old 05-21-2013, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post

I made this point a year or two ago when I posted a link to an U.S. eighties all girl band who still tour called the Bangles. There is so much news and items for fans to see on their web page. These women are no longer youngsters and all are in their fifties and still doing shows. Their Facebook page has 36,191 Likes compared to how many does Alizée have? Their Web page also has so much more information on what they are doing and selling. The Bangles.com/

I don't know if you knew this, but there was a british girl group called "Atomic Kitten" who did a cover of "Eternal Flame" like 7 or 8 years ago. It was quite successful because many people discovered that great song for the first time and the people who already knew about it could sing along to it again...
So it is sure things like that did benefit the original creators and performers to make a few extra money through the royalties of the "new" version of the song, some sells from the original album and certaily a few more shows for the Bangles, too. Everybody benefited from that at the time.

Of course the original is way superior!
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Old 05-21-2013, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by lapinschous View Post
^ Dude, you turned this thread into a warzone... lighten up .

Not so fast
No i really don't wish to lighten up and since certain others want to constantly express their views without being considerate of others I feel no need to give them any consideration .

To blame me for the entire war zone is a bit silly though no ? I mean look above . . I surely didn't create this topic and am not even involved in most of the interactions within - right ? The only ones i do jump in on are those targeted expressly for me to see . May be hard to see for those that not being me or them seeing the statements formed bruntly about what I've written recently but that is how i and others do see it .

I mean i realize i'm very good at pushing buttons as you see and denote but i'm not THAT good to turn everyone against each other .

should be pretty apparent the war zone has been here all along and im just a more recent combatant .

but i guess i can take your suggestion and go away for awhile and leave ya'll to your own misgivings without defending my position . I mean what gives me the right to do that here amongst ya'll who love each other so much when im not here ( giggles ) . cya all next album . . .
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Old 05-21-2013, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by lapinschous View Post
I'm a medical student and your facts are bullshit.
Ok. The Discovery Channel and their science experts are wrong. And you a medical STUDENT is right. Please contact the Discovery Channel and notify them that you know better than their world-class experts and that they should check with you (the student) before they make any future shows. I know they will take your suggestions to heart.
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Old 05-21-2013, 01:55 PM
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Alizeefan needs to go back on his meds.
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Old 05-21-2013, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Davedel View Post
Ok. The Discovery Channel and their science experts are wrong. And you a medical STUDENT is right. Please contact the Discovery Channel and notify them that you know better than their world-class experts and that they should check with you (the student) before they make any future shows. I know they will take your suggestions to heart.
Alright dude , you want to turn this into a scientifical debate? I know that those "facts" are BS because i've been studying that shit for three bloody years, now give me the link of your documentary or stop making false statements...

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Old 05-21-2013, 03:03 PM
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