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Old 12-06-2015, 06:36 PM
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I'm looking over the info I see at the websites. It looks like the walk-in sales places open at 9 in France, and the phone-in and internet sales begin at 10. So I guess that's 4am Tuesday morning for you.

I haven't found how they are breaking up the two different classes of seats. They only have seating listed as category 1 and category 2. I can't find if you can choose at all which seat you get withing the categories or not. Do you think you will get floor tickets or seating tickets?

I see ticketmaster.fr has a button for English at the top of the page.

It also looks like they offer for you to print your own tickets but I didn't read the conditions for doing that but then you don't have to pay for them to be shipped.

But I was thinking that maybe (I've only bought tickets for a concert once, and that was directly through the venue so I don't know if...) you could order through the US ticketmaster and then the payment process might be easier. If they would offer the tickets there in the first place.

In any case, I hope your efforts are successful!
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Old 12-07-2015, 12:24 AM
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Thanks Ray. It is a confusing process. I'll give it my best shot.
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Old 12-08-2015, 04:45 AM
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I'm in! In what was a relatively easy process this time, I got 2 tickets for 2 different shows. I hope that's not a sign that people might be shying away because of what happened. One show I got tickets for the floor, the other for the seats. Two big obstacles remain. Will my company allow me to go if I'm still on light duty at that point and will I be able to get a flight. I had earlier checked out flights and it looks like every day is pretty heavily booked.

Maybe someone can look up where Port S Rang 24 place 15 and 16 are? I have to go back to bed to get up for an early doctor's appointment.
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Old 12-08-2015, 06:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Maybe someone can look up where Port S Rang 24 place 15 and 16 are?
It looks to me like this. But it is just a guess on the actual seat position.

Practical information
Exterior entrances:

A new auditorium means new entrances…! The AccorHotels Arena has France's biggest auditorium with several entrances inside and outside:

A main entrance on the Grand Hall level, Rue de Bercy side, for holders of Gradin, Balcon or Corbeille tickets
A secondary entrance on the Hall Seine level, via the footbridge running between Parc de Bercy and the AccorHotels Arena
A Pit & Orchestra entrance, Parc de Bercy side, for holders of floor standing tickets marked doors X, Y and Z
Another entrance may be open for certain events: it's known as Le Studio

Finally, there's a separate entrance to the ice rink, Parc de Bercy side, after the fountain.

The AccorHotels Arena has been renovated and made more accessible to people with disabilities and reduced mobility. Visit the section containing all the information you need by clicking here.

Useful information:

We recommend that you check the entrance marked on your ticket before travelling to the AccorHotels Arena to save you time and stress, especially if you're delayed on your journey.
Remember that we open the doors between 1½ and 2 hours before every event.

Finally, to keep up to date with the list of prohibited items that will be automatically confiscated, please read our Rules and Regulations by clicking here.

Interior entrances:

Once our stewards have checked your ticket, you can go to the Gallery, where the doors to the main auditorium can be found.

To find your seat in the auditorium, pit or orchestra quickly, check your tickets and follow the instructions below:

In the Gradin, Balcon or Corbeille (Doors A to U):

Access by the Grand Hall or the Hall Seine, then the Gallery at the top of the stairs

In the Pit or Orchestra (Doors X to Z):

Access by the Pit & Orchestra entrance, Parc de Bercy side

Useful information:

Due to layout changes depending on the type of event, the auditorium's numbering is reversed in the tiered seating. So row 1 of the tiered seating isn't the first row from the bottom, but the first row from the top when you go into the auditorium.
In the balconies, row 81 is the lowest and row 91 is the highest.

For security reasons, you're not allowed to block the stairways or the emergency exits. Our stewards and security team work hard to maintain the public's safety. The management reserves the right to remove anyone who breaches the arena's Rules and Regulations.

Important: Due to renovations to the AccorHotels Arena, some seats may have moved. Please ask our stewards for help if you have any problems. They will find the best possible solutions.
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Old 12-08-2015, 12:33 PM
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Thanks Ray! Not great seats, but not bad. The best part about these seats, is you don't have to wait out in the cold for hours. Those seats are for the 25th. I also have tickets for the 22nd which is for the floor.

There's so many obstacles. First.....will she be in any of the shows or just a few or all? No matter what's been said, I'll believe it when I see, expecting even if she does plan on it, there could be a last minute cancellation.

Next is trying to get my vacation switched. I like taking a weeks vacation in January, so I scheduled one in January. I tried to coincide it with the one week break before the Superbowl. Unfortunately that's in the week following most of the shows. Hopefully I can get it switched in which case, I can make both shows. If not, I think I can just make that last show on the 25th.

Next obstacle is my shoulder. I had rotator cuff surgery a couple of months ago. The company can deny you flight benefits if your not on full duty, but if I'm not back to full duty, I have a good work reputation at work, so if there's a way around it, I think I will find it.

Next obstacle is the flights. As I mentioned there has to be empty seats for me to fly and the flights to Paris are heavily booked in that week. I may be able to fly into let's say Germany, and catch a flight or a train from there, which wont be a problem if I can get my vacation switched.

I'm wondering about the camera situation too. I usually take your averages size digital camera with a decent zoom, but with my shoulder situation, I may have trouble holding it up for more than a minute at a time or at least steadily anyways and that's the main reason for me going is to get video of her. I'm wondering if RMJ is going and how he will make out. One advantage of the long waits is you usually have a big bag where you put your warm clothing in when you get ready to go inside. RMJ has always managed to hide a big SLR in the bottom of that bag. I don't get along with that guy, but he usually manages to get some great pictures of Alizée.

Jenny too has taken some great videos in the past. If she can get the time off, I will give her a ticket to either show. Better yet, I will give her both tickets I have to the floor, because I think she can tolerate a long wait better than I can. In fact me and other members will come up with a way to pay for her transportation to and from there if she could get the time off, but unfortunately, I think that's her biggest obstacle. The main purpose of all this is to get video of Alizée.

If she can't go, maybe she find out for me if the German member I met up with plans on going. I bought 2 tickets for each show. I owe a lot to him and I'd give him the extra tickets I have, if he can make it.

Again the main thing is will Alizée be there and will she be in all the shows. My main objective here is to have someone who will film Alizée and Alizée alone and I will do what ever it takes to have that happen.

Thanks again Ray for that info, that saved me a lot of research.

Here's a video I put together quickly of several of Alizee's past appearances and this is why this is so important to me.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 12-08-2015 at 12:38 PM..
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Old 12-08-2015, 12:57 PM
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Did Alizée say she will be there? If not, all infos, however they seems to be true, are still just rumors.
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Old 12-08-2015, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
Did Alizée say she will be there? If not, all infos, however they seems to be true, are still just rumors.
No, she didn't. It's still more likely that she will be there instead of the DALS tour. Let's hope she will. A friend of mine bought a ticket and it will probably be her only chance to see Alizée on stage - so for her sake I'm praying that Alizée will attend.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Jenny too has taken some great videos in the past. If she can get the time off, I will give her a ticket to either show. Better yet, I will give her both tickets I have to the floor, because I think she can tolerate a long wait better than I can. In fact me and other members will come up with a way to pay for her transportation to and from there if she could get the time off, but unfortunately, I think that's her biggest obstacle. The main purpose of all this is to get video of Alizée.
Thanks, that's a kind offer Scruffy, but as I mentioned I won't be able to go on holiday. I started a new job last week and I don't even know if I'll be able to go on holiday during the next 6 months. The money for the transportation etc. is not the problem, it's simply about the lack of days off.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
If she can't go, maybe she find out for me if the German member I met up with plans on going. I bought 2 tickets for each show. I owe a lot to him and I'd give him the extra tickets I have, if he can make it.
You're talking about Bernd (AlizéeFee), right? He won't go. To be honest I don't even know if any of the usual suspects from the German fans will be going at all.
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Old 12-08-2015, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
The best part about these seats, is you don't have to wait out in the cold for hours. Those seats are for the 25th. I also have tickets for the 22nd which is for the floor.

There's so many obstacles. First.....will she be in any of the shows or just a few or all? No matter what's been said, I'll believe it when I see, expecting even if she does plan on it, there could be a last minute cancellation.
I think the reason they decided to sell specific seats is to make the entry process orderly and faster, and also to prevent people from having to assemble outside for hours.

As far as bringing in cameras, etc... I expect the screening will be more comprehensive these days than it had been in the past. Here is a PDF of the venue's generic rules. (French only) http://www.accorhotelsarena.com/site..._2015_vdef.pdf

And I have yet to see anything to make me think Alizée will or will not be there. I saw one 'fan community' make a post or two as if it was fact, but since it offered no source or way to confirm anything, to me it's just an attention-seeking rumor.


Après les attentats tragiques du 13 novembre dernier, l’AccorHotels Arena a fermé ses portes avant de rouvrir le 17 novembre.

Pour assurer la sécurité de tous ses visiteurs, l’AccorHotels Arena a revu l’ensemble de ses dispositifs de protection et de sureté en renforçant de manière importante les moyens mis en œuvre avec l’appui des forces de l’ordre et en appliquant des mesures exceptionnelles.

Sont ainsi interdits, de manière permanente, l’accès à la promenade sur le parvis haut du bâtiment et l’accès au parc de stationnement qui demeurera donc fermé jusqu’à nouvel ordre.

Tous les visiteurs de l’AccorHotels Arena sont invités à se présenter à l’unique point d’accès à l’Aréna, situé à l’angle de la rue de Bercy et du boulevard de Bercy, sans sac ni valise d’un volume supérieur à 25 litres, et à se conformer aux instructions des agents de sureté.

L’AccorHotels Arena fait appel à la prudence et à la vigilance de tous.

================================================== ======

After the tragic events of November 13, the Arena AccorHotels closed before reopening on November 17.

To ensure the safety of all visitors, the AccorHotels Arena has reviewed all of its devices of protection and safety by strengthening significantly the resources implemented with the support of security forces and implementing exceptional measures.

Are thus banned permanently, access to the promenade on the high court building and access to the parking lot, which will therefore remain closed until further notice.

All visitors to the Arena AccorHotels are invited to sit the single point of access to the Arena, located at the corner of rue de Bercy and the Boulevard de Bercy, bag or suitcase without a volume greater than 25 liters, and comply with the instructions of security officers.

The Arena AccorHotels calls for caution and vigilance of all.

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 12-08-2015 at 07:58 PM.. Reason: more data
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Old 12-09-2015, 12:33 AM
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A 25 liter bag looks to be the size of a good sized backpack.

I wish they'd come out with the schedule for the DALS tour, because if there's enough open dates during Les Enfoires, I think that would increase her chances dramatically of participating.

Unfortunately I have the feeling she'll prefer to go with the tour, even if it's just to play a small part as in the opening ceremony as long as she has "something" and so she can be with Greg. I don't think she will try her best, not to leave him alone in another city, where there will be plenty of single good looking female dancers, not to mention fans around.

I think I would finally lose interest in her because there's a good chance the same will happen next year and with rumors of an album not coming out until 2017, Disney is not enough to keep me interested; not even in her.

EDIT: I just did a quick drive by of DIGITiCK and it looks like tickets are still available. That was unheard of in years past. It's been said this show has the ratings of our Superbowl. As bad as what happened was, you know security at this event will be incredibly tight. Still, Parisians are spooked and you can't blame them. Look what happened here after 9/11.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 12-09-2015 at 01:07 AM..
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Old 12-11-2015, 12:22 PM
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Well one step forward and one huge step back as far as my chances of going to this show. It looks like I will be able to change my vacation so I will be able to go to either show I have tickets for.

The big step back is my company merged with another airline and policies concerning my rotator cuff surgery recovery have changed. I see my doctor next week. I've used up my allotted light duty time. So if she says I'm not okay for full duty, I will go back out on the street (collecting of course), but unable to fly on company benefits. Full duty involves being able to lift 70 pounds and I am no wheres near that. Will I be there in a month from now? At the rate things have been progressing, I seriously doubt it, but I'll keep planning on it, till I find out otherwise or if I hear Alizée wont be in the show.
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