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Old 06-22-2016, 09:49 AM
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She was a beautiful bride on the other hand those have to be some of the most hideous bridesmaids dresses I have ever seen.

Chris Marques and his wife Jaclyn,
I assumed that Chris was gay. I've never seen a straight guy ever wear that hairstyle, well you learn something new every day.
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Old 06-22-2016, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
I wonder if Alizée is now officially Alizée Lyonnet. I like the sound of that. I don't think she kept her maiden name any longer, with Jeremy it was different anyway because they didn't marry in France. But with Grégoire... I bet she would be super proud and happy to call herself Madame Lyonnet.
I think she's extremely happy just to talk to someone and be able to say my husband this and my husband that.....I remember after she moved back to Ajaccio she posted so many pictures of her and Pierre Antoine (dancerman 1) going out at night and I thought she was missing out on so much that someone as beautiful as her shouldn't be missing out on. there was a big void in her life and the void is now full and it's such a joy to think she's getting as much joy out of life that she brought into our lives.
Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
I'm assuming this is the church they're coming out of though I haven't verified it yet. I'm glad they had a church wedding too. After the baptism....it shows a good trend.....imo.

Originally Posted by ALS View Post
She was a beautiful bride on the other hand those have to be some of the most hideous bridesmaids dresses I have ever seen.......

Isn't that pretty typical. Isn't the bride the one who chooses the bridesmaids outfits and any bride doesn't want someone else to steal the show and it's also a good way of testing their loyalty!

Two questions remain....

When are we going to get some video and....

what would make a good wedding present????

I've been thinking about this for a while. At first I thought of maybe some food products from this country such as when I lived in Savannah, the pralines were awesome and I've thought of other great food items from different parts of the country or even other parts of Europe where many of our members are from, but as I found out recently with trying to send a gift to Chez Paulo, the time it takes to ship a gift like this, just about rules it out.

But just today, I thought of a gift. It's something I don't think they have and I think it's something they would all 3 enjoy. I don't want to tip my hand so I'll only share this idea via e-mail. I'll share my idea with Ray so those of you who want to contact him, feel free to do so or contact me at scruffydog777@gmail.com .

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Old 06-22-2016, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
I assumed that Chris was gay. I've never seen a straight guy ever wear that hairstyle, well you learn something new every day.
Ha ha remember before the first DALS show began when we heard Greg was gonna team up with Alizée?

I didn't like that at first, well I didn't like the fact that Alizée was teaming up with anyone though because I wanted to see her dance by herself like in her tv perfs etc.

Offcourse I never knew what DALS was about at that time, but nonetheless when I finally got my head around her teaming up with a male dancer I assumed he must be gay as he was a dancer!!!

Anyway he shot down many fans dreams and fantasies that they might ever have had about Alizée being their woman after J man. Nonetheless at the same time he made her happy again and so we were happy that he made her happy and we were happy for her despite our delusions.

I do respect Greg for stealing Alizée's heart, we know she has a kind heart that's open to anyone but it was Greg who stepped up to the plate and that takes more courage than you could believe.

Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 06-22-2016, 12:26 PM
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Old 06-22-2016, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post

Monsieur and Madame Lyonnet
Like prince and princess from a fairy tale.
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Old 06-22-2016, 03:01 PM
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Alizee got her wedding gown from Jenny Packham, a British fashion designer who dresses Kate Middleton and is known primarily for her bridal gowns. I guess this explains all those trips Alizee took to London in the last two months.

Peanut brittle is a gift Alizee would probably appreciate. She has a sweet tooth.

Last edited by Shepherd; 06-22-2016 at 03:07 PM..
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Old 06-23-2016, 06:20 AM
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A short interview with A&G


Exclu- Alizée et Grégoire Lyonnet, leurs premiers mots de jeunes mariés
Le couple revient sur sa belle histoire d’amour

Laure Costey | jeudi 23 juin 2016 à 09:08

Entre le vin d’honneur et la pièce montrée, Alizée et Grégoire Lyonnet ont repris leurs esprits en nous confiant leurs premières impressions de jeunes mariés. Des rires et beaucoup de tendresse rythment leurs émotions en ce grand jour.

Gala :Comment s’est passé la demande en mariage?

Grégoire Lyonnet: Cela faisait déjà très longtemps que je réfléchissais à faire de cette demande un moment unique. J’ai pris mon temps pour choisir une bague et j’ai ensuite cherché un lieu symbolique. Un après-midi d’avril 2015, j’ai donc demandé à Alizée et sa fille Annily de me rejoindre sur la plage du Petit Capo à Ajaccio, au coucher du soleil. C’est là-bas qu’Alizée a appris à marcher et je trouvais ça beau de faire ma demande à cet endroit.

Alizée: J’étais extrêmement surprise et heureuse de l’être. Mais surtout parce que je n’avais rien vu venir. Nous évoquions déjà des projets mariage depuis plusieurs mois, mais rien n’était concret. Grégoire à fait les choses en grand. Il s’est mis à genoux, au milieu d’un énorme coeur rouge dessiné sur le sable, et entouré de bougies.

Gala : C’est finalement en Corse que vous avez choisi d’organiser ce mariage. Vous auriez pu imaginer le faire ailleurs?

Alizée: Pour moi cela aurait été dur parce que je suis très attachée à cette île qui est la mienne. Mais si Grégoire m’avait demandé d’aller se marier dans sa famille à Roman (Drome) j’aurais fait l’effort, comme lui le fait pour moi aujourd’hui.

Grégoire: De toute façon, un plus beau lieu qu’ici c’est difficile à trouver! La famille d’Alizée est beaucoup plus grande que la mienne et c’était donc plus simple de faire ça en Corse. Et surtout, sous nos airs de jeunes branchés, on est plutôt traditionnels et la logique veut que l’on se marie dans la ville de la future épouse.

Gala: Ce mariage c’est aussi une manière d’intégrer Annily, votre fille Alizée, à cette histoire d’amour?

Alizée: Elle fait déjà pleinement partie du “nous”. Depuis le début j’ai volontairement impliqué ma fille dans mon histoire avec Grégoire et la famille que nous formons. Le mariage vient confirmer tout ça.

Grégoire: En me mariant avec Alizée, je me marie aussi un peu avec Annily. Je veux encore plus m’impliquer au quotidien pour elles. La priorité dans la vie de ma femme, et oui je peux le dire maintenant!, c’est le bonheur de sa fille et c’est donc ma priorité à moi aussi désormais.


Alizee exclusion and Grégoire Lyonnet, their first newlywed words
The couple returns to his beautiful love story

Between the wine reception and shown room, Alizee and Grégoire Lyonnet resumed their minds by giving us their first impressions of newlyweds. Laughter and much tenderness punctuate their emotions on this great day.

Gala: How was the marriage proposal?

Grégoire Lyonnet: It had been a long time since I thought about making this application a unique moment. I took my time to choose a ring and I then sought a symbolic place. One afternoon in April 2015, so I asked Alizee and Annily daughter to join me on the beach of Petit Capo in Ajaccio, at sunset. It is there that Alizée has learned to walk and I found it nice to make my application there.

Alizée: I was extremely surprised and happy to be. But mostly because I did not see it coming. We already were discussing wedding plans for several months, but nothing was concrete. Gregory in fact it big. He knelt in the middle of a huge red heart drawn on the sand, surrounded by candles.

Gala: Finally in Corsica you choose to arrange this marriage. You could imagine doing otherwise?

Alizee: For me it was hard because I'm very attached to this island that is mine. But if Gregory had asked me to marry her family in Roman (Drome) I would have made the effort, as it does for me today.

Gregory: Anyway, a more beautiful place here it is hard to find! Family Alizee is much greater than mine, so it was easier to do that in Corsica. And above all, in our young trendy tunes, it is rather traditional and logic dictates that one gets married in the city of the future wife.
Gala: This marriage is also a way to integrate Annily your daughter Alizee in this love story?

Alizée: It is already fully part of the 'we.' Since the beginning I have voluntarily involved my daughter in my history with Gregory and family we are. Marriage confirms all this.

Grégoire: By marrying me with Alizee, I also married a little with Annily. I want to get involved more everyday for them. The priority in the life of my wife, and so I can say it now !, is the happiness of his daughter and this is my priority now too.
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Old 06-24-2016, 03:45 AM
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Congratulations to the lovely couple. She looks absolutely gorgeous. They look very happy, I wish them the best and a happy, healthy marriage.
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Old 06-24-2016, 03:58 AM
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That's quite amazing. Haven't been here for a week! She won't read this but let's hope this lasts.
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Old 06-29-2016, 07:47 PM
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I haven't seen this picture before. The wedding (s) were held at the town hall and the Cathedral. This picture doesn't look to be near either of them. Maybe it was at the reception? Has anyone figured out or heard where the reception was? If not, I'll have to fire up my Google Earth tomorrow. It also looks like they had a good amount of security, though it looked to be local friends. That kind of looks like Jean Baptiste Paulo in the background.

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