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Old 04-27-2015, 01:24 AM
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Default Why are you a fan of Alizée? What makes her special for you?

In my time spent in the Alizéeverse, it's become apparent to me that for a lot of fans, Alizée is more than just a talented singer whose music we happen to enjoy. If you're here reading this forum, I think there's a good chance that your reasons for fandom are probably nuanced and multifaceted.

What I want to know is, why are you a fan of Alizée? What separates Alizée from other artists you might enjoy, but not to the same extent?

Maybe it's her voice, or the way she dances. Perhaps it's her smile. Her personality? Is it because she sings in French? Does her music bring back happy memories? Maybe it's something more abstract than that. Possibly it's a combination of things. Just some thoughts to consider.

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Old 04-27-2015, 03:54 AM
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Right now, I really dont know why Im (or was) her fan

Ok... why her fan... I think its a mix of everything what you already mentioned. The music of her albums, most the first 2, is for me different compared with others, light like a breeze. Then her voice... her voice with the music made something special, like a magic. You started to listen and you cant stop. Then her personality and appearance. Beautiful french girl, but shy. Well I think today you will hardly find such girl
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Old 04-27-2015, 09:42 AM
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I've said it before, I'm not into Alizée due to her singing and dancing, I'm into the woman herself. The first time I laid eyes on her back in November 2004 I realized just how very special she was. Over the years nothing has changed, I'm as big a fan today as I was over ten years ago.

There really isn't something that specifically stands out other than it is the whole package as they say. Is she perfect oh hell no but when you look at the positives vs the negatives there's really nothing that would be a deal breaker.

After reading Scruffydogs post below I should add the one quality that makes her stand out over other women is "it isn't all about her." When a situation comes up, most woman like 95% of them will do "A" because that is the way they are, Alizée does "B". Example of this is when her marriage was over with Jeremy most would have gone out and found another Daddy War Bucks, not Alizée, she moved back in with her parents. While other women would have been trolling for men with money in Paris, Alizée was playing the good mother in Ajaccio.

When it came time to find someone she waited until that one very special guy came along that Rocked Her World, Gregoire. Most women it is all about the public's perception and appearance she didn't care, she was looking for love not the "it" guy of the week.

That is what makes her so special in my book, she is going to do it her way and family comes first not her public persona.
Every year there is something that she does that in a mans point of view makes her so much more than the average woman on the street. How many times have we heard from our female members "What is with you guys and Alizée"

The long term fans know what I'm saying, she is just one very special woman.

The looks get your attention but it's her actions that keep her in your heart.

They may be prettier, a better dancer or singer but they can't even come close to being the woman she is.

Last edited by ALS; 04-27-2015 at 05:30 PM..
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Old 04-27-2015, 01:19 PM
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Well a huge part of that for me is right in that picture in the opening post. Her incredible and as I've said a million times, her natural beauty is what grabbed me. Here she looks like she showered, quickly dried her hair, put on a little lipstick and just walked out on stage . There's no big hair do, no jewelry, no war paint on the fingeranils, natural eye brows, yet so incredibly beautiful.

Another thing I like in a woman is one who's somewhat athletic and she's into or was into kick boxing.

A huge part of why I became addicted is MF and LB. I'm sure without his music or her lyrics, there never would have been an Alizee for me and I think that's much more so with his music because I think he produced some very beutiful music and what is more important, it seemed perfectly suited to her voice.. I'm sure without them, she still would have found success, but the combination of Laurent's music, Mylene's songs, her voice, her beauty, her dancing, her personality is what drew me into that irresistable trap. Then I was hooked.

As I just mentioned in another thread. I fell in love with the performer on day 1 and I'm sure it wasn't long after that, when I fell in love with the person and that is more why I'm still here.

I still find it hard to understand why she has had such a huge impact on my life, bringing me out of seven years of depression. Back about 8 years ago, Shania Twain and Faith Hill were the two most beautiful female singers I followed. Shania Twain is another very beautiful woman with a great voice and great figure, but she certainly doesn't do for me what Alizee does.

A big part of that is probably due to the dancing. Its such a pleasure to watch her dance. Incredibly sexy certainly at times, but always incredibly beautiful. It was mesmerizing when she moved her hips but there was even something just so beautiful in the way she flicked her hand in the jam dance.

I think a lot of it too had to do with the way I found out about her. Most artists we know, come out with an album and there might be 1 great song with it, then a couple of good ones, then the rest are fillers. With Alizee, it was like waking up one morning and there was this whole list of great songs that suddenly appeared before our eyes. On top of that, there were so many great performances to see; Amsterdam, Festivalbars, Hotel de Ville, Spain, the Christmas eve Medley, her Eiffel tower performance. I could go on and on and that's not to mention the Les Enfoires and Stars a Domicile shows. It was truely like being a kid and a candy store. So much great stuff to choose from. Right after you discovered one great performance, you discoverd another one. It was truely an overload of enjoyment.

If you had 20 guys in a room, and aksed them who was the most beautiful woman in the world, you'd probably get 20 different answers. If you asked who had the best voice or who was the best dancer in the world, same thing. I think the reason we're all here is of all the similar questions that couldd be asked, in most cases, the people here would answer Alizee.

Getting back to her dancing, the two singers I mentioned before, I don't ever recall them dancing.

I think what might be the biggest factor though is the person she is. Her devotion to Corsica and family; her little waves to the crowd; her appearances for charity on Les Enfoires; the steam coming out of her ears in Poland too revealed the type of person she was. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. That I think is one of the main reasons she's impacted me so much. Without who she is, watching the jam dance, as beautiful as she was on the outside, would not have had the same affect or still have the same affect, if I knew she wasn't as beauitful on the inside.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 04-27-2015 at 01:36 PM..
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Old 04-27-2015, 04:36 PM
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These are some great comments already! I'll share my own thoughts now.

Alizée's music is definitely a big factor for me. It's unique, ages well, and she has a splendid voice. If she wasn't a singer (for example, only a dancer instead), I'm not sure I would have ever come across her in the first place, or have become as fascinated with her career as I am now.

But imagine if Alizée wasn't Alizée. What if somebody else had the same voice and made the same music... would I feel the same way about them? I don't think so. Alizée works as a whole package of talent, beauty, and personality. Yeah, I'm not going to pretend like I don't think she's one of the most beautiful women to have ever graced this earth, and I don't think that makes me shallow, either. Beauty comes in many forms in our world, and to deny our admiration of it is to deny one of the very things that make us human. Her physical beauty is also appropriately matched with a beauty of personality, as least as far as I can tell from various interviews, videos, and fan interactions. If Alizée were an arrogant egoist, I might still listen to her music, but I doubt I would belong to this forum or spend my time and money collecting her works.

I am a fan of a wide variety of music, and there's a lot of groups and artists who I count among my favorites, but I still find it amazing that none of them have ever affected me the way that Alizée has. There are singers who are exceptionally beautiful, singers who are incredibly talented, singers who are good-hearted people, and even singers that possess all of these qualities at once. Alizée is certainly one of them, but I can think of a number of others who fit that description as well. So if Alizée is not necessarily unique in this regard, what makes my experience with her so much different from every other artist whose music I love?

Simply put, it's the way Alizée makes me feel. Shortly before I had discovered Alizée, I had just started to come out of a particularly rough bout of depression, and for the first time in a long while, I began to feel a semblance of normality. Life didn't feel unbearably bad anymore, but there also wasn't anything particularly great about it, either. That changed one night when I stumbled across a live performance JEAM, and I saw the first light of genuine beauty and happiness in life once again. All of a sudden I was reminded of why I want to go on. I don't mean to say that Alizée became my sole reason for existence or anything, but to me, her music and dancing became a symbol of everything that made life worthwhile.

Now whenever I hear her music, I can't help but feel inexplicably happy. When I hear those first few notes of JEAM play, I can't tear the huge smile off my face. Her music makes me feel good, and I want to feel good as much as possible.

I don't even have to be listening to her music, though. Just one glimpse of that infectious smile is enough to make the warmth of happiness return.

I love what Alizée did for my life, and for that reason I love Alizée.

Last edited by Antares; 04-27-2015 at 04:38 PM..
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Old 04-27-2015, 09:55 PM
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Great post Antares. I can certainly relate to your saying "Now whenever I hear her music, I can't help but feel inexplicably happy. When I hear those first few notes of JEAM play, I can't tear the huge smile off my face. Her music makes me feel good, and I want to feel good as much as possible.

I don't even have to be listening to her music, though. Just one glimpse of that infectious smile is enough to make the warmth of happiness return.".

I've heard guys I work with ask "Why are you in such a good mood all the time?". We just merged with another airline and we haven't yet had to start working with those mechanics yet, but I've heard their older mechanics being described by another mechanic who use to work for us and now works for them as grumpy old men. I think a part of that is different pains you go through when you get older. I've had a cortisone shot in each shoulder and water drained from one of my knees in the past year, but I'm just about always in a great mood, because of an incredibly beautiful force that came into my life and I feel so sorry for those who can not experience what happened in my life. Everytime my ringtone goes off (Gourmandises, because it grabs my attention), it just brings a smile to my face. In fact, there are several people in at work who even if they need to, will never call me because they've witnessed me listening to the whole ring tone and often missing the call.

There are people I work with who give me a hard time, some who call me names, but it matters little, because I have little respect for them and all the respect in the world, for a beautiful young girl from Ajaccio.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 04-27-2015 at 10:02 PM..
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Old 05-01-2015, 10:51 PM
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The two things that are important for me is that I can understand it and the lyrics need to be deep. I only listen to a select group of rappers. And ere that is all I listen to. Alizee is singing french and her lyrics aren't that deep.
But Alizee is living in a dream, she does what she likes and she still enjoys it. It looks like she is a natural talent and doesn't need to work that hard to maintain her level. She van put on a show with her moves and give all her emotions in a song. She is everything what I hoped to be. While I am working my ass off for a little bit of appreciation. And I really enjoy her joy when she performs bit i can't even watch En Concert without being hurt by all the emotions that she gives me.
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Old 05-02-2015, 02:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Antares View Post

But imagine if Alizée wasn't Alizée. What if somebody else had the same voice and made the same music... would I feel the same way about them? I don't think so. Alizée works as a whole package of talent, beauty, and personality.

I am a fan of a wide variety of music, and there's a lot of groups and artists who I count among my favorites, but I still find it amazing that none of them have ever affected me the way that Alizée has. There are singers who are exceptionally beautiful, singers who are incredibly talented, singers who are good-hearted people, and even singers that possess all of these qualities at once. Alizée is certainly one of them, but I can think of a number of others who fit that description as well. So if Alizée is not necessarily unique in this regard, what makes my experience with her so much different from every other artist whose music I love?

I never understood the hysteria that young girls express for pop stars, such as Justin Bieber, and never heard of a man falling in love with a pop star that he had no contact with. It seemed foolish to fall for someone you could never have a relationship with.

I’ve been a fan of many artists throughout my life, but have never become enamored of any of them before Alizee. For instance, Selena Gomez is stunningly beautiful, but I don’t have an insatiable interest in her private life and really don’t care who she is as a person. I enjoy Selena’s music, but only three of her recordings. Alizee is an exception to all of these attitudes. With Alizee, I love almost everything she does, and whenever I hear her sing it gives my day a lift.

I’ve criticized Alizee’s dancing on danse avec les stars, but I enjoy watching her perform when she sings, and her interaction with the audience. I’m impressed that not only men are attracted to her, but also women and small children. I love the way she says “merci” at the end of each performance. Not too long ago Scruffydog posted a video of Alizee dancing impromptu in a recording studio. I too love that scene and bemoan that we see her dance for only a few seconds. I value that Alizee hasn’t gone full-slut as so many other young women in the business have. She remains a very decent person in a rough-hewn world.

Thanks to Alizee, I’ve taken an interest in other French pop stars at a time I’ve lost interest in most American contemporary music. For that, I owe her a great debt. To be frank, I don’t know why I adore Alizee. I don’t think she is the most beautiful woman or the greatest talent, but she is the most Alizee. As others have already commented, I cherish her for who she is—whatever that means.

Last edited by Shepherd; 05-03-2015 at 07:25 PM..
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Old 08-02-2016, 11:47 PM
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Alizée made me believe there has to be a God, because I never really believed in God before I saw her face and witnessed her good nature. Then subsequently I wanted her good nature to rub off on others too so the world would be a better place, but I guess I'm just a dreamer.. then again maybe we all are?

Anyway I recently came across this quote from Charlie Chaplin so I guess I'm in good company as I am with all of you guys and gals.

"In the 17th chapter of Saint Luke it is written the kingdom of God is within man, not one man nor a group of men, but in all men. In you, you the people have the power. The power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure."

Well I'd say Alizée's life has been des idées ... de grande aventure so far.

Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur

Last edited by Un-rêve; 08-21-2016 at 10:07 PM.. Reason: to make good
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Old 08-24-2016, 10:17 PM
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My story is some akward... But I think I became her fan due to her music.
Since my musical taste is quite different (compared to people around me) I would end obsessed with her music anyway. To it was added my admiration for her outfits, personality... In some aspects she has turned an example for me.
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