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Old 09-19-2018, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by merucii View Post
So, it is 2006. I was 16 years old, shy boy from Poland, just graduated to highschool. Back then I wasn't connected to web yet, so for me, Internet was a magical land behind the rainbow :P Everything was going to change, because I went to the Netherlands, to visit my aunt. My cousin had a PC with internet connection. You know what was going to happen next. I started to browsing hard, and at some point of my exploring, I found that one song, one video clip and most beautiful and charming women on planet earth.

That was video clip to JPVA. One second … that was like lightning strike - I suppose you know what I mean :P

Your post made me laugh many times. You have a very good sense of humor.

Your English is fine - I understood every word. I also understand about getting hit by that lightning strike!

Welcome aboard and I look forward to hearing more from you and your experience at the concert.
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Old 09-19-2018, 03:52 PM
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Welcome to the forum merucii! Thanks for sharing your story
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Old 09-19-2018, 11:56 PM
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Yes, welcome! Sometimes the bug does strike twice.
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Old 09-20-2018, 08:23 AM
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Great posts, but I'm too caught up in what's going on here to read all. But as Uma Thurma said in 'Pulp Fiction'.....I will ketch up!

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Old 01-06-2019, 10:33 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Hey y'all, hope this day finds you well...

I happened across this forum, what must be a few a years ago now, whilst searching for Alizée related "info" and "materials", and, found it to be a "special" little community, full of mostly intelligent, funny, caring, insightful people, "united" in the admiration of a most extraordinary young French artiste, Alizée.

As is my wont, I just kind of "lurked in the background", observing. (Oooooo, sounds kinda "creepy" and "sinister" doesn't it, but it isn't at all. I tend to "keep to the shadows", until I feel it is "time to act", (it was part of my Military MOS for a looong time, and such things become a habit, a part of you), and, after browsing the "How did you discover Alizée?" thread, for a while, I came to the conclusion that, ok, it may be an appropriate "time to act", and actually "post" something, for, what I discovered was that here was a community of people that I could relate to, on so many "levels", and that many of the "ideas", "concepts" and "emotions" that they were articulating and sharing, struck a "chord" waaay deep down inside myself.

So, this is my first post, and who knows, it may be my last.

Now, I'm going to apologize for this post right now, for this is probably going to be a long one, for it does cover a good period of time, so, "incoming wall of text" alert.. Spelling and grammar are going to be patchy, for it is late, and it has been a loong day, so apologies for that also.

Hopefully, you might find this entertaining, for a few minutes.

Are you sitting comfortably??? Yeah??? Well then, lets "go".

The first time I encountered Alizée, it was purely by accident, through a friend.

Long, long ago, far far away, deep in a tiny little land called England, in my "youth", I was a member of the British Armed Forces, with a very rare "skill set", (MOS in US military terminology), which meant that I had the very distinct honour of serving in most of the "premier" units of the Armed Forces, in a variety of "roles".

Now, when I wasn't "snurgling" around in the "backyards" of the enemies of "Freedom", "Justice", and "Democracy", trying to figure out just what really expensive and scary "Toys" they actually had, or had not, I was a Mentor/Instructor for younger Officers that were deemed appropriate candidates for further training in my particular set of specialties. I would train them, evaluate them, and select the appropriate candidates for "stardom". Pass rate for candidates was 7%.

One of my trainees on my course was a young US Marine Corps Officer, a "Mustang", a young Okie from Tulsa, whom we affectionately nicknamed "Maverick", "Mav" for short, on account of the fact that he was a "dead ringer" for Tom Cruise in "Top Gun". Yeps, he was that "disgustingly" cute. He had it all: "looks"; "charm"; "fitness"; "dedication"; "focus", and; an utterly stunning French fiancée, that he was due to wed very shortly. She was the "apple of his eye", apparently, there could, and would, be no other.

(Heavy emphasis on "had", " fiancée" , and "was").

No "cons", all "pros", apart from the fact that to me his accent sounded like a cross between "Yosemite Sam" and "Kermit the Frog", and it used to "crack me up". Mind you, my "Scots" accent had the very same effect on him.

He "breezed" through the course like it was "child's play", nothing daunted him. He was truly "blessed", and, it looked like he was going to "ace" the whole thing, no matter how challenging I made it.

Then, the "unthinkable" happened, his weekly test scores started to drop dramatically, (there were weekly "physical", "psychological", and "intellectual" exams), and it was regrettably time for a "Come to Jesus" meeting.

Decisions about his future had to be made, and very very soon, for another "dust up" had "kicked off", down in the "Sandbox", and I had a "gig" to plan, fly out to, and "guest star" in, within the span of about a day and a half. Whoopiedoo.

Well, I sent out one of my NCOs to "invite" "Mav" to my office for a little "chat", but he "came up dry". Apparently he was nowhere to be found, so I had to go looking myself, which really didn't please me, at all, for it just made an awkward situation worse.

An hour later I found him, sitting all alone, in an empty lecture theatre, hunched over his laptop, tears dripping from the point of his chin, oblivious to everything, and everyone, around him. Continually playing the same message on his phone, over and over again, looping the same French music videos and songs on his laptop over and over again.

Remember the (Heavy emphasis on "had", " fiancée" , and "was").

Now, I have to admit that my command of the French language is minimal, mostly military technical stuff, overall level of competency about "schoolboy level", but, I understood enough to recognize that this was the French equivalent of a "Dear John" message, and that the French equivalent of "Jody" had struck. To say that he was taking this 'badly" would probably be the understatement of the century. He was utterly devastated, spiritually and emotionally "bereft". His world had just "imploded", and unfortunately I knew exactly how he felt, my heart went out to him, for at that time I was just newly divorced, after being married for about 15 years, and this particular pain was one that I understood only too well.

We talked for about an hour, with this French music looping in the background, the same videos looping over and over, working their way into my soul, three tracks in particular, that I can identify now as being "Moi... Lolita"; "J'en Ai Marre"; and "La Isla Bonita".

There was this utterly petite little French "lolli", singing her heart out like some sort of Gallic angel, that was in danger of leaving me utterly spellbound. I think maybe some sort of "seed" had been "planted".

It was very hard not to stare, but that would have been kind of "untoward", verging on the edge of being really "inappropriate", for to be honest, I was pretty sure I was literally old enough to be her Father. Would have been more than kinda "creepy", and anyhow, I had other "things", and "people" to take care of.

Long story, short, I got the situation "sorted", for it's what I also do, I also "fix" things: roads, vehicles, hearts, people.

However, the situation was "not good", and his behavior would usually been sufficient grounds for instant dismissal from the course and immediate RTU, with subsequent negative effects on his military career. It sounds very harsh, I know, but a leader has to lead, and if you have personal problems you deal with them, "pull up your big boy pants", plant a smile on your face, and GET THE HELL ON WITH IT. You have people that rely on you, that depend on you, and you really do not have time to selfishly indulge in your own self pity. This was not "fitting" behavior for an officer of his position and caliber.

The "catch" was, I understood his feelings perfectly. Only too well, so, rather than "fire" him, and RTU him, an ultimatum was issued. I was going to be essentially "gone" for about a fortnight. and when I returned, (if I returned), "his shit had better be sorted", or he would be "out". It would not be a "career killer", as such, but you could pretty much "kiss" any chance of future promotion goodbye, due to the circumstances in which it happened, which, in effect meant that your career was pretty much over.

I left him in the care of one of my senior NCOs, a good friend of mine, and then went off and completed my part in the "Op", utterly dreading what I would find when I returned, because I really thought I was going to have to "can" him.

I was wrong in my estimations and fears, about what I was going to find when I returned, and I am so glad I was so wrong, for I would have lost a truly gifted officer, and a what would turn out to be good friend from my life.

I expected to find him a total "wreck" when I got back, but instead was confronted by entirely the opposite. He was calm, almost serene, focused, happy, and way more mature. All his "rough edges had gone", and he seemed to have aged about 10 years in a fortnight, in all the best ways. All of his test scores were now exemplary, not just good, but outstanding, and it probably would not surprise you if I told you that he completed the reminder of the course as if it were a mere formality, a "nothing".

An truly exemplary officer, not half bad for an Okie "Crayon-chewer" from Tulsa.

Before they finally left the course, it was required that successful candidates would undergo a "terminal" interview, where they could express any qualms they about course content, and their experiences during it, and so on, that kind of thing.

Well, I got to do "Mav's" terminal interview, and, after we completed all of the formalities, and we were closing the interview, I just couldn't resist it, I had to know just what had happened to him, for he had been on the brink of being "kicked out", and then...

Alizée... That was the answer I got. Alizée... Which earned him a pretty severe "fish eyed" stare. His response was that I should "go listen to her music. and watch her videos, and then I would understand". "She made me smile".

Never could find the time to explore the Alizée phenomenon at that time though, for life was just a wee bit too busy, with very little "me" time involved.

After he "passed out", I was lucky enough to have him attached to my squadron for about a year and a half, and became really good friends. We had a very similar military background, and shared deep appreciation of things such as: Ancient History; Manga; Anime; Star Trek and Star Wars; cute European women; and; good Belgian Beers.

Y'know, all the good "vital" stuff in life.

He was eventually posted back to the USA, and later married a very cute little Latina "hottie", the last I knew they were very happy, and very much in love. When I saw the wedding photos I nearly had a heart attack, and had to do several "double takes", for, well, y'know Alizée in "La Isla Bonita", this young lady was her "twin".

He had his "happy ending", healed by Alizée, (??!!), he had found his own "Alizée".

As time passes, friends tend to drift in, and out, of your life, and we lost touch.

"The End"...

Maybe not quite...

Time to play "catch up"...

Fast forward 12 years or so, retire me from the Forces, take me from the South West coast of England, Poole to be exact, and drop me in the American Midwest, near to the "End of the Trail of Tears".

New Wife, New Life, New Country, ("Same Shit, Different Bucket").

A strange stranger in an even stranger land, who even after all these years, was/is not re-integrating back in to civilian life at all well. As Popeye the Sailorman famously put it: "I yam what I yam, and that's all what I yam", and after playing a certain set of "roles" for about 23 years, it's pretty hard to "cast" them off, even if you try very hard, for they become part of your very being.

A person who was/is probably the Universes' worst Buddhist, trying to make some kind of sense out of it "all", failing miserably. Eastern Philosophies and healing techniques, Nordic Runes, and Tarot, trying to figure out where everything is "going". Spiritually and emotionally exhausted, having another "Dark Night of the Soul".

Working at a "dead end" job with a "big-box retailer", earning a crust, trying to keep the Wolves from the door, and keep the little wolves inside fed.

Ah, there we are...

So, there I am, one morning, at work, doing what I do, and I noticed this "older" couple perusing the plants. They were "cutting-up", having fun, and were still obviously enjoying their day. It was a "sweet" thing to see, and even made this stoic, "jaded" old Scot "crack" a grin.

He was obviously a veteran, for he wore a "Marine Force Recon" cap, and "carried" himself in a way that only true veterans do, and that only veterans will understand. Time had not been "kind" to them, (talk about the pot calling the kettle black), and age was taking its toll, but they were obviously "young at heart", very much in love, and pretty damn happy with either other, which to me, is pretty special, and rather cool.

Well, I think I had been standing there, gawping at them, rather rudely, I am ashamed to admit, for just a wee bit too long, for I had caught his eye, and he looked up at me, and smiled, which took me aback, for I had been expecting some form of rebuke for being rude, and not a grin.

Then it got worse, for he grinned again, and said, "Hey Major Red, how have you been...", which literally sent me into shock, for nobody, but NOBODY, in the US, knows me by that name. NOBODY.

Apart from this gentleman, seemingly.

Now, I am really bad with "names" and "faces", deliberately, for several reasons. One of them is that I am very very "empathic", and if I wish, can literally "read people like a book". (Clinical Psychology qualifications, in my early youth, also help, mind you).

It is both a "gift" and a "curse", for there are many of the "stories" in these "books" that you truly do not want to "know", although it does sometimes get "forced" on you. Most of the time you are better off just leaving them "anonymous" and "faceless", total "unknowns".

Anyhow, he must have caught my confused stare, for he laughed, then pointed his thumb back at himself and said one word, which nearly made me "pass out".


Ever had one of these "WTF", "OMFG", "FFS" moments? I had one then, for "Mav", now looked like Hagrid out the "Harry Potter" movies, and his Latina "Alizée", she still kind of looked the same, if you smashed ten of her together, and then crossed your eyes...

Trust me, I have no room, nor intent, to criticize, or poke fun, for If I get out of the shower and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, it makes me want to weep. Something along the lines of "where did it all go".

Timeline, Age: 30 - "Celtic Warrior"; 35 - "Celtic Warrior God"; 40 - "Celtic Warrior God "Cougar Magnet"', 45 - Yeps, still got "it"; 50 - "Oh dear".

You know that favorite stuffed toy that your dog has, that has seen "better days", the one that he takes everywhere, that maybe has an ear missing, an eye hanging off, has been dragged through the mud a million times, and is maybe missing a bit of fur "up top", yeah, well, time maybe has not been kind to me either...

We stood there and spoke for about an hour, about our lives, our families, our service lives after we parted, until my manager started to get "antsy", and it was "time to go".

We shook hands, for the final time, and he looked up at me and winked, and asked, "By the way, did you ever get around to listening to Alizée's stuff?'

The shamefaced blush plastered all over my face told him everything he needed to know. I never had time for that, or me.

As they turned to leave, the final thing he said to me was, "Go listen to Alizée, trust me, you will understand, when you listen to her. You will understand. She made me smile, y'know".

So, I did. A lot, and I'm going to have to cut it short here. Might elaborate later, might not.

So, Maverick my friend, wherever you are, I listened as instructed.

I now understand too...

She made me smile...

She still does...

She always will...

<Steps back into the shadows.>

Last edited by RedRafe; 02-24-2019 at 02:09 AM..
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Old 01-07-2019, 12:53 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
Hey y'all, hope this day finds you well...

So, Maverick my friend, wherever you are, I listened as instructed.

I now understand too...

She made me smile...

She still does...

She always will...

<Steps back into the shadows.>

A journalist asked Alizee what is the most bizarre thing a fan has sent her. She answered, "A fan once wrote me a 36-page love letter."

When I read that and knew thousands of other people were reading it, I knew that many of them were thinking "I didn't write that letter, but I could have."

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Old 01-07-2019, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
<Steps back into the shadows.>
RedRafe... all I can say is WOW to your post! You have a seriously good story-telling talent.

Welcome aboard. I hope this isn't your last post, but if it is, it was a good one.
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Old 01-07-2019, 10:07 AM
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Great story RedRafe and welcome to the forum!
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Old 01-07-2019, 11:28 PM
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Yes. Absolutely. Thanks for telling your story.
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Old 03-18-2019, 11:10 AM
TheLastOne TheLastOne is offline
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Hi everyone.

I'm from Spain, so sorry for my English, it's "Google Translator" level.

In my country, when I was a teenager, Alizée was famous above all for "Moi Lolita". I did not have internet at that time and I am interested in other musical styles (hip hop, rock, ska). So I did not pay much attention to her.

Years later, in a very popular forum here in Spain, I found out that many of my generation were crazy about her. I kept ignoring her.

A few days ago I just happened to see the famous video of "J'en Ai Marre" and, this time, I was caught by her. I have seen many videoclips and interviews in the last weeks, she is addictive.

I think she had the potential to be more famous. And even she has it, she's still young. But she seems happy as she is.

I know I'm late, there are few active users in the forum, but I wanted to share it.
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