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Old 03-31-2019, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by imverynuts View Post
Maybe Alizee got lasik surgery? I remember someone got that done once and you gotta cover up your eye for a long time or something, at least a long time ago it was like that.. who knows I think she is doing okay either way
That’s a thought—I was thinking it might be some kind of eye surgery, too. But I had lasik a number of years ago, and you don’t have to completely cover your eyes like that, though you do need dark glasses thevfirst day and to wear sunglasses a lot afterwards. I was watching TV the same night after I had the surgery. But eye surgery of some type is, I think, the most likely explanation for a completely bandaged eye.
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Old 03-31-2019, 05:36 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Originally Posted by imverynuts View Post
Maybe Alizee got lasik surgery? I remember someone got that done once and you gotta cover up your eye for a long time or something, at least a long time ago it was like that.. who knows I think she is doing okay either way
Y’know, I think she is “pretty ok” right enough, judging by her IG “story” posts.

Originally Posted by Bamagirl View Post
That’s a thought—I was thinking it might be some kind of eye surgery, too. But I had lasik a number of years ago, and you don’t have to completely cover your eyes like that, though you do need dark glasses thevfirst day and to wear sunglasses a lot afterwards. I was watching TV the same night after I had the surgery. But eye surgery of some type is, I think, the most likely explanation for a completely bandaged eye.
Yeah, I think you are pretty much right. I should have thought of that, to be honest.

Generally, with "Lasik" it really just requires you to keep your eyes covered for about a day or so “max”.

However, with some people, “myself” for example, "Lasik" would not be “appropriate”, for a I have a lot of “exposed’ optic nerve in the back of my eye, so you could imagine what kind of effect it would have on that.

There are various forms of treatment applicable to that sort of thing, and it usually involves implanting a “lens”, or, “lenses”, into the eye, to correct the vision in the appropriate fashion.

A very “minor” procedure, but it does mean that you have to keep the eye covered for up to 2 weeks or more, per eye, which is what we might be seeing here.

Anyhow, regardless of the situation, it goes without saying that, as always, I wish “herself”, and Greg, nothing but “health”, “love”, “happiness” and “wealth”.

Be “excellent to each other”, y’all.

Last edited by RedRafe; 03-31-2019 at 06:00 PM..
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Old 03-31-2019, 11:00 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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RedRafe looks around, “twiddles thumbs”, whistles a bit, very “tunelessly”…

Well, so much for “shutting up”, right now…

In the meantime, you may want to go and check out Jo Jacotey’s Instagram feed, for he has been “showing off” a lot of really “stunning” “pics”…

His “feed” has been very “varied”, and ranges from his “local area”, and Corsica in “general”, to his “hobbies” and some really “truly beautiful” Corsican women.

The only “snag” is, he does not keep his stuff “posted” for very long, and changes his “feed” very regularly, so if you miss a “pic” you want to “save”, you had better do it quickly, for if you don’t, it’s probably gone.

He had posted a “pic” of this “truly stunning” Blonde “cutie”, posing with a Beretta M9, and I just saw it for a few seconds, before it was “gone’. Awwwww Maaannnnn… I could have found myself being “seriously in love”, (or something), with that one…

She would have been most utterly welcome at the “Range”, this morning. Far better company than “Bubba” with his two “beer guts” hanging out of his t-shirt, or “Li’l Mr Tacticool” who had gotten himself all the “latest”, “bestest” gear, but couldn’t “shoot for shit”…

Said it before, will probably say it again, this gentleman has some “true talent”, and his “monochrome” “studies” of Alizée are just “truly breathtaking’. Seriously, track them down if you have a chance, and you will understand what I mean.

He really has an “eye for beauty”, and the “heart of an artist”, and overall, makes “Corsica”, its “places”, and it’s “inhabitants”, look like a “small slice of heaven”.

Go check his stuff out, for I can’t really post if for you, for I’m not on “Instagram”, or “Facebook”, or anything of that sort, (not allowed due to “NDO agreements” with “ex-employers”) so I can’t really see the “stories” and “stuff”, nor post most of the really “good bits”, and people get rightfully “upset” when I “waffle” on about “stuff” and don’t show it.

My “bad”, but is not possible.

As for Corsica, I’ve been there once, in my life, and saw absolutely nothing of it really, apart from a lot of “Sea” and some very pretty “coastline”.

I had just been promoted to “Captain”, so that means I had just turned 25, and we were doing a course at the FFL “Diving School”, for them, with regard to “Combat Diving” and “Combat Kayaking”, over the course of 3 days, and I saw nothing of anything that was “non-military”, which from what I see of the place now, was a great “loss”.

“Chances” or “plans”, for going to Corsica now, (“scratches head” and thinks deeply), “none”, to, “utterly none”, for “Life” will just not “allow” it, at all, and anyhow, I am probably the “WORST” Alizée fan EVER.

If I passed her in the street I would probably just give her a “small smile”, or a “nod of recognition”, and would not “engage”, unless I was “prompted”, by “herself”, so to speak.

That’s if I hadn’t already “fainted”, “pee’d my pants”, “threw up”, or lost all powers of speech, “English”, or my very limited “French”.

If I found myself, perchance, passing her “front door”, and she “emerged”, I’d probably “throw my hands in the air” and run away “screaming like a 2 year old”.

Seriously, what is it about this “little lady” that makes me feel like a very “bashful” 12 year old.

Ordinarily I have utterly no problems with the “opposite sex”, whatsoever, at all…

I’m not at all “cute”, but have “wit”, “old world charm”, “a very sharp intellect”, “wonderful insights”, a “cute” Scottish accent and, a “great sense of humor”, to boot, and trust me, when the “situation”, and “person” is “appropriate”, am “smoother than powdered Silk”… Usually it’s “Game, Set, Match”, to “me”.

However, one look at Alizée, and that’s “all gone bye bye”…

I swear she is here to teach this particular “Buddhist” the virtue of “humility”, for she seems to manage that repeatedly, and “effortlessly”.

It’s maybe a “blessing” that we’ll never “meet”, for I’m pretty sure I probably would not “survive it”.

Anyhow, enough waffling from me, go check out Jo’s IG “stuff”…

If anyone “needs” anything, or the “SHTF”, or, if indeed “something wonderful” happens, then “PM” me, or “slap me around the back of the head”, or “something”…

<RedRafe steps back into the shadows, to “continue” his “meditations”, on “former glories” and “times gone past”, etc, etc ,etc…>

Last edited by RedRafe; 04-01-2019 at 12:26 AM..
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Old 04-01-2019, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
Go check his stuff out, for I can’t really post if for you, for I’m not on “Instagram”, or “Facebook”, or anything of that sort, (not allowed due to “NDO agreements” with “ex-employers”) so I can’t really see the “stories” and “stuff”, nor post most of the really “good bits”, and people get rightfully “upset” when I “waffle” on about “stuff” and don’t show it.

My “bad”, but is not possible.
You don't have to join anything, especially if you can already see his feed. Screenshot the images and post them easy peasy
But on that note, I'm glad you're at least able to join AAm. (unless you aren't, in which case "don't ask don't tell" as they say )
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Old 04-01-2019, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Bamagirl View Post
That’s a thought—I was thinking it might be some kind of eye surgery, too. But I had lasik a number of years ago, and you don’t have to completely cover your eyes like that, though you do need dark glasses thevfirst day and to wear sunglasses a lot afterwards. I was watching TV the same night after I had the surgery. But eye surgery of some type is, I think, the most likely explanation for a completely bandaged eye.
I knew a guy who suffered a detached retina in one eye after his Lasik. He had to wear an eye patch for a while. It's not to say that Alizee had Lasik, but a detached retina can occur due to a number of reasons and the success rates of reattachment are in the 90%+ range.

Or she could have an eye infection.

Or maybe she did bump it and it bruised and she chose to cover it. If there is a woman with a bruised eye, what is the first thing people think of? She might have put on the patch herself to protect her husband from speculation.
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