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Old 04-15-2016, 06:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
Seems cause bad audience M6 replaced Superkids with another program. The last two parts should air on W9.

That's too bad for Alizée's sake, but one thing I think this show has done has been a showcase for her abilities in that type of role. As I mentioned before, I was surprised how outgoing she was and I'm sure she was the one bright side of the show by far. Unfortunately for us, but great for her, this may very well lead to roles in other tv shows.
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Old 04-15-2016, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
That's too bad for Alizée's sake, but one thing I think this show has done has been a showcase for her abilities in that type of role. As I mentioned before, I was surprised how outgoing she was and I'm sure she was the one bright side of the show by far. Unfortunately for us, but great for her, this may very well lead to roles in other tv shows.

I would like to agree with you in thinking this show was good for Alizee by showcasing her abilities, but I can't. Again Alizee is associated with a failure. That can't be good. Alizee can't be held responsible for this dud, she is only a small part of the whole picture and obviously worked hard to make it a success. She was the one bright light, but producers of future shows might not want to bet their money on someone whose star is in recession. I'm astounded at how fast this turned around. One show broadcast, and they pulled the plug. Alizee has to feel terrible about this.
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Old 04-15-2016, 11:29 PM
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I have to disagree. The show failed, because it wasn't a good show. It had nothing to do with her. If it wasn't for her, there probably wouldn't have been a second show. Outside of her, the people they chose as judges were an uninspiring lot, with little appeal to the public. Then the kids they showed, with a few exceptions, had little appeal. I really think she stood out in this show and this will be a bright spot on her resume.
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Old 04-16-2016, 01:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I have to disagree. The show failed, because it wasn't a good show. It had nothing to do with her. If it wasn't for her, there probably wouldn't have been a second show. Outside of her, the people they chose as judges were an uninspiring lot, with little appeal to the public. Then the kids they showed, with a few exceptions, had little appeal. I really think she stood out in this show and this will be a bright spot on her resume.
I hope you are right.
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Old 04-16-2016, 04:13 AM
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Scruffy, I have to agree with you. Although the show might be a black mark on the others, I believe that, for her, it was a validation that she can add to a show. I have little doubt that someone has noted that she would be worth trying again if the right vehicle comes along.
--- pace e salute ---
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Old 04-16-2016, 07:07 AM
Paybays Paybays is offline
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Is anyone believing this shit? Milena who is 15 said she joined a circus when she was 9?

My god. Everything for the views. French child protection services would be all over the parents if that actually happened. The show failed because talentshows are the cancer of TV just like prankvideos arw the cancer of the internet. The only reason Alizee was hired is because people like to have a look at her and what she is doing. In contrary of Dutch people French people arent stupid and they see this show as fake

Last edited by Paybays; 04-16-2016 at 07:11 AM..
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Old 04-17-2016, 02:24 PM
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Default better late than never

Some Superkids stuff we missed... (And some we didn't)


Superkids : Alizée bluffée par un duo de break dance, un show prometteur !
Ça y est, le nouveau show dédié au "kids" a été lancé sur M6...

Mercredi 6 avril, M6 nous proposait le premier numéro de Superkids dès 20h55. Les jurés Gérard Louvin, Philippe Candeloro, Liane Foly et Alizée ont pu noter les premiers jeunes talents de la saison... et cela s'annonce très prometteur !

À en croire les réseaux sociaux, c'est le duo formé par KidMario (11 ans) et KidMartin (13 ans) qui a le plus épaté durant cette soirée. En effet, une fois annoncés par les animateurs Faustine Bollaert et Stéphane Rotenberg, les kids originaires de Dunkerque ont fait le show avec leur numéro de break dance savamment pensé et chorégraphié. À coups de saltos arrière et de toupies sur la tête, KidMario et KidMartin ont facilement pris la pole position de la compétition. "Vous êtes des vrais b-boys. Vous êtes bluffants, tourner sur la tête, c'est quand même dingue, faire des saltos arrière, c'est fou", s'est enthousiasmée Alizée. Et de poursuivre avec humour : "Vous êtes synchro alors que vous n'avez pas la même morphologie, le même style, on dirait un petit Stromae et un petit comptable !"

Autre bonne surprise de l'émission, justement, la chanteuse Alizée (31 ans) s'est révélée être une très bonne jurée de concours. À la fois empathique (elle a elle aussi commencé à la télévision à l'âge de 15 ans, dans Graines de stars), juste et de bon conseil, la maman d'Annily (bientôt 11 ans) a également apporté beaucoup de fraîcheur au show.

Côté audiences, Superkids, une production signée Shine France, n'a malheureusement pas fait d'étincelles lors de son lancement. Le programme a fédéré 1,8 million de curieux et la part de marché s'est élevée à 8,5% sur les individus de 4 ans et plus et à 10,4% sur les femmes responsables des achats. Cependant, devant la grande qualité du programme et surtout de sa production, les prochains scores devraient être bien plus encourageants.

Julien Perret
Le 07 Avril 2016 - 15h51

Superkids: Alizee blown away by a break dance duo, promising a show!
That's it, the new show dedicated to the 'kids' was launched on M6 ...

Wednesday, April 6, M6 offered us the first issue of Superkids from 8:55 p.m.. Jurors Gérard Louvin, Philippe Candeloro, Liane Foly and Alizee could note the first young talents of the season ... and it looks very promising!

To believe social networks, the duo KidMario (11) and KidMartin (13 years) who has most impressed that evening. Indeed, once announced by the hosts Faustine Bollaert and Stéphane Rotenberg, the kids from Dunkirk made the show with their break dance number carefully planned and choreographed. At shots back flips and spinning tops on the head, and KidMario KidMartin have easily taken the pole position in the competition. 'You are the real b-boys. You are bluffing, turn on the head, it's still crazy, doing flips back, it's crazy,' enthused Alizee. And continue with humor: 'You are sync when you do not have the same morphology, the same style, it looks a little Stromae and a small book!'

Another pleasant surprise of the show, precisely, Alizee (31) proved to be a very good juror contest. Both empathetic (she also started on television at the age of 15 years, in Star Seeds), just and good advice, the mother of Annily (almost 11 years) has also brought a lot of freshness show.

Hearings side, Superkids, a production signed Shine France, unfortunately did not spark at launch. The program has brought together 1.8 million curious and the market share rose to 8.5% of individuals aged 4 and over and 10.4% of women purchasing managers. However, given the high quality of the program and most of its production, the next scores should be more encouraging.



(note, this article appeared the morning after the SECOND Superkids episode was broadcast)

Audiences : "Grey's Anatomy" petit leader devant France 3, "Super Kids" s'enfonce, France 4 en forme

Mercredi soir, TF1 s'est hissée en tête des audiences avec la suite de la saison 11 de la série américaine "Grey's Anatomy", portée par Ellen Pompeo. Les deux épisodes inédits de la soirée ont été suivis par 4,2 millions de fidèles en moyenne jusqu'à 22h45, selon Médiamétrie. La part de marché atteint 18,1% sur les individus de quatre ans et plus et 39% sur les ménagères de moins de cinquante ans. Sur une semaine, "Grey's Anatomy" perd 35.000 curieux et 0,4 point de PDA.

France 3 est deuxième avec un nouveau numéro de son magazine "Des racines et des ailes", présenté par Carole Gaessler. Ce voyage en Provence, d'Aix aux Alpilles, a intéressé 3,1 millions de personnes, soit 13,6% du public. La semaine dernière, le 400e numéro de l'émission, qui se déroulait à Rome, avait réuni 2,9 millions de Français (13% de PDA).

"Super Kids" perd 100.000 curieux

France 2 suit avec le téléfilm en rediffusion "Le silence des églises", emmené par Robin Renucci. Cet unitaire a rassemblé hier 2,4 millions de téléspectateurs, soit 10,4% du public de quatre ans et plus. Lors de sa première diffusion, en avril 2013, il avait attiré 3,3 millions de personnes (12,2% de PDA).

M6 est au pied du podium avec la suite de son talent show "Super Kids", animé par Stéphane Rotenberg et Faustine Bollaert et produit par Shine France. La suite des numéros des enfants a réuni 1,7 million de téléspectateurs. La part de marché s'élève à 8,1% sur les individus de quatre ans et plus. Après son mauvais démarrage, "Super Kids" perd 105.000 téléspectateurs et 0,4 point de PDA.
Meilleure audience de l'année pour France 4

Canal+ est juste derrière avec le match de Ligue des Champions de football, opposant l'Atlético Madrid au FC Barcelone. La victoire des premiers, 2 buts à 0, a été suivie par 1,4 million d'abonnés à la chaîne cryptée, soit 6,1% du public.

Du côté des autres chaînes, France 4 domine avec le blockbuster américain en rediffusion "Iron Man 2". Ce film d'action de Jon Favreau avec Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow et Don Cheadle a attiré 1,2 million de personnes (5,4% de PDA). La chaîne signe sa meilleure audience de l'année.

Audiences: ' Grey ' s Anatomy ' small leader in front of France 3, ' Super Kids ' sinks, France 4 in form

Wednesday evening, TF1 has risen ahead of the hearings with the rest of the season 11 of the American series 'Grey's Anatomy', led by Ellen Pompeo. The two new episodes of the evening were attended by 4.2 million faithful until 10:45 p.m. on average, according to Médiamétrie. The market share reached 18.1% on individuals four years and older and 39% on housewives under fifty. Over a week, 'Grey's Anatomy' loses 35,000 curious and 0.4 PDA.

3 France is second with a new issue of its magazine 'Roots and Wings', presented by Carole Gaessler. This trip to Provence, Aix to Alpilles, interested 3.1 million people, or 13.6% of the public. Last week, the 400th edition of the show, which was held in Rome, was attended by 2.9 million French (13% of PDA).

'Super Kids' loses 100,000 curious

France 2 following with the TV movie reruns 'The silence of the churches,' led by Robin Renucci. This unit yesterday gathered 2.4 million viewers, or 10.4% of the public four years old. At its premiere in April 2013, it had attracted 3.3 million people (12.2% of PDA).

M6 is off the podium with a result of his talent show 'Super Kids', hosted by Stéphane Rotenberg and Faustine Bollaert and produced by Shine France. Following the numbers of children attracted 1.7 million viewers. The market share was 8.1% on individuals than four years old. After his poor start, 'Super Kids' lost 105,000 viewers and 0.4 PDA.
Best audience of the year to France 4

Canal + is right behind with the match of Champions League football, between Atletico Madrid FC Barcelona. The first victory, 2 goals to 0, was followed by 1.4 million subscribers to the pay channel, or 6.1% of the public.

As for other channels, France 4 dominates the American blockbuster rebroadcast 'Iron Man 2'. This action film Jon Favreau with Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle has attracted 1.2 million people (5.4% of PDA). The chain signed his best audience of the year.


Then on Friday 4/15...


Flop d'audience, M6 déprogramme Superkids en urgence

Dans un communiqué, M6 annonce la déprogrammation immédiate de Superkids, son talent show.

Accident industriel pour Superkids ! Lancée en grande pompe, la nouvelle émission événement de M6 a fait un flop ! Présenté par Faustine Bollaert et Stéphane Rotenberg, ce talent show avec des enfants avait déçu en ne rassemblant qu'1,77 million de téléspectateurs (8,5% de PDA) dès son lancement le mercredi 6 avril dernier. Et ça ne s'est pas arrangé. Mercredi soir, le deuxième numéro n'a séduit qu'1,6 million de fidèles, soit 8,1% du public. Résultat : M6 déprogramme immédiatement le divertissement produit par Shine France.

"Lors des deux dernières semaines, la part d’audience moyenne de l’émission Superkids a enregistré une décote de 28 % sur la cible "Femmes de moins de 50 ans responsables des achats" par rapport aux audiences des quatre semaines précédentes dans la même case de programmation" explique M6 dans un communiqué.

Le groupe M6 ne va cependant pas jeter à la poubelle les trois autres primes de SuperKids commandés auparavant. En effet, les numéros des enfants sélectionnés par le jury composé d'Alizée, Gérard Louvin, Philippe Candeloro et Liane Foly seront désormais diffusés sur W9. La chaîne communiquera plus tard la date de diffusion de la suite de Superkids.

A noter que dès la semaine prochaine, M6 proposera une rediffusion de Recherche appartement ou maison puis, la semaine suivante, de Maison à vendre.


Flop audience, M6 deprogrammed Superkids emergency

In a statement, M6 announced the immediate deprogramming Superkids, a talent show.

industrial accident for Superkids! Launched with great fanfare, the new issue of M6 event was a flop! Presented by Faustine Bollaert and Stéphane Rotenberg, this talent show with kids were disappointed in not bringing qu'1,77 million viewers (8.5% PDA) since its launch on Wednesday 6 April. And it did not help. Wednesday night, the second issue has attracted only 1.6 million followers, or 8.1% of the public. Result: M6 deprogrammed immediately entertainment produced by Shine France.

'In the last two weeks, the average audience share of Superkids issuance recorded a discount of 28% on the target' women under 50 purchasing managers' relative hearings four weeks in same programming box 'explains M6 in a statement.

le M6 group will not, however, throw away the other three premiums SuperKids ordered before. Indeed, the numbers of children selected by the jury of Alizee, Gérard Louvin, Philippe Candeloro and Liane Foly will now be broadcast on W9. The chain will communicate later release date of the following Superkids.

A Note that starting next week, M6 will offer a replay of Search apartment or house then, the following week, home for sale.


M6 déprogramme "Super Kids" dès mercredi
En raison des mauvaises audiences du talent show pour enfants, la chaîne a décidé d'arrêter la diffusion de l'émission animée par Faustine Bollaert et Stéphane Rotenberg.

Fin précipitée pour "Super Kids". Selon nos informations, M6 a décidé ce matin de déprogrammer son nouveau talent show avec des enfants qu'elle avait lancé la semaine dernière. Les très mauvaises audiences enregistrées par les deux premiers numéros du programme sont évidemment en cause. Mercredi soir, seulement 1.670.000 téléspectateurs avaient regardé le deuxième épisode, soit 8,1% du public. Une semaine plus tôt, le lancement de l'émission, produite par Shine France, avait fait guère mieux, réunissant 1.775.000 personnes, soit 8,5% de PDA.

Dès mercredi, Stéphane Plaza reprendra la case de l'émission pilotée par Faustine Bollaert et Stéphane Rotenberg. En effet, mercredi prochain, M6 proposera une rediffusion de "Recherche appartement ou maison" puis, la semaine suivante, de "Maison à vendre".

"Super Kids" se terminera sur W9

Mais les talents sélectionnés par les jurés Alizée, Gérard Louvin, Philippe Candeloro et Liane Foly ne vont pas être abandonnés par le groupe M6. Les deux derniers numéros de "Super Kids", dont la finale, seront diffusés prochainement sur W9. Les bonnes performances du programme sur le public de moins de 25 ans (21% de PDA pour les deux premières émissions) ont convaincu le groupe de basculer le programme sur sa chaîne de la TNT, comme elle l'avait fait pour "La meilleure danse" en 2012.

C'est un coup dur pour M6, qui avait déjà dû déprogrammer "The Apprentice" en septembre (la fin avait été mise en ligne sur la plateforme 6play) mais aussi pour la société de production, Shine France, une nouvelle fois en difficulté après les échecs de "Masterchef" sur TF1 et de "L'Académie des 9" sur NRJ 12 cette saison.

M6 deprogrammed 'Super Kids' on Wednesday
Due to poor hearings talent show for children, the chain decided to stop broadcasting the program hosted by Faustine Bollaert and Stéphane Rotenberg.

hasty end to 'Super Kids'. Reportedly, M6 this morning decided to deprogram her new talent show with children she launched last week. Very bad hearings recorded by the two program numbers are obviously concerned. Wednesday night, only 1.67 million viewers had watched the second episode, 8.1% of the public. A week earlier, the launch of the program, produced by Shine France, had done much better, involving 1,775,000 people, or 8.5% of PDA.

As of Wednesday, Stéphane Plaza will take the box of the show led by Faustine Bollaert and Stéphane Rotenberg. Indeed, next Wednesday, M6 will offer a replay of 'Search apartment or house' and then, the following week, to 'House for sale'.

'Super Kids' will end on W9

Mais Talents selected by the jury Alizee, Gérard Louvin, Philippe Candeloro and Liane Foly will not be abandoned by the M6 ​​Group. The last two issues of 'Super Kids', the final will be broadcast soon on W9. The good performance of the program on public under 25 years (21% audience for the first two shows) convinced the group to switch the program on channel TNT, as it did for 'Best Dance ' in 2012.

This is a blow to M6, which had already had to deprogram 'The Apprentice' in September (the end was posted on the 6play platform) but also to the production company, Shine France once again in trouble after the failures of 'Masterchef' on TF1 and 'the Academy of 9' on NRJ 12 this season.
And if you read to the end... The first two episodes are on the hub in 1080p... each is 4GB. Just search "superkids" using the magnifying glass button in the toolbar there. Let me know if you'd rather have a lower res smaller version, via PM.

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 04-17-2016 at 02:32 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 05-12-2016, 06:21 AM
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Superkids returns tonight on W9.

brief little article...

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Old 05-15-2016, 01:25 PM
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Episode 3 was broadcast last week... I have not been able to find a way to view it yet. I asked around and I there doesn't seem to be a file available for it, and I haven't been able to watch the replay in my geographic area.

I think some kids from Gregoire's parents' studio performed. That seems a little odd but I'm not really certain of this.

Anyway, there might be some links to the first two episodes in the visitor messages on my profile page. Each is around 1.5 GB
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Old 05-15-2016, 09:47 PM
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I'm terribly sorry for Alizée. As some other said, her name has been associated with failure for a long time. It's so depressing to hear that all her projects fail for some reason or other. No wonder her fanbase is shrinking every year
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