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Old 12-21-2017, 06:41 PM
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There are multiple reasons that we could probably write a book on. Each has their own theory of why her album sales never took off and what happened over the years.

In my case, I was around since November 2004 so I was reading posts from as far back as 2000 on some of her fan boards.

I'm going for the basics and not going to get into too much detail because it's MY opinion.

1. In 2003 Alizée eloped with Jeremy. The natives were not happy with her decision to get married. It was ugly on the fan boards with people coming in from Jeremy's fan sites and posting on Alizée's fan boards. Basically Alizée's fans disliked Jeremy and Jeremy's fans disliked Alizée. Many of her male fans moved on because Alizée was their fantasy girl.

2. Alizée's gets pregnant with Annily and that is when it got really ugly. People who were hoping that the marriage was a publicity stunt or a short term event that would be over in another year or two got gut punched when the word got out that Alizée was pregnant. There was a major exodus from her fan boards over the news. This wasn't a small group that left it was a lot of guys that moved on.

3. 2007 when Alizée reemerged with her come back album Psychédélices she still had a large number of fans and the back tattoo of Tinker Bell had some effect on those who had stayed true to her, not in good way, but wasn't deal killer.

4. The next Album Une enfant du siècle was what I would call a disaster, then add to it Alizée was having problems with her marriage to Jeremy decided that the more Tattoo's the better. This was Alizée's true route to self destruction. I saw it on this board when Sailor Moon got put on her arm, people were vanishing left and right. That exodus accelerated as she added more tattoos on her arm.

One point I need to make of her first two comeback albums, was the mistake to use Jeremy and their friends in the Music industry to write and produce these two albums. The quality just wasn't up to what people had expected out of her.

5. The next Album 5 and Blonde were in my opinion were pretty decent and not bad at all. The problem was the damage had been done over the last five or so years between lack luster quality of the two previous albums and her period of self destruction by covering her arms with tattoo's. Also with all her albums from 2007 through Blonde, Alizée was fighting the Internet and P2P downloading.

The simple explanation is Alizée lost her fan base. Be it her marriage to Jeremy and the birth of Annily, many guys who had sexual fantasies left for other female stars. Those that stayed many got turned off by her self destructive period of plastering tattoos all over her arms. That was probably 90% of her fan base. Throw in a few bad albums and it wouldn't take much to kill off most of market to those who would spend money for her music.

Alizée is still well liked by the French public but the idea of spending money for one of her CD's is not in the cards.

My opinion is Alizée is doing what she always wanted to do and has a guy who loves her. If she wants to stay in the public eye and do more television other than dance shows she is going to have to get those very ugly Tattoo's removed from her arms. She only has a few more years left and the clock is ticking down quickly until she fades from the public's memory as that woman who once was a very popular singer. I don't see Alizée and Greg performing in these DALS shows going forward more than another two or three years.

As far as their dance school doing well and continuing successfully for years to come, definitely, they both have the drive and passion to make it work.

Last edited by ALS; 12-21-2017 at 06:47 PM..
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Old 12-21-2017, 11:41 PM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
...I'm going for the basics and not going to get into too much detail because it's MY opinion.

1. In 2003 Alizée eloped with Jeremy. The natives were not happy with her decision to get married. It was ugly on the fan boards with people coming in from Jeremy's fan sites and posting on Alizée's fan boards. Basically Alizée's fans disliked Jeremy and Jeremy's fans disliked Alizée. Many of her male fans moved on because Alizée was their fantasy girl.
True. I think Alizée had this idea that she and Jeremy could be like Mylene and Laurant. Unfortunately, Jeremy was no Laurant. Also, he seemed to be avoiding the spotlight. He was the tug that couldn't.

Originally Posted by ALS View Post
4. The next Album Une enfant du siècle was what I would call a disaster, then add to it Alizée was having problems with her marriage to Jeremy decided that the more Tattoo's the better. This was Alizée's true route to self destruction. I saw it on this board when Sailor Moon got put on her arm, people were vanishing left and right. That exodus accelerated as she added more tattoos on her arm.

One point I need to make of her first two comeback albums, was the mistake to use Jeremy and their friends in the Music industry to write and produce these two albums. The quality just wasn't up to what people had expected out of her.

Originally Posted by ALS View Post
5. The next Album 5 and Blonde were in my opinion were pretty decent and not bad at all. The problem was the damage had been done over the last five or so years between lack luster quality of the two previous albums and her period of self destruction by covering her arms with tattoo's. Also with all her albums from 2007 through Blonde, Alizée was fighting the Internet and P2P downloading.
of her.
This is where I have to disagree. Both albums were OK, but not good enough to bring her back into the spotlight. Neither had sufficient substance to help her to float to the top.

Blonde, especially, was simply not good enough. She tried, but it was mostly forgettable.

Originally Posted by ALS View Post
The simple explanation is Alizée lost her fan base. Be it her marriage to Jeremy and the birth of Annily, many guys who had sexual fantasies left for other female stars. Those that stayed many got turned off by her self destructive period of plastering tattoos all over her arms. That was probably 90% of her fan base. Throw in a few bad albums and it wouldn't take much to kill off most of market to those who would spend money for her music.

Alizée is still well liked by the French public but the idea of spending money for one of her CD's is not in the cards.

My opinion is Alizée is doing what she always wanted to do and has a guy who loves her. If she wants to stay in the public eye and do more television other than dance shows she is going to have to get those very ugly Tattoo's removed from her arms. She only has a few more years left and the clock is ticking down quickly until she fades from the public's memory as that woman who once was a very popular singer. I don't see Alizée and Greg performing in these DALS shows going forward more than another two or three years.
Alizée was almost D.O.A by the time she made it to DALS. One of the smartest things she did in her entire career was to quickly accept DALS after it was clear that "5" was not going to do well.

Also, one thing she had not "gotten" up to then is that she has always been a performer, not just a singer. It was the combination (plus her unique personality) that made her so special.

DALS really brought out the best in her. It was a shame that a lot of the boost she received from DALS was wasted by rushing out Blonde instead of making it a more solid album.

Originally Posted by ALS View Post
As far as their dance school doing well and continuing successfully for years to come, definitely, they both have the drive and passion to make it work.
Yes they do. However, I am concerned that the location, being in a relatively small town (Ajaccio is only about 60,000), may critically limit the number of clients for their very specialized type of offering. I hope I am wrong.

Still, she is alive, and there is always the potential for opportunity and surprises. And this is what still makes her career worth following.
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Old 12-22-2017, 05:11 PM
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I was thinking of Emailing or Messaging Alizée and Greg this video as an idea of something they could imitate with their students as a promo for their school in the future. I see other dance schools around the country are also doing promotion videos like this.

This one is from a school out of LA, Orange County California.

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Old 12-23-2017, 02:16 AM
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Great video. Great idea.
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Old 12-23-2017, 03:10 AM
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Great video. Great choreography. Great idea. I don't think Greg is a very good choreographer, and I don't think he can pull it off. Everything I've seen him do is old. It's tired. Same old, same old. It's one of the reasons people aren't enthusiastic about Alizee dancing. But it's not all Greg's fault. Alizee is a pretty mediocre dancer. I love Alizee, but I wish she would give up dancing and sing again.

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Old 12-23-2017, 04:42 PM
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Email was sent and I added this polished version that is a Music Video.
Same School and students in this other video.

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Old 12-24-2017, 01:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
... I don't think Greg is a very good choreographer, and I don't think he can pull it off. Everything I've seen him do is old. It's tired. Same old, same old. It's one of the reasons people aren't enthusiastic about Alizee dancing. But it's not all Greg's fault. Alizee is a pretty mediocre dancer....
Sorry, but I have to disagree across the board.

I think Greg has done a decent job with most of his choreography. Also, Alizée is a very good dancer. Is she top pro level - no. Is she amateur level - no. She is somewhere in between. She was good enough to win DALS, in spite of having to compete against a professional. Was she better then BZ - no, but she was close enough that, combined with a better DALS strategy, she was able to win.

Do I think that she will go pro - no. However, they are still a commodity that people are interested in. Once a celebrity achieves a certain level, the French people tend to like to see them from time to time. This has been commented about repeatedly about the French - this is much truer of the French than the Americans. Therefore, she will still hold some popularity going forward. The longer she can stay in the public eye, especially on TV (in any form or role), the more likely it will be that her career will continue on at least some level.
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Old 12-24-2017, 03:49 AM
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I agree with a lot of what you said. Greg has done quite well in his career as a dancer and choreographer. He was good enough to be invited to DAL and good enough to choreograph Alizee into a win. If you were to survey the French people to name famous French dancers, Greg and Alizee would be somewhere near the top of that list. Is she a professional dancer? YES, she is. She is paid to dance, that’s how she makes her living, that makes her a professional dancer, but it doesn’t make her great. A lot of people who have no interest in Alizee’s dancing would still buy tickets to see her. I’m one of them. I wouldn’t pay to see the dance, however. I would pay to see HER even if what she was doing was dancing. The only reason Alizee is a famous dancer is because she is famous, and she became famous as a singer.

It’s extremely difficult to make a living dancing. There are huge numbers of people who are far superior to Alizee who will never be able to support themselves by dancing. I doubt that any of the kids in the Brian Friedman video made a cent on that, and yet all of them that were highlighted in the video are better dancers than Alizee. They might earn a little here and little there, but almost none of them will ever support themselves dancing unless they open a dance school.

Do I love Alizee any less because she is a mediocre dancer? No, I adore Alizee, but I’m disappointed that she is wasting her time. I realize my opinion on this issue is not relevant. If Alizee enjoys what she is doing then she is living a successful life. God bless her. What I want is what I want, and what I want should not dictate how she lives her life. But that does not change what I want.

Last edited by Shepherd; 12-24-2017 at 04:02 AM..
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Old 12-24-2017, 08:36 PM
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I have a Facebook friend who owns a dance studio near Los Angeles in San Pedro. She does very well for herself.
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Old 12-25-2017, 01:22 AM
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I do agree with a lot of what you said. She did become famous as a performer/singer. However, as such, she then reestablished her fame as a DALS participant and winner - beating BZ in the process.

Her forte in dancing is not the snappy moves, it is partner dancing such as the rumba. There is also subtlety in some of her dancing that is not noticed unless you watch her dances often. This is one of the things that Marie-Claude Pietragalla acknowledged about her. She is very aware in the moment, and thus is able to dance in her style very well. Chris Marques never gave her a 10 for execution, but he did give her several nines.

I, for one, would go to see both her and the dance.

"There are huge numbers of people who are far superior to Alizee.."
Bite your tongue.
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